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Module 3 Unit 1.docx

1、Module 3 Unit 1Module 3 Unit 1新课标单词sense n. 感觉;感官;意义; vt. 感觉到fog n. 雾truth n. 事实;真理observe vt. 观察;注意到;观察到rest n. 其他;其余glance vi & n 瞥,扫视nowhere adv. 无处,到处都不footstep n. 脚步声;脚步deserted adj. 空无一人的;被离弃的sight n. 视野;视力;视觉in sight看得到。在视力范围之内rough adj. 粗糙的brush vt. 轻擦,轻拂,掠过beat vi. (心脏)跳动fear n & vt 害怕,恐惧so

2、ft adj (声音轻的),轻柔的still adj 静止的,不动的darkness n 黑暗second n 秒,片刻stare vi 凝视,盯着看step n 台阶firmly adv 坚定地,牢牢地helper n 帮助者rare adj 稀有的,罕见的pay back报答;偿还(债款)freeze vt & vi (使)僵住,呆住confidently adv. 自信地personally adv 亲信,当面smell n 气味,嗅觉reduce vt 减轻;减少volunteer n 志愿者experiment n 实验,试验sniff vt 嗅,闻unpleasant adj 令人

3、不快的related adj 相关的,有联系的change n 变化date n (datum的复数)数据add vt 补充说,补充,添加link vt & vi 联系;相关联;连接overall adj 总体的,全部的stressed adj 紧张的,感到有压力的blood n 血,血液misuse vt 误用,滥用everyday adj 日常的,每天的television n 电视touch n 触觉;接触 vt 触摸;ignore vt 影视 deeply adv 深,沉,深深地ache vi & n 疼痛snowstorm n 暴风雪destination n 目的地impossib

4、le adj 不可能的sweat vi 出汗,流汗 n 汗,汗水sudden adj 突然的muscle n 肌肉temporarily adv 临时地,暂时地fly vt 空运treatment n 治疗,处理,对待hopefully adv 有希望地accept vt 接受,接纳method n 方法tap n & vi 轻拍display n 展品whisper vt & vi 低声说,耳语, n 耳语type n 型号;类型great white shark 大白鲨movie n 电影fierce adj 凶猛的,强悍的chance n 可能性,几率,机会drawn vt & vi 溺

5、死,淹死latter adj (两者中)后者的 n (两者中)后者likely adj 可能的deadly adj 致命的wound n 伤口,创伤 vt 使受伤distance n 距离jewellery n 珠宝shiny adj 发亮的,光亮的avoid vt 避开,避免water sports水上运动tip n 建议panic vi & n 惊慌,恐慌stick vt 将刺入lightning n 闪电课文出现短语1. as well2. sign language3. even if4. make great achievements5. at lunchtime6. step in

6、to7. glance at8. set off 9. beat with fear10. wish for11. be off12. pay back13. get across14. have in common15. follow ones advise16. overall health17. rather than18. sleep deeply19. make ones way to 20. get close to21. move on22. lose sight of23. sweat with fear24. manage to do sth25. in the distan

7、ce26. work out a plan27. be grateful to 28. in the near future29. compared to30. be known as31. in sight32. reach out33. be frozen with34. be related to35. be linked to36. make sense37. make the most of38. cant help (doing)39. warm up40. be responsible for41. all of a sudden42. ring out43. make prog

8、ress44. bang into45. feed on46. pay back47. stare (up) at48. watch out for 一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1. As Polly o_ the passengers on the train, she sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.2. When Polly got to the station entrance, it was d_.3. . but by the time she r_ t

9、he corner of the street, the footsteps were gone.4. She could feel her heart b_ with fear.5. A few seconds later, a hand reached out and t_ her arm.6. Polly found herself s_ (盯着看) up at a man standing with his hand r_(靠)on her arm.7. You see, a fog this bad is r_. It gives me the c_ to pay back the

10、help that people give me when its sunny.8. If anyone knows this kind man, please contact me through the newspaper so I can thank him p_.9. The possibility that pleasant smells might r_ pain has recently been suggested by new research.10. During the experiment, volunteers were asked to sniff pleasant

11、 smells such as vanilla, and u_ smells such as durians.11. One explanation is that womens sense of smell developed long ago, and is l_ to recognizing the smell of babies.12. One reason why we become s_ and have high blood pressure is that we misuse our senses in our everyday life.13. I felt so tired

12、 that I couldnt help wondering whether or not I could get to my d_.14. The fact was that now I was f_ by fear, not by cold.15. In the distance I could see thunder and l_ coming.16. Liu Weihai was a_ by a wild animal three months while leading a group of tourists in the mountains, and lost his left h

13、and. 17. Sharks do not f_ on humans if they have the choice.18. However, therere still two other sharks which are _ (凶猛的).19. Do not wear bright clothing or jewellery because sharks are a_ to colors and shiny objects.20. If a shark attacks you, s_ your finger in the sharks eye.二句型转换1. deserted (adj.

14、) (v.)2. observe (v.) (n.) (adj.)3. stressed (adj.) (n./vt.)4. confidently (adv.) (n.) (adj.)5. reduce (v.) (n.) (adj.)6. accept (v.) (n.) (adj.)7. truth (n.) (adj.) (adv.) 8. related (adj.) (v.) (n.) (n.) 9. deeply (adv.) (adj.) (n.) (vt.) 10. deadly (adj.) (adj.) (n.) (v.) 三用方框内所给短语的适当形式完成下列句子。rin

15、g out, warm up, make ones way, make the most of, be related to, be frozen with, take turns, bang into, feed on, 1. All of a sudden, I heard a loud noise _ through the cold air.2. I thought that I needed a hot cup of soup to _ me _ and give me some energy.3. I had been out in the snow for three hours

16、 and I couldnt feel my hands. So I _ slowly back to the research camp.4. Scientists say that _ our senses when we are young ca nkeep us healthy later on in life.5. Researchers are interested in whether the sense of smell _ pain and whether men and women have the same senses.6. I _ fear for a moment,

17、 but then I decided you had a kind voice.7. The low number of attacks that happen every year proves that sharks do not _humans if they have other choices.8. When discussing a problem, group members can _ narrating and holding pictures.9. She walked so far back that she _ another painting on the wall

18、. 四. 句型结构1.有时不同的感觉互相影响。(P1)Sometimes senses another / each otherOur teachers require us students _(互相尊敬).You two should _(互相帮助).2. the truth is that _ (雾太大,公交车跑不了那么远). (P2) 他太小不能自己过马路。_. The case is _ (太重你搬不动).that; this表程度,饰adj.; adv. 200 km per hour? I _ (不可能开那么快的). _ (这么大的雾很罕见).3. Wh

19、ile _ (其余的乘客)were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her. (P2)rest _ (你们其余人做什么)?The rest of the water _ (被污染了). The man stopped and _ (让马休息一下). rest on/upon/against _ He rested his head on the back of the chair._.4. with + O + to do/doing/done (P3) With his leg _ (break), he had to lie in

20、bed for a long time. With so much work _ (do), I am always busy. With the kitchen _ (repair), they have meals in the living-room. With the workers _ (repair) the kitchen, they have meals in the living-room. With nothing _ (type), he told his secretary to have a rest.5. have nothing/little/anything/s

21、omething/much/a lot to do with. (P11) Our senses _(和我们的全面健康有关). Do you have _ (与. 有关) the accident? Dont blame her. My failure _(跟她无关).6. I couldnt help wondering. (P11) The boy _ (看到妈妈忍不住哭了). Young people often _(禁不住跳起舞) as soon as they hear this kind of music.7. _ (被鲨鱼袭击的可能性) are small _ (与. 相比) o

22、ther dangers. Seize any chance _ (显示你的能力). chance v. 碰巧= happen It chanced that he was having lunch when I went to his home. =He _ _ _ _lunch when I went to his home.8. The latter two types of attack are more likely to be deadly for humans. 明天他可能要去广州度假。 _. =_.五. 语法应用 Noun clauses have the same funct

23、ions in a sentence as those of nouns or noun phrases. A noun clause can be used as the subject of a sentence or the object of a verb or a preposition. We can use it as an empty subject or object. We can also use a noun clause as the predicative of be or in apposition to a noun.We use that, if / whet

24、her or a question word to begin a noun clause. Eg. 1. _ (我能回报人们给我的帮助) makes me happy. 2. I wonder _(那是不是个好主意). 3. The problem lies _ (在于) the mist may become a thick fog. 4. I didnt tell him anything _ (除了我找不到返回的路). 5. He said he liked rain very much and _ (他不用伞) when it was raining. 6. I want to kn

25、ow _ (whether/if) or not the train goes to King Street. 7. _ (Whether/If) it is going to clear up keeps me wondering. 8. Im not certain about _ (if/whether) I have done anything wrong. 9. Whatever gave you the idea _ (我会唱歌)? 10. My question is _ (你会不会说英语).六. 单项选择 1. There might be some snakes ahead, so you should _ for them. A. pay attention to B. take notice C. watch out D. look up 2. I am sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty good _ of directionA. sense B. idea C.

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