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1、浙江省高等教育自学考试高级英语浙江省2021年7月高等教育自学考试高级英语浙江省2010年7月高等教育自学考试高级英语试题10005Part Vocabulary(20%)Section A (200.5%=10%)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.1. He had to sell

2、his home to pay his legal fees and was _ to parking cars for money. ( )A. reducedB. introducedC. agreedD. expected2. Our vacation is _ and we still cant decide where to go. ( )A. goingB. approachingC. flyingD. keeping3. From the _ way he behaves towards others you can tell that he was well raised in

3、 his family. ( )A. respectfulB. respectedC. respectableD. respective4. Though people all over the world have friends and enjoying friendship, the _ of what a real friendship is may take quite varied forms in different cultures. ( )A. exceptionB. assumptionC. acceptationD. conception5. I have only ha

4、d a _ acquaintance with this Mr. Johnson you are talking about, so I am in no place to make judgment on his personality. ( )A. intimateB. hastyC. legitimateD. simple6. A forgiving person will not pay _ someone who has done him wrong either intentionally or accidentally.( )A. forB. backC. offD. clear

5、7. She knew David was not good with words, and was rather touched by his clumsy attempt to comfort her. ( )A. stupidB. childishC. unskillfulD. useless8. Modern educationists recommend the teaching methods that _ students in the learning process. ( )A. absorbB. participateC. mixD. involve9. The very

6、evening she couldnt wait to show the ring to her close friends and tell them that she _ to Graham. ( )A. was engagingB. was engagedC. engagedD. would engage10. Although Asian countries are generally more _ in social customs than Western countries, there have been several notable examples of women le

7、aders in both China and India. ( )A. conservativeB. confidentialC. comprehensibleD. consistent11. Black people had to use separate bathrooms, train cars, churches, and restaurants: this act of _ was accepted without much question in the past.( )A. segregationB. separationC. discriminationD. differen

8、tiation12. The revolutionist devoted his whole life to the _ of freedom and happiness of his people. ( )A. performB. prophetC. projectionD. pursuit13. Just composing the sentences is not all there is in an invitation, you also have to think about the _: the color, the picture, the size and style of

9、the letters, etc. ( )A. formatB. formationC. informationD. conformation14. The manager gave her his _ that her complaint would be investigated. ( )A. assurance B. assumptionC. sanction D. insurance15. The course has four main _: business law, finance, computing and management skills. ( )A. commissio

10、nsB. componentsC. compositionsD. compromises16. Greg has been a(n) _ child and missed most of the fun in childhood. ( )A. illB. healthyC. sicklyD. lively17. By 3 oclock the next morning the roaring storm _ down and the sea resumed its generous and peaceful scene. ( )A. diedB. layC. flattedD. went18.

11、 The hardest things to get in a car accident, a ship _, or an air crash, are the names of the saved, or the dead and injured.( )A. wreckB. wristC. wrapD. wrench19. A three-day tour isnt sufficient for a thorough appreciation of Angkor, but it will give you a _ of this magnificent work of wonder. ( )

12、A. limpB. slipC. skipD. glimpse20. Due to different beliefs held by feminists, religion conservatives and other groups of people, abortion remains a _ issue in North America. ( )A. controversialB. contradictoryC. compulsoryD. confidentialSection B (200.5%=10%)Directions: There are 20 sentences in th

13、is section. In each sentence there is a word or a phrase underlined. Below each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that can replace the underlined part of each sentence without changing the original meaning.21. It hasnt rained in this area for an extremely long t

14、ime and all the plants in the field are crying for water. ( )A. requestingB. dependingC. in big supply ofD. in great need of22. When asked what he was going to do about the fund problem, he gave a vague answer. ( )A. implicitB. explicitC. efficientD. infinite23. The article gives its readers a real

15、insight into the causes of the present economic crisis.( )A. perceptionB. conceptionC. interpretationD. deception24. To everyones surprise, the main force of opposition has come from a group of property owners whom have been assumed to be in line with the proposal. ( )A. resistanceB. insistenceC. co

16、nsistenceD. assistance25. We spoke in whispers in case that we might wake the baby. ( )A. in fearB. of fearC. for fearD. with fear26. Jack had been very excited about going on the jungle trip, but at the last moment he lost courage to do it. ( )A. lost his heartB. lost his mindC. lost his nervesD. l

17、ost his attentions27. Though never touched a brush until in his mid thirties, Leon became a quite outstanding painter by the time he was forty years old.( )A. outrageousB. assertiveC. distinguishedD. characteristic28. Clothing means totally different things to men and women: a perfect fine dress cou

18、ld be out of fashion within a few months but a suit could stay in style forever. ( )A. out of timeB. out of daysC. out of dateD. out of taste29. The whole argument comes down to the question if it is fair to regulate the industries in developing countries the same way as the more developed countries

19、 when it comes to environmental issues. ( )A. ends up withB. means in essenceC. stands forD. corresponds to30. At the sound of music the crowd instantly breaks down into couples and started to dance. ( )A. derivesB. dividesC. devisesD. derides31. What freshmen have to understand is that the acceptan

20、ce to one of the best universities is not an end but a start: now they must do as best as they can with their university education. ( )A. think the best ofB. do the best ofC. get the best ofD. make the best of32. Right now is not a good time to ask the mayor for help in the project, as he has his mi

21、nd fixed on the kindergarten teachers strike which has been going on for two weeks. ( )A. is disturbed byB. is motivated byC. is concerned withD. is preoccupied with33. Marie Curies whole life was devoted to the discovery and research of radioactive elements. ( )A. debatedB. dedicatedC. decidedD. de

22、legated34. No one should be allowed into that building until it is assured that it is clear of bombs. ( )A. obvious inB. aware ofC. in touch withD. free from35. The wisest thing to do is to cut off all his financial supply right off. ( )A. completelyB. definitelyC. accordinglyD. immediately36. A bet

23、ter marketing strategy need to be made and carried out if we want to produce more profit the next sales season. ( )A. bring upB. bring forthC. bring aboutD. bring to37. The second half of the coming chapter is in relation to the effect of currency control on national economy. ( )A. with regard toB.

24、in relative toC. of limit toD. on level to38. For ten years a group of American scientists have been on the track of a new kind of energy resource which has the promise to solve the energy crisis facing the country. ( )A. looking forB. inventingC. improvingD. polishing39. When you walk into an exam

25、room with only a few hours preparation done the night before, failure is almost unavoidable. ( )A. indispensableB. inevitableC. unpredictableD. incomprehensible40. His theory sounds logical, but then how can we know if it will work without testing it? ( )A. at that momentB. afterwardsC. on the other

26、 handD. as a resultPart II: Cloze (200.5%=10%)Directions: In the following passage there are 20 blanks. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to th

27、ejob? Are they better, or worse, managers than men? Are women more highly-motivated and41 than male managers? Some research 42 the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs, such as greater 43 and emphasis on affiliation(亲和性) and attachment, and a 44 to bring emotional

28、factors to bear in making workplace45 . These differences are 46 to carry advantages for companies, 47 they expand the range of techniques that can be used to 48 the company manage its workforce 49 .A study commissioned by the international Womens Forum 50 a management style used by some women manag

29、ers (and also by some men) that 51 from the command and control style 52 used by male managers. Using this “interactive leadership” approach, “women 53 participation, share power and information, 54 other peoples self-worth, and get others excited about their work. All these 55 reflect their belief

30、that allowing56 to contribute and to feel 57 and important is a win-win 58 -good for the employees and the organization.” The studys director 59 that “interactive leadership may emerge into the management style of choice for many 60 .”( )41. A. committedB. confrontedC. confinedD. commanded( )42. A.

31、despises B. supports C. opposes D. argues( )43. A. coherence B. correlation C. combination D. cooperativeness( )44. A. sensitivity B. willingness C. virtue D. loyalty( )45. A. decisions B. detachments C. descriptions D. discriminations( )46. A. seen B. revised C. detected D. disclosed( )47. A. because B. whereas

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