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1、驻英国大使刘晓明在英国剑桥大学的演讲驻英国大使刘晓明在英国剑桥大学的演讲成功的道路,全面的发展驻英国大使刘晓明在英国剑桥大学的演讲英国剑桥大学嘉治商学院2011年2月22日The Road to Success and Comprehensive Development-Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the University of CambridgeJudge Business School, University of Cambridge22 February 2011尊敬的剑桥大学校长博里塞维奇爵士,老师们,同学们:Vice Cha

2、ncellor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz,Faculty members,Students,很高兴应博里塞维奇校长的邀请访问剑桥大学并作演讲。It is my great pleasure and privilege to visit Cambridge at the invitation of the Vice Chancellor and to speak at the Judge Business School.这是我出使英国后第一次来到剑桥,但我对剑桥丝毫没有陌生感。This is my first visit to Cambridge as Chinese Amb

3、assador to the UK. Yet Cambridge is no stranger to me.虽然我到英国后先去了牛津,但我知道“牛津出首相、剑桥出诺贝尔奖”这句佳话,知道剑桥大学校友获得了88个诺贝尔奖,相当于英国所获诺奖的总和,在世界所有大学中保持最高纪录。I heard a saying: If you want to meet prime ministers, go to Oxford; but for Nobel Prize winners, go to Cambridge. Cambridge alumni won 88 Nobel Prizes, as many a

4、s the prizes won by Britain as a country, ranking first in all the universities around the world.我最早相识剑桥,是因为徐志摩先生在这里留下了再别康桥这样的千古绝唱,也是因为李约瑟博士在这里写就了鸿篇巨著中国科学技术史。I first got to know Cambridge from Chinese poet Xu Zhimo who wrote his best-known poem Farewell to Cambridge, and later from Dr Joseph Needham

5、 who wrote and edited the epic series Science and Civilisation in China.我第一次走进“剑桥”,是29年前我在美国塔夫茨大学弗莱彻学院读书的时候。当时弗莱彻学院由塔夫茨大学和哈佛大学共同管理,两院校图书馆使用统一索引,我经常去位于“剑桥”的哈佛大学图书馆查阅资料。My first visit to a place called Cambridge was 29 years ago when I was a student at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, which w

6、as then jointly administered by Tufts and Harvard. As Fletcher and Harvard shared the same library call number, I went to the Harvard Cambridge Library quite often.今天,我走进“正宗”的剑桥,这既是一次工作性质的访问,推动剑桥大学与中国的教育合作,也是一次个人的精神寻旅,品味剑桥800年的文化积淀。当然,我也愿就大家关心的中国话题,与你们交流讨论。Today I have finally come to the real Cambr

7、idge, both on a personal journey to fulfil a long-cherished dream of seeing Cambridge and experiencing its 800-year heritage and on an official visit to discuss educational cooperation and to talk about China.上周,根据中日两国的最新GDP统计数字,中国正式超过日本成为了世界第二大经济体。世界上各大媒体都将此作为热点新闻进行报道。世界再次聚焦中国,围绕中国问题的讨论一直方兴未艾,现在再次升

8、温。我总结了一下人们热议的几个问题:一是中国成为世界第二说明了什么?二是中国是否很快会成为世界第一?三是中国能否持续高速发展?四是中国发展对世界意味什么?今天,我想就这些问题谈谈我的看法。Last week one of the headline news was that China has officially overtaken Japan as the worlds second largest economy. This has put China in the limelight once again and stoked an ongoing discussion about C

9、hina. Many questions were asked: What does China being the second largest economy tell us? How soon is China going to be number one? Will China be able to sustain such rapid growth? What does Chinas development mean to the world? The list can go on and on. But these are the most asked questions. Let

10、 me share my thoughts about these questions.首先,中国成为世界第二大经济体说明什么?我认为,它说明了中国发展道路的成功。First question: What does it tell us that China rolls in at number two? I think it tells the successful story of Chinas development.中国为什么会取得如此成功?中国成功的经验是什么?中国成功靠走适合自己国情的道路。一个十三亿人口的大国,一个有五千年文明历史的古国,该走什么样的道路才能发展,教科书上没有现成

11、的答案,历史上也没有可以参考的先例。但中国人“摸着石头过河”,牢牢把握自己的国情,不断探索实践,开拓创新,借鉴吸取世界各国有益经验,实现了天翻地覆的变化。The secret of Chinas success is simple and open. That is China has found a development model well suited to its national conditions. How should we go about developing a country with 1.3 billion people and a history of 5 tho

12、usand years? Neither textbooks nor history has given us the ready answer. As Mr Deng Xiaoping termed it, we managed to cross the river by feeling for the stones. We explored our way forward in a pioneering spirit by combining the useful experiences of other countries with the unique circumstances of

13、 China.中国成功靠“改革开放”。开放,不仅是经济上的对外开放,从封闭半封闭到全方位、多层次、宽领域对外开放,更是思想头脑的解放,社会的自由宽松,政府的公开透明。改革,不仅是改革经济制度,将高度集中的计划经济体制改革为充满生机和活力的社会主义市场经济体制,也是政治、社会、文化的全面改革和建设。Chinas success also lies in its commitment to reform and opening-up. Opening-up means embracing the global economy at every level and in every area. Bu

14、t it is much more than that. It also means freeing your mind, fostering a more open and diverse society. It means nurturing a culture of open and transparent government. Reform is about transforming the planned economy to a vibrant socialist market economy. It is also about making comprehensive prog

15、ress in political, social and cultural spheres.西方有些人认为,中国只搞经济改革,不搞政治改革。这是对中国全面改革的一种误解。事实上,30多年来,中国的经济体制改革每推进一步,政治体制改革也深化一步。人民代表大会制度、中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,在中国政治生活中的地位和作用越来越大。30多年来,中国民主法制建设不断加强,坚持依法治国,几千年形成的人治社会正在向法治社会转变。30多年来,中国人权事业有了大发展,我们将尊重和保障人权写入了宪法,依法保障全体社会成员平等参与、平等发展的权利,同时加强国际人权合作。Some people in

16、the West believe China has carried out reform only in economic sector, not in political system. This is a misunderstanding of Chinas comprehensive reform. During the past 3 decades, political reform has come with economic reform every step of the way, and political progress has been achieved hand in hand with economic growth. We have seen a growing role of the National Peoples Congress and multi-party political consultation

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