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北师大版学年高中英语选修七同步检测Unit 19 Language191含答案.docx

1、北师大版学年高中英语选修七同步检测Unit 19 Language191含答案 03课后演练提能夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1He _(折叠) the table up and began to clean the room.答案:folded2I doubt _(准确性) of the information the girl offered.答案:accuracy3The prisoner is eager for _(自由)答案:liberty4I am _(感谢的) for what you have done for me.答案:thankful5He can speak _(流利的)

2、English.答案:fluent6Set yourself _(目标) and study hard from now on.答案:targets7He took over the company in the _(不在) of his father.答案:absence8I must _(调整) my table; its not comfortable.答案:adjust9The car _(加速) to overtake a red one.答案:accelerated10I think I can _(保证) you everything you need when you arri

3、ve at Beijing.答案:guarantee. 选词填空take the form of; whether.or.; get down to; adequate for; of high quality1Automatic save will be _ almost everybody.答案:adequate for2It is said that the training this time will _ discussion and lectures.答案:take the form of3This refrigerator is _ and is not expensive ei

4、ther.答案:of high quality4Thats enough fun!Lets _ working.答案:get down to5The secretary lay awake all night wondering _ to leave _stay.答案:whether; or.翻译句子1有人预言那个地区即将发生地震。_答案:It was predicted that an earthquake would immediately break out in that area.2现在告诉他事实是没有用的。_答案:Theres no point (in) telling him t

5、he truth at present.3我们队能赢得这次比赛的机会很大。_答案:The chances that our team can win the match are great.4这就意味着我们将在雨中再等两个小时。_答案:What this means is that we will wait for another two hours in the rain.5不管你是留还是去,我都不在乎。_答案:Whether you stay or leave, I dont care much.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1 I can remember my childhood wh

6、en I _(surround) by love and kindness.答案:was surrounded“I”与“surround”之间为被动关系,故用被动语态;结合“my childhood”可知应用一般过去时。2 You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted _ your eyes.答案:to“adjust”调整,与介词“to”搭配使用。句意:直到根据你的眼睛调整好望远镜,你才能通过望远镜观看。3 In the _(absent) of proof,the police could not take action ag

7、ainst the man.答案:absence“in the absence of”由于缺少,固定短语。句意:由于缺少证据,警方不能对那个人采取行动。4 It doesnt matter _ you turn right or left at the crossingboth roads lead to the park.答案:whether句意:在十字路口无论你向右拐还是向左拐都无所谓,两条路都通往公园。“whether.or.”无论还是。5 The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination

8、_(attain)it.答案:to attain不定式作定语,修饰“determination”。句意:人生中重要的事情就是有一个伟大的目标及实现这个目标的决心。6Neither _(fluent) nor accuracy is easy to come by in learning a foreign language.答案:fluency名词形式作主语,与“accuracy”形式一致。“fluency”n.流利度。7He was always _ from school, and his _ annoyed the teacher very much.(absence)答案:absent

9、; absence第一个空处形容词作表语,“be absent from”缺席;第二个空处形容词性物主代词后接名词形式。8The old city walls still _ the city of Pingyao; in other words, the city of Pingyao is still _ by the old city walls.(surround)答案:surround; surrounded第一个空处“The old city walls”和“surround”之间为主动关系,且叙述现在的情况,故用一般现在时;第二个空处用过去分词与“is”构成被动语态。9He de

10、votes his time to the _ of knowledge; and after years of hard work, he has _ a lot.(acquire)答案:acquisition; acquired第一个空处,定冠词后用名词形式;第二个空处用过去分词与“has”构成现在完成时。10Please keep us _(inform) of your decision and we will act accordingly.答案:informed“us”与“inform(告知)”之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式作宾补。提升实战能力. 完形填空My parents t

11、ook me to Caf Marol, a small restaurant near our home in Mumbai, for dinner one night.As we chatted, having _1_ our dinner, a waiter came by, watched us _2_ and left. Then the restaurant owner did the same thing. Their _3_ behavior made my mother very nervous _4_ she suggested we leave. However, my

12、father decided to _5_. Just then the owner returned. “Did you _6_ anything about a year ago?”he asked. “Yes?” My mother felt _7_.“Oh,we lost a gold ring.”One evening more than a year earlier, wed gone to visit my uncle, a _8_,whod just started work.On our way back wed _9_ at this restaurant for a sn

13、ack (点心). The next day, as my mother was getting me ready for school, she _10_ that the gold ring I wore was _11_.My parents and I _12_ our car. My uncle checked the hospital, but it wasnt there.“Yes, a gold ring!” the restaurant owner_13_, smiling.“The waiter who _14_ your table after you left hand

14、ed it over to me.” The owner had then kept the _15_ at the restaurant for a few days, hoping somebody would come for it. When nobody _16_, Sajid Nedaria, the owner, took it home to _17_ it. He also told the _18_ to keep an eye out for the customers who might have lost it.The waiter had been followin

15、g his _19_!We got my gold ring back the next day. My father _20_ them warmly, and Mr.Nedaria said,“We should live with a purpose.”语篇导读:大约一年前作者和家人去餐馆吃饭时无意中丢了一枚金戒指。一年后他们再去那家餐馆吃饭时,侍者和老板认出了他们,并将一直保存着的戒指还给了他们。1A.prepared BorderedCbrought Dchanged答案:B根据第一段首句和常识可知,到餐馆吃饭应该是先点(order)菜,然后边聊天边等着上菜。2A.disappoin

16、tedly BhappilyCcarefully Dproudly答案:C根据下文可知,侍者怀疑作者一家就是丢失金戒指的客人,所以他仔细地(carefully)看了看他们。3A.strange BviolentCsecret Dfoolish答案:A侍者从作者他们的桌旁路过,仔细看了看他们,然后走了,接着餐馆老板也是如此,他们的行为很奇怪(strange)。 BbutCbecause Dthough答案:A分析句子的逻辑关系可知,他们奇怪的行为让作者的母亲非常紧张,所以(so)她建议离开。5A.try BrunCspeak Dstay答案:D根据上文中的However可知,作者的父亲

17、却决定留下来(stay)。 BloseCborrow Dchoose答案:B结合下文作者母亲的回答可知,老板问作者一家大约一年前是否“丢”过什么东西。7A.satisfied BtiredCbored Damazed答案:D作者的母亲之前还因老板和侍者奇怪的行为感到紧张,老板问的问题让她有点惊奇,故选amazed。 BpolicemanCteacher Ddoctor答案:D根据第二段末尾的“My uncle checked the hospital.”可推知,此处指作者的叔叔是一个刚工作的医生(doctor)。9A.stopped BtalkedCworked

18、Dfinished答案:A在回家的途中,作者他们停下来,在这家餐馆吃点心。10A.found BexplainedCproved Dbelieved答案:A第一段提到丢了金戒指,所以此处指在第二天母亲要送作者上学时,“发现”作者手上戴的戒指丢了。11A.different BmissingCfamiliar Dordinary答案:B母亲发现作者戴的金戒指不见了。“missing”找不到的,丢失的。12A.drove BrepairedCsearched Dwashed答案:C发现金戒指丢了之后,作者和父母在车里找了一遍,故用search。13A.promised BansweredCrepe

19、ated Dsuggested答案:C第一段最后一句作者母亲提到丢了一个金戒指,所以此处指餐馆老板笑着将“一个金戒指”又重复(repeat)了一遍。并没有人向餐馆老板提出问题,故此处不用answer。14A.moved BcleanedCbooked Dset答案:B根据常识可知,顾客用完餐之后,侍者会清理(clean)餐桌。 BtableCmenu Dring答案:D上文多次提到戒指丢失了,所以此处指餐馆老板把侍者交给他的戒指(ring)放在了餐馆里。16A.showed up Bgot offCwatched out Dplayed around答案:A根据下文中的took

20、it home可推知,一直没有人出现(show up)在餐馆,找寻丢失的戒指。17A.check BkeepCshare Dwear答案:B没有人前来认领戒指,餐馆老板就把戒指保存(keep)在了家里。18A.owner BguestCwaiter Dcook答案:C上文提到是侍者发现了戒指,所以此处老板让“侍者”留心看着丢失戒指的顾客是否会前来。“keep an eye out for sb.”留神某人。19A.treatment BargumentCinstruction Dexample答案:C第一段中提到侍者细心地发现了丢失戒指的客人,故他应该遵从了老板的指示(instruction)

21、。20A.invited BacceptedCwelcomed Dthanked答案:D侍者和餐馆老板一直在寻找丢失金戒指的人,所以作者的父亲非常感谢(thank)他们。.阅读理解Baby Sign Language comes from a very curious observation that the children of deaf parents are able to communicate earlier than the children of hearing parents. The first known person to remark on this oddity i

22、s William Dwight Whitney, a 19th century American Linguist. He remarked on the superior communication abilities of the children of the deaf.These children, despite having what might be considered a communication handicap and parents that did not speak, learned to speak. They were also observed to be

23、 on a similar speaking development path as the children of hearing parents. Whitney did not take it much further than that and this curiosity was left largely uninvestigated for more than a century until it was rediscovered in the 1970s.Dr. Joseph Garcia, then an ASL interpreter, was the first to ta

24、ke the next step.Dr. Garcia noticed that the children of his deaf friends were communicating with their parents as early as six months old using sign language and had substantial vocabularies as early as nine months old. This is unexpected since most children dont start saying their first few words

25、until twelve months old and will still have a very small vocabulary at two years old.At around the same time, Professor Linda Acredolo noticed her daughter making basic signs. Working with her research partner at the University of California (San Diego), Professor Susan Goodwyn, the pair began teach

26、ing the baby more signs. Together they won the first of a series of NIH grants to study the phenomenon. Over the next 20 years Acredolo and Goodwyn conducted the first comprehensive Baby Sign Language research.These experiments showed the tremendous benefits of Baby Sign Language in a childs develop

27、ment.In 1998, the first Baby Sign Language program intended for the children of hearing parents was conducted by Kimberlee Whaley at the InfantToddler Laboratory at Ohio State University. Infants as young as 9 months old and their teachers began to learn to use some signs from the American Sign Lang

28、uage to communicate with each other.语篇导读:文章介绍了婴儿身体语言的发展历史。Whitney最早阐述了对婴儿身体语言的看法。之后婴儿身体语言的发展经历了不同的发展时期,直到1998年,Whaley发明了一套婴儿身体语言教学系统。1What may be Whitneys result of research?ABoth deaf and hearing parents are clever.BThe children can learn to communicate early.CThe hearing parents are good at speaki

29、ng.DThe deaf parents can communicate with others.答案:B细节理解题。根据第一段第一句和第二句可知,Whitney研究的结果是孩子很早就具备交际的能力。2When Joseph Garcia noticed his deaf friends communicate with their children well, he_.Aasked for some advice from themBbegan to teach his children to speakCencouraged his children to use sign languageDcontinued Whitneys research on language答案:D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,Joseph Garcia把Whitney的研究继续了下去。3Who have developed Baby Sign Language much further?AAcredolo and Whitney.B

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