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1、中国文化英语复习说课材料(中国文化)英语复习 Overview1. The red colour of the National Flag of the PRC symbolizes revolution and the yellow colour of the stars the golden brilliant rays radiating from the vast red land. The design of four smaller stars surrounding a bigger one signifies the unity of the Chinese people un

2、der the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). 2. China is a country of varied topographical features with highlands in the west and plains in the east. Mountainous land and very rough terrains make up about 67% of Chinese territory, basins and plains about 33%.3. The first primitive man

3、known to have existed in China is Yuanmou Man, who lived about 1.7 million years ago. Peking Man, who existed more than 600,000 years ago at Zhoukoudian, in the vicinity of modern Beijing, could walk upright, make and use simple tools, and make use of fire.4. Equality, unity, and common prosperity a

4、re the basic principles of the Chinese government in handling the relations between ethnic groups.5. PRCPeoples republic of China中华人民共和国CPPCCChinese Peoples Political consultative Conference中国人民政治协商会议CPCCommunist Party of China中国共产党NPCNational Peoples Congress全国人民代表大会义勇军进行曲:March of the Volunteers京杭

5、大运河:the Grand Canal between Beijing and Hangzhou炎黄子孙:descendants of Yan and Huang特别行政区:special administrative region一国两制:one country, two systems6. Located in the east of the Asian continent, on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean, the PRC has a land area of about 9.6 million square kilometers, a

6、nd is the third largest country in the world, next only to Russia and Canada. China is a country of varied topographical features with highlands in the west and plains in the east. Mountainous land and very rough terrains make up about 67% of Chinese territory, basins and plains about 33%.Most of Ch

7、ina lies in the north temperate zone, characterized by a warm climate and distinctive seasons, a climate well suited for habitation. Chapter11. The philosophy in the pre-Qin times was marked by the emergence of various ancient philosophy views. The most influential schools were Confucianism, Taoism,

8、 Mohism and Legalism.2. Ancient Chinese philosophers share some common features such as their stress on spiritual existence, practice, morality, harmony and intuition.3. Chinese ethics and morality focuses more on harmony, collectivism and spiritual life.4. China, as a multi-religion country, has in

9、digenous Taoist religion and religions of foreign origin such as Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, and Christianity.5. The White Horse Temple located in the east of Luoyang, Henan Province, was the first officially built Buddhist temple in China in the Eastern Han dynasty.6. 罢黜百家,独尊儒术:banning all school

10、s of thought except Confucianism佛经:Buddhist scriptures三从四德:three obediences and four virtues八仙过海,各显神通:When the Eight Immortals cross the sea,each demonstrates their devine power.古兰经:the Koran7. China is a multi-religion country. The religions that are believed by Chinese people are mainly Taoism, Bu

11、ddhism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity, among which Taoism is indigenous to China while the others are of foreign origin. Chinese citizens may freely choose their religious beliefs and make clear their religious affiliations. Chapter21. On Faults of QinJia YiHan dynastySong of Eternal SorrowBai

12、 JuyiTang dynastyThe ScholarshipWu JingziMing & Qing dynastiesThe GoddessGuo Moruomodern periodWives and ConcubinesSu Tongcontemporary period2. 诸子散文philosophical prose文学评论literary criticism婉约派soft and tuneful school四大名著the Four Great Classical Novels诺贝尔文学奖the Nobel Prize for Literature3. The book of

13、 Songs, the first anthology of poetry in China,includes 305 poems from the early Western Zhou dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn period, In the light of their rhythms, the works can be divided into three sections: feng, ya and song. The poems in The Book of Songs are mainly written in fo

14、ur character lines. In terms of its writing technique, it can be classified into fu, bi, and xing. As the starting point of Chinese literature, The Book of Songs has great influence on the literary works of later generations. Chapter31. Calligraphy retains the beauty of nature and illuminates the sp

15、iritual beauty of human beings. Chinese calligraphy stresses the overall layout and harmony between words and lines.2. Traditional Chinese painting refers to ink-wash painting. It can be traced to the Tang dynasty and flourished from the Yuan dynasty onwards. It holds an important place in the histo

16、ry of traditional landscape painting.3. Chinese opera in considered one of the three ancient forms of drama in the world, with the other two being Greek tragedy and comedy and Indian Sanskrit opera. Of these three, only Chinese opera still remains alive.4. Erhu, sometimes known in the West as the “C

17、hinese violin” , is a twostring bowed musical instrument and is used as a solo instrument as well as for small ensembles and large orchestras. The most popular erhu piece is Two Springs Reflect the Moon.5. 楷书:regular script 相声:crosstalk文房四宝:Four Treasures of the Study皮影戏:shadow plays弦乐器:plucked inst

18、ruments6. Beijing Opera, which has a history of more than 200years, enjoys the greatest reputation among Chinas traditional operas. In Beijing Opera, performers wear different types of make-up according to the characters they perform. Singing, recitation, acting, and acrobatic fighting are the four

19、major artistic means and the four basic skills of Beijing Opera. Each action of a Beijing Opera performer is highly symbolic. Gestures, footwork, and other body movements can express the actions such as opening a door, going upstairs, rowing a boat, riding a horse, etc. Chapter41. Before 1905, there

20、 were two kinds of schools in China: private schools, run by scholars teaching students at home, and official institutions, which were open to children of nobles.2. In Chinese basic education, the curriculum is designed to make students well-round in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetical dev

21、elopments, based upon cognitive learning and the developmental needs of children at different ages.3. Secondary vocational school is an alternative to senior middle school. Its objective is to prepare students for the lines of production, services, technical services, management, etc.4. The history

22、of higher education in China can be traced back to the Han dynasty over 2000 years ago. It established taixue as the highest educational institute to cultivate senior scholars to help administer national affairs. Since the Sui dynasty, the institute for higher education was called guozijian, which w

23、as also the highest administrative bureau for national affairs.5. 四书五经:Four Books and Five Classics科举制度:imperial civil examination system九年义务教育:Nine-Year compulsory Education职业教育: vocational education孔子学院:Confucius Institute6. The imperial civil examination system was an examination system through w

24、hich talented people were recognized and selected as government officials in Chinas feudal society. The practice began in the Sui dynasty and lasted about 1300 years until the end of the Qing dynasty. It had profound impact on the post-Sui-Tang Chinas social structure, political system, educational

25、system, and humanistic ideologies. Chapter51. The four great inventions in ancient China have become important symbols of Chinas important role in human civilization. They are the compass, gunpowder, paper-making and printing.2. TCM is very different from Western medicine in its means of diagnosis a

26、nd treatment, and its composition of drugs and prescriptions.3. The seismograph, invented by Zhang Heng, can indicate the direction of a distant earthquake. It was over 1700years later that a similar instrument was invented in Europe.4. On 20 November 1984,xiangyanghong-10 sailed from Shanghai, arri

27、ving in Antarctica on 25 December, marking a significant progress in Chinas polar research.5. Tiangong-1 is Chinas first space station which serves as both a manned laboratory and an experimental testbed. It demonstrates its orbital rendezvous and docking capabilities.6. Bian Quefour methods of diag

28、nosisHua TuomafeisanZhang ZhongjingOn DiseasesLi Shizhencompendium of Meteria Medica7. 活字印刷术:movable type printing五禽戏:Five-Animal Exercises四则运算: four fundamental operations of arithmetic哥德巴赫猜想:Goldbachs Conjecture杂交水稻: hybrid rice8. When it comes to Chinas ancient science and technology, people may

29、immediately think of the four great inventions, namely, the compass, gunpowder, paper-making and printing. However, in ancient China, great achievements were also made in astronomy, mathematics, traditional Chinese medicine, agriculture, manufacturing and so on. Achievements made in traditional Chin

30、ese medicine were especially remarkable. Bian Que, of the Warring States period, invented the four methods of diagnosis: observation, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and palpation and pulse feeling. Compendium of Materia Medica by Li Shizhen is regarded as the most complete and comprehens

31、ive medical book ever written in the history of traditional Chinese medicine. Chapter61. Tang dynastyequestrian poloSong dynastycujuYuan dynastychuiwan2. Modern martial arts consist of five categories: boxing, weapon exercises, sparring exercises, actual combat and teamwork.3. Qigong, also called de

32、ep breathing exercise, is practiced by the Chinese on a regular basis to keep fit. “Qi” literally means “air” and implies “life force”.4. Yangge is a traditional dance accompanied by rhythmic folk music or singing, with the dancers dressed in costumes and holding fans or handkerchiefs.5. It was not until 1932 when the 10th Olympic Games were held in Los Angeles that China was invited for the first time to send athletes to compete. Agai

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