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1、山东自考英语二课后练习题答案代码00015英语2(主编:刘振前张秀丽)第一单元II. 1.She must be more reasonable, but by the same token you must try to understand her.2.Most people contributed something towards the new church buildings.3.She stayed in her room to avoid confrontation with others.4.The way she ordered me really annoyed me.5

2、.The local people were very kind and hospitable.6.A mother will sacrifice her life for her children.7.Enen if Mandy protests that she is not drunk, dont let her drive.8.He didnt even offer to help.9.Its best to cook vegetables with a small amount of water.10. She seldom appears other than happy.III.

3、Translate the following sentences into Chinese1、就如澳大利亚在全国推广学亚洲语言一样,中国也掀起一股外语热,在这股热潮中英语高居榜首。Like the national push for Asian literacy in Australia, there has been foreign languages fervor in china, with English on top of the list.2、英语真的有这么难,需要人们投入大量的时间和精力才能掌握吗?Is English such a difficult language tha

4、t it really demands people to invest a large amount of time and energy before it is mastered?3、从我个人的经验来看,英语学习不仅仅是指学习英语发音和语法规则等。From my personal experience, I think learning English means far more than learning its pronunciation, grammatical rules, etc.4、对英语没有全面的理解,即便有完美的发音、句子结构、措词,一个外国人所讲的英语也会是稀奇古怪甚

5、至难以理解的。Without a complete understanding of the language, the English a foreigner speaks will inevitably sound strange or even unintelligible though there is not anything wrong with his pronunciation, sentence structure and the words he uses. 5、社会风俗习惯增加了学习外语的难度。Social customs and habits contribute to

6、 the difficulty in learning a foreign language.6、由于同样的原因,英语母语者听到“吃了吗?”,会觉得中国人非常好客,在事先毫无准备的情况下会请人吃饭。By the same token, “Have you eaten?” will sound to native English speakers that the Chinese are so hospitable that they invite people to meals off-handedly.7、如果这位外国人此刻正希望品尝一下中国美食,而且又碰巧没有吃饭,他会回答:“太好啦,什么

7、时候?”The foreigner will respond(回答)“Oh, its very nice of you. When?”, if he happens to have a craving(渴望)for Chinese cooking and has not had(现在完成时)his dinner yet.8、汉字和英语这两种文字毫无共同之处,并且中国和西方世界在近代史上很少接触。Chinese has nothing in common with English and China had little contact(联系)with the Western world in

8、modern history.9、英语背景知识既吸引了大量英语爱好者,也使许多人丧失信心。(2006-4刚考过)The background(背景)knowledge of English fascinates(使着迷)large numbers of interested and determined(坚决的)English learners but at the same time disheartens(使气馁)quite a few.10、英语学习中,东西方价值观念是冲突的。The Western and Oriental values are found to be in confr

9、ontation(冲突)in learning English. 11、在涉及表亲的时候,英语母语的人更容易混淆性别。Native English speakers are more gender(性别)blind(判断)when they mention their cousins.12、中国人在英语学习中,只有克服文化障碍,才能很好地掌握英语。A Chinese English learner could not have a good command of English unless he overcomes the cultural barriers(障碍物)in learning

10、English.IV.Any living language is in aconstant state of change.任何一种活生生的语言都是处于不停的变化之中的。That change is gradual(逐渐的)and continuous(连续的).该变化是逐渐并且连续不断的。At any particular moment,it is almost hard to notice like most of the changes that affect your own body.就像影响你身体的大部分变化一样,这种变化在某一特定时刻是很难察觉的。You dont notice

11、 them,身体的这些变化不容易觉察,but youre lucky if it feels as good and serves you as well as ten years ago.但是如果你的身体如十年前一样好的话,你是非常幸运的。In that period of time it has changed.但是在这十年间,你的身体已经发生了变化。It is the same with Language. 语言的变化也是这样的。The most common and the most noticeable(可觉察的)kind of change is what happens to v

12、ocabulary.语言的变化中,最常见、最容易察觉的是词汇的变化。New words appear;old words take on new meanings. 新词出现,老词增加新义。Even the native speaker might feel surprised. 即使是母语者对这些变化也会感到吃惊的。Mouse began to mean a small,hand-held device which can be used to give instructions to a computer to which it is connected by a short cable(

13、电缆).Mouse一词开始表示一种小型的手动装置,这种装置通过一根短短的导线连到计算机上,可以向计算机发指令。To describe a person as green is a way of saying that he is naive(缺少经验的)or inexperienced.Green可以用来描述一个人缺少经验。Now the word indicates a whole philosophy of life or a political opinion,目前这个词表示一整套生活哲学和政治观点。and we have greenism(绿色主义)which is supported

14、 by greenists.我们现在有绿色主义这种提法,绿色主义者支持这种提法。In their shopping they will look for products which carry greenlabeling(绿色标志)which indicates that they have been made in a way which is not harmful to the environment. 购物时,他们寻找带有绿色标志的产品。绿色标志代表该产品的生产过程对环境是无害的。Such products are eco-friendly(有利于生态环境的)and they are

15、 preferred by those who are eco- conscious.这种商品是无害于生态环境的,有生态意识的人偏爱这种产品。第二单元II.1.Ive gone through all my pockets but I cant find my keys.2. As to correcting our homework, the teacher always makes us do it ourselves.3. If he cant manage hell have to be replaced.4. Its time that some of the old apartme

16、nt blocks were torn down.5. There was a monument in honor of those who died for their country.6. He glanced nervously at his watch when he was waiting for the bus.7. International tensions lessened after the end of the Cold War.8. They were trying to persuade the UN to adopt an aggressively anti-Ame

17、rican resolution.9. People usually associate Japan with high tech consumer products.10.He has never belonged to a trade union.III.Translate the following sentences into Chinese1、这是我来美国后第一次回家探亲。It was the first time Id gone back home since coming to the United States.2、你对那些只与男人有关的事情发表意见。You speak on

18、matters that are of concern(涉及)only to men.3、在过去的六年和美国人的交往中,我逐渐学会了他们的一些做法。Through my association(交往)with Americans during the past six years, I had gradually(逐渐地)adopted(采用)some of their ways. 4、我不再属于旧世界,但还未被新世界接纳。I no longer belong to the old world and the new world has not yet accepted me.5、我不再将香港

19、视做我的故乡,感到无家可归。I no longer consider Hong Kong my home and feel homeless.6、香港发生了巨大的变化,有些地方都认不出来了。Things had changed so much in Hong Kong that I didnt recognize parts of it. 7、我提前三周结束了这次访问,回到美国。I cut my visit short by three weeks and came back to the United States. 8、他们对我渐渐地疏远起来,不像开始时那么友好。They graduall

20、y(逐渐地)became less warm and friendly toward me. 9、我母亲特意为我准备了一顿饭。My mother prepared a special dinner in my honor.10、在讨论中,他们不会做一个沉默的旁观者。They dont take a silent(沉默的)back seat during a discussion. 11、回来之后我的困惑和苦恼并没有减轻。Coming back here didnt lessen(减少)my confusion(混乱)and pain.12、我曾经住的那条街上的房子被拆掉了,代之而起的是办公大楼

21、。The houses on the street where I used to live had been torn down(拆卸)and replaced by office buildings. .“Culture shock” occurs as a result of total immersion in a new culture.“文化冲击”是完全浸人一种新文化所产生的结果。It happens to” people who have been suddenly moved abroad”.这一现象经常发生在“突然移居国外的人”身上。Newcomers may be anxi

22、ous because they do not speak the language,know the customs,or understand peoples behavior in daily(ad. 每日地,日常地a. 每日的,日常的)life.初来乍到者与当地人讲不同的语言,不了解当地的习俗,也无法理解人们日常生活中的行为。他们会因此而感到焦虑不安。The visitor finds that ” yes ” may not always mean ” yes ”,旅游者发现“是”并非总代表“赞同”,that friendliness does not necessarily mea

23、n friendship,友好不一定代表友谊,or that statements that appear to be serious are really intended as jokes.听起来严肃的话语也许只是玩笑。The foreigner may be unsure as to(至于)when to shake hands or hug,外国人无法确定什么情况下该握手,什么情况下该拥抱,when to start conversations,什么时候开始说话,or how to approach a stranger.如何结识陌生人。The notion(概念)of “cultur

24、e shock” helps explain feelings of bewilderment(n.困惑).“文化冲击”可以帮助我们解释这种困惑感。Language problems do not account for all the frustrations(n.挫折)that people feel.语言并非造成人们这种挫折感的全部原因。When one is deprived(vt.夺去)of everything that was once(adv.一次)familiar(a.熟悉的;冒昧的), such as understanding a transportation syste

25、m,knowing how to register for university classes,or knowing how to make friends.difficulties in dealing withthe new society may arise.像交通系统,注册大学课程,交友等这些一个人曾经熟悉的一切全部消失,他在新社会中肯定会碰到一些困难。第三单元II. 1. She dipped into American history in U.S.A. a few years ago.2.Edison acquired his knowledge through hard wo

26、rk and experience.3.His presence of mind never deserted him4.It was reported that thousands of people failed to survive the Titanic shipwreck.5.Doing housework is a real bore.6. Some of the land would be impossible to cultivate. 7.About 90% of the whole population of China is literate, and the rest

27、10% is illiterate.8.The moon emerged from behind the clouds.9.These figures are not consistent with the results obtained in previous experiments.10. These young seedlings(幼苗)required looking after carefully when the owner was away.III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese1、不要在朋友困难的时候抛弃他。Ne

28、ver desert(放弃)him when your friend is in the trouble. 2、发展国民经济是政府的一贯政策。To improve national economy(经济)is the governments consistent(一贯地)policy.3、中国在这问题上标明了立场。China took a stand on these issues.4、不理睬他们的建议是不对的。It is wrong to ignore(不理睬)their suggestions.5、我总是先开始工作,而不愿把事情留到最后才做。I always prefer(更喜欢)star

29、ting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute. 6、请务必在我外出的时候照顾好我的孩子。Please see(to it)that my children are taken good care of when I am away.7、一个词准确的意思只能在上下文中来确定。The precise(准确的)meaning of one word can only be defined(定义)from the context(上下文). 8、警察的教育使这个罪犯走上了正路。The instruction(教育)of th

30、e policeman set the convict(罪犯)on the right path(小路). 9、当前,有许多人打着科学的旗号干一些违法的事情。Nowadays, many people commit(干坏事)illegal(违法的)acts in the name of science. 10、这种车票(仅在发售当天)有效。These tickets are available(有用的)on(the)day of issue only. 11、你们没有任何权力进入这所房子,这是私宅。You dont have any authority(权力)for entering this

31、 house, Its private(私有的). 12、我希望你对我的建议作出肯定的表示。I hope you will give favorable(赞成的)consideration(考虑)to my suggestion. 13、我们很多人再也没有静下来读上一小时书所必需的那种心情了。Many of us no longer have the peace of mind necessary to a quiet hour with a book.14、手不释卷是(活在世上)真正的人。A person with a book is a real person alive on the e

32、arth;IV.Great books deal(v t.对付;应付,常与with连用)with the persistently unsolved problems of human life.重要的书籍是用来解决人类生活中难以解决的问题的。There are genuine(a.真的;真正的)mysteries(n.神秘小说,侦探小说)in the world that mark the limits(n.极限)of human knowing and thinking.世界上确实有一些限制人类知识和思维的真正神秘的东西。Inquiry not only begins with wonder,but usually ends with it also.询问不仅开始于疑惑,也结束于疑惑。Great minds acknowledge(vt .承认;表示感谢)mysteries honestly.伟人都承认神秘的存在。Wisdom(n.智慧,聪明,才智)is

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