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1、优化方案高考总复习英语陕西专用课时作业五必修一优化方案2013高考总复习英语(陕西专用)课时作业五(必修一) 高三英语陕西专用(RJ) 必修一 Unit 5 班级: 姓名: 学号: 课时作业5 Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero .单项填空 1What about traveling to Kunming by air this winter holiday? _,but my father promised to take me to Sydney. ASounds great BAll right CI cant DNo way 2I havent got

2、_clear idea of what she has experienced,but she is now_different Lily from what she was three years ago. A不填;a Ba;a Ca;不填 Dthe;不填 3With no one to_when the tsunami and earthquake in Japan happened,the foreign tourists felt helpless. Aturn to Bturn on Cturn off Dturn over 4Last night,they discussed a

3、number of cases_senior students failed to use the English words in their writing properly. Awhich Bas Cwhy Dwhere 5Only when the government explained the situation_how foolish I was to buy so much salt. AI realized BI had realized Chad I realized Ddid I realize 6Although our boss is very busy,he sti

4、ll_a lot of time to his parents. Adevotes Bspends Coffers Dprovides 7Young as she is,our English teacher is very experienced and_by all of us. Athinks highly of Bhighly thought of Cthinks high of Dhigh thought of 8Do you think the drunken driver will escape_by the law? I dont think so. Ato be punish

5、ed Bpunishing Cbeing punished Dto punish 9The salesperson told me in the e-mail that the brown coat would be cheap but_it cost me nearly $200. Aas a result Bin a word Cin return Das a matter of fact 10The police in that country say there is a $5,000_ for any information that helps them find the pers

6、on releasing the terrible information. Asalary Breward Cprize Dpay 11(2011高考浙江卷)Anyway,I cant cheat himits against all my _. Aemotions Bprinciples Cregulations Dopinions 12With the_financial support from the local people,we were able to raise the necessary $4,000 in just one month. Aaccessible Breli

7、able Cgenerous Dpotential 13Boris,how would you deal with a situation_you were asked to perform a task that seems unreasonable? Athat Bwhich Cwhen Dwhere 14On March 11th,many parts of Japan were struck by an earthquake,from_effects the people are still suffering. Awhich Bwhose Cwhat Dthat 15We all k

8、now that hard working and plain living are fine_of our Chinese people. Aqualities Bmanners Cdeeds Dacts .阅读理解 A (2012福州五校模拟)It was shortly after her daughter was born in 2005 that Deng Zhixin gave birth to an idea to help children who had been abandoned (抛弃) by their parents. While exchanging ideas

9、online with a group of new moms on how to take care of children,Deng came across stories of children born with diseases being left by their parents on the street or in hospitals. “My original intention was to find medical aid for those kids,and give them the love they deserve as much as other childr

10、en,”said Deng,41. With a group of mothers in Beijing in 2007,Deng cofounded (共同创立) Angel Mom,an organization that helps poor orphans who might die without receiving timely medical treatment. Angel Mom collects funds from wealthy people to provide medical help to the disabled children and finds adopt

11、ive parents for them. “We concentrated on seeking financial support for their operations and finding them a family capable of and truly willing to adopt them,” she said. Weeks ago,Deng quit her job for the third time in three years.Before she quit,she was the chief financial operator in a company wi

12、th an annual salary of more than 500,000 yuan. “I couldnt handle the heavy work while taking care of the children at the same time,” Deng said. Angel Mom now maintains cooperation with more than 15 hospitals across the country. As soon as a child arrives,Deng and her partners immediately start seeki

13、ng financial help from wealthy people through personal relationships or accept assistance from certain charities (慈善机构),such as Smile Angel Foundation,founded in 2006 by Chinese singer Faye Wong and her husband Li Yapeng to help children with cleft lips. “It usually takes days or even weeks to find

14、someone who would like to donate a sufficient amount if the childs illness doesnt meet the charity funds requirements,” Deng said,adding that six children have passed away,some due to lack of timely medication. “For me,those children mean responsibility.Sometimes I wish I could let them go but they

15、are already part of my life,” Deng continued,“I chose a special life,but I dont think Im special.” 1Which of the following can best describe Deng Zhixin? AKind-hearted,stubborn,changeable. BResponsible,kind-hearted,helpful. CHelpful,lovable,intelligent. DSpecial,wealthy,diligent. 2The reason why Den

16、g quit her job was that_. Ait was too demanding a job for her to do well Bshe was fed up with it Cshe was not content with the salary offered Dshe found it hard to cope with the two at the same time 3Which of the following does Deng usually do according to the passage? AFind parents to adopt childre

17、n. BPerform operations for the disabled children. CSeek financial help for the children from the government. DHelp to find the parents who abandoned the children. 4What Deng said in the last but one paragraph mainly suggests_. Athe charity funds requirements are too high Btimely medication can preve

18、nt sick children from dying Cthey sometimes have difficulty in finding people willing to donate Dwhen it comes to donation,people should be generous B PALM COASTAgatha Lee described her reaction as “disbelief” when School Board Chairwoman Sue Dickinson called her name last Thursday night at Flagler

19、Auditorium. Lee,a second-grade teacher at Belle Terre Elementary School,was named Flagler Countys Teacher of the Year today.“I was in such a great group of excellent teachers and I was just shocked.”Lee said in an interview after the announcement. Every Flagler school names a Teacher of the Year onc

20、e a year and those nominees (候选人) are considered for the districts award.That winner,along with winners from the states other districts,is then considered for the Florida Teacher of the Year Award,which is announced in July. To be qualified for the teaching award,teachers must encourage continuous l

21、earning,show skillfulness in their subject area,use creative teaching strategies (策略),show leadership and create a caring and respectful environment. Jill Stirling,a kindergarten teacher,Flaglers 2010 Teacher of the Year,said she also met winners from throughout the state to share teaching strategie

22、s and best practices.“I often think of those little people that have made me the teacher I am and the person that I am,” Stirling said. Lee,the following new winner,who is now in her thirteenth year of teaching,came to Flagler County in 2004 after working in Pasco and St.Johns counties.She worked at

23、 the former Indian Trails K-8 school and came to Belle Terre Elementary school when it opened in fall 2005. Lee,who comes from a family of teachers,said she has always enjoyed being with children. “I love watching their faces when they have that ahamoment,” she said. 5How did Agatha Lee feel when sh

24、e was crowned Flagler Countys Teacher of the Year? AExcited. BAstonished. CSatisfied. DProud. 6What did you know about Agatha Lee from the passage? AHer parents are probably also teachers. BShe worked in four counties altogether. CShe has taught in Flagler County since 2005. DShe once shared teachin

25、g strategies with Jill Stirling. 7To be a Flagler Teacher of the Year,one is required to_. Aperform life-long learning Bshow ability of leadership Cbe careful and respectful Dshare teaching strategies 8Which of the following is correct in order of time according to the passage? Lee came to Flagler C

26、ounty. Lee taught in Indian Trails K-8 school. Lee was named Flagler Countys 2011 Teacher of the Year. Lee worked in Pasco and St.Johns counties. Lee was named as Teacher of the Year by Belle Terre Elementary School. A B C D .短文改错 I like riding my bike.Though it is not very new,but it is my best fri

27、end.I find very convenient to go anywhere with a bike.Riding gives me not only exercises but also pleasure.I use my bike almost in summer when the weather is warm and dry.It can be very pleasant in winter when it is cold and rain is pour down.It can also be very dangerous.Of course I will be very ca

28、refully on my bike.In fact,accidents are not the only problem.Once I went to bookstore on my mothers bike to buy some books and come out to find the bike missing.Now I have two strong lock. Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero .单项填空 1选A。答语的后一部分是委婉的拒绝,礼貌的说法是对于对方的建议先给予肯定。因而正确答案是A项。 2选B。have an idea of.对

29、 了解;人名前面或后面有限制性的修饰语,前面可加不定冠词,表示在某时的状态。 3选A。后面的信息felt helpless暗示“无人可求助”,因而选turn to。turn on打开;turn off关掉;turn over 翻转,移交。 4选D。where引导的定语从句修饰先行词cases。当先行词为case,point,stage,position等抽象名词时,定语从句用关系副词where引导。 5选D。only修饰时间状语从句,并位于句首时,主句要倒装,故选D项。 6选A。devote time to sb.把时间花在某人身上。表示“花费(时间)”时,spend与介词in/on搭配。 7

30、选B。此处表示被动意义,be highly thought of意思是“受到高度评价”。 8选C。escape表示“逃避,避免”时后接动词-ing形式作宾语。此处逻辑主语the drunken driver与punish之间为被动关系,因而使用其被动形式。 9选D。由前后句的转折意义看,D项正确,意为“事实上,实际上”。前后分句并无因果关系,因而排除A项。in a word总之;in return作为报答。 10选B。reward报酬,奖金,符合句意。salary薪水;prize表示各种竞赛中获胜者所得到的奖励;pay工资,常作不可数名词。 11选B。句意为:无论如何我都不能欺骗他这违背我做人

31、的原则。本题考查名词辨析。principle常用复数形式,意为:(行为的)准则、规范。如:principles of conduct行为的准则。emotion情感,情绪;regulation规章,规则;opinion意见,看法,主张。 12选C。accessible可接近的;reliable可靠的;generous慷慨的;potential潜在的。根据语境可知,C项正确。generous financial support慷慨的资金支持。 13选D。先行词situation表示“情况”时,用关系副词where来引导定语从句。 14选B。根据句意可知,whose指代先行词an earthquakes,表示人们依然深受地震的影响。 15选A。考查名词辨析。quality品质。句意为:我们都知道艰苦朴素是我们中国人的优良品质。manner礼貌,举止,方式;deed行动,事迹;act行

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