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第四套新人教版七年级英语下册Unit 5四课时.docx

1、第四套新人教版七年级英语下册Unit 5四课时o you like pandas ?Section B 1a-2e Period4Teaching and learning Goals:一.功能:1.能够描述各种常见动物,做简单的对话。(Describe animals)-Pandas are kind of interesting .-The dog is really cute .-Lions are scary .2.能够表达自己对动物的喜好:(Express preferences)A:Why do you like tigers ? B:Because they are really

2、 cool.3.初步尝试在听力中抓关键信息。二常用词汇短语和表达:1.争取能够掌握以下词汇,短语(useful expressions):friendly shy kind of 2.能运用句型:- A:Why do you like tigers ? B: Because they are really cool.- A:What animals do you like ? B: I like elephants 3.争取能够正确使用why ,what, 和 where引导的特殊疑问句。 三学习策略:(Strategies)1.能听懂有关动物描述话题的听力材料,并能获得相关信息。2.能会使用

3、形容词描述一些动物。四情感态度(Emotional education) 1. 了解世界各地的典型动物,了解一些珍稀动物。2. 唤起学生保护动物的意识,倡导学生做自己力所能及的事情来关爱动物、关爱自然。Teaching and learning steps:Step I. Pre-listening activities1. PreviewTranslate the phrases and the sentences1.一个有趣的动物 _ 2. 一只友好的熊猫_3. 有点可爱 _ 4.他们很懒 _5.你喜欢什么动物?我喜欢大象。_6.你为什么喜欢狗? _7.我喜欢狗因为他们友好而且聪明。_8.

4、你想去哪里? _ (设计说明:本部分词组和句子单词为学生的预习作业,词组和句子都是本节课的重要语言知识,该部分预习内容可以帮助学生更有目的听。为下一步听扫除障碍,降低听力难度,同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。)2. Lead inPlay a guessing game 1. Its big and fat.Its shy and cute.Its black and white.What is it ?2. Its quiet and gentle.Its tall.It has a very long neck.What is it ?3. It

5、s strong and big. It looks like a cat.It eats meat and runs fast.Its the king(国王) of the forest. What is it ? 4. It has a long nose.Its two big ears look like fans(扇子).It is the biggest animal on land. What is it ?After the guessing game, ask the Ss:“The animals are lovely, what animals do you like”

6、The Ss would answer “I like ”Then ask “Why do you like ?”(1)Show some pictures of animals, give a model first then let them ask and answer in pairs:A: What animals do you like? B: I like tigers.A: Why do you like them?B: Because they are strong. A:_B:_A:_B:_A:_B:_A:_B:_A:_B:_A:_B:_A:_B:_A:_B:_AA:_B:

7、_A:_B:_(设计意图: 因为是复习上节课所学,句子不必写出来,让学生根据图片自由做对话。)Please write them down1. smart _ 2. friendly _ 3. beautiful _ 4. cute _5. lazy _ 6. scary_ 7. small _ 8. shy _The teacher points out the sample answer. As students work, the teacher moves around the classroom offering to answer questions as needed.Then

8、check answers.(设计说明:先给学生们创设易于理解和表达的语境,利用图片,设置语境,呈现生词及短语,既复习了上节课所学内容,又引入了对本节课的学习,有利于学生准确地理解和记忆。并逐步引导学生们在实际运用中练习所学,从而引入要学的新内容,以及教学生怎样新旧结合。)Step II. While-listening activitiesT: Now I will play a recording of a conversation between Tony and Mary.1.Listening for the general idea of the conversation. The

9、 general idea of the conversation is about _. A. the animals B. the places C. the students.2. Listening for 1b. 3. Listen to the conversation more carefully and find the specific ideas in 1c. (1)Call attention to the three headings: Animals, Marys words and Tonys words(2) Play the same recording aga

10、in. Ask students to listen and fill in the chart with the animals Mary and Tony talk about and the adjectives they use to describe the animalsAnimalsMarys wordsTonys wordselephantspandasThen check the answers.4.Listen again and have students fill blanks with the words they hear.Tony: Where do you wa

11、nt to go now?Mary: Lets see the_.Tony: The elephants? Why do you like elephants?Mary: Oh, theyre _.And theyre really_.Tony: Yes, but theyre _,too.Mary: Oh, Tony! So where do you want to go?Tony: Lets see the _.Theyre _ _ _.Mary: Oh, yeah. I love pandas. Theyre_. But theyre also_ _ _.Where are they?T

12、ony: Theyre over there, not far from the koalas.Then check the answers.5. Listen to the conversation more carefully and read after the tape.1).Read after the tape then ask and answer in pairs .2).Choose some groups of them to talk about it in front of the class.( 设计意图:通过本项训练,旨在培养学生获取重要信息的能力,并能通过上下文来

13、猜测,核对信息。本环节所设计的空格正好用来检测前面所学过的单词和本单元生词课所学的形容动物的一些词。通过授课,一些形容词很容易听出来。建议在听听力之前给予提醒,本段听力所涉及的形容词是重点。)Step III. Post-listening activities1.Ask students to read the conversation in 1c by following the tape.Then make a short report according to the conversation.For example: Mary likes_ because she thinks th

14、eyre_ and really _, but Tony thinks theyre _,so he doesnt like them very much. Both Mary and Tony like _because they think the pandas are _ , _ and even kind of _. (设计意图:本部分的内容重在培养学生们跟读磁带复述的能力,同时通过对所听内容的改写引导学生更好地内化语言知识。)Pairwork and groupwork(1) PairworkAsk students to talk about the animals they kn

15、ow with their partners. Before talking, the teacher can make a sample with one of the students. For example:T: Do you like animals?S1:Yes, I do.T: What animals do you like?S1: I like elephants.T: Why do you like elephants?S1:Because theyre cute . What animals do you like?T: I like dogs because theyr

16、e friendly and smart.Ask students to work in pairs to make their own conversations. As they work, the teacher can move around the classroom checking on progress. Then ask some pairs to act out their conversations to the class.(设计意图:此部分重在引领学生根据听力部分,通过模仿对话,来恰当的运用本节课的重点单词和句型。)(2) Make a survey in group

17、s.Get the students to survey what animals their classmates in their groups like and dislike and give the reasons. Then fill in the chart below :What animals do (dont) you like? Why?NamesAnimals he/she likes ReasonsAnimals he/she dislikesReasonsI koalas cute lions uglyReport: In my group, I like koal

18、as because theyre cute.But I dont like lions because theyre ugly. xxx likesbecause theyre,but she/he doesnt likebecause theyre . (设计说明:通过问卷调查的形式让学生感兴趣,愿意参与,同时为学生们创设较为真实的语用环境,使学生们体会所学的语言是真实可用的,本部分的内容重在培养学生们口头表达的能力,同时通过复述做对话引导学生更好地内化语言知识。)StepIV. EmotionaleducationThe teacher shows students a short vi

19、deo about animals.Then the teacher can ask students “What can we do?What should we do? ”Students say something about the video if they like.Finally, the teacher can conclude like this: People and animals live together in the world. Animals are our friends. We should love them and protect them.(设计意图:

20、情感教育是教育的一部分,贯穿和渗透于教育的各部分及始终。这里借用一个有关濒危动物的视频,引导学生感受现在一些动物的现状,唤起学生保护动物的意识,倡导学生做自己力所能及的事情来关爱动物、关爱自然,并为下一节课做情感和常识等方面的铺垫Step V. Summary:Inquiry into knowledge by translation1.Why do you like elephants ? _Because theyre cute. _(1) 第一句是why引导的_疑问句,其构成是“Why+do/does+主语+动词原形+其他?”why为疑问副词,意为“_”,用来询问_,其答语常用_引导。此

21、“Why dont you +动词原形+其他?”是向别人提出_,意为“_”。第二句中 because 是连词,意为“_”,用来陈述_,回答_引导的特殊疑问句。(2)请翻译下面的句子。 (a)你为什么英语说得如此好?_ (b)因为我每天和我的搭档练习它。 _ (c)你为什么不去那儿呢?_ (d)I dont like math because its kind of difficult. _2. I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart. _ (1) friendly是形容词,意为“_”,它是由名词_加后缀ly 转化而来的,其反义词为unfrie

22、ndly,意为“_”。be friendly to sb意为“_”,指对别人的态度好、热情,相当于_。(2) 请翻译下面的句子。(a)她的脸上露出亲切的微笑。There is a _ smile on her face. (b)商店里的那个人很不友好。The person in the shop is _. (c)我的同学都对我很友好。_Step VI. Homework 1. Make your own conversations using some pictures of animals . ( )2. Preview next period.( ) 本节课亮点:1. 预习部分的内容是帮

23、助学生更好地了解听力活动的内容,为听听力降低些难度,该部分预习内容可以帮助学生更有目的性的听。同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。为更好掌握本课时的知识提供便利。2.导入部分,引用猜谜游戏和展示一些彩色图片从视觉上吸引学生,让学生更容易感兴趣,也更容易在语境中去理解句型。先给学生们创设易于理解的语用情景,并逐步引导学生们在实际运用中运用所学句型。根据图片或学生自己的实际做对话,效果很好。3. 听后活动为学生们创设了较为真实的语用环境,其中的问卷调查使学生们体会到所学的语言是真实可用的。使用注意事项:1.听后活动是听力的输出部分,教师可以根据时间再具体调控

24、量的多少。翻译探究部分要先让学生自己动脑思考,不会可与小组成员讨论解决,教师只可起点拨作用。2预习内容一定要提前布置给学生,便于学生更有目的性的去预习,提高课上做题速度。Keys:1. PreviewStep I. Pre-listening activities(1-d; 2-b/e/f; 3-b/d; 4-e/f; 5-c/f; 6-a/c; 7-f; 8-e)Step II. While-listening activities1.A 2. smart, beautiful,cute, lazy, shy3.AnimalsMarys wordsTonys wordselephantsin

25、teresting and smartlazypandasbeautiful and kind of shykind of cute4. elephants, interesting, smart, lazy, pandas, kind of cute, beautiful, kind of shyStep III. Post-listening activities1. elephants, interesting, smart, lazy, pandas, beautiful, kind of cute, kind of shyStep .Inquiry into knowledge by

26、 translation答案:1.你为什么喜欢大象? 因为它们很可爱。(1)特殊 为什么 原因 because 建议 为什么不 因为 原因或理由 why(2) (a) Why do you speak English so well?(b) Because I practice it with my partner every day.(c)Why dont you go there?(d)我不喜欢数学,因为它有点儿难。2.(1)友好,和蔼可亲的 friend 不友好的 对某人友好be kind to sb(2) (a) friendly(b) unfriendly(c) My classmates are all friendly to me.

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