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1、全国英语阅读二试题及答案12022年10月全国英语阅读(二)试题及答案1 2022年10月全国英语阅读(二)试题及答案1 全国2022年10月高等教育自学考试 英语阅读(二)试题 课程代码:00596 . Directions: Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B. Write the letter of the answer to each word in Column A on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each) A B 1. accrue

2、 3. erase A. using force, threats of punishment B. lasting for only a period of time C. continuous, without break D. to rub or scrape out E. to pass, flow or spread into every part of F. that is liable to be damaged G. to speak or argue in support of H. to become larger or more by addition I. the qu

3、ality of keeping secret J. growing too much in a limited piece of land 2. intensive 4. constant 5. coercion 6. vulnerable 7. permeate 9. plead 8. contemporary 10. confidentiality . Directions: Read each of the following sentences carefully, and choose A, B, C or D that has the closest meaning to the

4、 underlined word or phrase. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each) OFF your soap or washing powder or dog food or whatever. A. transmission C. distraction B. rudeness D. politeness 12. A few years ago, our group at Saclay, a number of other E

5、uropean Laboratories, orbited a telescope. A. along with B. in the light of D. regardless of C. in agreement with other items taken over or repossessed by the lenders. A. homogeneity C. responsibilities A. inaccessible C. abundant A. increasingly C. attributably B. appropriateness D. probabilities B

6、. insufficient D. extinguishable 15. Astrid and I kept talking and the man continued to swing and lurch over us, thanking us B. confidentially D. repeatedly 1 2022年10月全国英语阅读(二)试题及答案1 16. If the greenhouse effect produces lasting climatic change, national color preferences could A. change C. renew B.

7、 come to an end D. start again B. active and lively D. respected A. dull and stupid C. annoyed their national economies will suffer as a result. A. sudden and severe C. clear and simple A. on top of B. slow and continuous D. far and wide B. instead of D. on behalf of B. happy D. greatly surprised 19

8、. More people report they “feel” C. on the point of A. overjoyed C. sad . Directions: Scan Passage 1 and find the words which have roughly the meanings given below. Write the word you choose in the corresponding space on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each) Note: The numbers in the brack

9、ets refer to the numbers of paragraphs in the passage. 21. exact; accurate (1) 22. statement explaining the meaning of a word or expression (1) 23. general (1) 24. to provide more details about something in order to make it clearer (1) 25. to have or use something together with someone else (2) 26.

10、being everywhere at the same time (2) 27. information, usually in the from of facts or statistics that one can analyze (2) 28. to join or bring something or people together so that they become one (3) 29. to plan, prepare, decide on all the details of something (3) 30. to change something into a dif

11、ferent form (3) Passage 1 1. Communication networks are arrangements of hardware and software that allow users to exchange information. This very broad definition will help you begin learning about one of the fastest-growing areas in electrical engineering and computer science. Once we examine some

12、common communication networks, we will develop a more precise definition. We will elaborate on the importance of this field. 2 2022年10月全国英语阅读(二)试题及答案1 2. The telephone network is the most familiar and ubiquitous communication network. It is designed for voice transmission. An office computer network

13、 is a communication network used by organizations to connect personal computers and workstations so they may share programs and data and to link those computers to printers and, possibly, to some other peripherals(e.g., file servers that provide mass storage or plotters). Computer networks also are

14、used in manufacturing plants to connect machine tools, robots, and sensors. The Internet is a network of computer networks that covers most of the world and allows millions of users to exchange messages and computer files and some limited video and audio signals. 3.Although all these systems are com

15、munication networks, they are quite different in the information that they transmit and in the way they are used. Nevertheless, they operate on similar principles. The unifying characteristics of all networks help us develop a definition of communication networks that describes the arrangements of h

16、ardware and software that we study in this text. Each system described is designed to exchange information, which may be voice, sounds, graphics, pictures, video, text, or data, among users. Most often the users are humans, but they also can be computer programs or devices. Before the information is

17、 transmitted, it is converted into bits(zeros or ones). Then the bits are sent to a receiver as electrical or optical signals (electromagnetic waves, to be more precise). Finally, the information is reconstructed from the received bits. This transmission method, called digital transmission, reduced

18、the transmission errors. SECTION 2 READING COMPREHENSION(40 points) IV. Directions: Skim Passage 2 and read the statements given right after the passage and judge whether they are True or False. Write the corresponding answer you choose on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each) Passage 2 1.

19、Everybody feels pain sometimes: the pain in the head that comes after eating ice cream or drinking cold water; the sudden muscular pain; the “stitch” that attacks long-distance runners or others whose activities have put great demands on the oxygen supply of the body. These transient pains are not c

20、ause for alarm; they usually disappear quickly, return rarely and signify very little. 2.In contrast are the unusual, chronic, or exceptionally severe pains that require attention from a doctor, who can determine whether or not they require special care. Angina pectoris(pain of the chest) is a heart

21、 pain that lasts from two or three minutes to ten or fifteen. Identification is extremely important, because special drugs are needed for relief and the doctors understanding and advice may prevent recurrence of the condition. 3.Only a doctor can recognize what are called referred pains. These origi

22、nate at one point, but are felt at another to which they have been carried by the nerves. A person with continuous 3 2022年10月全国英语阅读(二)试题及答案1 pain becomes irritated, tired easily, has difficulty in sleeping, loses appetite, and may even become the victim of what has been called an anxiety state or ne

23、rvous breakdown. Few diseases develop without pain at some state, and many involve so characteristic a pain as to make diagnosis certain. Whenever a pain is so severe, so prolonged, and so unusual as to arouse alarm, a doctor should be consulted. 31.Transient pains should usually be investigated. 32

24、.All chronic pains require special care. 33.Angina pectoris would probably be classified as unusual. 34.Chronic and referred pains are alike in that both last for a long time. 35.Pains can be useful as a signal of the presence of disease. 36.Transient pains are different from referred pains. 37.Pain

25、s can serve as an aid in the diagnosis of disease. 38.A person with continuous pains is usually good-tempered. 39.Chronic pains are felt some distance from their source. 40.All chronic pains can be identified and treated. V. Directions: Read Passages 3 and 4 and choose the correct answer. Write the

26、corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET.(20 points, 1 point for each) Passage 3 1.Every year a great number of babies and young children die or are injured in fires. One out of every five fires is caused by careless smoking or by children playing with matches and lighters. Dont tempt

27、 children by leaving matches or lighters around a room. 2.Never leave a child alone in a house. In just a few seconds they could start a fire. Or a fire could start and trap them. A child will panic in a fire and will not know what to do. Unless a parent is around to help, a child may try to hide un

28、der a bed or in a closet. Home fire drills are a sound idea. The best way to stop panic in case of fire is to know what to do before a fire breaks out. 3.Your first thought in a fire should always be escape. Far too many people become victims because they do not know the killing power and speed of f

29、ire. If a fire is very small and has just started, you can put it out yourself. Do this if you have the proper tools on hand. In any case always send the children outside first. Smoke, not fire, is the real killer in a blaze. According to studies, as many as eight out of ten deaths in fires are due

30、to inhaling fumes long before the flames ever came near the person. 4.Burns are another hazard to tots. Fireplaces, space heaters, floor furnaces, and radiators have all caused horrible burns to babies. Since you cannot watch your child all the time, you must screen fireplaces. Put guards around hea

31、ters and radiators. 5.Some people use a vaporizer or portable heater in a childs room. If you do, be sure you 4 2022年10月全国英语阅读(二)试题及答案1 place it out of reach. Be sure, too, that it is not placed too close to blankets or bedclothes. e care in the kitchen. It is not safe to let an infant crawl or a sm

32、all child walk around the kitchen while you are preparing meals. There is danger of your tripping and spilling something hot on the child. There is even danger of a child pulling in a hot pot off the stove on to herself. Also, do not use tablecloths that hang over the table edge. Children can easily pull the cloth and whatever is on the table down. Be aware of these dangers and protect your child

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