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1、1812初三英语调研样题参考答案二一八年初中教学质量调研初三英语一命题范围 鲁教版(五四制)初中英语教材八(上)U2至U8,八(下)U1至U2,共8个单元。二试卷长度 采取书面笔答闭卷的方式,考试时间120分钟,满分120分。 三分值比例 试题120分。其中:卷一:单选(20分)、阅读理解(25分);卷二:阅读表达(25分)、综合填空(30分)、根据汉语完成句子(5分)、书面表达(15分)。说明:样题与考试试卷没有一一对应关系!二一八年初中教学质量调研初三英语试题(样卷)(时间:120分钟 满分:120分)友情提示:Hi, 展示自己的时候到了,你可要冷静思考、沉着答卷啊!祝你成功!说明:请将所

2、有答案写在答题卡上,考试结束后只上交答题卡,在原题作答无效。卷一(45分)一、单项选择。(20分)1. Hacksaw Ridge is _ excellent movie and its _ best one Ive ever seen. A. an, a B. an, the C. a, the D. the, a2. _ you ever _ to the new zoo? Yes, we had a good time there. A. Have, gone B. Had, been C. Have, been D. Had, gone3. Which do you prefer,

3、orange juice or a bottle of milk? _, thanks. Id like just a cup of tea.A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None4. Mr. Liu is kind to us and we all _ him _ our elder brother. A. remember, to B. regard, with C. take, for D. regard, as5. Could you please _ your room, Ted? _ A. cleaning, No problem. B. clea

4、n, Certainly. C. to clean, Of course. D. clean, No, I couldnt.6. We all know that the earth moves around the sun _. A. on time B. at times C. all the time D. in time7. Youmay_thebookfortwoweeks.A.keep B.borrow C.lend D.buy8. Zhong Wei has lived _ Wenzhou _ 2003. A. in, for B. in, since C. at, by D.

5、at, of9. Shall we go hiking tomorrow? Well, it all _ the weather. A. belongs to B. happens to C. depends on D. communicates with10. Kate, its raining heavily. _ take a raincoat with you? A. Why not B. Why dont C. Would you mind D. Would you like11. We dont allow _ in classrooms, but we allow student

6、s _ in the hallways. A. to sing, to sing B. singing, singing C. to sing, singing D. singing, to sing12. TherainstormcamewhileAnn_herkeysinthestreet.A.waslookingfor B.lookedfor C.islookingat D.lookingat13. I like Taylor Swifts songs, she has a beautiful _. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. news14. Someti

7、mes ads(广告)may lead us _ something that we dont need. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought15. Cindy alwayswalkstowork because herhouse is_heroffice.A.differentfrom B.thesameas C.farfrom D. closeto 16. Lisa,haveyoufinishedyourhomework_?Yes, Ive finished it _. A. still, yet B. already, yet C. yet, alr

8、eady D. yet, still17. Marysparentsencouragedtheirdaughter_herEnglish.A.improving B. improved improve D.improves18. B.buying C.bought D.tobuy19. Junk food is bad for us, _ for children. A. especially B. recently C. probably D. exactly20. _ you are free, come to

9、my home and lets have some coffee. A. Whatever B. However C. Whoever D. Whenever 二、 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳答案。A篇为判断正(A)误(B),B、C、D、E篇为选择题。(共25分)AIf you go to a Chinese restaurant in America, something interesting happens. After the meal, the waiter will bring you a small, moon-shaped cookie. This is

10、a “fortune(运气) cookie.”People break the fortune cookie in half and look inside. Inside every one is a small piece of paper with a message. This message tells your fortune. It may say something like “Your childhood dream will come true,” or “You will take a long trip.” Everyone enjoys getting a fortu

11、ne cookie, but no one really knows where the tradition came from. Most Americans believe fortune cookies to be an American idea from the 20th century. Some people say fortune cookies were invented by a person in San Francisco. No matter where they came from or who invented those, fortune cookies are

12、 becoming more and more popular outside America. You can now get fortune cookies in restaurants in Hong Kong and London. However, they are still most popular in the United States. And they still use them to make people smile with messages full of love, success and good fortune.21. In Chinese restaur

13、ants in America, you can get fortune cookies.22. People break the fortune cookie in half and look inside.23. Inside every fortune cookie is a small piece of paper.24. Most people believe the tradition came from China.25. Fortune cookies are most popular in London and Hong Kong.BDoctors have studied

14、sleep for many years. It is said that a lot happens when people sleep. It is reported that people have five stages(阶段)of sleep and that people may go through each stage about every 90 minutes. During the first two stages, you sleep lightly. That is, if someone calls you or puts his hands on you, you

15、 wake up quickly. Your body rests quietly. Your heart beat slowly. You breathe(呼吸)more slowly than when you are awake. During stages three and four, you sleep deeply. You dont hear sounds. Light dont wake you up. Your heart beats more slowly than in stages one and two. The last stage of sleep is cal

16、led Rapid Eye Movement. During REM sleep, you breathe faster, and your heart beats faster than in stage one through four. Your eyes move rapidly under your eyelids. All of this happens because you are dreaming. What doctors have proved is that everyone dreams.26. The best title for the passage is _.

17、 A. How to Sleep B. What is REM Sleep C. Five Stages of Sleep D. The Importance of Sleep27. Each stage of the sleep takes about _. A. 90 minutes B. seven hours and a halfC. 18 minutes D. an hour28. During stages one and two, _. A. light dont wake us up B. we dont wake up quickly C. we dont hear soun

18、ds D. we sleep lightly29. The underlined word “eyelids” means _.A. 嘴唇 B. 大脑 C. 眼皮 D. 神经30. REM happens because _.A. we are tired B. we are dreamingC. its too bright D. we are nervousCChina has a rich and colorful cultural history, and masks (面具) have played an important role in Chinese tradition for

19、 thousands of years. Why do people wear masks? The reasons are to protect their bodies, to hide themselves, or to do some amusement. In fact, masks are used all over the world.African masks are usually made by a traditional style. There are many different kinds of African masks, but many of them rep

20、resent animals. African masks are a part of full-body costumes (服装) and they are made for dancers. The dancers usually wear the masks in religious (宗教的) events. Japanese have used masks in many different performances such as dance, theater, festivals or religious events. They represent heroes, devil

21、s (恶魔), ghosts, or some animals in the performances. Most of them are made with clay (黏土) , cloth, wood, or some paper.Greek masks are used to represent the spirits of nature during religious events. Also, theater actors use masks to show different characters.Today, masks continue to be of great art

22、istic and entertainment value.31. Which is NOT the reason why people wear masks in China?A. To do some amusement. B. To play with their kids.C. To hide themselves. D. To protect their bodies.32. In Africa, the _ usually wear the masks in religious events.A. dancers B. young girls C. young boys D. si

23、ngers33. Japanese have used masks in _.A. many TV shows B. different kinds of moviesC. many different performances D. street shows34. How many countries and areas are mentioned(提到)in the passage?A. Three. B. Five. C. Six. D. Four.35. The passage is about _. A. African masks B. when to wear masksC. m

24、asks all over the world D. reasons for wearing masksDIn Spain there once lived a king and he liked playing jokes. “Ill give a bag of gold to the person who can tell me the best story,” he said. “But theres one rule: It must be a story which I cant believe true. If I can believe it, then I wont give

25、a way the bag of gold.” People came to the king from all parts of the country. They brought strange and wonderful stories. The king sat in his palace and listened to all the stories. He enjoyed them very much but to each person he said, “I can believe it. It could happen and it may be true. So I won

26、t give you any gold.” At last a poor old man came to the palace. He was carrying a huge jar(罐). The old man began his story, “Oh, my king. Your good father was once a very poor man, and my father was very rich. They were very good friends. My father youre your father a large jar, like this one, and

27、it was full of gold. Your father promised (答应) to give back the gold when he became rich. But he didnt give it back. When my father died he told me not to forget to get our gold back. Now you are rich and I am poor. Its time to return my gold.” The king said, “I cant believe your story. Its impossib

28、le. My father never told me anything about the jar full of gold. Besides, there isnt enough gold to fill that jar.” “All right,” said the old man. “If you dont believe my story, give me the bag of gold. Keep your promise (诺言), please.” The king remembered the rule and gave the man the bag of gold.36

29、. At the beginning of the story the king wanted to _. A. make a joke about others B. give his people some gold C. find a good storyteller D. set up a new rule for people37. The king would give a bag of gold to the person who told _. A. a strange story B. an unbelievable story C. the best story of th

30、e world D. a story which was true38. Why did the old man came to the palace? A. He tried to get his fathers gold back. B. He wanted to get the bag full of gold. C. He thought the king would like his story. D. His father had been the kings fathers friend.39. Why didnt the king believe the old mans story? A. The jar was so big. B. There wasnt much gold in the country. C. The jar wasnt for holding gold. D. His father didnt tell him about the jar full of gold. 40. Which word can describe the old man be

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