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1、四年级下册unitmyday教案个人初备案二次修改课时W类型第一课时 Unit 3 My day新授课W内容教学目标w董点教学点w方法w手段Story time1.掌 握四会 单 词 school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, 1、在情境中学习词汇和动词短 in go to school, usually, in the morning, have lunch, go home, do my homework, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed2、 能在情境中整体感知故事内容3、 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试 表演。4

2、.能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型Iat描 述人物的n常活动。能在情境中正确理解故事内容,并能准确朗读故 事。1.读准单词usually。2、能够较准确的朗读课文 并在教师的指导下表演。Q-and-A method、 work in pairs、 free discussion% Group worksPPT、卡片、挂图教时安排1课时St epl Greeting and warm upT: Good morning, class,Ss: Good morning.T: Do you like games Let s play a game: yeah, yeah, yeah, or No, n

3、o , no.,s Monday today.We have 4 lessons in the morning.We have a PE lesson in the afternoon.I like Music.I go to school every day. It,s six o clock. ItEnglish class.Step2 Presentation1. Show six clocks, review the 6:15 7:05 11:45 5:00 6:20s time fortime10:00at six twenty ten.English l

4、essonour days. Miketoo. Let s listenMike s activitiesand is to inMake a new chant,sayT: What time is it It,s six fifteen in the morning-.(复习时间,并将钟面贴在黑板) Guess: What do I usually do at 6:15 in the morningSs: get up/have breakfastT: I usually get up at 6:15板书:I (usually)at Teach: usuallyWhen do you ge

5、t upSs: I get up at*2.In the same way to teach:go to school at 7:05have lunch at 11:45go home at 5:00have dinner at 6:20go to bed at 10:003.T: I do different things at different time.(Chant)get up at six fifteen, go to school at seven o five.I have lunch at eleven fifteen .I go home at five.I have d

6、innerI go to bed at So this is my day. 揭题:Uni t 3 My day4.Talk in groups, something about your day. steps Story time T: We re having an we * re talking about talking about his day Mike, try to find out the morning.(Parti)Ss listen and then choose the pictures.(出示 五幅图:起床、看电视、上学、睡觉、吃午饭,学 生听第一段,根据Mike的

7、介绍选出早上的活动)1.Listen again and match (再听一遍介绍,出 现三个钟面,将Mike的活动与时间配对)2.T: What else does Mike do in the morning Ss: have lessonsT: Yes. And 力o炉 many lessons does he have in the morning.Ss: Four.T: So Mike has four lessons in the morning.3.Listen and read Part 1.(Part2):How many lessons does Mike have af

8、ternoon And what else does Mike do afternoon Let s listen again, and answer.Ql How many lessons does Mike have afternoonQ2. What else does Mike do inTeach: go homedo my homeworkIn the afternoon: have football/goand read Part 2(Parts)Parts by selves, try to fill2.Talk in groups: 陆en does Mike do thin

9、gs Say like this:atand read PartsStep 4 Consolidationin Mike, choose one part and talk your activity. 小组,扮演 Mike, 早、中、晚其中一个时间说说自己的活动)1.Listen and read the story, try to recite it.your day to your family, then write it down.板 书 设 计Unit 3 My dayI (usually) at In the morning/ afternoon/ evenin

10、g/ at nightI I 11I Q6:2帀:o|get up tc school have lunch go home have dinner go to bed个人初备案课时第二课时课题Unit 3 My day内容Vocabulary & Fun time教学 目标1、 能听懂会说:When do you . 1. . . at并能在情境中熟练的运用。2、 能熟练说出有关n常活动和时间的短语have lunch, play football, have dinner, go to bed, at night 等。3、 能熟练运用本课所学的词汇和句型描述人物的 n常活动O4、 学会菇筹

11、的安排时间,合理的安排自己的n程 表,养成良好的生活和学习习惯。教学 董点学握句型 J When do you. . . Iusually . . . at .并能熟练运用本课所学的词汇 和句型描述人物的n常活动。教学点运用句型 When do you. , . I usually at 描述人物的n常活动教学 方法Q-and-A method、 work in pairs、 free discussion、 Group works教学 手段PPT、板书二次修改教时安排1课时St epl Greeting and warm upthe time:T: What time is it now(师

12、拨时钟,学生迅速说 出时间,最后拨时间8:00):I watch TV at eight evening.(做看电视的动 作)Now let s play a game: Guess and say!(师做动作,学生快速说出表示的单词或短语)Step 2 Presentation1.(Show Mike.)Yesterday we learnt about Mike s daily life. Now let s look back again.2.(出示钟面)What time is itSs: It s seven o clock.T: Yes, it,s seven o clock in

13、 the morning. What does Mike do at seven o clock(出示图片 剪影)Guess!Ss: He gets up at seven.3.(出示另一个钟面)Teach: go to school in the same way.And what about this oneSs: go to schoolTeach: get up/ go to school3 T: What does Mike usually do in the afternoon Show two pictures.Ss: He Teach:play football at four

14、/go home at four forty in the af ternoon.4:Show three pictures (have dinner/watcb TV/go to bed)How about in the evening or at night Please talk in groups. Then teach these phrases according to their answers:Have dinner at six thirteenWatch TV at seven in the eveningsteps Fun timeL Show a timetable a

15、nd finish it.T: Do you want to know something about my作 业 布 置day You can ask me like this:Teach: When do yowSs: When do you get upT: I get up at six in the morning.Ss ask , T answers and draw the clocks.2.T: Look , this is my day. (Introduce the T s day)How about yours3.Ss draw and wri te.4.Ask and

16、answer in pairs (同桌各白询问对方的timetable.并两人一组上台展示自己的完 成情况:sit When do you get up S2: I get up at 6:30. )1.Copy the new words and phrases.2.Introduce your day to your parents.3.Ask your friends about their days.Unit 3 My dayget upinthemorning板 书 设 计When do you afternooneveninggo homewatch TVgo to bedI us

17、uallyatintheintheat night个人初备案二次修改课时第三课时课题Unit 3 My day教学 内容Cartoon time & Rhyme time教学目标教学S点教学 加点 w 方法 w 手段熟练运用本单元的词汇和句型描述人物的日常活动教时安排thegetthe1、 复习上节课所学的关于时间和日常活动的短 语,能进一步熟练拼读。2.复习上节课所学的句型,能进一步熟练运用。3 会卩昌歌曲 When do you get up4.能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故 事内容。会唱歌曲 When do you get up阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内 容。Q-

18、and-A method、 work in pairs、free discussion% Group worksPPT、头饰1课时St epl Greeting and free talk:Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning.T: What day is it today When do you get up this morning:30 seconds none stop talking(以My Day为话题,学生四人一组互相配合,向 全班表述自己的作息时间。)Step2 Song timeL Meet a new friend: PeterT: Do

19、 you want to know something about Peter s day How do you askSs: When do you get up/T: Good questions. Let s listen to song, and try to answer: When does Peter up/go to school2 Listen to the song and try to answer questions.3.T: Do you like the song Let s listen again, and you can follow the song.4.T

20、 make a model, change the name, ask and sing. Then change the phrases, ask and sing.change the words and sing the song in groups.steps Cartoon timeT: From the song, what do you think about PeterSs: He s a good boy.T: Yes. He gets up at six thirty every day. And he goes to school at seven thirty ever

21、y. He has good habits. I think you have habi ts too, right And so is Bobby.1.(Show a picture page 15. )Bobby gets up Do you know when does every day Guess.Ss: At five/six2.T: Yes, he has dinnerDoes he happenedWhere is4 In thegoodon day.of Bobby at six every Bobby have dinnerhave dinner at sixat six

22、every todayBobby desert (在沙漠里)B. At homeLet s watch the cartoon andcorrect : B.:What can they see overBobby eat it at last Read answer.Ss: They see a big cake overchoose thethere Andthe There s a nice cake in the desert.Bobby can not eat it. Because it s a dream! Bobb

23、y is sleeping and he is very hungry. So he makes a dream.4. Good! Well, boys and girls, let s learn the story together.Ss: Listen and repeat.T:指导朗读。Ss: Read together5 Act in two.Step4 ConsolidationT: It s Just a dream. It s in the morning 刀0略 Bobby should get up. And a new day begins. Imagine: Bobby

24、 s new dayMake a story and act.作业 布置1.Listen and sing the song.2.Listen, read and recite Cartoon time.3.课课练第二课时笔试部分板书 设计Unit 3 My dayWhat can you see over there I can see aWhat time is it nowIt S 个人初备案二次修改课时第四课时课题Unit 3 My day授课 类型新授课教学 内容Sound time, Checkout time, Ticking time教学 目标1、 复习巩固本单兀的知识点,在n

25、常父际中熟练 运用所学句型2、 掌握字母e和字母组合ee在单词中的读音能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做出评 价。表演故事内容。教学 董点1在口常交际中熟练运用所学句型2.掌握字母e和字母组合ee在单词中的读音教学点1、 掌握字母e和字母组合ee在单词中的读音2、 能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做 出评价教学 方法Q-and-A method% work in pairs、 free discussion Group works教学 手段PPT教时 安排1课时clock inthe6:30 intheafternoon, the afternoon.St epl Greeting

26、 and free talkL T: Good morning, class,Ss: Good morning.T: When do you get up this morning.a song: liTien do you get up Then change the words: When do you go home/go to bedat four forty/nine thirty.3.Ticking time: I can use when to ask about daily activities.Step2 Checkout timeL T: Do you want to kn

27、ow Miss Li s day You can ask her(把Miss Li的时间表交给儿位同 学,请她们扮演Miss Li,回答问题)2.Show Miss Li s day at Page23 Ss: Read and wri te.I get up at six omorning.I have breakfast atmorning.I have lunch at 12:00.I go home at five in theI have dinner at 6:30 inI go to bed at ten at night.3.Check the answer and say M

28、iss Li s day life.steps Sound timeT: Look, 刀0炉 Miss Li is here. She meets the sound time, and answer:When do they meet加 three.Who are the boysTom, Jack and me.Teach: who3 Read and findShow the words: we, me, shemeet, three, green, sleepThe letter e and ee have the same pronunciation /i:/4.Wo

29、rk in groups, and find some words andfrite down.5.Try to read: be, bee, sweep, feet, need, free, week, beef, sheep6.Ticking time :I know the sound of e” and ” ee”1.Listen and read Sound time.2.Find more words and write down.Unit 3.板 书 设 计Unit 3 My dayWho are we Tom, Jack and me.We meet Miss Li at three.

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