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高三英语二轮专题复习第31节 文学与艺术一.docx

1、高三英语二轮专题复习第31节 文学与艺术一第31节文学与艺术(一).阅读理解ADo you listen to the songs that your parents like? Chances are that you dont.You probably think the music that they like is old and dull and that the songs on your playlist are much cooler.But here is what scientists found recently:peoples music tastes change a

2、s they age,according to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.So its likely that your own musical preference will follow a similar path to your parents,whether you like it or not.We used to think that culture and personality are the only factors that affect ones music

3、 choice.But researchers at the University of Cambridge,UK,gathered data from more than 250,000 people over the past 10 years.They noticed that as people age,their social circumstances change,and so does their music tastes.There are three musical periods that people pass through as they mature“intens

4、e”,“contemporary” and “sophisticated”The first period comes in the teenage years,during which time people like intense music such as punk and rock because teenagers tend to be aggressive and want to establish their identity as independent individuals.But as people move into early adulthood,their lif

5、estyle changesthey socialize more and want to build close relationships with others.As a result,they become more fond of contemporary music,such as pop and R&B,which is usually uplifting and danceable and played at parties where people hang out together and chat.When middle age comes,things have set

6、tled down for most people.This period will be dominated(支配) by more “sophisticated” music,such as jazz and classical,as well as more catchy music like country,folk,and blues.“For many,this life stage is frequently exhausted by work and family,and there is a requirement for relaxing,emotive(有感染力的) mu

7、sic,” Jason Rentfrow,a researcher member,told The telegraph.But you must be thinking:“Arent there old people who are still into rock music?” Of course there are.But Rentfrow explained that their reasons for listening to rock music may have changed.“We use music for different reasons,” he said,and th

8、us at that age people may listen to remind themselves of their youths.语篇解读本文主要讲述了“是什么影响了人们的音乐品味?” 研究发现音乐品味随着年龄的增长而变化。1Why do children usually like different songs from their parents according to the passage?AChildren prefer cool music.BMusic taste changes with age.CParents songs are always dull.DPar

9、ents have better social circumstances.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,音乐的品味随着年龄的增长而变化,所以孩子与父母喜欢的音乐不同。可知答案为B。2The underlined word “catchy” in Paragraph 7 probably means “ ”Atouching and easily rememberedBawkward and easily capturedCelegant but difficult to understandDflexible and difficult to catch答案A解析词义猜测题。由

10、该画线词后列举的例子,如乡村音乐、民谣音乐和蓝调音乐,以及倒数第二段中的“For many,this life stage is frequently exhausted by work and family,and there is a requirement for relaxing,emotive(动情的) music”可知,画线词的意思是“吸引人的,容易记住的”,故答案为A。3What can we infer from the last paragraph?AOld people dont like rock music.BMusic can serve as a reminder.

11、CRock music makes old people younger.DListening to rock music needs reasons.答案B解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“We use music for different reasons, he said,and thus at that age people may listen to remind themselves of their youths.”可知,音乐可以作为一个引起人回忆的事物。故答案为B。4Whats the main idea of the passage?AWhy do people like m

12、usic?BHow can you improve your music talent?CWhat influences peoples music taste?DWhy do different people like different music?答案C解析主旨大意题。根据文章第一段及第二段首句可知,音乐的品味随着年龄的增长而变化。所以本文讲述的是“是什么影响了人们的音乐品味?”故选C。B(2018北京朝阳区一模)Comedy and PsychologyEarlier this year I did a parttime comedy course.The class was taug

13、ht by Ryan,a professional comedian.I had performed a show,which wasnt originally meant to be a comedy.However,the audience laughed at my first joke,then continued to laugh throughout the routines that were meant to be serious.So it was the audience who told me I was funny,but I didn t understand why

14、 or how to control the comic(滑稽的) moments.So,I joined the course to learn.“Turn off your editor that makes you say the right thing and remember how to be a child,” explained Ryan.“Dont try to be clever.Dont try too hard to be funny.and knowing all about the theory of humor is unlikely to help you mu

15、ch.Just behave in a silly way.Thats what people want to see on stage.” Ryan would help us loosen up by saying things like,“Wander around talking to others,but make sure that youre the lowest status person here.”Id say that understanding the psychology of humor has actually helped.Recently I came acr

16、oss the book Inside Jokes:Using Humor to ReverseEngineer the Mind.Its main idea is that any selfdirected intelligent system will need to correct its own fault.Theres a risk that the occasional error will be made.If this was boring or burdensome,wed be less willing to do it.However,evolution has made

17、 the process fun.Heres a joke in the book:Two fish are in a tank.One says to the other,“Do you know how to drive this thing?” It works on the principle that we have started to imagine one thingthat the tank is the typical container people keep fish inand,just in time,the following words tell us that

18、 our first assumption was wrongits a heavy vehicle.For correctly figuring out the error,we are rewarded with a pleasurable feeling.The joke is an efficient way of encouraging this natural reaction,and comedians have become experts in slightly touching this mental funnybone in order to make us laugh.

19、Ryan was right when he said that knowing the theory of humor wouldnt help us that much as a comedy.During one exercise in the course,four of us were told to perform an opera.Susan and Caroline sang earnestly on either side of the stage,and I brought Henry to the floor,where we wrestled(摔跤) each othe

20、r like outofcontrol teenagers.The rest of the group was in uncontrollable fits of laughter.As a performer,Ill never appreciate just why it seemed so funny.But the point is that I would never have written this on the paper.It was a joyous,found moment.5Why did the author attend the comedy course?AHe

21、wanted to see how the theories worked in practice.BHe discovered he had some natural ability in comedy.CHe worried about how other performers would find him.DHe got unpleasant experiences when performing a comedy.答案B解析推理判断题。根据第一段中“So it was the audience who told me I was funny,but I didn t understan

22、d why or how to control the comic(滑稽的)moments.So,I joined the course to learn.”可知,作者参加了喜剧课程是因为他发现自己在喜剧方面有一定的天赋。故选B。6Ryan required the people on the comedy course to .Acopy their favorite performancesBimagine other peoples reactionsChelp themselves feel comfortableDbehave in a more playful manner答案D解

23、析推理判断题。根据第二段中“.and knowing all about the theory of humor is unlikely to help you much.Just behave in a silly way.Thats what people want to see on stage.”可知,赖安要求喜剧课上的人们以一种更有趣的方式表现。由此可知答案为D。7What is the purpose of the joke mentioned in Paragraph 4?ATo discuss what humor brings about exactly.BTo give a

24、n example of another kind of humor.CTo prove the point about the psychology of humor.DTo show why some people are funnier than others.答案C解析目的意图题。根据第三段内容和第四段最后一句可知,第四段提到笑话的目的是为了证明幽默心理学的观点。可知答案为C。8What view does the author put forward in the end?AVisual humor is what appeals to people most.BWhat peopl

25、e find funny is often unpredictable.CTheories explaining humor tend to be mistaken.DLearning comic skills proves to be a difficult task.答案B解析推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句可知,作者认为人们觉得有趣的东西往往是不可预测的。故答案为B。.完形填空(2018安徽六校教育研究会第二次联考)A young painter lived in a small house,living on painting portraits(画像)One day,a rich m

26、an came for a portrait.They agreed on the 9 of 10,000.The day the man came to take the painting,an 10 idea occurred to him:“Its me in the painting.If I dont buy,no one will 11 .” So he said,“Ill only pay3,000!” The young artist had never 12 such things.He strongly argued,expecting the rich man to 13

27、 the agreement.“I ask you at last,will you sell it 3,000 or not?”Realizing the man did it 14 ,the artist said in a 15 voice,“No! Id prefer not to sell it rather than be humiliated(羞辱)Today you 16 your word and someday you must pay 17 times.”“What a joke! Am I stupid?”“Well,wed better wait and see.”S

28、oon the painter moved out to 18 some wellknown teachers to work harder.Years later,he finally made a name 19 in the circle of art.The rich man had forgotten the whole thing. 20 one day,some friends came to tell him,“In a famous exhibition,one painting is 21 200,000 and the man in it looks 22 the sam

29、e as you.Its so strange that its 23 is “Thief”. He immediately thought of the 24 .If the painting were that one,it would be a(n) 25 for him.He went to find the young painter 26 .And it was! He quickly apologized to the artist and paid 200,000 dollars to buy it back.With a strong 27 ,the young painte

30、r made the rich man 28 his head.This young man was Pablo Picasso.语篇解读这是一篇记叙文。一个有钱人让一位画家给他画一幅肖像,约定给艺术家10 000美元,但是,有钱人后来食言了,只打算给3 000美元。艺术家对此非常生气,发誓要让有钱人付出20倍的代价。后来,艺术家成名了,他将这幅画标价200 000美元,并取名为“小偷”。有钱人知道后,花了200 000美元将这幅画买回。艺术家终于洗刷了自己的耻辱。9A.award BrewardCbonus Dsalary答案B解析award奖赏,奖品,奖;reward报答,酬金;bonus

31、红利,津贴;salary薪水。有钱人请画家给他画一幅肖像,他们约定的报酬为10 000美元。B选项正确。10A.ill BoptimisticCabstract Delegant答案A解析ill坏的,不好的,生病的;optimistic乐观的;abstract抽象的;elegant优雅的。由下文可知,有钱人想少付钱,这是一个非常坏的念头。故A选项正确。11A.neither BeitherCnor Dbesides答案B解析neither也不;either也;nor也不;besides此外,另外。有钱人想:“画像上画的是我。如果我不买,别人也不会买。either置于句末,表示“也”。故B选项正确。该句中no one已表示否定意思,故A和C选项不正确。12A.stood by Bsent forCcome across Dpulled through答案C解析stand by站在的一边;send for派人去请(叫);come across(偶然)遇见;pull through(使)渡过危机(或难关)。年轻的艺术家以前从未遇到过这样的事情。C选项正确。13A.stick to Btake toCsee to Dturn to答案A解

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