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1、大学英语辅导不可忽视的名词及其复数形式大学英语辅导:不可忽视的名词及其复数形式英语中有些名词既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,当它们以抽象名词或以其复数形式出现时,其意义往往大不相同。因此,在教与学的过程中教师不可忽视,学生更不可大意。1.evidence / evidencesevidence作证据 解时,是抽象名词;作迹象解时,既是可数名词又是不可数名词。Is there any evidence for his guilt? There are evidences that somebody has been living here. 2.relation / relationsre

2、lation作抽象名词解时,指联系,关联;作可数名词解时,指亲戚,亲属。 The cost of this experiment has no relation to the results. All of his relations came to spend their holidays at his home. / propertiesproperty作集体名词解时,为(财产的)总称;作可数名词解时(通常用其复数形式),为性能,特性;(舞台上或电影中)表演用的可移动物件。The police found some stolen property hidden in

3、the chiefs house. Many plants have medical properties.4.doubt / doubts doubt作抽象名词表示怀疑;作可数名词表示怀疑的念头,疑虑。 There is not much doubt about it. Sudden doubts came to his mind.5.term / terms term作可数名词解时,表示术语;学期等;其复数形式,表示措辞;条件;关系等。Most schools have a fall term and a spring term. I cant accept his terms.plime

4、nt / compliments compliment作称赞;尊敬时,通常为可数名词(多以单数形式出现);作致意,祝贺时,用其复数形式。He paid his boss a high compliment. Give my best compliments to your parents. 7.amusement / amusements amusement作消遣;娱乐解时,是抽象名词;作娱乐活动解时,常用其复数形式。His favorite amusement is hunting.There are plenty of amusements in a big city-plays, mov

5、ing pictures, concerts, football matches, and so on. 8.ash / ashesash作灰,灰末解时,是不可数名词;作灰烬;废墟解时,多用其复数形式。Dont drop your cigarette ash on the carpet.A large number of houses were burnt to ashes. 9.attainment / attainments attainment作抽象名词时,表示达到;常以名词复数形式出现时,表示造诣,学识。 The right of speaking freely is one of t

6、he necessary means to the attainment of the truth.Once language developed, the possibilities for humankinds future attainments and cultural growth increased.10.responsibility / responsibilitiesresponsibility 作抽象名词,表示责任,职责;以名词的复数形式出现时,表示家务事或对家庭承担的责任,义务。 They were quick to exploit the natural resource

7、s of the country.His resource has saved him from denth many times.11.resource / resources resource作可数名词,表示自然资源;消遣方法;作不可数名词,表示智略,机敏,创造精神。They were quick to exploit the natural resources of the country.His resource has saved him from death many / artsart作(一门)手艺,技能解时,常用名词单数形式;指大学里开设的哲学、文学、

8、语文、历史等文科课程时,却用其复数形式arts或arts subjects。She has an art for making people feel at ease. History and literature are among the arts.13.society / societies society 作社会解时,是不可数名词;作(为某种目的组成的)社团,团体解时,是可数名词。We all have to learn how to behave ourselves in society.He joined various university societies and clubs

9、. 14.force / forcesforce 作抽象名词解时,意为力量,暴力;作可数名词解时,意为自然力,势力。He didnt use much force. Religion and politics are powerful forces in society.15.ethic / ethicsethic以单数形式出现时,表示道德标准;以复数形式出现时,表示伦理,道德规范。the Christian ethic基督教伦理The ethics of his decision are doubtful. 16.violation / violationsviolation作抽象名词解时,

10、是违背,违反;作可数名词解时,是违犯行为。He was fined for his violation of the traffic laws. These are gross violations of human rights. / businessesbusiness 作不可数名词,表示买卖;商业;作可数名词,表示商业机构,商店。We dont do much business with foreign companies.Many small businesses have gone bankrupt recently.18.privilege / privil

11、egesprivilege 作不可数名词,表示(有钱有势者的)特权;作可数名词,表示特别给予的好处或待遇、优惠。The beautiful girl had led a life of luxury and privilege.What are the privileges that go with the job? 19.loss / lossesloss 作抽象名词,表示丧失,损失; 作可数名词,表示(生意等)亏损的钱。The loss of his wife was a great blow to him. Oil suffered losses in the export market

12、. 20.prospect / prospectsprospect的单数形式,表示景色,景象; 其名词复数形式,表示前景,前程,前途。The hill commands a fine prospect. In recent years, the prospects of car manufacture are good.21.production / productionsproduction 作生产、制造解时,是抽象名词;作(文艺)作品解时,是可数名词。Production is at all times and under all conditions social production.

13、 They saw several National Theatre productions. 22.product / productsproduct 作商业产品总称解时,是不可数名词;作某事物的产物解时,是可数名词。We should improve the gross national product. They are the products of post-war influence. 23.institution / institutionsinstitution 作建立;任命解时,是不可数名词;作慈善机关,福利院;风俗,习惯解时,是可数名词。Wise men favor the

14、 institution of a savings bank in every big city. Working houses, homes for poor or orphan children and asylums are institutions. 24.youth / youthsyouth 作不可数名词,表示青少年时期;青春,活力; 作可数名词,表示青年男子,小伙子。Her youth gives her an advantage over the other runners. As a youth, he showed little promise. 过关练习:1.There

15、is ample_that interplanetary travel will soon be reality.(evidence / evidences)2.He is a distant_of mine.(relation / relations)3.She was responsible for buying the_for the play. (property / properties)4.I have great _about the wisdom of what he is doing. (doubt / doubts)5._will I do such a thing. (O

16、n no term / On no terms)6.Extend my_to your mother. (compliment / compliments)7.I find_in collecting stamps. (amusement / amusements)8.The building was burned to_.(ash /ashes)9.Alice is a scholar of high_. (attainment / attainments)10.Mr. Li had no sense of _. (responsibility /responsibilities)11.He

17、 is a person of no _.(resource / resources)12.This_of seeing for others means that the commentator has to be very good at talking. (art / arts)13.Shed like to join the school debating _. (society / societies)14.We will fight against the_of nature. (force / forces)15.Medical_forbid a doctor to have a

18、 love affair with a patient. (ethic / ethics)16.A country isnt respected if it acts in _ of international agreement. (violation / violations)17.He works in the oil_.(business / businesses)18.Use of the library is a_, not a right. (privilege / privileges)19.He makes_on the deal. (loss / losses)20.The

19、 job has no_. (prospect / prospects)21._ must become more efficient. (Production / Productions)22.There are the literary_of the age. (product / products)23.Giving presents on Christmas is an _. (institution / institutions)24.The fight was started by some _who had been drinking. (youth / youths)参考答案:1.evidence 2.relation 4.doubts 5.On no terms pliments 7. amusement 8.ashes 9.attainments 10. responsibility 11.resources 13.society 14.forces 15.ethics 16.violation 18.privilege 19.losses 20.prospects 21.Production 22.products 23.institution 24.youths

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