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牛津版九年级下册Unit4 Reading 1.docx

1、牛津版九年级下册Unit4 Reading 1课题Unit4 Reading 1课型New主备人审核人班级姓名时间 周星期 总第 课时学习目标1. 了解未来在另一个行星上生活的语境。2. 识别和理解有关火星生活的词汇3. 识别并列出地球生活与火星生活的不同之处。学习重难点识别并列出地球生活与火星生活的不同之处教学补记学习方法Task-based approach活动一:自主先学(自学指导):自读课文并找出下列短语1.到2100年 2.拥挤和污染越来越严重 3.人口的快速增长 4.从头再来 5.运送大量的乘客 6.随着的发展 7.成宇宙飞船 8.以光的速度 9.以药片的形式 10的八分之三 活动

2、二1、教师呈现火星和宇宙飞船的图片,让学生简单说说对火星和宇宙飞船的了解。教师说We can travel to Mars in spacecraft. What do you know about Mars and spacecraft? 教师鼓励学生自由回答,对学生的答案不要作对错评判。2、 向学生解释课本第52页课文的语境,教师说:Daniel wants to find out more about life in space in the future. He has found an article by a famous scientist who thinks humans c

3、ould live on Mars by the next century. 让学生快速浏览课文,找出阐述哪几个方面的火星生活。3、教师播放课文录音,让学生边听边在不认识的单词下划横线。听完录音后,让学生完成第54页B1 的练习。4、教师播放课文第二段的录音,并呈现以下表格,让学生仔细听录音,完成表格。Journey to MarsTime SpeedAt present( months )(very slow)By 2100(about 20 minutes)(at the speed of light)5、 教师逐段播放课文第三至第七段录音,并呈现以下表格,让学生仔细听录音,四人一组进行讨

4、论。Life on MarsFoodGravityHouses Free time Schools6、表格完成后,学生四人一组根据表格向全班同学介绍火星上的生活。7、学生完成B2、B3、B4的练习,并全班核对答案。检测促学一、根据汉语提示,写出正确的单词。1. There are thousands of stars and (行星 )in space. 2. With the (快速的)development of science and technology,our life is more and more convenient.3. Some actions must be taken

5、 to control the (增加)of the population in the world.4.More and more (乘客) would like to take the underground instead of driving cars.5. (比较) with his bike, mine looks better. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1 I dont like to take a bus to school every day because it is always too (crowd).2 Dont pour the ( pollute) water

6、 everywhere, or you will have to pay for it.3 -How are you feeling now? Anything (comfort),dear? -I feel sick, Mom.4-The food is (taste) . We really enjoy it.-Im glad you like it.5 The task is (challenge) . You can have a try.6 We ( live) here since 1998.自主反思课题Unit4 reading2课型New主备人审核人班级九姓名时间 周星期 总第

7、 课时学习目标1. 掌握文中重要的词汇和句型。2. 培养学生的想象力,激发他们的兴趣。3. 提高学生的学习技能。学习重难点培养学生的想象力,激发他们的兴趣教学补记学习方法Task-based teaching method活动一:1、自主先学(自学指导):朗读课文找出下列词组1. 以光的速度_ 2.以药片的形式_ 3的八分之三 _4.组织做某事 _5.漂浮到太空_ 6.与相比较_7.在某些方面_8.连接到_9.在网上学习_10.和一样 _11.为了一个目的_ 12 从一开始_13.在很短时间内 _14.人口总数_ 15.对有很大的帮助_ 16.迷路 _17.好处与坏处_18从头再来_活动二进一

8、步了解课文一 学生四人一组,围绕课文进行问答活动。其中三位学生提问,另一位学生回答。教师呈现以下问题供学生参考。1. Why would humans move to Mars ?2. What would the journey to Mars be like ?3. Could humans survive on Mars without water, oxygen or food ?4. What would people do with low gravity ?5. What would schools be like on Mars ?学生根据课文内容说出答案,鼓励有想象力的学生发

9、挥想象,尽可能多说。学生在回答时,教师巡视,适时给予指导。二 读课文判断正误1.By the year 2100,people mighe live on Mars.( )2.Mars is becoming crowded and polluted. ( )3.Now spacecrafts cost months to travel to Mars from the earth. ( )4.Humans are not sure if plants could grow on mars. ( )5.Mars has three times the gravity of the Earth.

10、( )6.People will have less space on Mars.( )7.Students will go to school by spacecraft. ( )8.Space travel might make people feel ill. ( )检测促学一用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The sign keeps people from _ ( take ) photos here.2. The place _ ( develop ) from a small village into a tourist centre in the past few years.3

11、. Tom spent an _ ( please ) winter holiday staying with his parents.4. _ ( hope ), we can get better results in the next exam.5. The river is becoming director and _ ( pollute )6. I have a computer at home _ ( connect ) to the Internet.7. He did the work very _ ( care ).Everybody said he had done a

12、a good job.二.单项选择( ) 1.Huang Xiaoming has made _ TV plays and films.A. a number of B. the number of C. number D. large number( )2. Many young men enjoy _ the pop music.A. listen to B. lisening to listen to D.listening ( )3. Mr Shark is getting old and cannot jump as _ as he did.A. high B. highe

13、r C.highest D.much higher( ) 4.The expects think that Indias population may be _ than _Chinas _ 2020.A. much;by B.more; in C.larger; by D.larger; on( )5 In the future,people _ by robots.A.will care for B will take care of C.will be cared for D.will be taken care( )6.Here are all kinds of walkmans fo

14、r everyone _.A.choosing from choose from choose D.chosen from( )7.Our country is getting _ now. A. strong and strong B.stronger and strong C.stronger and stronger D.strong and stronger( ) 8.There is no _ in the life now. Lets wait for the next. A.two three B two third C.two thirds D.second

15、 thirds三完成句子1.鸟能以一半光速飞行吗?( at half the speed )_.2.人类生存需要食物、水和空气。( need )_.3.科学家们并不知道这些植物能否产生水。( be sure )_.4.我们的宇宙飞船太慢,不可能载大量的人去火星。( _.5.太空旅行将使人觉得不舒服。( comfort )_.自主反思课题Unit4grammar1课型New主备人审核人班级姓名时间 周星期 总第 课时学习目标1.掌握状语从句与简单句之间的转换。2.掌握宾语从句与简单句之间的转换。学习重难点同上教学补记学习方法Task-based teaching method活动一

16、:1、自主先学(自学指导):in agreement be similar at the age of because of without as tasty asas well as remind sb of sth.学生阅读课文找出以上词组意思,会读,默写活动二1、展示at the age of , when; because of., because,Without; ifnot学生朗读、翻译以上词组。出示下列句子,用上面词组独立完成1. My brother began to go to school _ six.2. My brother began to go to school

17、_ he was six.3. I didnt go to the party _ the heavy rain.4. I didnt go to the party _ it rained heavily.5. Fish cant live _ water.6. Fish cant live _ there is _ water.小组核对答案,教师每组找出一名学生讲解2、课本56页,16学生独立完成,如有必要,教师给予指点。1.Neil Armstrong took his first flight when he was only six.( at the age of )_.2.Yuri

18、 Gagarin became the first man to go into outer space at the age of. (When ) _.3.People might move to another planet in the future because the population on the Earth is increasing rapidly.( because of )_.4.If there is no fresh food, meals will not be as tasty as they are today.( without)_.5.It would

19、 be funny to play football on Mars because of the low gravity. ( because)_.6.Without special boots, you cannot walk on Mars. ( if not )_.检测促学一 词组1.与一样美味 _2.确信 _3.让想起 _4.多远 _5.远离 _6. 实现 _7.与不同 _8.与相似 _9.收到的来信 _二用所给词的适当形式填空1.He got his driving license when he _ ( be ) sevevteen.2._ ( with ) food, air

20、or water, the fish can not live.3.Please write your letters as _ ( care ) as your sister.4.That picture is quite _ ( difference ) from this one.三同义句转换。1.It takes me half an hour to walk to walk to school every morning. I _ half an hour _ to school every morning.2.If you didnt help me, I wouldnt pass

21、 the exams. I couldnt pass the exams _ your help.3.I like singers who has beautiful dresses. I like singers _ beautiful dresses.4.He got up early so that he could catch the early bus.He got up _ early _ he could catch the early bus.5.It is different for us to walk on Mars. _ on Mars is different for

22、 us.自主反思课题Unit4 Grammar 2课型New主备人审核人班级姓名时间 周星期 总第 课时学习目标 掌握定语从句与简单句之间的转换学习重难点掌握定语从句与简单句之间的转换 教学补记学习方法Task-based approach活动一:自主先学(自学指导):一默写下列单词:1知道,意识到 2围绕;將。圈起来 3 一致,同意 4距离;远处 5 可能性 6 外星人 7 外来者,陌生人 二默写下列短语1.意见一致 2.与。类似 活动二一 通过复习,教师板书下列例句: 1 People might live in houses with huge comfortable rooms. 2

23、Students on Mars would study on online schools with “e-teachers”. 教师引导学生將上述两个简单句改写为复合句(含定语从句):1 People might live in houses which have huge comfortable rooms. 2 Students on Mars would study on online schools which have“e-teachers”.二 1学生阅读 课本58 页C部分,讨论得知:可以用一些介词,如with和in等改写一些定语从句。2学生完成课本58 页C1部分的练习,用

24、介词with和in等改写这些定语从句。四名学生每人读一句,全班核对答案。3 学生完成课本58 页C2部分的练习 ,用另一种表达方式替换信中划线的部分。学生展开小组竞赛,看哪一组在最短的时间内完成练习。 最先完成的小组朗读simon的信,全班核对答案。 检测促学一、將下列复合句改为简单句。1. Lily began to learn English when she was 5 years old . Lily began to learn English the of 5.2 People might move to another planet in the future because t

25、he population on the Earth is increasing rapidly. People might move to another planet in the future the rapid increase of the population on the Earth . 3 If there is no air ,water or food ,humans cannot live on the Earth.Humans cannot live on the Earth . air ,water food .4 The smell of the food remi

26、nds him that the dish his mother made is delicious . The smell of the food reminds him the dish his mother made .5 Are they sure that space travel will be fast ?Are they sure the speed of space travel ?二、將下列简单句改为复合句1 People might live in houses with huge comfortable rooms .People might live in houses huge comfortable rooms .2 On Mars you might meet people in special boots .On Mars you might meet people special boots .3 There may be some people on Mars with air tanks on their ba

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