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1、南京中考一模任务型题目归类2017年一模任务型专项练习题型总览:一、同义句转换can=be able to; run away from sth=avoid sth; at full speed=fast; pick up=choose; be called=name ; time=how long; offer sb sth=provide sth for sb; lead to=cause; be hot=temperature is high; not do sth=avoid doing sth; watch=be careful with=look out for; have a h

2、abit of=be used to 二、同义词、反义词替换difficult-easy; higher-lower/fewer三、词性转换类High-height; include-including; celebration-celebrate; proper-properly; do harm to=be harmful to; value=of great value; safely-safe; willingness-wiling; decision-decide四、词形转换类hide-hides; invent-inventing; getting-get; arrive-arri

3、ving; finish-finishing五、概括类tradition; future development/plan; suggestions/advice/tips; how/ways to do sth. effects/influence一、同义替换: 【2017一模鼓楼】1.Ostriches can also use their strong legs to kick any enemy or even kill a human or a lion. The ostrich is _ to kill his enemies with its strong legs. 解析:信息

4、转换can=be able to 答案:able【2017一模鼓楼】2.However, in most cases the ostrich will just use its speed to run away from any danger. Its high speed can help it _ any danger. 解析:同意替换run away from sth=avoid sth 答案:avoid【2017一模鼓楼】3.They help a lot with balance when the ostrich is running at full speed and needs

5、 to change directions. Its wings help a lot with balance while running_. 解析:句意转换at full speed=fast,at low speed=slow 答案:fast/quickly【2017一模溧水】4.According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks up tells you what the child will do later in life. The first thing that the child _ tel

6、ls you what the child will do in the future. 解析:意义转换pick up=choose 答案:chooses【2017一模建邺】5.Its called the Kolibree toothbrush. Its _ is Kolibree toothbrush. 解析:同意替换be called=name 答案:name 【2017一模建邺】6.Users download an app and connect via Bluetooth, and the Kolibree will record 1) the time you spent bru

7、shing teeth, The Kolibree will record how _ you brush teeth.解析:句意转换time=how long, height=how tall, price=how much 答案:long【2017一模秦淮】 7.If all of the waste phones in the US are recycled, it will save enough energy to offer over 194,000 U.S. families electricity (电力) for one year. It can _ plenty of el

8、ectricity for American families if the waste phones are recycled. 解析:信息转换offer sb sth =provide sth for sb 答案:provide 【2017一模秦淮】8.The mobile phone explosion (激增) has led to a huge number of waste phones.It has _ a huge number of waste phones because of the mobile phone explosions.解析:信息转换lead to=cause

9、 答案:caused/produced【2017一模联合体】9.Each summer, you hear news that some sports players are sent to hospitals because it is too hot. Some sports players are sent to hospitals because the temperature is too_. 解析:意义转换be hot=temperature is high。同类的有be cheap/expensive=price is low/high答案:high【2017一模联合体】10.T

10、hirdly, when you have a break, dont sit in the sun. _ sitting in the sun when you have a rest. Youd better sit under a tree or go indoors for a while, which may help you keep active longer.解析:句意转换not do sth=avoid doing sth 答案:Avoid 【2017一模联合体】11.Last but not least, you should watch your food. Be _wi

11、th your food and have a balanced diet. 解析:意义转换watch=be careful with答案:careful【2017一模玄武】12.Most of us have a habit of going through our days saying no to the things we dont like and yes to the things we like, and yet, everything we face is our life Most of us are _ to saying yes to what we like and s

12、aying no to what we dont like.解析:信息转换have a habit of=be used to 答案:used 二、同义词、反义词:【2017一模玄武】13.Saying yes to life might be difficult at first, and even painful at times, but if we continue to say yes to life, it will be far less difficult in the end. For us all, it will be much _ to say yes to life

13、if we keep doing so解析:信息转换difficult-easy 答案:easier 【2017一模江宁】14.Tidy papers are likely to get higher marks than messy ones. Messy papers are more likely to get _ marks than clearly written ones. 解析:反义词,比较级句型higher-lower/fewer 答案:lower/fewer三、词性转换【2017一模鼓楼】15.The ostrich usually weighs between 200 an

14、d 300 pounds and can grow to 9 feet tall. The ostrich is a big bird that is about 9 feet in _. 解析:词性转换high-height答案:height【2017一模鼓楼】16.This includes plants, inserts, and small animals like lizards The ostrich lives on a lot of things, _ plants, insects and small animals. 解析:词性转换include-including 答案:

15、including/like【2017一模溧水】17.In Argentina, Mexico and several other Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday celebration when they reach the age of fifteen. Girls have a party to_ their birthday when they are 15. 解析:词性转换celebration-celebrate 答案:celebrate【2017一模建邺】18. whether you brush u

16、p and down instead of just side to side. Then it will send the information to a mobile phone via Bluetooth, telling you whether you have brushed in a proper way. whether you brush your teeth _. 解析:句意转化proper-properly 答案:properly/correctly 【2017一模秦淮】19.They can go into public drinking water and food

17、and do harm to peoples health. Some materials, such as lead, mercury and cadmium in the mobile phones are_ to peoples health. 解析:词性转换do harm to=be harmful to,反义词为be good for。答案:harmful【2017一模秦淮】20.Mobile phones have valuable materials inside. Some materials are of great _. They can be used again. 解析

18、:词性转换valuable=of great value 答案:value 【2017一模联合体】21.As long as you pay attention to the above, playing sports safely in the heat isnt a difficult thing. The more you pay attention to the above, the_you will be while playing outside in the heat! 解析:词性转换,比较级句型safely-safe答案:safer【2017一模玄武】22.We also ex

19、press a willingness to learn from whatever happens to us, rather than running and hiding when we dont like what we see We are _ to learn from whatever happens to us. 解析:词性转换willingness-willing 答案:willing 【2017一模玄武】23.For others, they might make a decision to say yes to life no matter what happens to

20、 them. Other people might _ to say yes no matter what happens to them. 解析:词性转换decision-decide 答案:decide 四、词形变换【2017一模鼓楼】24.What they really do is to lie down and put their head and neck flat on the ground to hide. The ostrich _ itself by lying down and putting its head and neck flat on the ground. 解

21、析:词形转换 答案:hides 【2017一模建邺】25.The Kolibree toothbrush was invented by Thomas Serval. Reason for _ it 解析:词性转化invent-inventing 答案:inventing/creating 【2017一模秦淮】26.Another method of mobile phone recycling is to melt (熔化)down and separate parts of the phone, getting the valuable natural resources, such as

22、 gold and platinum.We can also melt down and separate parts of the phone to _ natural resources. 解析:词形转换 答案:get【2017一模江宁】27.However, others like studying as soon as they arrive home from school while the work is fresh in their minds. No matter which way suits you, try to do your best. Some people li

23、ke studying their lessons shortly after _ home from school. 解析:词形转换 答案:arriving 【2017一模江宁】 28.When you cant finish the work you planned to do, you will feel stressed and may lose confidence. Failing in _ your planned task will make you feel stressed and lose confidence. 解析:词形转换 答案:finishing五、总结概括【20

24、17一模溧水】29.The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions that you can find almost anywhere, anytime, such as sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the Happy Birthday song. Others are only found for certain ages and in cer

25、tain countries. The _of birthday parties 解析:总结/概括 答案: tradition【2017一模建邺】30.Thomas says that one day, itll be possible to use a brushing unit with a camera. Future _ 解析:归纳总结 答案:development/plan 【2017一模联合体】31. Firstly, to play sports safely in hot weather, you must drink water. Secondly, be sure to t

26、ake enough breaks to let your body rest. Thirdly, when you have a break, dont sit in the sun. Fourthly, remember that the earlier in the day you start your exercise, the cooler it will be. Last but not least, you should watch your food. 解析:总结/概括 答案:Suggestions/ Advice/ Tips【2017一模江宁】 32._ to make yo

27、ur studies better Do more than you are askedChoose suitable waysPut studying before entertainmentPlan your time wellKeep your papers clean 解析:总结/概括 答案:How/Ways六、句型或者句意方面的变换主动变被动【2017一模溧水】33.In China, on a childs second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child.Many thing

28、s are _ on the floor around the child on the second birthday. 解析:主动变被动put-be put 答案:put【2017一模建邺】34.The Kolibree app records your progress and scores your brushing way to help you improve brushing habits. Your progress will be _ and your brushing way will be scored.解析:词性转化record-be recorded答案:record

29、ed 句意转换【2017一模秦淮】35.In the US, mobile phone users were about 340,000 in 1985. Now there are 205 million mobile phone users in the US.Compared with the condition in 1985, there are _ mobile phone users at present. 解析:信息转换,比较级句型 答案:more 【2017一模建邺】36.He would come home from work and ask his kids if the

30、y had brushed their teeth. They always answered “yes” , but Thomas used to find their toothbrush heads dry.Thomas decided to design it after doubting that his children_ to him about whether they brushed their teeth. 解析:句意转化 答案:lied 【2017一模联合体】37.Sports drinks are great for athletes, but they have so

31、 much sugar that theyll dehydrate(使脱水) you more. Drink water and play sports safely. But too many bottles of sports drinks may do_ to you.解析:意义转换 答案:harm 【2017一模玄武】38.For some of us, it takes dealing with something we cant run away from or refuse, and so we have no choice but to say yes Some people have to say yes _ of saying no. 解析:信息转换 答案:instead 【2017一模江宁】39.You are able to make fewer mistakes.

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