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module 1 Setion Ⅳ 第3步.docx

1、module 1 Setion 第3步.单项填空1Children like to _ what they have but others dont, which makes them proud.Acheer up Bgive upCshow off Dput off解析:选C。cheer up“振作起来”;give up“放弃”;show off“炫耀”;put off“推迟”。句意:孩子们喜欢炫耀别人没有的东西,这使他们很自豪。2You cant _ how excited the children were when they received these nice presents.

2、Aestimate BdefineCrecognize Dimagine解析:选 D。imagine“想象”;estimate“估计”;define“解释”;recognize“认出”。句意:你想象不到当他们接受这么好的礼物时是多么的激动。3She is always _ in her remarks, not in an indirect way.So sometimes I cant stand her.Acautious BseriousCoutspoken Dawkward解析:选 C。cautious“谨慎的,小心的”;serious“严肃的”;outspoken“直言不讳的,坦率的

3、”;awkward“尴尬的”。句意:她总是心直口快,不会用间接的方式。有时我真受不了她。4You shouldnt be so rude to a lady, young man, _, I think, you must apologize.Awhom BwhichCto her Dfor which解析:选D。make an apology to sb.for sth./apologize to sb.for sth.“为某事向某人道歉”。句意:小伙子,你不应该对一个女士如此无礼,我认为,为此你必须道歉。5 Excuse me, may I _ a favour of you? Sure,

4、 go ahead!Ado BmakeCgive Dask解析:选D。do sb. a favour“帮某人忙”;ask a favour of sb.“请某人帮忙”。句意:“请你帮个忙好吗?”“当然可以,说吧!” 6We must decide what to _ and what to leave in.Apoint out Bmake outCleave out Dput out解析:选 C。point out“指出”;make out“理解;辨认出”;leave out“省去,删去”;put out“扑灭;生产”,根据题意选C项。7We are _ of this possibilit

5、y; its nothing to be afraid of.Acertain BfondCsensitive Daware解析:选D。 be aware of“意识到”,符合题意。be certain of“确定”;be fond of“喜欢”;be sensitive to“敏感的”。8_, dear!Things wont be as bad as you think.There certainly will be chances for you.AHurry up BLook upCCheer up DMake up解析:选C。 cheer up“振作起来”,常用于鼓励对方。hur-r

6、y up“赶紧”;look up“看望,查阅”;make up“组成,编造”。 9I coul dnt jump into the river in winter just _ the purpose of getting a cap.Ain BtoCfor Don解析:选C。句意:我不能仅仅为了取回帽子而在冬天跳入河中。for the purpose of doing sth.“为了的目的”。 10A Dream of the Red Chamber (红楼梦) is said _ into dozens of languages in the last decade (十年)Ato hav

7、e been translated Bto be translatedCto translate Dto have translated解析:选A。句意:据说红楼梦在过去的十年中已经被翻译成了多种语言。逻辑主语红楼梦与translate是被动关系,所以排除C、D两项,又因translate的动作发生在谓语动词say之前需用完成时态。故正确答案为A项。.选词填空1Our global climate is becoming warmer, and as a conse-quence , the sea level is rising.2Americans are hugely in favour

8、 of raising minimum wa-ges.3A call from her boyfriend may cheer up the girl.4She left out the date on the cheque.5He wrote in that style just to show off .语境翻译考试临近。除了李明以外,大家都专心(apply)于学习。他养成(form)了在考试中抄袭他人试卷的习惯。每当(every time)他取得高分,他总是炫耀(show off)。然而,在这次考试期间,他要求王林帮个忙(favour)。但是王林拒绝了他。结果(as a conseque

9、nce), 他分数很低。他认为王林故意(purpose)使他难堪。王林告诉他任何情况(circumstance)下他都不应该抄袭他人试卷并建议他向老师道歉(apology)。李明按照王林告诉的去做了。_参考答案:The exam was drawing near.Everyone was ap-plying themselves to their study except Li Ming.He formed the habit of copying others papers in the exam.Every time he got high marks, he always showed

10、off.However, during this exam, he asked Wang Lin for a favour; Wang Lin re-fused him.As a consequence, he got a low mark.He thought Wang Lin made him embarrassed on purpose.Wang Lin told him that under no circumstances should he copy others papers and advised him to make an apology to the teacher.Li

11、 Ming did as Wang Lin told him.完形填空Yesterday was a very rainy day. My back garden was miserable. The sunflowers tried to keep _1_ by covering their faces with their petals (花瓣). The poor fir tree was so cold that his needles (针叶) were _2_. Our willow tree made matters worse _3_ crying so hard that l

12、ittle “rivers” flowed down his leaves onto the other plants _4_. They were all annoyed. The willow tree said he was sorry and _5_ that he was always unhappy when it rained.“Thats silly, ” his neighbor, the apple tree, told him. “_6_ is good for willow trees!”“Be brave,” said the giant cherry tree. “

13、The rain wont _7_ for ever.” Then the cherry tree shook her branches, sending _8_ flying through the air and into the fishpond.The fish swam _9_ to the water surface. They had been studying fish dancing.“Do you know how hard it is to _10_ our lesson with the rain dropping on our roof?” asked the big

14、gest fish. “You just made it twice as annoying and _11_ in here. I have such a headache!”The cherry tree _12_ for being so thoughtless. She promised to shake her branches in a different _13_ next time.There was so much water in the gutter (排水沟) that a river _14_. Two greenandgold ducks came and went

15、 for a _15_ in the river. As it was only wide enough for one duck, they began _16_ with each other about who should be the leader.After lunch a big green frog visited the garden and _17_ two garden mice to have a jumping competition. The mice played bravely with the frog, but were secretly glad when

16、 he left, _18_ every time the frog jumped he made the water go right up their noses.Luckily today is sunny and the plants and animals are much _19_. The garden should be back to _20_ by to-morrow.1A.quiet BdryCstraight Dattractive解析:选B。在下雨天向日葵用花瓣盖住脸的目的是保持“干燥”。 2A.shaking BgrowingCchanging Dwaiting解析

17、:选A。这棵fir tree感到很冷,所以他的针叶颤抖起来。3A.without BatCto Dby解析:选 D。by在此处表示“通过方法”。这棵柳树(willow tree)哭了起来,由此情况变得更糟糕了。4A.inside BaboveCnearby Dahead解析:选C。柳树泪流成“河”,“河水”顺着他的叶子流到他旁边的植物上了。5A.expected BexplainedCsupposed Ddoubted解析:选B。柳树道歉的时候应该解释他哭的原因。6A.Weather BCryingCRain DTrouble解析:选C。从前面的Thats silly可知苹果树认为他下雨的时候

18、不应该哭,这是因为雨水对他是有益的。7A.last BharmCreturn Darrive解析:选A。樱桃树(cherry tree)在鼓励他,应该说宽慰他的话雨不会持续很久。8A.waste BwaterCsignal Dinformation解析:选B。正在下雨的时候樱桃树摇动枝叶,会使树上的水飞散到空中。9A.eventually BfortunatelyCsurprisingly Dangrily解析:选D。从下面一段鱼说的话可知鱼在抱怨,他们应该感到生气。10A.put off Btalk aboutCspeed up Dfocus on解析:选D。前面说They had been

19、 studying fish dancing, 现在它们浮了上来,由此可知鱼儿们的课受到了打扰,无法专心。11A.busy BcrowdedCnoisy Dboring解析:选C。雨水落在池塘里的水面上应该会让鱼儿们感到吵闹。12A.apologized BpreparedCescaped Dargued解析:选A。从后面的She promised to . next time 可知,樱桃树感到自己是不对的,应该是道歉了。13A.situation BdirectionCconclusion Dexpression解析:选B。不能让水再落到池塘里,所以需要向另外的方向抖动枝叶。14A.move

20、d BformedCsucceeded Dinterrupted解析:选B。 There was so much water in the gutter .的结果是形成了一条小河。15A.meal BvisitCrest Dswim解析:选D。鸭子到这条小河来是想在里面游泳。16A.complaining BworryingCquarreling Dthinking解析:选C。从前面的As it was only wide enough for one duck可知,两只鸭子要争抢做领队。17A.challenged BallowedChelped Dled解析:选A。从后面的The mice

21、 played bravely with the frog可知,青蛙应该是向老鼠们挑战,让他们参加跳高比赛。18A.if BthoughCbecause Dunless解析:选C。青蛙每次跳起来都把水溅到老鼠们的鼻子上,这应该是老鼠们在他离开时感到高兴的原因。19A.cleverer BhappierCfriendlier Dhealthier解析:选B。第一段就提到下雨天My back garden was miserable. 花园里的动植物在此时都是不太高兴的,所以今天雨停了他们就比较高兴了。20A.dream BmemoryCstruggle Dnormal解析:选D。雨停了,过上一两

22、天花园就会恢复原本的正常状态。 山东、天津专用.阅读表达1 Every drug is potentially dangerous if taken incor-rectly. Use this guide to help educate your children about drugs.2 Do plenty of research on drugs before you talk to your kids about them. Dont trust news stories. These are known to exaggerate (夸大) facts about drugs. F

23、or true in-formation, look online for experts that you may be able to contact in your area who deal with drug addictions.3 Make sure that what you tell your children is true. If you tell them that Marijuana can kill them, while it cant, then when they find out the truth, they will be hurt that you h

24、ave lied to them, and will have trouble believing other things you say.4 Do your best to build your childrens confidence. Adult drug addicts often had troubled childhoods. Many teenage drug users take drugs because they want to escape their problems. Simply be fair and reasonable, and make sure your

25、 children know that you love them.5 Never tell them not to take drugs. This is espe-cially important in older kids and teenagers. Most teenagers go through phases of rebellion (叛逆) and being “bad”. When you forbid them to do something, especially drugs, it only makes them want to do it more. Tell th

26、em that drugs can be harmful and addictive, and they can ruin their life, but dont tell them that _.6 Your children may become fascinated with drugs, and you may find them researching on the Internet and in the library on drugs. The immediate reaction is to think that they are on drugs, but that is

27、not a good idea. Its a very good thing that they are researching on drugs, because that means they are getting the information about drugs you want them to get. Eventually the fascination will go away.7 Talk with your children about peer pressure. All children will be under pressure at some point, a

28、nd they should know what to do. Tell your children that if they are in a situation where they feel pressured, the best thing to do is to do the right thing.Tell them not to do anything that make them uncomfortable, and that they should always do the right thing.1Why shouldnt we trust news stories about drugs? (no more than 10 words)Because_they_are_considered_to_exaggerate_facts_about_drugs.2What will happen if the parents tell their kids lies about drugs? (no more than 10 words)The_kids_will_not_believe_anything_else_the_parents_sa

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