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1、基础英语试题与答案2001年Part I Vocabulary找近意词1. Ravage - to enrage; to plunder; to devour ; to wear awayravage :1)To bring heavy destruction on; devastate毁灭:产生巨大的灾难;彻底毁坏2) To pillage; sack: 劫掠;抢劫Enrage: To put into a rage; infuriate.激怒;使狂怒2. Edify - to scold; to praise; to improve and enlighten; to have excep

2、tional pleasure fromEdify:启发 To instruct especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement.3. Haggle- to wrangle; to scold; to lie; to begHaggle: 1)To bargain, as over the price of something2)To argue in an attempt to come to terms为达成协议而进行争论4. Curtail- to curl or intertwine

3、; to deprive of; to confuse; to cut short5. Supplicate- to strangle; to grow weak; to beg humble, to entreat, adjure; to curse6. Extol - to announce; to collect; to scold or harass; to praiseExtol :To praise highly; exalt7. Facilitate - to tease; to make easy; to pretend; to congratulatetease取笑, 逗恼8

4、. Cavort - to prance around; to fling; to find fault with; to enjoy in a carefree manner1)To bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper.跳跃:以活泼的姿态跳跃或腾跃;蹦跳2)To have lively or boisterous fun; romp:嬉闹:愉快或吵闹地嬉戏;嬉闹:9. Sully-玷污,弄脏-to keep hidden, make secret; to hinder; to defile; soil; to put the

5、blame on someone10. Usurp - to charge high interest rates; to intrude upon; to disturb; to seize power or positionusury高利贷11. Goad - to annoy; to incite or spur; to argue; to beg用刺棒驱赶, 驱策, 激励 , 唆使12. Augment - to urge; to dispute; to promise; to increase, add to13. Inundate - to flood; deluge; to br

6、eak down; to retreat; to enter into an agreement14. Waive放弃- to forgo; to demand; to look for; to be irresolute15. Confound使混淆, 把.搞混, 挫败, 讨厌- to impress; to bring together; to frustrate; to confuse, perplexconfound fiction and fact.把事实与假设混为一谈Part II Vocabulary 选词填空1. Aadjudicate判决, 宣判2. B常用于否定句容许The

7、 situation does not permit of any delay.情况不允许有任何耽搁。perpetrate a crime犯罪3. A, B ? impulsion冲动; impulse推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力She bought the dress on impulse.她一时冲动买了这件衣服。a man of impulse易冲动的人4. DCompulsive强迫的;难以抑制的Compulsive drinking is bad for ones health.不加节制的饮酒有害健康。5. BEmit:发射,发出声音6. Dgenial亲切的7. Atantaliz

8、ing非常着急的tantalize逗弄, 使干着急tenable可维持的tendentious有倾向的, 有偏见的8. Cto retain ones balance保持平衡; a levee to retain the lake挡住湖水的堤坝9. AObtrude:1)To impose (oneself or ones ideas) on/upon others with undue insistence or without invitation.:以不合适的坚持或在没有被邀请时将自己或某人的观点强加于别人2)To thrust out; push forward.挤出:挤出;推向前10

9、. CNonchalant冷淡的=phlegmatic, impassive, indifferent11. Aimpertinent无关的, 鲁莽的, 不相干的small talk闲聊break into:打断,闯入Pertinent =relevant, Having logical, precise relevance to the matter at handpertinacious固执的12. Creside(与in连用)存在于,属于resit vt.(尤指考试不及格后)再参加(考试)13. ADeposit silt沉积淤泥deprave堕落To debase, especiall

10、y morallydeport举止, 驱逐demote使降级, 使降职To reduce in grade, rank, or status.14. Ba fusion of interests利益的熔合 fission 裂开, 分裂A fusion of religion and politics emerged.出现了政教合一的局面infusion灌输confusion迷惑induction感应, 引发, 归纳15. AFragment片段fraction小部分, 分数Part III Vocabulary 词意辨析1.The weather forecast says it is lia

11、ble to rain today.This shoe is apt to slip.这种鞋容易滑倒。The train is likely to be late.这趟火车很可能晚点。2. alumnus男校友alumni男校友的复数形(有时候作为男女毕业生统称)alumna女校友alumnae女校友的复数形3. The word red has an unpleasant connotation for many people.Denotation (direct note)直接意思,字面意义。The most specific or direct meaning of a word, in

12、 contrast to its figurative or associated meanings.直接意义:一个词最特定的或最直接的意义,与它的喻意或相关意相对Connotation: 言外之意,内涵An idea or meaning suggested by or associated with a word or thing:含意:用一个词或一件事表示出的思想或意义:Hollywood holds connotations of romance and glittering success.好莱坞一词包含了浪漫与耀眼的成就的含意4. Due to the bad weather, w

13、e arrived late.5. One could say that all cats are ?egoist自我主义者altruist利他主义者, 爱他主义者 altruism (another true)egotism自我中心, 自尊自大egotist1)A conceited, boastful person.自大的人:自负,吹牛的人2)A selfish, self-centered person.自私的人:自私,自我中心的人6.The audience yawned and seemed uninterested in the speech.Disinterested (弟弟无利

14、益) : Free of bias and self-interest; impartial:无偏见和私欲的,公正不阿的:Uninterested(uncle 无兴趣)不感兴趣的, 无利害关系的7. My little son is eagerly looking forward to Christmas.eagerly热心地, 急切地anxiously忧虑地, 不安地8. He has a contemptuous attitude toward sloppy(肮脏的,潮湿的) work.contemplable沉思的,能够被构思的 contemplate凝视, 沉思contemptuous

15、: manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful.鄙视的:表示轻蔑的或感觉不屑的;鄙视的9. The Grand Canyon(大峡谷) is of incomparable(=unparallel ) beauty举世无双的美.10. ophthalmologist眼科专家, 眼科医师optometrist验光师, 视力测定者11. Golf is the vocation of a professional golfer.12. Your work for the committee has been most creditable.credible可

16、信的, 可靠的 worthy of confidence, reliablea creditable effort值得赞扬的成就13. This is the most historic building in the town.Historic: having importance in or influence on history.在历史上重要的,有历史影响的a historic meeting between the two leaders两位领导人的具有历史意义的会见historical历史(上)的, 有关历史的relating to history 14. I cant stand

17、 your continual/continuous interruption.15. If you have a cough accompanied with a fever, see a doctor. She went to Europe accompanied by her colleague.Part III Filling in the missing words One Take for instance the evening of December 31, 1994, when I began my assignment _as_ the foreign affairs co

18、lumnist for The New York Times. I stated the column _serial_ writing from Tokyo, and when I arrived at the Okura Hotel _after_ a long transpacific(横渡太平洋的) flight, I called room service _on_ one simple request: “Could you please send me _only_ four oranges” I am addicted _to_ citrus(柑橘类) and I needed

19、 a fix. It seemed to me a simple_ order when I telephoned it in, and the person on the other end _quickly came_ to understand. About twenty minutes _later_ there was a knock at my door. A room service waiter was standing there _in_ his perfectly creased(起皱褶的)uniform. In front of him was a cart _cove

20、red_ by a starched浆硬的 white tablecloth. _On_ the tablecloth were four tall _glasses_ of fresh-squeezed orange juice, _beside_ glass set regally(为王, 象帝王地)_was_ a small silver bowl of ice. Two I believe that _if_ you want to understand the post-Cold War world you _ought_ to start by understanding that

21、 a new international system _has_ succeeded(followed) it -globalization. _It_ is “The One Big Thing” people should focus on. Globalization is not the only thing _making_ events in the world today, but to the _broad sense_ that there is a North Star and a worldwide shaping _network_, it is this syste

22、m. What is new is the _system itself_; what is _old_ is power politics, chaos, clashing civilizations_and_ liberalism. _Suppose_what is the drama of the post-Cold War world is the interaction _in_ this new system _among_ all these old passions and aspirations. It is a complex drama, _with_ the final

23、 act still not written. Three Elections alone will never be enough to ensure _effective_ governance; Russia and Pakistan are proof _sample(样本)_ of that. At the same _time_, just installing modern operating _system_ and software in a country, _or_ holding regular elections that can _prevent _ corrupt

24、 leaders, will never be _efficacious_ either. That is why the wisest _leaders_ in developing countries will be no _politicians_ , and without better software and _operating_ systems there will be no herd(兽群, 民众)Part IV Reding and Answering QuestionsGab饶舌, 多嘴Crave: To have an intense desire for.Obscu

25、rity身份低微Evocatively唤起的assertiveness断定的, 过分自信的disambiguate 语消除的歧义cybernetic 控制论的1. When is communication different from conversation?Communication defers from conversation for the reason that the former can be both verbal and written, and it includes telephone links, telecommunication exchanges, E-ma

26、il, the Internet or Writing reports. However, conversation is merely words exchange between two or more individuals; of course it can also be non-verbal. 2. What does “effective communication” mean?The ability for effective communication can be considered as soft skill. Effective communication refer

27、s to a process of successful communication through use of variety of resources both verbal, non-verbal and written.3. What could be considered non-verbal communication?Non-verbal communication includes not only body movements, gestures, smell, but also extra-linguistic features of speech like intona

28、tion, speed, pause etc. 4. What functions could non-verbal communication serve?Non-verbal communication can provide the context of verbal communication and also has the power to make it clear or invalid the content of linguistic expressions.5. How can you improve your soft skills?We may develop out

29、soft skills from basically three ways: to begin with, seek a teacher or a senior leader, more experienced colleagues to help you, since you may learn much quickly from their ways of communication with other people. Moreover, the ability to make a fluent speech is also important. You can improve the

30、ability by signing up for writing and speaking course through university distance education. You make find it much beneficial to talk with a counselor. Finally, self-image is significant as the competition for winning a job heats up. Appearance and body language indicate your education, personality

31、and so on.Part V Chinese SummaryDoom-and-gloom storyFin de siecle eschatologist 世界末日的来世论学者Ripple throughout East Asia波及整个东亚地区。Creep -creptEmanatingPrognoses预测,先知DrearyAugustJeopardyBlipFirs whiffFlunk= fail the examWe skipped science class again.我们又一次逃了自然科学课补考resit for the exam = do the makeup exam2002年Part I1. Andys jocular manner made him loved by all his companions.jocular诙谐的 jesting笑话, 滑稽 = ludicrous2. The art students are enthralled by the sheer beauty of the portrait which hung before th

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