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高中英语book7 unit2单词.docx

1、高中英语book7 unit2单词1. desire vt.希望得到;想要;要求希望得到 : desire sth.希望(做某事): desire to do sth.要求/请求某人做某事:desire sb. to do sth.渴望做:desire that . (should) do/be donen. 欲望;渴望;渴求渴望得到某物:have a strong desire for sth渴望做:have a strong desire to do(表示)希望.做:express/show a desire that.(should) do 满足某人的欲望:satisfy/meet on

2、es desire ex:1) 他有强烈的求知欲.He has_ _ _ _ _.2). He has little desire for wealth.3). My parents desire me to be admitted into/to a key university.-My parents desire that _ _ _ _ _a key university.4). People expressed their desire that the war _ _ _ _ _. 渴望战争很快结束2satisfy satisfied satisfying =satisfactor

3、ysatisfactionexpress ones satisfactionwith satisfaction(much)to ones satisfaction=to ones great satisfactionbe satisfied withex:1) I_ _ _the result of the exam.2) _ _ _, he got an A in the exam.3) It is not easy _ _ _.使每个人满意3.test out:检验完;试验;考验The new product had been tested out before it was put in

4、to market.test sth on sb/sth 在人/物身上做试验4.alarm n.警报;惊慌;恐慌;警报器give/raise/sound the alarm 发警报take alarm at 对惊恐in alarm 惊惶地alarm vt. 使警觉 使惊恐 惊动alarmed adj. 担心的,害怕的alarming adj. 令人害怕的be/feel alarmed at /by/over 因为感到惊恐ex1). A small boy saw the smoke and _(发出警报).2)._(人人都感到惊恐) the news that war might break

5、out.5. sympathyn. 同情;同感;同情心(不)express sympathy for 对.表达同情feel/have sympathy for对.同情out of sympathy for 出于对.的同情He never _when I was injured.我受伤时他从未表示过同情。_for the homeless child, he gave them shelter for the night.出于对这个无家可归的孩子的同情, 他留这个孩子过夜。6.favor =favour n. 恩惠 帮助 喜爱好感 支持 do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙in favor

6、of 支持 赞同in ones favor 对.有利ask sb a favor/ ask a favor of sb 请某人帮个忙 win ones favor 赢得某人的支持;获得某人的好感Ex:1) Could you _ _ _ _ and turn off that light?2) I _ _ _ _ _ the plan to close the village school. 不赞同v. 支持 喜爱偏袒 便于/有利于Of the two plans, I favor the first one.Many parents favor the education reform( b

7、eing carried out in middle schools).She always favors her youngest child.The weather favors the harvest.7.pile n. 堆;摞;叠 Vt. 把堆积;积聚Vi.堆起;堆积 N: a pile of 一堆;很多piles of 成堆的Vt: pile sth(up)堆积、积聚、积累 Her debts are piling up. pile A on/onto B 把A堆在B上 Ex: pile books on the table=a table piled with books8. sc

8、an-scanned-scanning 浏览;扫描9. accompany V:陪伴;陪同company Un: 作伴;陪伴 companion Cn:同伴;伙伴accompany-_-_ 现分三单vt: 陪伴;伴奏accompany sb.=keep sb. Company 陪伴某人accompany sb to sp. 陪某人去某地accompany sb at /on sth 用.为某人伴奏be accompanied by 由.伴奏;被陪伴ex1)I must ask you to _.(陪我去超市)2)A little girl _ him _the piano/violin.3)

9、Children under 14 must_ an adult.10. 打电话:ring (up)=call (up)=phone sb=give sb a call/ring; =make a (telephone) call; =call sb on the telephone;挂断电话: ring off; hang up别挂断:hang on=wait a moment回电话: call back; ring back 11. turn around/round 转身;翻转 turn down turn up turn in turn out 结果是;证明;出现,在场 turn ov

10、er12. affair n.事务;事情;暧昧关系foreign affairs外交事务current affairs 时事family affairs 家事state affairs 国事have an affair with绯闻;和有暧昧关系 13. declare v.声明;宣称;声明;表明 declaration 声明,宣言,宣布the Declaration of Independencethe Declaration of Human Rightsdeclare for /against公开表示支持/反对declare war on /against 对宣战declare sth

11、宣布某事declare that宣布declare sb/sth (to be) +n/adj 宣布某人/物是.The US declared her independence in 1776.I declared that I did not support the leader.The judge declared him(to be) the winner of the game.14. envy -_ -_-_(三单)N: 妒忌;羡慕;妒忌羡慕的对象/目标 Vt: 妒忌;羡慕How I envy you !I envy you.I have always envied your goo

12、d luck.They only say such unkind things about you out of envy .out of envy 出于妒忌with envy 羡慕地;妒忌地feel envy at/of 对.妒忌be/become the envy of sb/sth 成为妒忌或羡慕的目标envy sb doing sth. 羡慕/妒忌某人做某事15. leave alone 不管;别惹;让一个人呆着;和单独一起Leave me alone! Go away!Leave the flowers alone. You are going to spoil them.Why w

13、as Little John crying in the corner?Nothing much. Leave him _ and he will be all right in a minute.AasideB. out C. aloneD. over 类似:leave.aside 搁置一边;不予考虑leave.behind 落下;忘了带leave forleave out16set aside 将放一边;留出;为节省或保留(钱或时间)Lets _ _ the disagreement and work together to solve the problem.让我们放下分歧,共同努力来解

14、决问题。She set aside her book and lit a cigarette.I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.He sets aside 50 dollars every month.set about doing _set out to do _set off _set up _set sb/sth apart from sb./sth 使与众不同;使突出set down _set a good example to sb._用set about,set aside,set out,

15、 set apart填空。1). Youd better _some money for future use.2). As soon as Emily arrived home, she _ cleaning the house.3). The scientist _ to write a book about earthquake.4). Her red scarf _her _from others.17in all/total=totally=altogether18.affection: n 喜爱;疼爱;感情affection for/towards sb/sth19. bound

16、一定的;密切相关的be bound to do 一定做;有义务做 be certain/sure to do20staff n. 全体员工; 手杖注意:指员工整体时,谓语用单数;指其中的所有个体成员谓语用复数。The staff in this shop are very helpful.The staff is hard-working.a long wooden staff21.junior adj.较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位较低的 n. 年少者;晚辈;等级较低者反义词 _junior to senior to be junior to sb by.years 比某人小岁There are

17、 several people junior to me.He is junior to me by 3years.22. talent n. talented adj. have a talent/gift for 有.天赋show a talent for 表现出.的才能She has a talent_ drawing.She showed a talent _ dancing at an early age.23. divorce vt 与离婚;与脱离 n 离婚;断绝关系;分离divorced adj.离婚的 divorce sb get divorced divorce sb/sth

18、 from sth使某人与其他事物分开(尤指错误地)They are divorcing/getting divorced each other.Davids parents got divorced when he was only six.He is unable to divorce fantasy from reality. n.Many marriages end in divorce.ask for a divorceget a divorcethe divorce between religion and science24.obey 反义词 _过去式、过去分词_obey the law obey the orders/rules/regulations

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