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《英语三》本 复习题.docx

1、英语三本 复习题 大学英语3 复习题 一.下面每一道题有四个选项,请选择正确的选项放在每项题前的括号内.( ) distance runners need great _. A. patience B. endurance C. fortitude D. forbearance( ) fire soon _ the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood. A. consumed B. exhausted C. spent D. used up( ) 3. Discussion at the meeting is _ to the agenda. A.

2、 bounded B. confined C. restricted D. cramped( ) 4. Many English words are _ from Latin. A. derived B. got C. obtained D. gained( ) 5. Warmth is the best _ for colds. A. cure B. heal C. mend D. remedy( ) 6. It took him several months to _ the wild horse. A. tend B. cultivate C. breed D. tame( ) 7. T

3、he United States often holds a _ stand on human rights. A. disputations B. eloquent C. oratorical D. controversial( ) 8. The approaching final term exam put a great _ on the minds. A. stretch B. wrench C. strain D. sprain( ) 9. He did his _ to stop his sister marrying that man. A. farthest B. most C

4、. utmost D. extreme( ) 10. Its impolite to add _ to injury. A. insult B. harm C. hurt D. damage( ) 11. Everybody _ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary. A. assembled B. accumulated C. piled D. joined( ) 12. This discovery of literature has as yet only partially penetrated the _ cons

5、ciousness. A. usual B. universal C. individual D. general( )13. That affair was a blot on his _. A. respect B. reputation C. name D. honor( ). 14. The pupil of the eye dilates and _ in response to light. A. pacts B. reduces C. contracts D. compresses( ) 15. Every year that college _ some 20 minority

6、 students. A. accumulates B. assembles C. gathers D. recruits( ). 16. That chair is a very _ piece of furniture. A. graceful B. gracious C. gradual D. gratulant( ). 17. The role of the extended family has been _ for some time. A. deceiting B. deceiving C. decaying D. decamping( ). 18. Thousands died

7、 or emigrated during the Irish _. A. famine B. familiarity C. famulus D. familism( ). 19. The teacher _ the American Civil War. A. outlived B. outlooked C. outlined D. outwent( ). 20. He seemed to have only a _ understanding of his subject. A. fellow B. hollow C. shallow D. mellow ( ) _ him so close

8、ly; you should have kept your distance. A. shouldnt follow B. mustnt follow C. couldnt have been following D. shouldnt have been following( ) growth of part-time and flexible working patterns, and of training and retaining schemes, _ more women to take advantage of employment opportunities. A. have

9、allowed B. allow C. allowing D. allows( ) 23 Everybody _in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary. A. assembled B. accumulated C. piled D. joined( ) 24. Living in the western part of the country has its problems, _ obtaining fresh water is not the least. A. with B. for witch C. of witch

10、D. which( ) 25. The manager would rather his daughter _ in the same office. A. had not worked B. not to work C. does not work D. did not work( ) 26. The British constitution is _ a large extent a product of the historical events described above. A. within B. to C. by D. at ( ) 27. The words of his o

11、ld teacher left a _ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them. A. long B. lively C. lasting D. liberal( ) 28. Mikes uncle insists _ in this hotel. A. staying not B. not to stay C. that he would not stay D. that he not stay( ) 29. We agreed to accept _ they thought was the best tourist g

12、uide. A. whatever B. whomever C. whichever D. whoever( ) 30. It is our _ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means. A. consistent B. continuous C. considerate D. continual二:阅读理解: Passage 1 Criticism has been increasing for years about the lack of civility on the part of some parents w

13、ho take an intense interest in their youngsters sporting activities. Evidence is seen in a recent headline in Christian Science Monitor: “Stiffer Penalties for Head-Butting the Referee”. The article goes on to detail how adults of the baby boomer generation seem prone(易于) to express their distress a

14、t official rulings in youth sports through physical attacks on officials. Its apparently not unknown for a referee to face a drawn gun or to be run off the road following a game. As to why there is increasing violence on the part of parents, it is suggested that the trend reflects a total increase i

15、n sports violence among player, coaches and fans. Rage is a fairly route thing on the roads, in offices, in schools and seemingly anywhere you turn today. At the same time, though society is increasingly “zero-tolerant” of misbehavior of any sort, be it real, perceived or ever threatened. Kids barel

16、y out of kindergarten become media sensations as they face serious charges for threats or other conduct that might have been dismissed with a scolding in an earlier era. So it shouldnt come as any great surprise that punishments now await those who attack sports officials. Fourteen states now have s

17、pecific laws protecting sports officials, and another 14 states are preparing similar rules to enforce spectator conduct. Some youth leagues now require parents to sign “ good-behavior” agreements if they are to attend events. But organizations representing officials are pushing for more legislative

18、 protections. What might have been a wrist-slapping misdemeanor is now a serious thing, with violators of new laws facing as many as three years in prison and stiff fines. It seems either that or players, coaches and fans will be left to judge their own games.1. What is discussed in the passageA.You

19、ng players tending to attack sports officialsB.Parents of young players using violence on sports officials.C.Sports officials losing their jobs because of violence.D.Youngsters unwilling to listen to their parents.2. Why are some parents becoming violent toward refereesE.Because they have more money

20、 than before.F.Because they are baby boomers.G.Because they love their children.H.Because they have seen others use violence.3. What do some youth leagues ask parents to doI.To pay money when watching games.J.To use less violence while watching games.K.To ask their children to obey the rules.L.To pr

21、omise before watching a game not to use violence.4. According to the writer, what might happen if the situation remains unimprovedM.Fewer people would like to watch games.N.Fewer youngsters would like to play games.O.Fewer referees would like to continue their jobs.P.Less money would be earned by th

22、e leagues.5. Which of the following misbehaviors best explains the word “ wrist-slapping” (underlined in Paragraph 4)A. Abusing B. Beating C. Hitting D. Striking Passage 2 Most Americans will tell you that character education in school is a good idea. According to pollsters, 90% of us want schools t

23、o teacher core moral values. But what should “character education” look like And more important, does it work Take a look at Traut Core Knowledge School in Fort Collins, Colorado. Traut Core is a public school with a waiting list of 500 students. A strong focus on 12 core values throughout the schoo

24、l culture has contributed to high academic achievement at Traut Core.The school now ranks first in reading and in the top five in math out of the 26 schools in the district. Private schools are also on the list. The Montrose School in Natick, Massachusetts has daily homerooms that focus on character

25、 discussion and leadership, and the school provides many opportunities for service to others. At Montrose, moral development is inseparable from academic achievement. Wake County Public School in North Carolina is a case study in how to get comprehensive character education programs going in every s

26、chool. Beginning in 1992, the district appointed a task force with broad representation from the community. Public meetings were held, surveys sent out, and other efforts made to ensure that character education in the schools would be built on the shared moral values of the citizens in this large an

27、d diverse district. Today, character education is part of the mission of every Wake County school. The district provides in-service training and resources for teachers, encourages parental involvement and evaluates the results. Higher academic achievement, lower dropout rates, fewer discipline probl

28、ems, a more positive and caring school environment-who doesnt want schools like these And who wouldnt like to see students who are more caring, respectful, honest and responsible1.Judging from the passage, whats the writers attitude toward “character education”A. Positive B. Confused C. Critical D.

29、Negative 2. What does “a waiting list of 500 students” (underlined in Paragraph 2) probably mean A. A list of 500 students studying for degrees. B. A list of 500 students registering for courses. C. A list of 500 students waiting for graduation. D. A list of 500 students waiting for admission. 3. We

30、 can infer that the Montrose School_. A. has daily homerooms for discussion on how to enhance character education B. focus on 12 core values of character education C. provides many training opportunities for schoolteachers D. helps students both academically and morally 4. Why did Wake County Public

31、 Schools include members of community A. To teach the schools moral values to the community. B. To provide opportunities for service to the community. C. To ensure that values taught represented the community. D. To give a private education to children in the community. 5. According to the author, what kind of schools does everyone yearn for A. Schools that have moral education. B. Schools that are more respectful to students. C. Schools that emphasize more parental involvement. D. Schools that offer a more caring environment. Passage 3We rec

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