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1、牛津译林版英语9AUnit5知识点同步梳理及练习牛津译林版9AUnit5知识点同步梳理及练习【知识梳理】知识点1:U5重点词汇句型 1. Art is something pleasant and. 艺术是一种令人愉快的事物而且. 辨析 pleasant,pleasure与pleasedpleasant作形容词,意为“令人愉快的”,常用来形容某事物有令人愉快的性质e.g. It was a pleasant evening.那是-一个令 人愉快的夜晚。(作定语) The climate of this area is pleasant.这个地区的气候很宜人。( 作表语)pleasure作名词,

2、意为“高兴;愉快”My pleasure表示“不用谢”,用来回应别人的感谢;With pleasure 表示“当然了,很愿意”,用来回应别人的请求或邀请。 e.g. Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮我。My pleasure. 不用谢。 May I sit here?我可以坐在这儿吗? Yes, with pleasure.当然可以。pleased作形容词,意为“高兴的;满意的”,只用作表语,通常用来修饰人。它常用于be pleased with( 对.满意)及be pleased to do sth.(高兴/乐于做某事)结构。e.g. She was very pl

3、eased with her exam results. 她对她的考试结果非常满意。 Im so pleased to see you.见到你真高兴。 2. Every time a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2008 0lympics, the award music was played. 在2008年北京奥运会上,每当给获胜者颁发奖牌时,颁奖音乐就会响起。1) presentpresent作动词,意为_。Now that the sports meet is over, our principal will presen

4、t the prize.既然运动会已结束,我们校长将颁奖。给某人颁发某物:present sb. with sth.=present sth. to sb.注意与provide&offer的区分provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.(offer强调主动提供,且还可以做n.,意为“主动提议”)present作名词,意为_。What present do you want for Christmas this year? 今年圣诞节你想要什么礼物?present作形容词,意为_。Im no

5、t going to buy a car at the present high prices. 以目前的高价,我不打算买小汽车了。【拓展】常用短语:at the present time= at present_for the present_ 批注:“颁发;提交;赠予”;“礼物”;“现在的,目前的”;目前,现在;暂时。3. Why do people think highly of Tans music? 为什么人们高度赞扬谭的音乐呢?think highly of 意为_,highly为_。辨析:high与highly的区别批注:“高度赞扬,高度评价”;副词辨析:high与highlyh

6、igh用作副词时,通常表示具体的高,主要修饰动词。例1:He climbed high. 他爬的高。例2:I cant jump any higher.我不能跳的更高了highly副词,主要表示很高的程度,除修饰动词(如speak,praise,think of等)外,还通常用于修饰分词或形容词(尤其是那些由动词派生而来的形容词,有时相当于very或much)。例1:Its a highly interesting film. 真是一部有趣的电影。例2:His report is highly scientific. 他的报告极具科学性。4.“wed better be quick as th

7、e opera will begin in 20 minutes,” Kitty suggested. Kitty建议道我们最好快一点因为电影在二十分钟后即将开始了。suggest 动词,意为_。其名词形式为_, 为_名词。suggest (sb) doing sth, 意为_。跟宾语从句时,谓语动词一般要用虚拟语气的形式,即_,其中should可省略。e.g. The doctor suggested him giving up smoking. I suggest not taking a lot of money unless you want to buy souvenirs.The

8、teacher suggested that we should speak as much English as possible in class.批注:“建议,提议”;suggestion;可数;“建议(某人)作某事”;“should+动词原形”。advice,“建议”,不可数名词。a piece of advice,“一条建议”,其动词形式是advise,advise sb (not) to do sth,“建议(某人)作某事”。advise sb doing sth,“建议做某事”。跟宾语从句时,谓语动词一般要用虚拟语气的形式,即“should+动词原形”,其中should可省略。H

9、e advised me to go home earlier.I advised holding a meeting to discuss the matter.5. Musicians make up music while playing. 音乐家们即兴创作音乐。make up 这里意思是_。e.g. He asked us each to make up a dialogue.The student made up an excuse for his being late.批注:“编写”make up 还有“组成,构成;弥补;把补上”的意思。e.g. Six women and nin

10、eteen men make up the group. 六个男人和十九个女人组成了那个组。Because you were ill, youll have to make up the final exam. 因为你生病了,你将不得不补考了。make up ones mind ( to do sth) “下定决心(做某事)”,相当于decide to do sth e.g. I make up my mind to learn English well.我下定决心把英语学好。6. be of(much/little/no.) of value /help/impor

11、tance/ sb.=be valuable/helpful/important/useful to sb.有持久价值: have a lasting value(注意a不能省略)7. All my teachers and classmates praised my designs for the art festival. 所有老师和学生都赞扬我为艺术节所做的设计。praise 动词,意为_,praise sb for sth,意为_。praise也可作名词,_。赢得高度赞扬:_e.g. He praised her for her courage. 她因她的勇气而表扬了她。批

12、注:“表扬”;“因某事而表扬某人”;“表扬”;win high praise8. As a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger ,Hidden Dragon作为一位作曲家,也许他最为人知的是为电影卧虎藏龙作曲而赢得奥斯卡大奖。1)be known for意为“因.而著名”,相当于be famous for e.g. This place is known/famous for its hot springs.这个地方因温泉而著名。拓展(

13、 1) be known as意为“作为.而著名”,相当于be famous as。 e.g .Her mother is known/ famous as a model teacher.她妈妈作为一一名模范教师而著名。2)It is known (that) 表示“众所周知”,也可以用短语As is known to all e.g .It is known that smoking may cause lung disease. = As is known to all , smoking may cause lung disease.众所周知,抽烟可能导致肺癌。9. The music

14、 for the Bejjing Olympics uses traditional Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell, though it is in a Western style.北京奥运会的音乐运用了传统的中国音乐和中国古钟的钟声,但是它是用一种西方风格。1) though在此作连词,意为“不过,可是,然而”,引导让步状语从句,用于主句后,引出补充说明。 e.g. Hell probably say no, though its worth asking.他很可能会拒绝,不过问一下有益无损。2) though

15、作连词还可表示“虽然;尽管;即使”,引导让步状语从句,不能与连词but一起使用。 e.g. Though it is raining hard , they are still working outside.虽然雨下得很大,他们仍在外面工作。10. Instead, Tan makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow. 相反,谭通过控制水流的速度制作出水的50多种声音。take control of控制under the control of 在的控制下out of control 失控e.g.

16、 After the battle, the army took control of most of the land of France.战役过后,军队控制了法国大部分领土。Once, America was under the control of Britain for a long time. 美国曾经长期处在英国的控制下。The price continues to rise and has been out of control. 物价持续上升,已经无法控制了。11. After a while , we saw Amy running towards us.过了一会儿,我们看见

17、埃米向我们跑来。 e.g. I looked at the blackboard carefully but I saw nothing.我仔细看了看黑板但什么都没看见。 He was seen running away from the scene of the crime.有人看见他从犯罪现场跑开。辨析see sb. doing sth.与see sb. do sth. see sb. doing sth.意为“看见某人正在做某事”,强调看见某动作正在进行。 e.g.I saw you playing soccer when I came to school.当我到校时,我看见你正在踢足球

18、。(强调动作正在进行) see sb. do sth.意为“看见某人做了某事”,强调看见某动作发生的全过程或经常性的动作。 e.g. I saw you put the key in your pocket. 我看见你把钥匙放进了口袋。( 强调动作发生的全过程) I often see him play ping-pong.我经常看见他打乒乓球。(强调经常性的动作)拓展see sb. do sth.结构中的do sth.是省略了to的不定式短语,但在被动语态中,省略的to要还原回去。与see有类似用法的动词还有watch, hear, notice 等。 e.g. I often see hi

19、m ask questions after class. = He is often seen to ask questions after class by me.我经常看到他在课后问问题。【课堂练习】1. Tracy seems a_waitress Yes, each of us always feels_with her good manners and service.A. Pleased pleased B. pleasant pleasant C. pleased pleasant D. pleasant pleased2. The heroes were _medals at

20、the ceremony. A. Presented B. presenting withC. Presented to D. presented with3. The project they are working on_ many teenage problems that they care about.A. Cover B. including C. include D. covering 4. I wont go to his birthday party_i have been invited.A. If B. when C. as soon as D. though 5. Th

21、e book _by the young people wont realize the value of health_they lose it. A. written B. was written C. is written D. has written 6. Everyone knew that a_line_North korea and South Korea.A. Dividing divided B. divided divides C. divided divided D. dividing divides 7. Jackie Chan and Jet Li have much

22、_. And they often play similar roles in the movies.A. In general B. in style C. in common D. in shape 8. In the sports meeting he jumped_, so he was spoken _ of.A. Most high; highly B. most highly ;high C. highest ; high D. highest ; highly 9. _you have come, let me show you around our school.A. Alt

23、hough B. Because C. Since D. So that 10. The person who was taking photos asked the family to sit_and listen_to his order.A. Closely close B. close closely C. close close D. closely closely DDADA DCDCB知识点2:U5重点语法because , since和as引导的原因状语从句 在复合句中,表示主句动作发生原因的从句叫做原因状语从句,常见的用来引导原因状语从句的从属连词有because , sin

24、ce和as。1. because引导的原因状语从句because意为“因为”,其引导的原因状语从句一般放在主句之后,用来表示造成某种情况的直接原因,语气最强,常用来回答由why引导的特殊疑问句。需要注意的是,汉语中习惯说“因为所. ,但英语中不能将because与so一起使用。e.g. I do it because I like it.我做这件事是因为我喜欢。 Why didnt you come to my birthday party? 你为什么没来参加我的生日聚会?Because I was too busy.因为我太忙了。2. since引导的原因状语从句since意为“既然;由于;

25、因为 ,其引导的原因状语从句一般放在主句之前,用来表示显而易见的理由,较为正式,语气比because弱。e.g. Since you are free today ,you can go shopping with me.既然今天你有空,你可以跟我去购物。注意:now (that)也可以表示“既然;由于”,它与since 的意思相近e.g. Now ( that) you are grown up ,you should not rely on your parents.既然你长大了,你就不应该依靠你的父母了。3. as引导的原因状语从句as引导原因状语从句时,表示附带说明的双方已知的原因,较

26、为正式,语气比since弱,其在句中的位置较为灵活(常放在主句之前)。e.g. As you are tired ,you had better have a rest.既然你累了,你最好休息一下。 I went to bed early, as I was exhausted.我睡得早,因为我筋疲力尽了。【例题精讲】( ) 1. He must be ill, _ he is absent (缺席) today.A. because B. as C. for D. since( ) 2. _ the weather is so bad, we have to put off our jour

27、ney.A. Because B. As C. For D. Since( ) 3. _ it was raining, _we stayed at home.A. because, so B. because, / C. because, for D. if, so( ) 4. I didnt go_ I was afraid.A. because of B. for C. because D. so1-4 A D B C【课堂练习】1. I love _. I hope one day I can take part in one of them, answer all the quest

28、ions and win a big prize!A. chat shows B. game shows C. cartoons D. documentaries答案 B分析 考察名词辨析,句意:我喜欢竞赛节目,我希望有一天可以参加一个竞赛节目,答对所有问题,然后拿到大奖。chat shows访谈节目;game shows娱乐节目;cartoons卡通片;documentaries纪录片。所以应该选B。该题涉及电视节目的种类。2. In the _, you have a chance to answer all the questions and win a big prize. A. ch

29、at show B. game show C. fashion show D. talk show答案B分析 考察名词辨析,句意:在一个.节目中,你有机会所有问题,然后拿到大奖。chat shows访谈节目;game shows娱乐节目;fashion show时装表演;talk show脱口秀。所以应该选B。该题涉及电视节目的种类。3. -What is _ the people in the village?-I am sorry. I dont know. I only know that _people like living here.A. the number of; the nu

30、mber of B. a number of; the number ofC. the number of; a number of D. a number of; a number of答案C分析 本题考察a number of与the number of的区别。句意:-住在村庄上的人数是多少?-对不起,我不知道。我只知道很多人喜欢住在这里。第一个空问数量,用the number of第二个是说很多人,用a number of,所以选C4. His speech is popular among the middle school students because it _ many problems that the teenagers care about.A. makes B. causes C. fills D. covers答案 D分析 考察名词辨析。句意:他的演讲在中学生之间很流行,因为它涉及到很多青少年关心的问题。makes成为,cause引起

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