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1、英语全球化英语全球化英语全球化的利弊With the process of globalization, English becomes more and more popular. Faced with the question whether the spread of English all over the world is advantageous or not, there is no consensus of opinion among people. As to me, I will say it is disadvantageous without any hesitatio

2、n. A number of factors could account for this phenomenon. First and foremost, English can divide the society into many classes, which widen the gap between the rich and the poor. We can take China as an example, recently, English becomes more and more popular, and lots of companies regard English as

3、 a boundary in interviews. In China, if there are two people who own same education seeking for the same job, under this circumstance, the one who masters English better will get more chance and this situation also adapt for many other countries. Secondly, English is endangering linguistic diversity

4、 and causing culture disaster. The linguists says that there are almost seventy thousand kinds of languages in the world, and half of them on the brink of extinction, whats worse, every two weeks there is one language disappearing, which is two times as many as mammals, and four times as many as bir

5、ds. There is no doubt that English accelerates this course. Besides, language is the carrier of culture, that is to say, the variety of culture is also in a dangerous state with the extinction of languages. To some degree, we can also gain information from many countries behavior. In 2000, Polands g

6、overnment makes a law for banning English used in their advertisements; in recent years, France also asks their people use French in formal occasions, except there isnt a world to express the meaning, or it will be illegal. These examples can testify that English had led to linguistic and culture in

7、vasion. Last but not least. The widespread of English is also bad for itself. On the one hand, people from English countries are unwilling to learn other languages or get to know another culture, and some researches indicate that its more difficult for them to learn a second language than other coun

8、tries, all of these can account for the popularity of English. On the other hand, English is also changed during the disseminative progress. It had already shaped the “new English”, such as Indian English, Chinglish and so on. All in all, the extinction of language, the fading of culture, and the in

9、vasion of other cultures and the changing of native English, which are all signals that the spread of English all over the world is disadvantageous.英语与全球贸易全球化与国际贸易 由于全球化的原因,国际间的贸易不断增强。 而一些不同国家的传统习惯,也慢慢进入到了贸易里。而一些大家公认的经济的常识也慢慢地被人们所用。 例如 全球化(globalization)一词,是一种概念,也是一种人类社会发展的现象过程。全球化目前有诸多定义,通常意义上的全球化是

10、指全球联系不断增强,人类生活在全球规模的基础上发展及全球意识的崛起。国与国之间在政治、经济贸易上互相依存。全球化亦可以解释为世界的压缩和视全球为一个整体 The term globalization, is a concept, but also a process of the development of human society phenomenon. Globalization has many definitions. In the usual sense of globalization refers to the growing global links. The rise o

11、f the development of human life based on a global scale and the global consciousness will improve. Between country and country in the political, economic and trade interdependence, globalization also can be explained by the compression and the earth as a whole world. 国际贸易(International Trade)是指不同国家(

12、和/或地区)之间的商品和劳务的交换活动。国际贸易是商品和劳务的国际转移。国际贸易也叫世界贸易。 国际贸易由进口贸易(Import Trade)和出口贸易(Export Trade)两部分组成,故有时也称为进出口贸易。 International trade is the exchange activities between different countries of goods and services. International trade is the international transfer of goods and services. International trade

13、also called world trade. International trade is composed of two parts the import and export trade It is sometimes called as the import and export trade.语言全球化与政治对南北关系产生双重影响南北关系的实质是发展中国家摆脱发达国家经济和政治上的剥削与控制,谋求建立公正合理的国际政治、经济新秩序。经济全球化对南北关系产生了双重的影响。从积极的方面来看,首先南北关系长期以来的紧张态势得到一定程度的缓解。过去南方对北方的单向依赖已变成双方的相互依赖和相

14、互竞争,南北经济交往的规模和密切程度空前增强。彼此都认识到,只有保持南北双方和谐发展,世界经济才能得以健康地运行。双方都在处理南北关系时表现出务实性和灵活性,放弃了一些过高的、不切实际的要求。其次,一些发展中国家抓住新的发展机遇,缩短了与发达国家的经济差距,南方的国际地位有所提高。南方国家之间要求加强经济和科技合作的呼声很高Have a double impact on North South RelationsThe essence of North South relations are developing countries get rid of exploitation and co

15、ntrol of developed countries economically and politically, and sought to establish a new international political and economic order, fair and reasonable. Economic globalization has double effects on North South relations. On the positive side, the North South relations tension has eased to some exte

16、nt. The past one-way dependence on the North South has become dependent on both sides and mutual competition, scale and extent of South North economic exchanges and enhanced. To know each other, only to maintain the harmonious development of the world economy in both north and south, to the healthy

17、operation of. Both sides in the treatment of North South relations showed pragmatism and flexibility, to give up some excessive, unrealistic demands. Secondly, some developing countries to seize the new opportunities of development, shorten the economic gap with the developed countries, the Souths i

18、nternational status has improved. Southern countries called for strengthening the economic and technological cooperation is very high voice.推动区域内国家联合经济全球化带来世界市场的激烈竞争,各个国家,特别是弱国、小国,都希望增强自身的竞争力,但是一个国家又往往力不从心,于是有着地理、文化等若干共同因素的国家就通过区域内国家的联合,通过地区经济一体化来加强争夺市场份额的能力。近年来,地区经济一体化组织不断增多,60年代只有9个,70年代发展到28个,80年

19、代有32个,到1997年达107个,共有150多个国家和地区参与,有的还参与了多个地区经济一体化组织。Economic globalization has brought the fierce competition in the world market, every country, especially the weak, small, want to enhance the competitiveness of a country, but also often inadequate, so there are some common factors such as geography

20、, culture of the country by the United Nations in the region, to enhance the ability to compete for market share by regional economic integration. In recent years, regional economic integration organizations increased only 9, 60s, 70s to 80s of 28, 32, to 1997 reached 107, a total of participating i

21、n more than 150 countries and regions, and some also participated in the economic integration organizations in many areas.There is an example, European union.( Treaties of the European Union)Treaties of the European Union ” European Union” W June 11, 2014 W语言与文化语言是文化的载体,英语语言全球化与英美文化国际化可谓是双向积极作用着彼此。英

22、国文化随着殖民扩张而广泛传播,世人一度视英国文化为“先进”的,并通过学习其语言来追随进而试图融入这样“先进的”文化氛围,因此有人说英语国际化是“文化帝国主义”的突出表现。二战后,美国科技的迅猛发展使其语言文化的国际扩展如虎添翼。以美国文化背景为主的广播、报纸、杂志、电影、广告、流行音乐、体育、电视节目在全球范围内的传播, 为英语国际化提供了充分的文化土壤。随着信息化时代的到来, 英语更是以汽车文化、手机文化、网络文化、快餐文化等诸多新形式被人们所接受。世界各国在以美国为主导的国际制度安排下,为了维护自身的生存和发展利益,纷纷自觉地选择英语作为交流工具,这样美国的意识形态和价值观念在美国文化载体

23、的携带下,向全球不断扩张,在社会生活的各领域不断渗透。英语全球化运动已经由横向扩张过渡到横向扩张与纵向深化相结合的状态,继而催生了英语的语言霸权。 英语的全球化仿佛一把双刃剑,一方面共同的语言便于全世界各国人民的交流和沟通,另一方面放弃本民族语的使用对各国母语的留存构成了严重的威胁,达到一定程度,国家民族身份也将面临着挑战。世界共六千多种语言,但约两千种语言使用者不足一千人,其中半数语言已不被儿童传授。有人预计,现存的六千多种语言将会有80%到本世纪末消失,那么这些土族或者少数民族的后代将会使用什么语言来代替先辈的语言?或是本国的第一语言,或是在本国作为第二语言的英语。有学者也曾把英语称为“杀

24、手语言”(killer language)“语言凶手”(language murder)。Language is the carrier of culture, the English language and American culture globalization and internationalization can be described as a two-way active role in each other. With the British colonial expansion and widespread, and the world was, as the Bri

25、tish as advanced and by learning their language to follow and then tried to assimilate into this advanced culture, so some people say that English is the international cultural imperialism the outstanding performance. After World War II, the rapid development of science and technology the United Sta

26、tes makes it even more powerful international expansion of language and culture. US-based cultural background radio, newspapers, magazines, movies, advertising, pop music, sports, television programs spread across the globe, in order to provide a full English international cultural soil. With the ad

27、vent of the information age, many new forms of English are more car culture, mobile phone culture, network culture, fast food culture is accepted. In the world of international institutional arrangements under the US-led, in order to safeguard their own survival and development interests, have consc

28、iously choose English as a communication tool, this ideology and values of American culture in the United States under the carrier to carry to the worlds growing expansion in all areas of social life continue to penetrate. English-globalization movement has been the transition from the horizontal ex

29、pansion to horizontal expansion and vertical depth of combining state and then gave birth to the hegemony of the English language.The globalization of English as if double-edged sword, on the one hand a common language to facilitate communication and the exchange of all peoples of the world, on the

30、other hand give up the use of the national language of each countrys native language retention constitutes a serious threat to a certain extent, the identity of the nation is also facing challenges.A total of six thousand languages in the world, but about two thousand people less than one thousand k

31、inds of language users, half of whom language has not been taught children. It was expected that the existing six thousand languages will disappear 80% of the end of the century, the descendants of the Turkish minority or what language will be used instead of the language of our ancestors? Or their

32、first language, or in the country as a second language English. Some scholars have called the English killer language (killer language) killer language (language murder).总结世界语言多元化是人类语言生态形式平衡发展的基础,进而也是人类文明多样化得以传承发展的有利保障,只有不同民族之间相互学习借鉴,才能保持各民族独有的自身活力并呈现出良好的社会文化环境。倘若世界各国自古以来形成的多民族、多语言、多文化的格局被打破,最明显的体现就是弱势和少数语言走向濒危,这不是英语的胜利,而是英语的失败。如果没有了语言的多样性,积累了数万年的人类文化就会随之消失,丰富的人类文明史就会停滞不前。因此,世界各国都应该制定出对待英语以及保护本民族语言的对策和措施,各国政府肩负着发展境内少数民族语言和保护濒危语言的责任,这是人类共同的利益。The worlds linguistic diversity is the foundation of human ecological balance in the form of language development, diversification and thus al

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