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1、深国交英语真题深国交英语真题-CAL-FENGHAb(2020YEAR-YICA1)_JINGBIANPart I LiStening(25 POintS)QUeStiOn 1LiSten to the following interview With an explorer, and then COnIPlete the details below QUeStiOn 2LiSten to the following interview about a huge crab, and then answer the questions below you Wiil hear the interv

2、iew twice.(a)GiVe One thing that a ViSitOr Can do at a Sea Life Centre(b)GiVe two PhySiCal details about the Centres newest CreatUre.(C) GiVe a reason for the nickname given to the Crab(d)Where exactly do these CrabS USlIally live?(e)What is the CreatUres diet GiVe two details(f)HOW does the huge Cr

3、ab disguise itself?Part II Grammar(15PtS)SeCtiOn A.There are incomplete SentenCeS here Fin in each blank With theproper form Of the WOrd given in the brackets(10 PtS)1When they attain Iegal marriage age and meet Certain medicalrequirements, PeOPIe are free (ChOOSe) their OWn mates.2The flowers (Smen

4、) SWeet in the botanic garden attract thevisitors to thebeautyof nature 3After reading the letter, I feel quite (ShOCk) at your expectationon me. I alsofeel Shamed for having not PerfOrming Weil to meet your demand4.No matter What difficulties you face, you ShOUId try to OVerCOme them in Order tohav

5、e your task (complete).5The girl didn,t Say anything to me. Instead, She Sat in the COrner Stare) at mybehavior.6When he heard the news, he WaS SUrPriSed to OPen his InOUth (wide).7.He told US Ihe= (true) that he had Cheated in the examination5which ShOWed heisn,t a dishonest PerSon.S .It,s amazing

6、that the Old man OVer 70 years OId is Said to have taken Part in the national UniVerSity (enter) examination 4 times.9.nThe SuPerCOmPUter is not OnIy a great achievement by China, but also a boost to the (develop) Of SCienCe and technology for mankind/to.We ShOUld be StrOngIy against that the young

7、graduated from COnege Stin depend On their parents. They ShOUld Iearn to be (depend)when they are ChiIdrenSeCtiOn B ClOZeChOOSe the appropriate answer from 什Ie four ChOiCeS marked by A,B, C and D to make the following ShOrt PaSSage make SenSe(5 PtS)HaVe you ever heard the PhraSe-LOVe is blind If so,

8、 you are already 11 With a type Of mistake in Our attempts to UnderStand others: halo effects ThiS type Of mistake refers to the fact that OnCe We form an OVerall impression Of SOmebOdyJ it COUld haveStrOng effects On OUr 12 Of his PerSOnality. Unfortunately, halo effects are bo什COnInIOn and POWerfU

9、L FOr example, most OrganiZatiOnS COntain One Or more SUPerStarS一PeOPle WhO have earned the reputation for being UnUSUally 13 and CaPable OnCe they have gained SUCh a halo, everything they do receives good 14 .1 deasthat WOUId be regarded as just SO-SO if SUggeSted by SOmeOne else are Seen as 15 Whe

10、n PrOPOSed by these PerSOnS And actions that might be COnSidered risky if taken by OtherS are Seen as brave When Carried OUt by these ChOSen men and WOmen.11 A familiar B. WrOng C. COnneCted D bored12.A. ChOiCeS B. memories C. judgments D requirements13.A .amusing B. COnSCiOUS C. fashionable D. tale

11、nted14.A. COmment B.reply C. effect D OPPortlmity15.A. average B. excellent C funny D SimilarPart III Reading (30 POintS)PaSSage 1Read the following article about the equipmerrt you need When Iearning to Paintf and then anSWer the questions On the OPPOSrte PageTaking UP a new hobby USUaIIy means tha

12、t you have to buy SOme basic equipment to get started. If you HaVe decided that you Want to Iearn how to paint, then you WiIl need to know a IittIe bit about What you have to buy and how to ChOOSe What you need.Learning to Paint is SimiIar to Iearning a new language: both require PraCtiCe and Patien

13、ce. First, you have to ChOOSe WhiCh Paint you are going to use. ACryIiC PaintS are good to Start With as they are quick-drying. ACryliC PaintS are excellent for achieving smooth, Plain COlOUrS and are quite easy to USe On their OWn WithOUl the need to mix them If you do Want to mix the Paints, howev

14、er, Ihere Can be problems. By the time the mixture is made, Ihe Paint may be too dry to be USed. Oil PaintJ On the Other hand, PrOVideS a deeper COIOUrl but is much more difficult to use. It takes a IOng time to dry. SimPIy because the Paint is oil-based rather than Water-based. VbU ShOUld also reme

15、mber that each COlOUr has a different drying rate.YbU need an easy-to-clean SUrfaCe On WhiCh to mix the Painl and you WiIl find a Wide Variety Of mixing SUrfaCeS available. These are CalIed palettes. IfS best to mix Paint With a Palette knife, as is SPeCiaIly desig ned for this PUrPOSe .It is not a

16、good idea to mix Paint With brushes because Ifley absorb SOme Of it and you WiIl not have enough Paint Ieft to WOrk WithThere are four main ShaPeS Of brush to ChOOSe from. Rounds have bristles WhiCh COme to a POint SO that you Can Create PreCiSe IineSFlats* are good for applying areas Of lour and fo

17、r Creating Straight edgesFilberts are tongue-shaped and allow you to Create broad Or narrow marks that Can be curved. Finallyl Brights are ShOrt and USefUl for applying ShOrt SlrOkeS Of thick colour.DeCiding What SUrfaCe you Want to Paint On is important. At the beginning it is PrObabIy best to Star

18、t With PaPer because it is CheaP and easy to prepare. Its best to buy blocks Of PaPer that have been SPeCially PrePared SO that Ihe PaPer doesnt Change ShaPe When Wet and then CaUSe the Paint to CraCk When you are more COnfident you Can begin to COnSider Painting On Other SUrfaCeS SUCh as CanVaS and

19、 wood.(a) HOW is Iearning to Paint Iike Iearning a new language? U(b) What PrObIem Can OCCUr if you Want to mix acrylic paints? 1(C) In WhiCh WayS is OiI Paint different from acrylic paint? GiVe two details 1(d)Why are you advised not to USe a brush to mix paint? 1(e)WhiCh type Of brush WOUld you US

20、e if you Wanted to Paint accurate lines? 1(f)Why are you recommended to Start by Painting On paper? GiVe two details. 1(g)What Can happen if PaPer is not PrOPerIy PrePared for Painting? 1(h)Whal Other SUrfaCeS Can PainterS USe as they become more USed to Painting? 1Total: 8PaSSage 2Read the followin

21、g article about television, and then answer the questions On the OPPOSite PageTeleViSiO nTeIeViSiOn VieWing COntin UeS to grow around the WOrldS eve n though the inter net is now Widely USed for entertainment. ThiS may be because the number Of WayS Of WatChing televisiOn has increased. High definiti

22、on technology, digital television, the USe Of digital VideO recorders and now 3D technology all COntribUte to enjoyable VieWing experiences. ReSearCh reveals that a typical PerSOn VieWS almost 200 minutes Of television a day. The Chart below ShOWS What the SitUatiOn is in a Variety Of regiOnS around

23、 Ihe world.AVerage DailyTVVieWingWe know that many PeOPIe WatCh a IOt Of television SO it is important to ask What effect this may have On Ohiidren. ReSearCh SUggeStS that having the TV On may have a bad effect On young childrens IangUage development by reducing the amount Of nversatiOn between ChiI

24、d and adult. It WaS found Ihat When Ihe TV WaS audible, Ihe number Of WOrdS SPOken by either adult Or ChiId reduced COnSiderably. Surprisingly, even Children WhO WatChed PrOgrammeS that Were described as educational and SPeCifiCaIIy aimed at them Iearnt fewer new WOrdS Ihan Children WhO did not WatC

25、h the programmes. UnIeSS further research ShOWS that Children Under two years OId might benefit from TV, ParentS ShOUld encourage IangUage activities through imaginative play. WhiIe there is SOme evidence Ihat a Iittle TV VieWing may be beneficial for the OVer twos, the evidence for those younger is

26、 IeSS Certain. It is argued that first WOrdS are Iearnt far more effectively from real PeOPle than from VOiCeS On the television. In the USA there is a formal recommendation that ChiIdren Under two years OId ShOUId not be exposed to TV Or COmPUter screens, and a growing body Of evidence is now CaUSi

27、ng governments and health authorities around the WOrld to 8Sider issuing SimiIar guidelines. However, Parents COUld ChOOSe to Iimit VieWing to an hour aday for their Ihree- to five year-olds.ChildhOOd is a CritiCal PeriOd for brain development and the formation Of behaviour Patterns. ParentS have a

28、respOnsibily to ensure that the right COnditiOnS exist for these developments. It is Very helpful if Parents Can teach their ChiIdren how to USe their IeiSUre time more effectively. They Can introduce their Children to sports, music Or Other hobbies. An expert in ChiId behaviour said, *4Children Can

29、 easily be influenced by Ihe PrOgrammeS Ihey WatCh and this Can result in a Wide Variety Of PSyChOlogiCal PrObIems. Often ParentS do not know WhaI their Children are WatChing On television, and it may be that they are being exposed to ProgrammeS WhiCh are Unsuitable.” ReSearCh also ShOWS that televi

30、sion VieWing IeadS to a decrease in PhySiCal activity and an increase in the COnSUmPtiOn Of SUgary drinks and Unhealthy snacks. In PartiCUlar. Children ShOUld not have televisions in their bedrooms as this enCOUrageS them to be inactiveReSearCherS had expected that by the age Of SeVen the influence

31、Of early IeIeViSiOn VieWing On Children WOUId have CliSaPPeared However, they Were ShOCked to find that the early eperience Of television VieWing 8ntinued to have long-term harmful effects On SChOOl PerfOrmanCe and On health.(a) HOW have new technologies affected television VieWing around Ihe world?

32、 Ml(b) ACCOrding to the chart, in WhiCh two regiOnS do PeOPle WatCh betweon 200 and 250 minutes Of television a day? 1(C) HOW does WatChing television affect ChiIdrenS IangUage development? Ml(d)What UneXPeCted effect did educatiOnal PrOgrammeS have On young ChilClrens developme nt? 1(e)What guidelines are the governments Of SOme COUntries COnSidering issuing? 2(f)Why is it importanl for ParentS to know WhiCh televisiOn PrOgranlmeS

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