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1、汉译英常考句型专升本翻译常考句型总结及练习1、 基本及特殊句型2、 各种从句(引导词的特殊用法)3、 重要单词及词组4、 主动句与被动句的互译1、比较句 同级比较 as +adj/adv + as 杰克想买一辆和玛丽一样的轿车(11年) Jack wants to buy a car that is the same as Marys 这口钟大约有三个人那么高。This bell is about as tall as the height of three persons asmany/ much名词as据说,游客每天在利兹的花销仅为在伦敦的一半。比较级 be / v + ( much/ev

2、en/ a little/ still/far 比较级 +than 他在各方面都比我好 He is much better than I in every aspect.他们今年的业务进展比去年大得多 This year they have made by far greater progress in business than they did last year. 最高级: the + 最高级 one of the + 最高级+的复数 长城是中国的历史文化符号之一考点:专有名词(10年) The Great Wall is one of the historic and cultural

3、 symbols of China. 倍数的翻译:倍数+同级比较(倍数)比较级 新图书馆比以前的大两倍( 是以前的三倍大)(16年) 对于同一所房子,人们要支付的是往常支付钱数的两三倍之多倍数词as形容词as这个水库的面积是十年前三倍。倍数词+ more +名词形容词十than吸烟对人体健康的危害极大,每年死于吸烟的人比死于车祸的人多七倍。分解:太阳的大小是地球的33万倍。X是Y的15倍。游泳池里的水是以前的两倍。(07 英)()increase to byreduce decrease to by今年的产量已经提升到了去年的两倍。到2012年,我们的国民生产总值将增至2010年的三倍。越来越

4、The more the more物体离我们越远,看起来就越小。(10年) The farther away an object is from us, the smaller it looks.你练得越刻苦,你取得的进步就越大。 The harder you practice, the greater progress you will make.考试时越紧张就越容易出错。The more nervous you are in the exam, the more likely you are to make mistakes 一个国家的经济发展越快,它的人口增长就越慢。吉姆过去一直认为,花

5、费在学习上的时间越多,成绩就越好。但现在他意识到事实并非总是如此。(04) more and more + 形 副原型随着经济的发展,在中国旅游正越来越受到人们的欢迎。(08)With the development of economy, travelling is becoming more and more popular in China。(not)as/ so. as(和(不)一样)环境问题没有他们在报告中说得那么严重。no more. than(与一样不)一个女学生固然不宜当经理,她也同样不宜。Nothing is more. than(没有比更的;是最的)没有比接受教育更重要的事

6、。 Prefer. To Be inferior to Be superior to Be prior to Advantage over 2, 强调句型 It is/was +强调内容that/who +句子 就是在这间小屋里,他们勤奋地工作着(06年) It was in this small room that they worked diligently. 就是在那个电影院我们第一次相遇(12年) 我最珍视的是友谊。直到许多小工厂关闭了,这条河才又变得清澈起来。我最想见的人是他。3.伴随状语 她喜欢看书时听音乐(年) She likes listening to music while

7、 reading books 4. whether or (not)Whether we like it or not, the world we live in has changed a great deal in the last hundred years. (07)It wont make much difference whether you leave or stay. (05)5. beget used to + 名动名词used to do (v. 原)- 表示动作和状态would do - 表示动作我已经习惯了这种生活方式。(2004)吉姆过去一直认为,花费在学习上的时间越

8、多,成绩就越好。但现在他意识到事实并非总是如此。(04)6、Would like to do 想干到北京出差时,我想去拜访以前的教授。(08 英) 7、had better do 最好做.Youd better open a savings account at the bank near the university. (07)你去广州之前恐怕得征求领导的同意吧。(03 英)8、to ones surprise it surprise sb that王力通过了英语考试,这使每个人都感到吃惊。(06 英)令我失望的是,经理推销新产品的计划不起作用。(04 英)9. In spite of 、A

9、lthough尽管尽管意见有分歧,我们对维护世界和平有着共同的利益。In spite of differences of opinion,we share a common interest in the preservation of the world. 尽管警察怀疑这名年轻人,但没有足够证据证明他就是犯罪。Although this young person is under suspicion, there is no proof to show he is the criminal.该是我们采取措施去制止交通事故的时候了。(08英)11. as far as is concerned

10、 就来说在我看来,时尚是属于女性的。12. be worth doing 值得做就这个方法本身而言,它值得一试。(06)13. As long as 只要就只要你不断努力,你迟早会取得成功的 (04)As long as you keeping on trying, you will succeed sooner or later 14. Notuntil. 句型 She did not go to bed until her mother came back.她直到她妈妈回来才上床睡觉。 Tom did not watch TV until he finished his homework.

11、It was not until in my thirties that I made this important discovery:giving-away makes life so much more exciting. 直到将近不惑之年,我才如梦方醒,意识到奉献社会使我们的生活更加灿烂。Not until the beginning of the twentieth century did the human beings learn to prevent the disease from spreading. 直到二十世纪初,人类才学会防治疾病的传播。直到他告诉我发生的事,我才了解

12、真相。昨天我直到深夜才睡。人们只有生病了才知道健康的价值。(2009)直到天黑了,他才意识到太晚了而无法回家。(05)直到获得有关当局的批准我们才能发行那部电影。15、in order to so as to 他努力学习以实现他的梦想。他拼命干活以便到六点时把一切都准备就绪。16、 so thatSuch.that他太自私了,一直都没有人愿意与他共事。这本书很有趣,我一口气就把它读完了。汤姆筋疲力尽,看着书竟睡着了。 Tom was so worn out that he fell asleep while reading a have the/no little chanc

13、e of /there is little chance of 他绝没有及格的可能,因为他从来不复习功课。 He has no chance of passing the examination. He never goes his lesson由于双方价格悬殊,我们恐怕很难达成协议。There is little chance of our coming to business because of the big differences between our price.在谣言迅速散播的情况下,他们焦虑异常,无法人睡。17、would rather do than do 他宁愿听别人讲也

14、不愿自己说。18、 prefer doing/sth to doing/sth 他在办公室的时候,他总是愿找些事做而不愿意闲着。19、prefer to do rather than do比起女人,男人总是宁愿在家睡觉也不愿花那么多时间来购物。20、not only but (also)在短短的三年的时间里他不但完成了所有课程,而且还获得了博士学位。他不仅乐于接受别人的观点,而且也很耐心。(08)Not only did Mike learn the Chinese language, but also bridge the gap between his culture and ours.

15、(08)莎士比亚不仅是一位伟大的剧作家而且是一位才华横溢的诗人。成功不仅取决于个人能力,而且取决于合作的意愿。(04)Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. (04 英)21、 eitheror 或者或者如果考试过关,你可以买一个MP3或去云南玩一趟。22、neithernor既不也不他既不喜欢故事情节也不喜欢背景音乐, 所以在电影院里睡着

16、了。他是一个无聊的人,既不爱娱乐,也不爱读书。23. as well as足球和电脑都一样深受青年喜欢。24、one the other24、someothers other+名我们班有许多外国学生,一些来自欧洲,一些来自美洲。 25、make+名+形名北京拥有一千三百万人口,使它成为中国最大的城市之一。我们所做的可以让世界更美丽。26、as if他夸夸其谈好像什么事都知道。好像我是第一个到校的人。她感觉那天好像是世界末日。(07 英)27、感官动feel think make let have + it + 形 + to do that我觉得听力有必要做笔记。我认为有工作经验很重要。我要在这

17、么短的时间内做完所有的题是不可能的。28、it is + 时间段 + since 我从这所学校毕业已经十年了。我已经有两年没见他了。他们已经十年没见面了。(2009)29、it is + 时间点 + when我到电影院时已经八点了。我离开医院时已经是半夜了。30、it will be + 时间+ before 不久我们就会再见面的。两年之后我们才能知道它是否有效。31、it is + 名形 (+ for sb) + to do 每个人都必须懂得如何使用计算机。能够使用电脑对我们很方便。一个人要想健康,每天锻炼身体是非常必要的。(08)和远方的朋友保持联系不是一件容易的事。(07)做这件事对他来

18、说易如反掌。(03 英)It is obvious that the development of science and technology is vital to the modernization of China. (06)It is self-evident that the development of science and technology is vital to the modernization of China. (04 英)It is useful to be able to predict the extent to which a price change w

19、ill affect supply and demand. (05)In Britain today it is easier for young people to commit crimes because they have more freedom to go where they like and more money to do what they like. (03)我们有必要了解一些英语国家和中国的文化差异。 It is necessary for us to learn/know some differences between some English speaking c

20、ountries and China.大学生学好英语很重要。 It is important for university students to learn English well.32、坚决要命+ that + (should) do 她的母亲坚持让她留下来直到获得学位。(08 英)33、it is up to sb + to do sth句子由你决定邀请谁来参加下周的聚会。(04)机遇可能带来诺言,但要靠我们的努力来把它们变成现实。(05 英)34. It作形式主语的被动句型据报道,那条铁路停止修建了。It is reported that the building of the ra

21、ilway is stopped.据当地报纸报道,昨天这家银行遭到抢劫(05) It is reported in the local newspaper that the bank was robbed yesterday. It is expected/hoped that.人们希望It is said that . 据说有人说 It may be safely said that可以有把握地说It must be pointed out that. 必须指出It is well known that. 大家知道(众所周知)It is supposed that. 据推测It must/s

22、hould be admitted that. 必须承认/应该承认It is estimated(predicted,calculated)that)据估计(预计) It is considered(or thought)that人们(有人、大家)认为It is generally(usually)accepted(or agreed recognized)that普遍(一般,通常)认为It is believed that有人(人们、大家)相信It is learned that据闻(悉) It will be seen that可见(可以看出) It will be seen from t

23、his that由此可见 It is understood that不用说(谁都知道)It cannot be denied that无可否认It has been proved (or demonstrated)that已经证明 It may be confirmed that可以肯定据说人类是生物学上最难归类的物种,因为人类拥有其他天然物种所缺乏的特性。据说美国是一个由汽车驱动的国家。(07 英)It is estimated that about 80% of the worlds population cannot afford to have proper food, housing

24、 or medical care. (09)据报道,迄今为止,外国保险公司已打入中国19个城市。 It is reported that foreign insurance companies has entered into nineteen Chinese cities so far. =made their way据估计,已经有100多万人从这个工程中受益。Its estimated that more than 1 million people had been benefited from this project. 35、it is no usegood (in) doing没考虑

25、清楚就讲是不好的。假装不懂规则是行不通的。36. 祈使句名词and/ or努力工作,你就能实现自己的目标。387 without/ not so much as(甚至没有)出于对丈夫的失望,玛丽离开了家,甚至都没有回头看他一眼。38. may/ might as well(as)(与其还不如)与其一知半解还不如彻底蒙在鼓里。39. too. . . to(太而不能;极其地)他们选择在地震多发的地区定居,这可不是个明智的决定。40. only to find/ see(结果却;没想到会)为了买那只据说能下金蛋的母鸡,他几乎倾家荡产,没想到这只鸡根本不会下蛋。41. It seems that看起

26、来很奇怪的是,在过去的十年里,麦克和我可能恰好在不同的世界里。It seems strange that in the past ten years Mike and I might just as well have been in different worlds. 42. rather than(而不是)我们应该集中精力改善自我,而不是追求金钱的享乐。43. Be likely to 本词典词条所列,都是每个人极可能用得上的单词和词组。 The words and phrases given in this dictionary are those that are likely to

27、be needed by every person.44. It occurred to sb. that(突然想到)从来没有想到她会成为一位王妃。45. not. but.(不是而是)让我们失望的是,这个计划带来的不是进步而是破坏。如果你想获得成功,除了努力工作以外别无选择。 There is no other choices but hard- working if you want to be successful46. It is taken for granted that(被认为是理所当然的)多年来人们一直认为女性做家务是理所当然的。47. When it comes to.(提及

28、,当提到的时候)谈到物理学,我一无所知。48. be not much of a(是个不太好的)麦克不是个好老师,因为他总是从一个话题跳转到另一个话题。49. no sooner than/ hardly when/ scarcely when(刚就)我刚开门他就冲进来了。他把信一交给我,就叫我念给他听。 Scarcely had he handed me the letter when he asked me to read. 50. Sb. wonder我想知道他是否能看英文小说 I wonder whether he can read English novel well.(2002.6

29、7)51. depend on/ rely on /count on 依赖,指望,依靠使我们自己的所为和所不为决定着我们的未来。 Our future depends on what we ourselves should do or not do.(2007.61)我们能否出行取决于天气。Our trip is dependent on the weather. (depends on ) (模拟1.64)Exercises 练习1、他起得很早是为了赶上第一班公共汽车。He gets up very early in order to catch the first bus in the m

30、orning.2、直到昨天晚上他才改变主意。He didnt changed his mind until yesterday night.3、同意这项建议的请举手。The people who agree on the suggestion please raise your hands.4、无论多忙,你都应该抽时间看望父母。5、每次访问他们都会发现这个城市呈现出新的面貌。6、每个人都知道,学习对一个人的成长是至关重要的。Everyone knows that learning is vital /very important to ones development(growth)7、我们的新产品非常受欢迎,对此我们感到十分自豪。Our new products are so popular that we are all proud of it或Our new products are very popular,of which we are very proud9、除了英语,你最好再学一门外语。

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