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人教版八下 Unit 1 精选拓展阅读组合训练.docx

1、人教版八下 Unit 1 精选拓展阅读组合训练阅读理解一Health is important for usBut how can we keep healthy?First,you should eat vegetables and fruit four or five times a weekThen you should eat some tofu products(制品)every day because they are good for people,both the young and the oldMilk is also necessary,especiallyfor wom

2、enSo you should have milk twice a dayIt can help you to be healthyNext,doing morning exercises is betterYou can do morning exercises or evening exercisesAfter dinner,you should take a walk1You should eat_four or five times a weekAfish and fruit Bvegetables and mutton Ctofu Dvegetables and fruit2Tofu

3、 products are good for_Ayoung people Bold people Cthe young and the old Donly students3The word“especially”means“_”in Chinese A重要的 B尤其 C除了 D另外4You should have milk_ Afour times a day Bfive times a day Ctwice a day Dtwice a week5The passage(文章)mainly(主要地)talks about_Ahow to keep healthy Bwhat health

4、is Cwhy health is important Dhow often you can eat tofu products阅读理解二 A man went to see a doctor“Open your mouth,”the doctor saidThen the man opened his mouth and the doctor looked in quickly “Its clear whats wrong with youYou need more exercise,”the doctor said “But,doctor,”the man said,“I dont thi

5、nk” “Dont tell me what you think,”the doctor said“I am the doctor,not youI know what you needI see hundreds of people like youNone of them get any exerciseThey sit in offices all day and in front of the television in the eveningWhat you need is to walk quickly for at least 20 minutes a day” “Doctor,

6、you dont understand,”the man said“I” “I dont want to hear any excuses,”the doctor said“You must find time for exerciseIf you dont,you will get fat and have health problems when you are older” “But I walk every day,”the man said “Oh,yes,and I know what kind of walking that isYou walk a few feet to th

7、e train station from your house,a few more feet from the station to your office,and a few more feet from your office to a restaurant for lunch and backThats not real walkingIm talking about walking in the park for twenty minutes every day” “Will you listen to me,doctor?”the man shouted,getting angry

8、 with this doctor who thought he knew everything“Im a postman,”the man went on,“and I walk for seven hours every day”6The postman went to see the doctor because_Ahe thought he was ill Bhe was too fat and could not walk quicklyCsomething was wrong with his foot Dthere was something wrong with his mou

9、th7Why did the doctor not listen to the man?AThe postman spoke to him like a doctor BHe really wanted to help the postmanCHe thought he knew the mans problem DThe man was slow in speaking8The doctor thought many people had health problems only because they_Adid not have enough exercise Bdid not eat

10、healthy foodCspent much time watching TV Dwere working in offices9Which of the following is true?AThe postman sent letters on foot BThe doctor had a walk in a park every dayCThe postman lived near a train station DThe postman went to see the doctor on foot10The story happened_Anear the post office B

11、in the doctors room Cnear the playground Din the mans office完型填空一 If you have the flu(流感),its very important to stay home from school. Because it is a(n) 16 that could make some people ill. We should 17 it spreading(蔓延) around. The flu is a fever 18 one or more of these: cough, sore throat or headac

12、hes. If you have the flu, home is the 19 place to stay.If you stay at home, you wont make other people ill. And if you have the flu, 20 at home is what you need to get better.Take these steps(步骤) if you feel 21 :Tell your parents. They will call the 22 to talk about whether(是否)you have the flu or so

13、me other illness.Stay home from school and other 23 places. Also, try not to make other people in your family ill. Do that by washing your hands 24 .Get rest, drink more water and youll feel better fast. Be sure to tell your parents how youre feeling 25 they can take good care of you.Go back to scho

14、ol only when youre feeling better.16Aillness Bhappiness Chope Dway17Alet Bstop Ckeep Dhave18Afor Bon Cabout Dwith19Agood Bwell Cbetter Dbest20Aeating Bplaying Cstudying Dresting21Ahungry Bangry Cill Dbored22Ateacher Bworker Cdoctor Dsinger23Anice Bimportant Cdifferent Dcrowded24Ahardly Boften Cseldo

15、m Dnever25Aso Bor Calthough DbutDear Dr. Ramsey,I seem to get colds all the time. I wonder if (是否) there is 26 I can do to stop getting them. What should I do if I have a cold?ShirleyDear Shirley,Most people get colds by touching things that another person with a cold once touched. You can 27 catch

16、a cold by shaking hands. 28 if someone you know has a cold, you should try not to use the same cups, dishes or telephone.Many doctors 29 that vitamin C can help stop colds. They 30 people to take some vitamin C when they start to get cold symptoms (症状). You can also have a try. But if it doesnt work

17、, you should go to the 31 .To fight a cold, the body 32 healthy food. If you have a cold, you should eat well, but not eat too much. And you should drink lots of water. Also be sure to get enough 33 and stay warm. When you get a cold, having a good rest is important and 34 .When you have a cold, you

18、 should also try to protect (保护) other people. Cover your mouth and nose 35 a tissue (纸巾) when you cough. Wash all the things that you touch with very hot water before anyone else uses them.Dr. Ramsey26Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything27Anever Bonly Calready Deven28ASo BOr CBut DUntil29Amind

19、 Bforget Cbelieve Drefuse30Apromise Badvise Cwait Dsend31Ahospital Bmuseum Ccinema Drestaurant32Ashows Bgives Cneeds Dloses33Asleep Bmoney Cexperience Dpractice34Aspecial Bexpensive Cfunny Duseful35Aover Bwith Cfor Dof任务型阅读一Most people have a body temperature of around 37. Some people have a normal

20、temperature that is a little higher, others have a normal temperature that is a little lower.Most peoples body temperature even changes a little bit during the whole day. Its usually a little lower in the morning and a little higher in the evening. For most kids, their body temperature stays when th

21、e same from day to day until germs(细菌)go into their body.When a fever starts, your body will get hotter than usual at first, and then you may feel very cold even though the room isnt cold Its very important for you to drink much water when you have a fever,because there isnt enough water in your bod

22、y as your body gets hotter.The fever isnt a big problem. When you have a fever, you should have a good rest and drink much water. After a few hours, the fever may go away on its own. So many doctors agree that many people with a fever dont need to take any special medicine unless the fever is making

23、 them very uncomfortable.36What is the normal body temperature of most people? _37For most kids, does their body temperature stay the same?_38How do you feel when a fever starts?_39What should you do when you have a fever?_40Why do many doctors agree that many people with a fever don t need to take

24、any special medicine?_短文填空 一Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man.At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.2641 (go) along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man 42 (lie) on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for help. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus withou

25、t 43 (think) twice He got off and asked the woman what 44 (happen). She said that the old man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act45 (quick). He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers 46 (get)

26、 off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed 47 (go) with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man on the bus.Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors 48 (save) the man in time. “Its sad that many people 49 (not want) to help others because they dont wan

27、t any trouble,” says one passenger. “But the driver didnt think about 50 (he). He only thought about saving a life.”短文填空二Do you want to be 51 (health)?Now I will give you some advice.I think you should have a good eating habit. You should eat some healthy food.There are a lot of healthy food. You ca

28、n eat more bananas, oranges and 52 (tomato) because they are good 53 your health. Dont eat junk food. its bad for your health.Healthy food can make you happy 54 strong.Exercise 55 (be)very important. You should exercise every day.You can go to school56 foot. At least, you should 57 (play)basketball

29、three or four times a week.The58(much) important thing is that we must rememberEarly to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy and clever. It 59 (mean) we must go to bed early and get up early next morning. By 60 (do)this you will be in good health.1D2C3B4C5A【解析】1根据文章第三句“First,you should eat veg

30、etables and fruit four or five times a week”可知答案。2根据文章第四句“Then you should eat some tofu products(制品)every day because they are good for people,both the young and the old”可知答案。3especially是“尤其,特别”之意。4根据文章第六句“So you should have milk twice a day”可知答案。5文章开头就点明了主题。6A7C8A9A10B【解析】6根据第一段可以推断出答案。7根据医生始终不让病人说话可知,医生认为自己知道病人的病情。8根据文章第四段可知答案。9根据文章最后一句话可知答案。10根据第一句话可知答案。11A12A13B14B15B【解析】【分析】短文讲了小罗伊病了,他的母亲带他去诊所,详细的介绍了看病的过程。11细节理解题。根据“One day, little Roy

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