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Book 3Unit 3Families Celebrate Together教学设计.docx

1、Book 3 Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together教学设计冀教版英语八(上) Unit3 Family Celebrate Together 教学设计刁窝中学 赵书云1单元整体分析在本单元里,学习主题是人与社会,了解和掌握节日风俗,家庭庆祝活动,通过学习感知我国和西方国家的主要秋天节日,给学生展示家人集体庆祝节日的情景,并通过给李明庆祝生日,介绍和生日派对相关的细节。在生日话题中又插入选生日礼物的环节,介绍了购物的对话。在大量呈现when引导的时间状语从句和名词所有格的语境中,让学生通过观察合作与探究活动掌握这两个语法并能准确使用,锻炼学生的思维品质和学习能力。

2、本单元的教学内容,让学生在与人交流中提高传播我国优秀传统文化的能力,感受亲情和友情,接触并了解中西方的节日风俗文化,学生在中、西方节日风俗异同点对比中,能自然形成文化自信、跨国际的视野。2学情分析1. 知识现状学生已入八年级,有了一定的知识积累和学习方法,有一定的生活体验。2. 认知水平 学生理解能力增强,知识学习较快,但是层次不同,有一些接受能力较差3本单元共六课时,单元课时结构图Unit3 Families Celebrate together 分课设计 Lesson 13: I love Autumn一.文本解读1. What夲课语篇为信件,一封是李明写给他的加拿大朋友詹妮,谈论他为什么

3、喜欢秋季,另一封是詹妮的回信,介绍了加拿大的感恩节。2. Why这节课的主题是人与社会里的民俗和人际关系,旨在通过接触不同国家的节日风俗让学生了解社会,有文化意识和跨国际的视野。3. How通过朋友之间的写信交流,关心彼此的生活,引出了节日和生日这两个需要全家人一起庆祝的主题,让学生从时间,习俗等角度介绍节日。二。学情分析 学生们在之前学习过描写秋天气候和景色和日期的表达法,但是没有接触过节日,对于他们来说介绍庆祝节日是新知,不过学生对节日和生日话题非常感兴趣,有生活体验,乐于学习学习主动性高。课题Lesson13 I love Autumn 教学目标1.感知概括中秋节、国庆节和感恩节的时间和

4、主要习俗2.能流利运用celebrate,round,however,wonder等词汇介绍中秋节,国庆节和感恩节,并会运用名词所有格3.对比,分析中西节日习俗,形成对我国优秀传统文化的自信和国际视野4.能理解万圣节的拓展阅读。教学重点提炼并简单复述秋天的主要节日教学难点探究并掌握名词所有格的使用教学方法任务型教学法,情景教学法学习策略自主学习,合作学习教具PPT ,recorder教学步骤教师指导学生活动Purpose1. warm upAnd lead inAsk the students:Whats he date today and Is there any holiday comin

5、g now?Answer the questions and be activeRecall the fore knowledgeAnd show the topic today 2.Presentation1.Show the picture of Mid-Autumn Day and the National Day on the screen and tell the students to talk about it.2.Show the words : Mid-autumn,lunar and etc in a situationWatch and learn the new wor

6、ds by heartBrainstorm the words related to the holidays Get to learn the main new words and expression3.Reading1.Ask the students to read the text quickly and complete the exercises in Ex12.Ask the students to read the text carefully and find out the main structures in it. Walk around to helpScan fo

7、r the answers quickly Mark out the useful expressionsTrain scanningand get the main outlineIndividual study4.ListeningPlay the tape of Ex2 in Lets Do It.Preview the questions before listening,take notes if necessaryExpanding the costumes about the holiday.5.ConsolidationLeave time for the student to

8、 retell the letterWork in pairs to talk to one anotherPractice to master6.ProjectGet the students to work in groups to finish this taskAssign each member a piece of workCooperate to build culture Aware andForm ability7.Sum upReview what we have learned in the class Try to recall what weve got in cla

9、ss according the blackboard designRebuild knowledge trunk about what weve learnt today8.HomeworkDo Ex 1 as written workAnd search for some other holidays in AutumnDo as the teacher requiresExtensive reading to open eyes8. BlackboardDesignLesson 13: I love AutumnFestival Mid-Autumn National Thanksgiv

10、ingDate lunar August 15 October1 The 2nd Monday,October The 4th Thursday,NovemberCustom Watch the moon celebration eat turkey Eat moon cakes a seven-day pumpkin pieholiday Reflection Lesson 14: Happy Memories一.文本解读1.What:家人相聚是快乐的,本文介绍了几种保存我们的美好时光的方法,并通过向学生展示制作相册,录制家庭视频,制作家族树等具体操作,2.Why:夲课主题为人与自我,语篇为

11、说明文,对保存记忆的方式的细节介绍,让学生感受到阖家团圆和睦相处的美好气氛。旨在让学生珍惜家人,关爱家人。3.How:通过导入话题,逐条叙述和最后补充点明中心的写作方式,让学生对这几种建议有了明确的了解,条理清晰。 。二。学情分析 学生们在之前学习过几种节日节日,其中很多节日是全家一起,学生还对节日时的开心记忆犹新。这节课所介绍的内容是如何保存这些美好的记忆,应该说是契合他们所需,能点燃他们的学习兴趣。课题Lesson 14: Happy Memories教学目标1. 通过感知概括课文掌握制相册,录视频和制家族三种方式,体验家人相聚的喜悦。2.能熟练运用past.choose,record.l

12、ively,birth,attend,touch等词汇和,too,to,stay in touch等结构,并用它们介绍保存记忆的主要方式,在探究中用关键词概括文本,善于抓关键信息,准确地表达自己的观点,3.在生活中做到珍惜家人,关爱家人。4.在自主学习的基础上,能吸收别人的建设性建议,分享知识。教学重点掌握夲课新的语言知识并能介绍课文里保存记忆的主要方式教学难点初识when引导的时间状语从句教学方法任务型教学法,情景教学法学习策略自主学习,合作学习教具PPT ,recorder,photos教学步骤教师指导学生活动Purpose1.warm upAnd lead inAsk th

13、e students:Did you have a good time when family get together?Did you remember what you did at that time? Be active to answer the questions after thinking carefully.Discuss the questions in Think About ItRecall the ways of celebrating a holiday and prepare them well for the topic today 2.Presentation

14、1.Show the picture of an album and family video and a family tree and show the students the new word and phrases about how to keep memories to the the class2.Play the tape in Ex1 of Lets Do ItWatch and learn the new words by heartNumber the picture according to the tape Get to learn the main new wor

15、ds and expression by reading and listening3.Reading1.Ask the students to read the text quickly and complete the exercises in Ex22.Ask the students to read the text carefully and find out the main structures in it. Walk around to helpScan for the answers quickly and match people with their ideas. Mak

16、e sure they can read and understand each word.Mark out the useful expressionsTrain scanningand get the main outline byIndividual study4.SolutionPlay the tape of the passage and then leave time for the students to complete Ex3Read with the tape and finish Ex3 in pairsOvercome the difficult language p

17、oints met today5.ConsolidationLeave time for the students to made a mind map for each ways of keeping memoriesWork in groups to complete the taskUse mind map to help memory the passage6.ProjectGet the students to work in groups to design a plan to keep memories if we are going to have a sports meet

18、Assign each member a piece of work. Report the plan to the whole classCooperate to build the ability by using what we learnt7.Sum upReview what we have learned in the class Try to recall what weve got in class according the blackboard designRebuild knowledge trunk8.HomeworkDo Ex 3 as written workAnd

19、 think of some other good ways to keep memoryDo as the teacher requiresExtensive task to be creative9. BlackboardDesignLesson 14: Happy Memories How to keep memories Make an album Make a family tree Make a family video Collection slide show birth date Point of view,lively Reflection Lesson 15

20、: Present for Li Ming一.文本解读1.What:本文为一篇对话,主题是人和自我里的个人生活。对话是詹妮和布莱恩一起为李明到商场去买一件生日礼物2.Why:亲情和友谊是我们每个人的人生必备。友情是我们生活快乐的如安全源泉之3.本段对话通过为好友挑选购买礼物,不仅让学生学习购物这个功能项目,还告诉学生,朋友之间要相互帮助,相互关爱。3.How:在购物中,通过情节设置展示了购物中我们要考虑的主要要素:颜色、型号款式,融合了之前所学的爱好和购物知识块,让学生拓展了知识链,学生通过购物对话的操练融会贯通了很多学过的知识。二。学情分析 学生们在之前学习过购物的对话,掌握了Can I h

21、elp you? Im looking for .,How much.。?等基本购物用语,本单元谈论家族因节日和生日聚会,学生有过生日,买和收礼物的生活经历,知识容易迁移,这个文本能激发他们的兴趣引起共鸣。课题Lesson 15: Present for Li Ming教学目标1.通过阅读了解詹妮购物的主要过程,掌握购物的基本用语。能熟练运用size,fit,anyway等词汇和the same size,try on等结构进行购物的会话。2.在通过学习和实践购物的活动中,我们不急要掌握语言知识,还要学会了解自己的亲人和朋友,关爱是相互的,我们要让他们因自己的存在而喜悦。3.能编一个买礼物的购

22、物对话,围绕着让礼物的主人满意的中心,结构要紧凑合理。4.调查两名好友的爱好:颜色,服装,衣物,运动等等,分享拓宽知识建构来源。教学重点掌握本课的新词汇和句法结构并能进行简单的购买礼物的对话教学难点探究并掌握would like的用法 教学方法任务型教学法,情景教学法学习策略自主学习,合作学习教具PPT ,recorder,photos教学步骤教师指导学生活动Purpose1.warm upAnd lead inAsk the students:Do you have a good time on your birthday?Have you ever got present from oth

23、ers on birthday?Say: Li Mings birthday is coming. Lets go buy a gift for him with Jenny Be active to answer the questionsAsk for help from the teacher if they have trouble in words and expressionsRecall the experience of having a present and start their motive of learning to shop.2.Presentation1.Sho

24、w the picture of Li Ming and ask what do you know about the boy and what gift he might like2.Ask the students to tick T or F to the statement in Ex1, Lets Do It. Check the answer by playing the tape with the book openBrainstorm the questions and be brave to show off in classDo the reading comprehens

25、ion Preview the main content in the dialogue Get the whole dialogue3.Reading1.Ask the students to read the dialogue carefully and make sure they know each word in it. Ask them to finish Ex3 in Lets Do It. 2.Explain the new words and structuresDo the task individually. Turn for help if necessary. Mak

26、e sure they can read and understand each word.Mark out the useful expressionsTrain the ability of guessing from context and paraphrase 4.PractiseAsk the students to make dialogues in pairs and after Play the tape of Ex2 in Lets Do It for the students to complete the exercises Use correct phonetic an

27、d tune to make the dialogue.Improve the speaking ability5.ConsolidationLeave time for the students to compete a task of” If you were a clerk or if you were a customer”,list out the expression you may need to say.Work in groups to complete the task. Be eager to share you result to the classBuild summ

28、ary ability6.ProjectGet the students to work in groups to design a plan to buy father or mother a gift on his or her birthdayList the questions out and write the end decision on the worksheetUse English to achieve a goal to master it 7.Sum upReview what we have learned in the class Try to recall wha

29、t weve got in class according the blackboard designRebuild knowledge structure8.HomeworkAsk the students to recite the dialogue and make a survey on the likes of the family Do as the teacher asksLearn more about family10. BlackboardDesignLesson 15: Present for Li MingClerk customerReflection Lesson

30、16: Happy Thanksgiving一.文本解读1.What:本文为一篇记叙文,主题是人和社会的社交活动。文章讲述詹妮一家协同布兰恩到祖父母家去过感恩节的经历。大家闲聊,做娱乐,吃大餐,特别是餐前感恩环节布兰恩对所有帮助过他,关心他的家人表达了感谢,每个人都很开心。2.Why:每个人一出生就接受着家人无私的奉献和疼爱,文章里布兰恩感谢詹妮帮助他,感谢奶奶给大家准备晚饭,还对大家对他的欢迎表达了感谢,学生们一定会被感染,让自己也有一颗知恩图报的感恩之心。3.How:在文章中没有直接教导学生要感恩自己的亲人,而是从点点滴滴小事和言谈举止,告诉学生们,情亲无处不在,它包围着我们,我们要有善于

31、发现的眼睛。二。学情分析 学生们在之前在第13课简单了解了感恩节,这篇文章带大家身临其境,体验这个节日的热烈气氛和浓厚的亲情。学生对西方的节日既好奇又兴奋,为学习打下了良好的学习驱动力。课题Lesson 16: Happy Thanksgiving教学目标1.通过阅读学习了解詹妮到祖父母家过感恩节的过程,掌握詹妮购物的主要过程,掌握meal,conversation,hug,turkey,gathering,dessert,givea big hug,give thanks tofor,arrive in/at,letdo,sayto等语言知识2.能通过关键词复述这次感恩节的主要过程3.在实践应用中能根据提示信息写一篇记

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