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1、3上Project1教案教学课题3A Project 1教学课时第一课时主备教师教学内容复习14单元教学目标1. 能熟练地听、说、读、写1-4单元已学过的四会单词。2. 能听懂、会说1-4单元已学过的单词,句型。 3. 熟练掌握1-4单元所学的日常交际用语,并能在实际生活中运用。教学重、难点1. 1-4单元33个四会单词。2. 1-4单元日常交际用语。教学准备及手段1. 教具准备:各类词卡、教学挂图、录音机、磁带,ppt等。 2. 板书准备:课前在黑板上写好课题。教 学 流 程二次备课Step 1.sing a song:Good morning.引导学生复习到打招呼用语:Good morni

2、ng. Good afternoon. Hello./ Hi,Goodbye. See you next time.Good evening. 教师可以挨个带读一下。帮学生回忆。Step 2. Rhyme time: Are you Mike?引导学生说的时候ppt:出示人物图,YangLing ,Mike,SuHai,Bobby,Sam,John,Tina,father,mother,sister,brothergrangpa,grandma. 教师可以挨个带读一下。帮学生回忆。Step 3. Review the sentence. Are you?当人物和打招呼用于全部出现时,学生已经掌

3、握了,这时,老师询问:T:Hello, class . Ss: Hello, Miss.T: Are you S1? S1:Yes, I am.T: Are you S2? S2:No, Im not .Im S3.教完之后,可以让学生自己操练这个句型。Step 4. Review the sentence. Shes/ Hes 师问生,Is he your friend? Yes or No.学生正常回答Yes。当学生回答No时,学生会自然而然指着她或她自己的朋友说,Shes /Hes,Shes /Hes my.这时把这个句型带出来说一说。Step 5. Review the sentenc

4、e. This is教师逐个出示father, mother, sister, brother grandpa, grandma,Tina。引导学生用This is.来介绍某人,这时也复习的This is的用法。作业设计:1. 背诵U1-U4课文3遍。2. “一起作业”跟读。3. 完成“听读训练”。板书设计:RevisionAre you?Shes/ Hes This is教学反思:教学课题3A Project 1教学课时第二课时主备教师教学内容复习U1-U4所学字母。教学目标1. 复习U1-U4字母的书写。2. 能完成相应练习。3. 所学字母字母因素归类。教学重、难点所学字母因素归类。教学准

5、备及手段PPT,实物投影仪。教 学 流 程二次备课Step 1. Greetings. Review the sentences we have leant.Step 2. Review the letters from A-N.(1) Say the letters from A-N.(2) Review how to write the letters. For example: Big A, one, two, three.(3) Lets say hello to the letters. You should say. “Hello, Big/ Small ” i, e g, j b

6、,d F, E J, G E, I l, I m, n L, I B, Di (4)相同因素归类。Step 3. 字母练习。 听力部分一听录音,选出所听到的字母: ( ) 1. A.h B. a C. k ( ) 2. A.b B. d C. c ( ) 3. A.j B. e C. f( ) 4. A.E B. J C. I ( ) 5. A.L B. M C.N二听录音,选出所听到的字母组合: ( ) 1. A.ijk B. bcd C. kji ( ) 2. A.efg B. hij C. abd( ) 3. A.bciB. efg C. bca ( ) 4. A.CBDB.EFGC.

7、HIJ( ) 5. A.ABC B.KJI C.BCI 笔试部分三按字母表的顺序默写Aa-Nn英文大小写字母. 四、请写出下列字母的左邻右舍:_Ii_ _Mm_ Bb Ff_ _D_ _K_f_ j 五判断下列字母大小写是否一致,用对,错来表示。1.Bd ( ) 2.Aa ( )3.Cc ( ) 4.Db ( )5.Ef( ) 6.Gg ( )六写出所缺单词。1.Goo morning. 2.Goo fternoon,cl ss.3.Hello, o by作业设计:1. 默写字母A-N3遍。2. 完成听读训练。板书设计: i, e g, j b,d F, E J, G E, I l, I m,

8、 n L, I B, D教学反思:教学课题3A Project 1教学课时第三课时主备教师教学内容Project 1教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型:Hello. Hi. Good morning. Im Hes/Shes This is2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, friend.3. 能用所学的日常交际用语向同学们介绍自己的家人和朋友。教学重、难点1. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型:Hello. Hi. Good morning. Im Hes/Shes This is2.

9、 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, friend3. 能用所学的日常交际用语向同学们介绍自己的家人和朋友。教学准备及手段教 学 流 程二次备课Step1 Warm up 1. Greetings 2. Free talk T: Good morning/afternoon. Hi/ Hello, ./ This is / Shes/ Hes / Are you?Ss: 3. Say a rhyme: Step2 Presentation 1. Play a game: Are you? 2. 最后出示T

10、om 头像。 引导学生问 Ss: Are you? 电脑Tom: No. Im not. Im Tom.T: Lets say “Hello”to Tom.3. Listen to Toms self-introduction. T: If you are Tom. Who wants to introduce your family? S:(引导学生说出) Hello , Im Tom. This is. 4. T: Tom loves his family. And someone else is very important too. Listen.继续听Tom的自我介绍。 This i

11、s my friend, Alice.5. Listen to Alices self-introduction.6. T: This is Toms family. This is Alices family. They are on Toms and Alices hearts. Who are on your heart? Please talk about your family. You can use these sentences. This is ./ He is ./ She is.请两三组同学上台介绍自己的家庭。 7. Sing a song : 8. T: Who are

12、 in the song? Ss: Father, mother, grandpa, grandma, brother, sister. 教师按学生回答的顺序将头像贴在黑板上,最后成大的 心形。 教师示范全面介绍自己的家人。学生拿出自己的图片,小组内介绍,然后推选部分同学上讲台介绍。9. 继续听Tom 的自我介绍。 This is Paul. Hes my friend, too.10. T: They are good friends. Friends are very important, too. I have some friends, too. Look, this is Shes

13、my friend. This is Hes my friend, too. So I write them here. Follow me .You can write the names on the hands, too. Whos your friend? . 教师示范,边说边将朋友的名字写在自己的手心。然后请老师的朋友将自己的图片贴在老师的图片旁边,并介绍自己的朋友。连续两个同学做示范。11. T: Who are your friends? Please talk about in groups. Then introduce your friends to the whole c

14、lass.小组合作,并贴在一起。12. 小组展示。Step3 Extension1. Now, lets play a game. (A sad music)Look at your heart. There are your family members and your friends on it. If you have to give up one of your family members or your friends, who do you want to give up? Cut off the part of him. If you dont want to give up

15、 anyone, you can do nothing.(1)Now if you want to give up another one, go on cutting off. Anyone else you want to give up ?.(2)Why you give up him? You can answer in Chinese.(3)Why you dont want to give up him/her? You can answer in Chinese.I think you dont want to give up anyone because you love th

16、em and they love you. So the word “family” is very interesting. Father, mother, I love you. Family includes the 3 parts of them. They cant leave each other.2. Watch a Video 作业设计:1. Say “I love you” to your family and friends.2. Introduce your family and friend to your classmates.板书设计:Project1 My fri

17、ends and my family,I love youThis ishes = he isshes = she is教学反思:教学课题3A Project 1教学课时第四课时主备教师教学内容练习课教学目标巩固U1-U4所学知识教学重、难点能掌握做题的技巧与方法。教学准备及手段练习纸,实物投影仪。教 学 流 程二次备课Step 1. Greetings.Step 2. Review the letters and sentences.Step 3 Exercise.一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。( )1. A. am B. I C. Im( )2. A. father B. family

18、C. friend( )3. A. nj B. mg C. bi( )4. A. evening B. morning C. afternoon( )5. A. grandpa B. grandma C. mother二、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图片相符。相符的打“”,不相符的打“ ”,读两遍。1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5.( ) ( )三、听录音,找出所听句子的应答。( )1. A. Good afternoon. B. Good morning.( )2. A. Hi, Im Wang Bing. B. Hi, Wang Bing.( )3. A. No, Im no

19、t. Im Helen. B. Yes, I am. Im Helen.( )4. A. Hi, Tina. B. Im Tina.( )5. A. Goodbye, Liu Tao. B. Goodbye, Mike. 四、判断所听内容是否与英文内容一致,用“”或“”表示。( )1. 我的家人 ( )2. 他是苏阳。( )3. 这是我的奶奶。( )4. 这是我。( )5. 你是李小姐吗?五、根据所给情景,圈出正确答案。( )1. 早上向同学问好时,你可以说:A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon.( )2.下午看到麦克,你可以说:A. Good afternoo

20、n, Mike. B. Good afternoon, Mike.( )3. 当别人和苏海打招呼时,苏海可以说:A. Hello. B. Hi, Su Hai.( )4. 当你想介绍自己时,可以说:A. Hello, Im B. Hello! Are you?( )5. 跟妈妈告别时,你可以说:A. Good afternoon, Mum. B. Goodbye, Mum.( )6. 向别人介绍你的好朋友时,你可以说:A. Hes my friend. B. Are you Su Hai?六、选择正确的词语完成对话。A. No B. Im C. Hi D. afternoonMike: Goo

21、d .Yang Ling: Good afternoon.Mike: Are you Su Hai?Yang Ling: , Im not. Im Yang Ling.Mike: Hi, Yang Ling. . Mike.Yang Ling: , Mike.七、 给下列句子排序,组成通顺的对话。( 1 )Good morning.( )No, Im not. Im Su Hai.( )Good morning.( )Hello, Su Hai. ( )Are you Yang Ling?八、选择填空。( )1. A: .B: Goodbye, Dad.A. Good morning, Tim. B. Goodbye, Tim.( )2. Hes .A. Su Hai B. Mike.( )3. . Miss Li.A. Hes B. Shes( )4. Tina?A. Are you B. Shes九、看英文写中文。1. Good afternoon._ 2.Hi, Im Mike. _3. Miss Zhang_ 4. Good morning, class. _ 5. Are you? _ 6.This is my mother. _十、写出下列字母的好朋友。 Jj Hh D l 作业设计:板书设计:教学反思:

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