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1、高考英语阅读理解主旨大意高考英语 阅读理解 主旨大意高考英语阅读理解考纲关于阅读理解部分考纲要求: 阅读部分 要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能:(1)理解主旨要义;(2)理解文中具体信息;(3)根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义;(4)做出判断和推理;(5)理解文章的基本结构;(6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。需要特别说明的是,考试说明中强调:“阅读部分要求学生读懂选自英语原版书籍、报纸和杂志(含网络版)的关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。文体包括记叙文、议论文、说明文和应用文等。” 网络

2、版英语文章也有可能成为阅读理解命题的材料。1. Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers,small, tightly knit (联系)groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of ea

3、ch other.Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them.Already well over 400 of the total of, 6,800 languages are close to extinction(消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left. Pick, at rando

4、m, Busuu in Cameroon (eight remaining speakers),Chiapaneco in Mexico(150). Lipan Apache in the United States(two or three)or Wadjigu in Australia (one, with a question-mark): none of these seems to have much chance of survival.What is the min idea of the text?A.New languages will be created.B.People

5、s lifestyles are reflected in languagesC.Human development results in fewer languagesD.Geography determines language evolution.2. Going green seems to be fad(时尚)for a lot of people these days. Whether that is good or bad, we cant really say, but for the tow of us, going green is not a fad but a life

6、style.On April22, 2011, we decided to go green every single day for an entire year. This meant doing 365 different green things, and it also meant challenging ourselves to go green beyond easy things. Rather than recycle and reduce our energy, we had to think of 365 different green things to do and

7、this was no easy task. What might be the best title for the passage?AGoing Green. BProtecting the Planet.CKeeping Open-Minded DCelebrating Our Green Year. 3. Of course, markets and queues are not the only ways of allocating things. Some goods we distribute by merit, others by need, still others by c

8、hance. However, the tendency of markets to replace queues, and other non-market ways of allocating goods is so common in modern life that we scarcely notice it anymore. It is striking that most of the paid queue-jumping schemes weve consideredat airports and amusement parks, in call centers, doctors

9、 offices, and national parksare recent developments, scarcely imaginable three decades ago. The disappearance of the queues in these places may seem an unusual concern, but these are not the only places that markets have entered.The passage is meant to _.Ajustify paying for faster servicesBdiscuss t

10、he morals of allocating thingsCanalyze the reason for standing in lineDcriticize the behavior of queue jumping 4.Some of the worlds most famous musicians recently gathered in Paris and New Orleans to celebrate the first annual International Jazz Day. UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and

11、 Cultural Organization) recently set April 30 as a day to raise awareness of jazz music, its significance, and its potential as a unifying(联合) voice across cultures.Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect

12、 with younger generations.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Exploring the Future of jazz.B.The Rise and Fall of jazz.C.The Story of a jazz Musician.D.Celebrating the Jazz Day. 5. Many people think that listening is a passive business. It is just the opposite. Listening well

13、 is an active exercise of our attention and hard work. It is because they do not realize this, or because they are not willing to do the work, that most people do not listen well. Listening well also requires total concentration upon someone else. An essential part of listening well is the rule know

14、n as bracketing. Bracketing includes the temporary giving up or setting aside of your own prejudices and desires, to experience as far as possible someone elses world from the inside, stepping into his or her shoes. Moreover, since listening well involves bracketing, it also involves a temporary acc

15、eptance of the other person. Sensing this acceptance, the speaker will seem quite willing to open up the inner part of his or her mind to the listener. True communication is under way and the energy required for listening well is so great that it can be accomplished only by the will to extend onesel

16、f for mutual growth. What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 2?AHow to listen well. BWhat to listen to.CBenefits of listening. DProblems in listening 6. Using too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can put our water supply in danger , but we also affect our water

17、 supply in less obvious ways. You may wonder how paving(铺砌) a road can lead to less useable fresh water. A major part of the water we use every day is groundwater. Groundwater does not come from lakes or rivers. It comes from underground. The more roads and parking lots we pave the less water can fl

18、ow into the ground to become groundwater.Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference, too In the United States , a family of four can use 1. 5 tons of water a day! This shows how much we depend on water to live, but theres a lot we can do to lower the number. The text is

19、mainly about _ .AWhy paving roads reduces our water Bhow much we depend on water to liveCwhy droughts occur more in dry climates Dhow human activity affects our water supply7. .According to the designer, the Lampbrella would move at a relatively low speed, so as not to cause harm to the pedestrians.

20、 Besides, it would be grounded to protect from possible lighting strike. Each Lampbrella would offer enough shelter for several people. Being installed(安装)at 2 meters off the ground, it would only be a danger for the tallest of pedestrians. What does paragraph 5 mainly tell us about the Lampbrella?A

21、. Its moving speed B. Its appearance C. Its installation D. Its safety8With around 100 students scheduled to be in that 9 am Monday morning lecture, it is no surprise that almost 20 people actually make it to the class and only 10 of them arc still awake after the first IS minutes; it is not even a

22、surprise that most of them are still in their pyjamas (睡衣). Obviously, students are terrible at adjusting their sleep cycles to their daily schedule.All human beings possess a body clock. Along with other alerting (警报) systems, this governs the sleep/wake cycle and is therefore one of the main proce

23、sses which govern sleep behaviour. Typically, the preferred sleep/wake cycle is delayed in adolescents, which leads to many students not feeling sleepy until much later in the evenings. This typical sleep pattern is usually referred to as the night owl schedule of sleep.This is opposed to the early

24、bird schedule, and is a kind of disorder where the individual tends to stay up much past midnight. Such a person has great difficulty in waking up in the mornings. Research suggests that night owls feel most alert and function best in the evenings and at night. Research findings have shown that abou

25、t 20 percent of people can be classified as night owls and only 10 percent can be classified as early birds - the other 70 percent are in the middle. Although this is clearly not true for all students, for the ones who are true night owls this gives them an excellent excuse for missing their lecture

26、s which unfortunately fall before midday. What docs the text mainly talk about?AFunctions of the body clock. BThe night owl phenomenon.CHuman beings sleep behaviour. DThe school schedule of early birds.9Group exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve physical fitness and sustain(保持) a he

27、althy lifestyle.Group exercise is challenging, yet fun and empowering! Of course everyone knows that exercise is good for the body.However, studies have shown that when exercise is performed in groups, its not only great for improving physical health but for psychological health. Its an opportunity

28、to be social, release endorphins(内啡肽 ) , and improve your strength. Additionally, group exercise creates a community feel and the shared common goal motivates participants to work hard. The instrumental support of taking on a fitness journey with others proves more effective than going to the gym al

29、one.The first paragraph focuses on_ .A. the greatest challenge of group exerciseB. the most effective way to improve physical fitnessC. the contribution of group exercise to psychological healthD. the shared common goal in performing exercise in groups 10.Across Britain,burnt toast will be served to

30、 mothers in bed this morning as older sons and daughters rush to deliver their supermarket bunches of flowersBut,according to a new study,we should be placing a higher value on motherhood all year.The study shows mothers matter all year long and not just on Mothers DayThe emotional,physical and ment

31、al energy mothers devote to their children can be never-ending,but children are also sources of great joy and happinessInvesting(投入)in time for parenting and raising relationships is money well spentWhat is stressed in the last paragraph?AMothersimportance shows in family all year longBThe sacrifice

32、s mothers make are huge but worthwhileCMothersdevotion to children can hardly be calculatedDInvesting time in parenting would bring a financial return 11.Food serves as a form of communication in two fundamental ways. Sharing bread or other foods is a common human tradition that can promote unity and trust. Food can also have a specific meaning, and play a significant role in a family or cultures celebrations or traditi

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