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1、老爸老妈浪漫史 学习笔记老爸老妈浪漫史 学习笔记整理自网络,如侵,请通知删除Part11. Shannon: Joining the Peace Corps with you is gonna be legendary.join to become a member of an organization, society, or group 参加某组织等,这里的join是及物动词。-When did you join the Labor Party?(你何时加入劳动党的?)-I decided to join the army.(我决定参军。)-You can enjoy a sport wi

2、thout joining a club or belonging to a team.(就算不加入俱乐部或者特定球队,你也可以享受运动的乐趣。) join in参与到某活动中,这里的join in是固定词组,in必不可少。-James joined in the discussion to say that he agreed with what had been said.(詹姆斯参与讨论,他说他同意之前的讨论结果。)-He stared at them without joining in the conversation.(他看着他们,没有插嘴。)-In the evening the

3、re was a barbecue, with the whole village joining in the fun .(晚上有烧烤活动,全村同乐。)-As a child, I was too shy to join in with the other childrens games.(我小时候太害羞了,都不敢跟其他小朋友一起玩。) 2. Barney: I know. Only five short weeks till were down in Nicaragua.down: in or towards the south 向南-They drove all the way down

4、 from Boston to Miami.(他们从波士顿一路开到迈阿密。)-They sailed down the east coast of Africa.(他们沿非洲东海岸一路向南航行。)-Now hes bought a villa down south.(现在他已经在南部买了别墅。) 3. Man: Hey, nonfat latte to go食物打包带走-Two chicken dinners with corn to go.(两份玉米鸡肉饭带走。) “外卖”另一种说法takeaway(美式英语中常用takeout)takeaway: a meal that you

5、 buy at a shop or restaurant to eat at home-Lets have a takeaway tonight.(我们今晚叫外卖吃吧。)takeout food(外卖食品) 4. Barney: Mellow order, bro, mellow order. 别这么大声。mellow: a mellow sound is pleasant and smooth-a warm, mellow voice(和蔼的温柔的声音) 5. Barney: Five weeks later, we were all set to leave for the Peace C

6、orps. Only problem was. she never showed up.(1)set: adj. someone who is set for something is ready for it ,常用于非正式的场合。set for-Are you all set for the trip?(你们准备好可以走了吗?)set to do something-I was just set to go when the phone rang.(电话响的时候,我正准备走。)Get set (= get ready ) for a night of excitement.(准备好好玩一晚

7、吧!)On your marks - get set - go (= said to start a race ) .(各就各位,预备,跑!) (2)leave for:-I tried calling him, but hed already left for work.(我打过电话给他了,但他已经去上班了,不在家。)Part21、Shannon: Its just, hes still supporting me. support 养活-I have a wife and two children to support.(我还要养活老婆和两个孩子。)support somebody by

8、(doing) something-She supports her family by teaching evening classes.(她靠在夜校教书养家糊口。)support yourself-I have no idea how I am going to support myself.(我不知道要怎么养活自己。) 2、Shannon: Look, hes coming by soon to talk about it. come by顺路拜访某地-He said hed come by later.(他说他待会会过来。)-Ill come by the house and get

9、my stuff later, OK?(我待会过来拿我寄存的东西,好吗?) 3、Barney: She was in the middle of a heated argument with her dad. be in the middle of (doing) something: to be busy doing something-Can I call you back - Im in the middle of a meeting.(我稍候给你回电话好吗?我正忙着开会。)-I was in the middle of sorting some papers when the phon

10、e rang.(电话响的时候,我正忙着整理文件。) 4、Marshall: Barney, that was really embarrassing for both of us. We just earned a huge chunk of a (huge/large) chunk (of): a large part or amount of something-The rent takes a large chunk out of my monthly salary.(我月薪很大一部分要用来付房租。)-A huge chunk of the audience got up and lef

11、t before the end of the show.(演出还没结束就有很多观众起身离开了。) 5、Shannon: You should go to the Peace Corps and forget about me. forget: 既可以做“及物动词”,也可以做“不及物动词”。(1)及物动词:-Im sorry, Ive forgotten your name.(抱歉,我不记得你名字了。)-What happened that day will never be forgotten.(那天发生的事大家都忘不了。)不及物动词:-Karl says he forgot about o

12、ur date.(卡尔说他忘了我们已经约了见面。)-She forgot all about their anniversary.(她把周年纪念的事完全忘了。)-I know you told me, but I forgot.(我知道你跟我说过了,但是我忘了。) 6、Barney: She and Greg dated for a while and then split up. split up 分手-Steves parents split up when he was four.(史蒂夫的父母在他四岁时离婚了。)split up with-I thought shed split up

13、 with her boyfriend.(我觉得她已经跟男朋友分手了。)split somebody up-Why would she try to split us up?(她为什么想拆散我们?) 7、Barney: But heres the real kicker: Shannon is a mom. kicker: a surprising or important ending to something ,常用于美式英语中。-The kicker came when the reporter asked the runner whether she was tired.(记者问她比赛

14、完累不累,她的回答出人意料。) 8、Barney: I could be cooped up in some tiny apartment. cooped up蜗居-It isnt good for you to be cooped up in the house all day.(你整天窝在家里不出去不好。)Part31、Barney: Ted, Sergei says stop moping around. Youre distracting him from his process.(1)mope around 心情郁闷、到处乱晃-She spends her days moping a

15、round the house.(她整天就在家里自怨自艾、晃来晃去。)-Hes not even attempting to look for a job- he just mopes around the house all day.(他连工作都不想找,整天就在家里自怨自艾、走来走去。)(2)distract: to take someones attention away from something by making them look at or listen to something else-Try not to distract the other students.(别去打扰

16、其他同学。) distract somebody/something from something-Coverage of the war was used to distract attention from other matters.(报道战争可以转移公众的注意力。)2、Barney: Dont knock long-distance relationships. I really think they can work. 别这么说异地恋,我觉得异地恋完全可行。knock: to criticize someone or their work, especially in an unfa

17、ir or annoying way-The British press always knock British winners at any sport.(英国报纸会抨击所有得胜的英国运动员。)-Designer fashion is silly. Dont knock it ; its an important industry.(-时装设计很傻帽。 -别这么说,时装设计是一个很重要的产业。)-Dont knock it until youve tried it.(没做过就无权批评,没有调查就没有发言权。)3、Barney: Im juggling four right now. 我现在

18、就同时跟四个妞异地恋。juggle: 原意是(杂耍)-One guy was juggling with five balls.(有个人在耍五个球。)引申出来的意思有to do several things at the same time(在做某事的同时兼做其它事)-She somehow manages to juggle a dozen tasks at once.(她能同时处理很多事。)-It can be hard to juggle family responsibilities and/with the demands of a full-time job.(要兼顾家庭和一份全职

19、工作可能很困难。)-Its hard trying to juggle a job with kids and the housework.(有孩子又要做家务的情况下,还要兼做一份工作,太困难了。)Part41、Marshall: Well, she kept talking about this cheesy French guy, Gabriel. cheesy: of poor quality, lacking style or good taste,表示“没品”、“很差”这个意思时,常用于非正式场合。a cheesy motel(便宜破烂的汽车旅馆)a cheesy movie(烂电影

20、)cheesy pop songs(没品的流行歌,街歌) 2、Marshall: Im not much of a fighter, but I knew I could take this weird little dude. take: to beat or defeat someone in a game, fight, etc.-She took her opponent in the second round.(她在第二轮打败了对手。)-Hes not that big. I think I can take him.(他没那么强,我想我可以打败他。) 3、Marshall: He

21、literally ran away. literally: used to emphasize a strong expression or word that is not being used in its real or original meaning(用于夸张的形容)-Steam was literally coming out of his ears.(他气得耳朵冒烟。)-She was literally beside herself with rage.(她气极了。)-Dad was literally blazing with anger.(爸爸气得火冒三丈。) 4、Bar

22、ney: Oh, please. You barely know this girl. barely: almost not-She was barely aware of his presence.(她几乎没注意到他来了。)-Joe and his brother are barely on speaking terms.(乔兄弟俩几乎到了不说话的地步。) 5、Barney: Is she a cat person or a dog person? Is she open to a three-way? (1) person 具有某种特质的人-Our new friends are real

23、ly party person.(我们这些新朋友真的很喜欢参加派对啊。)-Im just not a city person.(我只是不喜欢城市生活。)-The company is looking for a people person to join the custom service staff.(公司正要招一个善于交际的人做客服。)-Im a night person.(我是夜猫子。)(2)open乐于接受新鲜事物-Teachers need to be open to childrens ideas.(教师要乐于接受学生的想法。)-The owners of the buildin

24、g want to sell and are open to offers.(业主们很想把这栋楼卖掉,可以接受讲价。)-I know its different, but try to keep an open mind.(我知道这有所不同,请试着以开放的心态接受它。) 6、Barney: Oh, excellent. Well take this one. take: to choose or to have something-Hell have the fish and Ill take the chicken.(他点鱼肉,我点鸡肉。)-Do you take cream in your

25、 coffee?(你的咖啡要加奶油吗?)-You can have either one. Take your pick.(你想要哪件都可以,随便挑。) 7、Marshall: No way. The Kid does not sell out. sell out: to change your beliefs or principles, especially in order to get more money or some other advantage - used to show disapproval-ex-hippies whove sold out and become re

26、spectable businessmen(他不再是个嬉皮士,成为了一个成功的生意人)Part51、Lily: Nothing too huge or poofy. Im not really a girly 婚纱不要太大也不要太蓬松,我不是那种注重外表的女孩。 (1)poofy宽大蓬松的a blouse with big poofy sleeves(袖子宽大的衬衫)(2)girly指小女生爱发嗲或者很注重外表等等 ,也可以拼写成girlie。 2、Woman: By the window? No offense, dear, but those are a little out of you

27、r price range. 窗边的那些?恕我冒昧,那些你可能买不起。Lily: Where does she get off? She doesnt know how much money I make.她凭什么这样说?她又不知道我赚多少钱! Where does somebody get off (doing something): said when you think someone has done something to you that they do not have a right to do-Where does he get off telling me how to

28、live my life?(他有什么资格把控我的人生?)-Where does he get off telling me what to do?(他有什么资格命令我?)=I dont know where he gets off telling me what to do.=he has no right to tell me what to do. 3、Victoria: Oh, these women are experts. They can guess your net annual income just by looking at your underwear. 这些女人都是人精

29、。她们只要看一眼你的内衣,就能猜出你一年的净收入是多少。 net: the net amount is the final amount that remains after all the other amounts have been taken away-The net profit (= after taxes, costs etc ) was up 16.3% last month.(上个月的净利润达16.3%。)-The company reported a net loss of $56 million last year.(公司称去年净亏损5600万美元。)-Vernon es

30、timates the companys net worth at over $8 billion.(弗农预估公司的资本净值超过80亿美元。)-The United States is a net importer of beef (= it imports more than it exports ).(美国是牛肉的净进口国。) net weight: the weight of something without its container(净重)net也可以做副词,如:-He earns $40,000 net.(他净赚4万美元。)-jars of coffee weighing 450

31、 grams net(净重450克的罐装咖啡) net的反义词gross,表示a gross sum of money is the total amount before any tax or costs have been taken awaya gross profit of $5 million(毛利润500万美元)gross income/salary/pay etc(税前收入)-a family with gross earnings of just 75 per week(这家人每周只能赚75英镑)gross weight: the total weight of something, including its wrapping(毛重) 4、Victoria: I know it sounds lame, but I actually think that Ted might be The One. 我真的觉得泰德就是我的真命天子,虽然我们刚认识不久,这话听上去很不靠谱。 lame: a lame e

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