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1、考研英语二真题及参考答案解析2021年考研英语二真题及参考答案解析SeCtiOn I USe Of EngliSh (江南博哥)DireCtiOnS:ReaCl the following text ChOOSe the best WOrd(S) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, COrD Orl the ANSWER SHEET(10 POintS)Its not CIiffiCUIt to Set targets for staff. It is much harder, (1), to UnderStand their negative COn

2、SeqUenCeS MOSt work- related behaviors have multiPIe COmPOnents. (2)One and theOthers become distorted.TraVeI On a LOndOn bus and you, 11 (3)See how this WOrkS Withdrivers WatCh PeOPle get On and ShOW their tiCketS Are they CarefUlly InSPeCted? NeVer DO PeOPIe get On WithOUt paying? Of COUrSe! Are t

3、here inspectors to (4)that PeOPle have paid?Possibly, but Very few And PeOPle WhO run for the bus? They are (5). HOW about jumping Iights? BUSeS do SO almost as frequently as CyCIiStSWhy? BeCaUSe the target is (6). PeOPIe COmPIained that busesWere Iate and infrequent (7), the number Of buses and bus

4、 IaneSWere increased, and drivers Were (8)Or PUniShed according to thetime they took. And drivers hit these targets BUt they (9)hitCyCIiStS If the target WaS ChangeCl to (10), you WOUId have moreinspectors and more SenSitive PriCing If the CriteriOn Changed to Safety, you WOUICl get more (11) driver

5、s WhO Obeyed traffic IaWSBUt both these Criteria WOUICl be at the expense Of timeThere is another (12)PeOPle became immensely inventive Inhitting targets. HaVe you (13)that you Can IeaVe On a fIight butstill arrive Orl time? TaiIWinds? Of COUrSe not! AirIineS have SimPIy Changed the time a (14)is me

6、ant to take A One-hour fIight isnow ballad as a two-hour flightThe (15)Of the StOry is SimPle MOSt jobs aremultidimensional, With multiPIe Criteria ChOOSe One Criterion and you may WelI (16)OtherS EVerything Can be done faster and madeCheaPerJ but there is a (17) Setting targets Can and does haveUnf

7、OreSeen negative COnSeqUenCeSThiS is not an argument against target-Setting BUt it is an argument for exploring COnSeqUenCeS first All good targets ShOUIdhave multiPIe Criteria (18)CritiCaI factors SUCh as time, money,QUaIity and CUStOmer feedback The trick is not Only to (19)justOne Or even two CIi

8、menSiOnS Of the objective, but also to UnderStand how to help PeOPle better (20)the ObjeCtive.1.【题干】1. .【选项】A.thereforeB.howeverC.againD.moreover【答案】B2.【题干】2. .【选项】A.EmPhaSiZeB.IdentifyC.ASSeSSD.EXPIain【答案】A3.【题干】3. .【选项】A.nearlyB.CUriOUSlyC.eagerlyD.quickly【答案】D4.【题干】4. 【选项】A.ClainlB.PrOVeC.CheekD.

9、recall【答案】C5.【题干】5. .【选项】A.threatenedB.ignoredC.mockedD.blamed【答案】B2021年考研英语二真题及参考答案解析6.【题干】6. .【选项】A.PUnCtualityB.hospitalityC.COmPetitionD.innovation【答案】A7.【题干】7. .【选项】A.YetB.SoC.BeSideSD.Still【答案】B8.【题干】8,_【选项】A.hiredB.trainedC.rewardedD grouped【答案】C9.【题干】9._【选项】A.OnIyB.ratherC.OnCeD.also【答案】D10.

10、【题干】10.【选项】A COmfOrtB.revenueC.efficiencyD.SeCUrity【答案】B11.【题干】.【选项】A.friendlyB.quietC.CaUtiOUSD.diIigent【答案】C12.【题干】12.【选项】A.PUrPOSeB.PrOblemC.PrejUdiCeD.POIiCy【答案】B13.【题干】13.【选项】A.interestingB.revealedC.admittedD.IIOtiCed【答案】D2021年考研英语二真题及参考答案解析14.【题干】14. .【选项】A.breakB.tripC.departureD.transfer【答案

11、】B15.【题干】15. .【选项】A.moralB.backgroundC.styleD.form【答案】A16.【题干】16. .【选项】A.interpretB.CritiCiZeC.SaCrifiCeD.tolerate【答案】C17.【题干】17. .【选项】A.taskB.SeCretC.PrOdUCtD.COSt【答案】D18.【题干】18. _【选项】A.Ieading toB.Calling forC.relating toD.accounting for【答案】C19.【题干】19. _【选项】A.SPeCifyB.PrediCtC.restoreD.Create【答案】A

12、20.【题干】20. _【选项】A.modifyB.reviewC.PreSentD.achieve【答案】D2021年考研英语二真题及参考答案解析SeCtion II Reading COmPrehenSiOn Part ADireCtiOnS:Reael the following four texts. AnSWer the QUeStions below each text by ChOOSing A, B, C Or D. Mark your answers On the ANSWER SHEET (40 POintS)ReSkilIing is SOmething that SOU

13、ndS Iike a buzzword but is actually a requirement if We PIarl to have a futUre Where a IOt Of WOUICl-be WOrkerS do not get Ieft behindWe know We are moving into a PeriOd Where the jobs In demand WilI Change rapidly, as WilI the requirements Of the jobs that remain ReSearCh by the WEF detailed in the

14、 HarVard BUSineSS Review, finds that On average 42 Per Cent Of the core SkilIZZ Within job roles WilI Change by 2022 That is a Very ShOrt timeline, SO We Can Only imagine What the ChangeS WilI be further in the futureThe QUeStiOn Of WhO ShOUId Pay for reskilling is a thorny One FOr IndiVidUaI compan

15、ies, the temptation is always to Iet go Of WOrkerS WhOSe SkilIS are no IOnger demand and replace them With those WhOSe SkillS are That does not always happen. AT&T is Ofterl given as the gold StandarCl Of a COmPany WhO decided to do a massive reskilling PrOgrain rather than go With a fire-and-hire S

16、trategy UItimately retraining 18, OOO employees PrePandenIiCJ Other COmPanieS InClUding AmaZOn and DiSney had also Pledged to Create their OWn PIanS When the SkilIS mismatch is in the broader economy though, the focus USUalIy turns to government to handle EffOrtS in Canada and elsewhere have been ar

17、guably IangUid at best, and have given US a SitUatiOn Where We frequently hear Of employers begging for WOrkerS even at times and in regions Where UnemPIOyment is highWith the pandemic, UnemPlOyment is Very high Indeed In February, at 3. 5 Per Cent and 5 5 Per Cent respectiVely, UnemPlOyment rates i

18、n Canada and the United States Were at generational IOWS and WOrker ShOrtages Were everywhere AS Of May, those rates had SPiked UP to 13. 3 Per Cent and 13. 7 Per Cent, and although many WOrker ShOrtages had CIiSaPPeared, not all had done so. In the medical field, to take an ObViOUS example the Pand

19、enIiC meant that there Were Still Clear ShOrtages Of doctors, nurses and Other medical PerSOnne1Of course, it is not Iike you Can take an UnemPIOyeCl Waiter and train him to be doc tor in few weeks, no mat ter WhO PayS for it. BUt even if you CannOt ClOSe that gap, maybe you Can ClOSe Others, and do

20、ing SO WOUICl be to the benefit Of all COnCerned That SeemS to be the CaSe in Sweden, Where the PandenIiC kick-started a ret raining PrOgrain Where business as WelI as government had a roleReSkilIing in this Way WOUICl be Challenging in a NOrth AlneriCan COnteXt YOU Can easily imagine ChOrUS Of car/

21、 t do that because teachers Or nurses Or WhOeVer have SPeCiaI SkilISJ and USing any SUPPOrt WhO has been QUiCkIy trained is bound to end in disaster, Maybe Or maybe it is SOmething that Can WOrk WelI in Sweden, With its history Of CO-OPeration between businesses, IabOr and government, but not in NOr

22、th AlneriCa Where OUr history is Very different Therl again, maybe it is akin to wartime, When extraordinary things take PIaCe but it is business as USUaI after the fact And yet, as in War the PandeiniC is teaching US that many things, InClUding rapid reskilling, Can be done if there is a WilI to do

23、 them In any CaSe SWede, S WOrk force is now more skilled, in more things, and more flexible than it WaS beforeOf course, reskilling PrOgramSJ Whether for PandenIiC needs Or the POSt PandenIiC world, are expensive and at a time When everyone, S budgets are Iean this may not be the time to implement

24、them Then again, extending income SUPPOrt PrOgramS to get US through the next months IS expensive, too, to Say nothing Of the COSt Of having a SWath Of IOng-term UnemPIOyecl in the POST-COVlD years given that, PerhaPS We ShOUICl think hard about Whether the PandenliC Can jumpstar t US to a PIaCe Whe

25、re reskilling becomes much more than a buzzword21.【题干】ReSearCh by the WOrId ECOnOiniC FOrUm SUggeSts 【选项】 increase in full-time Urgent demand for new job SkilISC.a Steady growth Of job OPPOrtUnitiesD.a COntroversy about the core SkillS,【答案】B2021年考研英语二真题及参考答案解析22.【题干】AT&T is Cited

26、to ShOW 【选项】 alternative to the fire-and-hire immediate need for government SUPPOrtC.the ImPOrtanCe Of Staff appraisal StandardSD.the CharaCteristics Of reskilling PrOgranl【答案】A23.【题干】EffOrts to resolve the SkilIS IniSmatCh in Canada【选项】A.have driven UP IabOr COStSB.have PrOVeCl to

27、be inconsistentC.have met With fierce OPPOSitiOnD.have appeared to be insufficient【答案】D24.【题干】 We Can Iearrl from ParagraPh 3 that there WaS 【选项】A.a CalI for POIiCy adjustmentB.a Change in hiring PraCtiCeSC.a IaCk Of medical WOrkerSD.a Sign Of economic recovery.【答案】C25.【题干】SCanCIinaVian AirIineS dec

28、ided to 【选项】A.Great job VaCanCieS for the unemployed.B.PrePare theirC.Retrain theirIaid-Off WOrkerS for Other jobs.Cabin Staff for better services.Staff,S COllege education.【答案】BWith the global POPUIation PreCIiCted to hit ClOSe to 10 billion by 2050, and forecasts that agricuItUral P

29、rOdUCtion in One regions WilI need to nearly double to keep pace, food SeCUrity is increasingly making headlines In the UK, it has become a big talking POi Ilt rece nt Iy too, for a rat her Par ti CUlar reason: BreX it.BreXit is Seerl by SOme as an OPPOrtunity to reverse a recent trend toWardS the U

30、K importing food The COUntry PrOdUCeS OnIy about 60 Per Cent Of the food it eats, down from almost three-quarters in the Iate 1980s A move back to self-sufficiency, the argument goes, WOUICl boost the farming industry, POIitiCaI SOVereignty and even the nations health, SOUndS great but how feasible

31、is this vision?from the UniVerSityIand area isSUPPlieS 80 PerCentACCOrding to a report On UK food PrOdUCtion Of Leeds, UK, 85 PerCent Of the COUntry,S total associated With meat and dairy PrOdUCtion. ThatOf What is consumed, SO even COVering the WhOIe COUntry in IiVeStOCk farms WOUIdnt allow US to COVer all OUr meat and dairy needsThere are many CaVeatS to those figures, but they are StilI grave. TO become much more Self-SUffiCient. The UK WOUId need

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