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1、中考初中英语主要时态系列讲座五过去将来时与过去完成时精讲及练习中考初中英语主要时态系列讲座(五)-过去将来时与过去完成时精讲及练习 考点一:过去将来时的用法所谓过去将来时,就是表示在过去看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态。过去将来时的比较简单,其结构主要和用法见下表基本结构主要用法示例would/should +动词原形was/were going to+动词原形was doing进行时态表将来(1)在叙述过去的事情或事情发生的经过时,表示在当时看将来会发生的事It was May 12. People had lunch and they were going to have a lunch s

2、leep. At that time the earthquake happened. 那是5月12日。人们刚吃过午饭,正打算睡午觉,就在那时,地震发生了。(2)当主句为一般过去时时,用于宾语从句表示将要发生的事情或曾经打算要做的事情She said that she would visit her grandparents that Sunday morning. 她说那周星期天上午,她要去看望爷爷奶奶。(3)位移的动词,如come , go, leave, arrive等,用过去进行时表示在过去将要发生的动作。Mike said that he was going to Canada th

3、at summer holiday. 迈克说,那年暑假他打算去加拿大。【典型考例】(2019江苏无锡)-Uncle Sam said he _ my birthday party, but he never showed up.- Thats Uncle Sam. He forgets everything! A. will attend B. would attend C. has attended D. had attended【析】正确答案是B。句意是:山姆大叔说,他要来参加我的生日聚会,可是他却没有露面。山姆大叔就是那样的。他忘记啦!因为主句谓语动词为一般过去时said,所以,宾语从句

4、表示的是过去将要发生的动作,因此从句的谓语动词使用过去将来时“would+动词原形或was/were going to +动词原形”,所以,正确答案为B。考点二:过去完成时的用法概念表示到过去某时为止或在过去某时之前已经发生或完成的动作,即“过去的过去”。句式结构主语 + had + 过去分词 + 其他。常用时间状语by the end of last .(到上末为止)by then(到那时为止)when(当.时候), after(在.以后), by the time(当时)等引导的时间状语从句用法(1)表示过去某一时间或动作以前已经发生或完成的动作, 即“过去的过去”。By the end

5、of last month, we had learned 2,000 English words. 到上月末为止,我们已经学了2,000个英语单词了。By the time we got there, the train had left.我们到达那儿时,火车已经离开了。(2)用在主句谓语动词为told, said, knew, heard, thought等引导的宾语从句中。They said they had cleaned the classroom.他们说他们已经扫过教室了。Alice told us that she had learned Chinese in her schoo

6、l. 爱丽斯告诉我们说,她在学校已经学过汉语。(3)用在when, after, before等引导的时间状语从句中When we got there, the bus had left.当我们感到那儿时,汽车已经开走了。Before he came to China, he had studied Chinese in a university for 7 years. 在来中国之前, 他在一所大学已经学习了7年汉语。【典型考例】John and I_ friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christma

7、s party. But we_ each other a couple of times before that. A. had been; have met B. have been; have metC. had been; had met D. have been; had met【析】正确答案是D。句意是:约翰和我是8年的朋友了。我们第一次是在一词圣诞聚会上互相认识的。但是这那之前我们就已经碰过好几次面了。第一句指从过去延续到现在的状况,应使用现在完成时“have(has)+过去分词”,第二句表示在我们成为朋友之前过去的动作,即“过去的过去”,应使用过去完成时“had+过去分词”,因

8、此本题的正确答案为D。【强化练习】1、用所给动词的正确形式,完成句子,使句子意思完整。1. Miss Zhang said she _(visit) the Great Wall next summer.2. She told him that she _(not stay) here for long.3. I wasnt sure whether Lucy_(come) the next year.4. The scientists said the worlds population _ (slow) down in future.5. She said the bus _(leave)

9、 at five the next morning.6. I wasnt sure whether he _(lend) me his book the next morning.7. He was fifty-six. In two years he _(be) fifty-eight.8. Whenever she has time, she _(help) them in their work.9. We _ (paint) the house before we _ (move) in.10. That rich old man _ (make) a will before he _

10、(die).11. They _ (study) the map of the country before they_(leave).12. The robbers _ (run )away before the policemen _(arrive).13.I _ (turn) off all the lights before I _ (go) to bed.14. Paul _ (go) out with Jane after he_(make) a phone call.15. Tom _ (say) he _ (read) the book twice.16. Our plan _

11、 (fail ) because we _ (make) a bad mistake.17. She told me she _(be) to Chongqing three times.18.He said he _already_(give) the book to the teacher.19.When I _(get) at the station, the train _(leave).20.We _(learn) about 4000 English words by the end of last term.21. I waited until he _(finish) his

12、homework.22. We were surprised at what she _already _(do)2、单项选择1. Li Ming said he _happy if Brian_to China next month.A. as; come B. was; would come C. would be; came D. will be; come2. Jenny said she _her holiday in China.A. spent B. would spent C. was going to spent D. would spend3. What did your

13、son say in the letter?He told me that he _ the Disney World the next day.A. will visit B. has visited C. is going to visit D. would visit4. I hoped Tina _ to my birthday party on time the next Wednesday.A. to come B. is coming C. will come D. was coming5. Father said that he _ me to Beijing the next

14、 year.A. took B. would take C. takes D. will take6. We were not sure whether they _ more vegetables.A. are going to grow B. were going to grow C. will growD. have grown7. She _ to work when the telephone rang.A. is going B. will go C. was about to go D. is to go8. I lost the book I_. Ahave bought Bb

15、ought Chad bought Dhad been bought 9The bus _ when I arrived at the bus stop Ahas gone Bwent Chad gone D is going10Tom of visiting his grandmother,but the bad weather made him change his mind Ahas thought Bthought Chad thought Dhad been thought 11Did you meet Tom at the airport? No,he by the time I

16、there Ahas left;got Bhad left;arrived Cleft;arrived Dleft;had got 12Why didnt Tom attend the meeting yesterday? He Beijing Ahas gone to Bhad gone to Cwent to Dhad been to 13In this experiment, they are woken up several times during the night, and asked to report what they.A. had just been dreaming B

17、. are just dreaming C. have just been dreaming D. had just dreamt14Finally Mary was admitted by Beijing University,for which she five times Ahad tried Bwas trying Chas tried D.tried 15I have bought you the books you wantOh,good,I was afraid you _ Aforgot Bforget Chad forgotten Dhave forgotten16. We

18、_five English songs by the end of last term. A had learned B learned C have learned D will have learned3、根据要求完成句子1. she is going to practise the piano this Sunday. She said.(合并为一句) She said that she _ _ _ _ the piano that Sunday.2. He has collected over 300 Chinese stamps. Mike told us.(合并为一句) Mike

19、told us that he _ _ over 300 Chinese stamps. 3. What he did . We didnt know (合并为一句) We didnt know what he _ _. 4. The plane set off. By the time we got to the airport. (合并为一句) By the time we _ to the airport, the plane _ _ off. 5. We didnt know. He will come. (合并为一句) We didnt know he _ _. 6.(2019江苏无

20、锡)如果你能告诉我机器人已失控多久,那就太好了。 It would be great if you can tell me _Key:一、1. would visit 2. would not stay 3. would come 4. would slow 5. was leaving 6. would lend 7. would be 8. would help;99.had painted,moved; 10.had made, died; 11.had studied; left; 12.had run,arrived; 13.had turned, went; 14.went, ha

21、d made; 15.said, had read; 16.failed, had made; 17had been; 18.had, given;, had left;20.had learned; 21.had finished; 22.had ,done二、1-5CDDDB;6-10BCCBC; 11-16:BBDAC,A三、1.was going to practise; 2.had collected; 3.had done;, had set; 5.would come long the robot had been out of contro

22、l一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷1阅读理解 Kathy could still remember the night she had to leave her home in Hungary. It was the beginning of World War II and her family had to leave their country as soon as possible. She quickly filled a bag with a few pieces of clothing, her diary, and her treasurea beautiful silk scar

23、f. Kathy and her best friend, Monica, had asked their parents to buy them matching scarves. They each would wear the scarves as a symbol of their friendship. Kathy had no idea that she was going to America that night and would not be returning. Kathy kept that special silk scarf for many years. One

24、day she decided to give it to her granddaughter, Eliza, to wear to her first job interview for good luck. Kathy was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but the granddaughter promised, Dont worry, Grandma, nothings going to happen to your scarf. Youll see. It is going to bring both of us luck tod

25、ay, And with that, Eliza kissed her grandmother and left for the interview. That afternoon Eliza left the interview, feeling sure that she had got the job. So she decided to celebrate by going to a restaurant. As she was sitting at her table, she felt someone looking at her. Sitting next to her was

26、an old woman, who could not take her eyes away from her Im sorry, do I know you? Eliza asked. Im sorry, dear, but you make me think of someone I once knew, the old woman replied. My best friend looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like the one youre wearing around your neck. Eliza listened

27、carefully, with her eyes and mouth wide open. She had heard stories of her grandmothers best friend and knew the meaning of the scarf. Could this be Monica, her grandmothers childhood friend? Eliza introduced herself and waited to hear the name of the other woman. My names Monica, dear, I lived in H

28、ungary as a child, but my family had to leave when I was fourteen years old. Ive been living here in California ever since, said the old woman. ELiza could not believe her ears (1)Kathy and her family left their country because_. A.Kathy found a job in the USAB.Kathy would study in CaliforniaC.they had no friends in EuropeD.they wanted to get away from the war(2)From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6, we can infer that Eliza felt _. A.surprisedB.thankfulC.sorryD.nervous(3)What would Eliza most probably do after the dinner? A.She gave the silk scarf to

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