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1、外研版八年级英语上册期中测试题含答案第一学期八年级英语学科期中质量调查试卷二、单项填空(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。5.I want to ask Lily to watch opera at teahouse this weekend.A.a; the B. an; the C. an; 不填 D. a; 不填6.I hope Miss Li can give me some on how to learn English.A. scores B. homework C. plans D. a

2、dvice7.There are so many new words in the passage. I cant understand it well.You can them in the dictionary.A. call; up B. take; up C. warm; up D. look; up8.She wants to buy a white shirt to her blue skirt.A. match B. connect C. save D. forget9.The population of Shanghai is than of Nanjing.A. more;

3、that B. more; it C. larger; that D. larger; it10.I like the city very much. There are some special places .A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited11.Jack is good at table tennis. He can easily others in the match.A. beat B. train C. catch D. help12.You come to school early every day. is it from

4、your home to school?Its only about one kilometer.A. How soon B. How much C. How many D. How far13.We all went to watch that football match Tim. He didnt feel well and stayed at home.A. to B. with C. except D. against14.At first, we planned to go to a concert. But we went to see a film and had a good

5、 time.A. first of all B. in the end C. in a hurry D. from now on15.By selling old books the children 5,000 yuan for the animals last month.A. raise B. raised C. are raising D. will raise16.Mary shouldnt allow her five-year-old daughter cola. Cola isnt healthy.A. to drinking B. drink C. drinking D. t

6、o drink17.She cleans the shoes in her family.A. the most carefully B. the most carefulC. more careful D. more carefully18.The sea is very beautiful, in summer.A. certainly B. finally C. especially D. luckily19.How was your weekend, Linda? I had a good time with my friends.A. Sounds great! B. Pretty

7、good! C. I think so. D. Im sorry.三、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Every February, school children in the UK and much of Europe have a weekoffa half-term holidayto relax from schoolThis 31 is half-termThere is no special event to celebrate at half- termChildre

8、n 32 this time having fun and catching up on schoolworkMost children hang out with friends, go swimming, visit museums 33 seerelativesIts good time for them to take 34 from school and enjoy time with their friends and loved ones.Children in Britain have 14 weeks of school holiday every yearThe three

9、 main holidays are summer break, Christmas and Easter (复活节)But they also have a week 35 for half-term in February and OctoberThese breaks help to 36 the school year up and give kids reprieve(缓解).Children have only a little 37 to do over the holidaysThey may be asked to 38 for a test or complete some

10、 courseworkBut the main purpose of the holiday is to let them relax and develop their hobbiesDuring the summer holidays, most families go away on a short vacationMany people travel to other cities in Britain and some families are even 39 enough to go to other countries. Popular places to go on holid

11、ay include France, Italy and Spain. Families use this time to 40 and spend time with each other after being busy with work and school for most of the year.31. A dayB. weekC. monthD. year32. A. spendB. costC. takeD. pay33. A. butB. orC. soD. and34. A. walkB. tripC. examD. break35. A. fromB. onC. with

12、D. off36. A. decideB. divideC. connectD. point37. A. moneyB. timeC. houseworkD. homework38.A. prepare39.A. enough luckyB. provideC. protectB. enough luckilyD. promiseC. lucky enough40. A. workB. relaxD. luckily enoughC. stayD. fail四、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,4145 每小题 2 分,4655 每小题 1 分, 共 20 分)阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、

13、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Mr. and Mrs Black opened a small restaurant. In order to attract customers, they put a notice in front of the restaurant that said “Meals on the House for Three Days.”A foreign student who didnt know much English happened to pass by the restaurant on the second day. It was lunchtim

14、e and he felt very hungry. “Well, here is a restaurant. I am going to have something to eat.”He walked towards the restaurant when he saw the notice. “American people are really strange. They even eat dinners on their houses! But how can I get up to the top of the house?” he said to himself.He looke

15、d around and found a ladder against a tree nearby. He started climbing up. But as he reached the top, he heard someone shouting at him.“Hey, what are you doing up there?” Mr Black shouted at him. Next to him was a policeman.“Doesnt your notice say Meals on the House for Three Days? Is it just a joke

16、?” the foreign student answered.On hearing this, both Mr Black and the policeman laughed. “Do you know what ON THE HOUSE means? Look it up in the dictionary,” the policeman said.41.How did Mr. and Mrs Black attract customers?A.They played jokes on them.B.They offered them meals 24 hours a day.C.They

17、 let them enjoy meals on the top of their house.D.They put up a notice in front of their restaurant.42.How much English did the foreign student know?A. A lot. B. A little. C. None. D. An average amount.43.The foreign student decided to have at Mr Blacks restaurant. A breakfast B lunch C dinner D. no

18、thing44.Mr Black and the policeman laughed at the young man because .A.he climbed up treesB.he was very hungryC.he misunderstood the noticeD.he was a foreign student45.The phrase “on the house” probably means “ ”.A. 免费的 B. 屋上的 C. 家常的 D. 美味的BWhat happens to your computers, MP3 players and cellphones

19、when theyre broken or you want a new one?Most people just throw them away. In 2014, people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of electronic waste(e-waste) and only recycled 6.5 million tons, the United Nations said. The US was the biggest waster, producing7.1 million tons of waste. China ra

20、nked second, with 6 million tons.Its important to pay attention to e-waste. It can either be valuable or harmful, depending on how we treat it.“E-waste is a valuable urban mine (城市矿藏),” said David Malone, the UN under-secretary-general (副秘书长). The gold, silver, iron (铁) and copper (铜) in e-waste aro

21、und the world are worth some $52 billion (322.1 billion yuan). These materials can be reused and help us save resources.But if people throw their electronics away, toxic (有毒的) chemicals can get into the soil or air, affecting the environment and peoples health. Malone said.To help reduce e-waste, th

22、e first thing we can do is to buy longer-lasting electronic devices. If you have unwanted electronics, such as aging toys or cellphones, find a new home for them by giving them to charities. You can also see if there are any companies that offer recycling programs for their products. Apple, for inst

23、ance, now offers people a discount (折扣) in China if they hand in their used devices when buying new ones. The company will test and repair the used devices and sell them at lower prices.46.When a computer is broken or no longer wanted, most people usually .A. throw it away B. sell it to a second-han

24、d shopC. put it in a closet D. donate it to a charity47.How much e-waste was recycled in 2014?A. 41.8 million tons. B. 6.5 million tons.C. 7.1 million tons. D. 6 million tons.48.The valuable materials in e-waste do NOT include .A. silver B. copper C. steel D. iron49.Which of the following is TRUE?A.

25、China produced the most electronic waste in 2014.B.E-waste does more harm to the environment than to peoples health.C.People can buy new devices at lower price if they sell their old ones.D.Some electronics companies have their own recycling programs.50.What does the story mainly tell us?A.How much

26、e-waste people produce each.B.What people can do to make money from e-waste.C.Why and how we should recycle our e-waste.D.How e-waste has affected the environment.CSometimes the easiest way to get somewhere is on the back of a bike.More and more people are using cars in many places in Africa today.

27、However, things are different in Malawi ( 马 拉 维 ). Bikes are the most popular in this African country.Bike riding is a way of life in Malawi. People use them to carry heavy things.They also use bikes to carry people, especially tourists. These years, taking a “bicycle taxi” to travel around Malawi h

28、as become quite popular among (在 之中) tourists from all over the world.If you go to Malawi, you will find a lot of bike taxis waiting on the sides of the roads. The riders make the bikes comfortable for passengers (乘客) to sit on. You can jump on a bike taxi and get around at a very low cost.Alice is

29、a 21-year-old student from Canada. She enjoys the special bike riding a lot. “I really like the bike taxi,” she says. “Its easy and cheap.” Alice usually pays 1 dollar for going shopping in town.28-year-old Panjira Khombe began to ride a bike taxi two years ago. The young man enjoys this job. “I use

30、d to (过去) make boats for a living (谋生), but thats a hard job. Being a bike taxi rider is easy for me and I dont mind carrying heavy people,” he says.51.In Malawi are the most popular way for people to get somewhere.A. cars B. bikes C. trains D. buses52.Why does Alice enjoy the bike taxi?A.Because it

31、s on the side of the road.B.Because its popular and heavy.C.Because its all over the country.D.Because its cheap and easy.53.How old did Panjira Khombe begin to ride a bike taxi?A. 26 years old. B. 27 years old.C. 28 years old. D. 29 years old.54.From the passage we learn Panjira Khombe thinks that .A.going shopping is easyB.making boats is a hard jobC.riding a bike taxi is cheapD.carrying heavy people is very interesting55.The best title for this passage is .A. Bike Riders B. A Special CountryC. Bike Taxis D. A Cheap Journey五、补全对话(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整

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