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高三英语第一轮复习m1 unit 3m2 unit 1译林出版社知识精讲.docx

1、高三英语第一轮复习 m1 unit 3m2 unit 1译林出版社知识精讲高三英语第一轮复习 M1 Unit 3、M2 Unit 1译林出版社【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:第一轮复习 M1 Unit 3、M2 Unit 1二. 教学重难点:对M1 Unit 3 和M2 Unit 1中的知识点加以梳理并灵活运用Module 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good【知识梳理】一、重点词汇1. Everyone wants to be healthy and attractive. P41 attractive: adj. 有魅力的;吸引人的;引人注意的have a

2、n / no / a little / much attraction for sb. 对某人有 吸引力attract ones attention 引起某人的注意Niagara Fall is a great tourist _, drawing millions of visitors every year. A. attention B. attraction C. appointment D. arrangement 2. You must get enough sleep to stay healthy. P41 I know another way to stay slim. P4

3、21) We ended up staying for lunch. _2) She stayed at home while the children were young. _3) I cant stay awake any longer. _4) The store stays open until late on Sundays. _5) We should always stay optimistic. _6) I hope you enjoy your stay in Nanjing. _联想1:stay away (from sb. / sth.) 离开;不接近某人或不去某处I

4、want you to stay away from my daughter. stay up:to go to bed later than usual Youve got school tomorrow. I dont want you staying up late. 联想2:remain 1) vi. 剩余;遗留;继续存在 be left Very little of the house _ after the big fire. 2) vi. + adv. / prep. to stay in the same place; not leave They _ in Mexico un

5、til June. 3) link-verb 仍然是;保持不变to remain silent / seated / standing / motionless In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends. It remains true that sport is about competing well, not winning. 4) remain to be done 仍需要去做(处理)It remains _ (see) whether you are right. remaining: adj. Why do

6、nt you put the meat in the fridge? It will _ fresh for several days. A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed 3. I havent heard from you for weeks. P42hear from 从得到消息,收到的来信你多久收到一次你哥哥的信?How often do you _ your brother?hear of / about 听说 hear sb. do / doing sth. 听到某人在做某事I heard her _ (play) t

7、he piano just now.4. I used to go the gym three times a week. P42 Whats the model plane like?Well, the wings of the plane are _ of its body. A. more than the length twice B. twice more than the length C. more than twice the length D. more twice than the length5. I dont work out any more. P42 work ou

8、t 1) vi. to train the body by physical exercise 锻炼身体;做运动I work out regularly to keep fit. 2) vi. to develop in a successful way 成功地发展Things have worked out quite well for us. 3) vt. to calculate 计算 Can you work this bill out? 4) vt. to solve sth. 处理;解决 to work out a problem / puzzle / codeI spent a

9、whole day trying to work out the problem.5) I go jogging every morning and _ with weights twice a week in the gym. A. work B. work out C. put on D. lose 6. Im trying to lose weight because Im so ashamed of my body. 减肥She is trying to lose weight. put on / gain weight增肥It is about 76 kilos in weight.

10、 Bananas are sold by weight. The news was certainly a weight off my mind. = I didnt have to worry about it any more. 压力联想:weigh 1) How much do you _ ? 2) She weighs 60 kilos. 3) You must weigh (up) the pros and cons. 你必须权衡利弊。7. Im trying to lose weight because Im so ashamed of my body 对感到羞愧1) be ash

11、amed of sb. /sth. / yourself / that She was deeply ashamed of her behavior at the party. You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies. I feel almost ashamed that Ive been so lucky. 2) be ashamed to do sth: be unwilling to do sth. because of shame or embarrassment Im ashamed to say that I

12、lied to her. I cried at the end and Im not ashamed to admit it. 3) be ashamed of doing他们对自己的失败感到羞愧。They are ashamed of having failed.联想:shame 1) Its a shame that she wasnt here to see it. 令人惋惜的事;让人遗憾的事2) She hung her head in shame. /u/ 羞愧;惭愧3) It was shameful the way she was treated. adj. 可耻的;丢脸的To

13、our surprise, the cheat wasnt _ of his _ conduct at all. A. shameful; shameful B. ashamed; ashamedC. shameful; ashamed D. ashamed; shameful 8. Im taking weight-loss pills called Fat-less, which are quite popular with / among young women here. 1) be popular with / among sb. 受喜爱的;受欢迎的;当红的Computer game

14、s are popular with middle school students.2) (only before noun) 通俗的;大众化的popular music / fiction 3) (only before noun) (概念、信仰、意见) 普遍的、大众的、流行的Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men. 与普遍的看法相反,妇女交通肇事比男人少。 By popular demand, the tour has been extended by two weeks. 应大家要求,这次

15、旅游延长了两周。 4) (only before noun) 民众的;百姓的The party still has wide-spread popular support. 这个政党仍得到民众的广泛支持。 联想:popularity n. 流行、普及、受欢迎 to win / lose popularity with the students Her novels have gained in popularity over recent years. 9. The pills really work!work: to have the result or effect that you wa

16、nt 生效,产生预期的作用; (使)运转1) 机器电源线接错了,所以开不动。The machine_ (work ) because of a faulty connection.2) 你的想法在实践中行不通。Your idea wont work in practice.3) 他为了提高成绩周末也要出去上课,但好像没用。He goes out for extra lessons even during weekend, just to improve his study. But it doesnt _ ( work.).10. My mother keeps telling me not

17、to take them because they are dangerous. keep (on) doing sth. to continue doing; to do sth. repeatedly 不断地做1) 为什么我总是忘记生词而你却都能记得住呢?Why do I keep _ (forget) new words while you can remember all of them?2) 老师总是告诫我们要好好学习。其实不用他们说我们也知道。Teachers keep _ (tell) us to study hard, which we know quite well even

18、 though they dont say. keep (使)保持,处于 1) We huddled together to keep warm. 2) He kept his coat on. 3) Im sorry to keep you waiting. 4) The notice said, “Keep off the grass”. 5) She kept the children amused for hours. keep sth. back from sb. 隐瞒、拒绝告知某事Im sure shes keeping something back from us. keep s

19、b. up 使某人熬夜 I hope were not keeping you up. 11. Im now in hospital recovering from liver failure. recover ones senses / consciousness 恢复知觉recover from sth. 恢复到正常状态1) After a few days of fever, he began to _.2) My boss is _ a heart attack. 3) After this war, the country will take a long time _. recov

20、ery n. 恢复;痊愈He was fired last month and hes still recovering _ the shock. A. / B. of C. from D. with 联想:get over 1) She cant get over her shyness. _2) I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty. _3) He was disappointed at not getting the job, but hell get over it. _4) He didnt g

21、et his meaning over to the audience. _5) Ill be glad to get the exam over and done with. _12. I regret taking those weight-loss pills. regret sth. / doing sth. 后悔做某事1) Weve always deeply regretted selling the farm. 2) I regretted having told him the bad news. regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事 3) I regret to

22、say we have got some bad news for you. 4) We regret to inform you that your application has been cancelled. 5) When she lay in the hospital, she regretted not following her mothers advice. 13. They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail. contain = have within itself or as a part 1)

23、The book contains forty maps including that of Great Britain. 2) To keep fit, we should always avoid food containing too much fat.3) This bottle contains two liters of water. cause sth.; cause sth. / sb. to do sth. 1) What caused the traffic accident? 2) My little cousin has caused me a lot of troub

24、le. 3) What caused him to change his mind so quickly? 4) The war caused oil prices to rise all over the world.5) Unemployment is a major cause of poverty. n. 原因6) As a teacher, we should devote ourselves to the cause of education. n. 事业14. Then the doctor found that someone in your country was an ex

25、act match for me. match 与相配 / 相称a match for sb. / sth. 与某人相匹敌的人、物strike a match 划火柴1) The sofa is a perfect match for the grey curtain in our sitting room. 2) He has no match for her at tennis. 3) No one can match her at chess. match / suit / fit 的区别: *match “匹配”,指从整体上、各方面搭配和谐。*suit 指颜色、式样、时间、条件、地位、

26、口味等适合。*fit指衣服、帽子等大小、尺寸合适。He knows a lot about films. No one in our class can _ him in that knowledge. A. catch B. suit C. compare D. match 15. He donated more than half of his liver to save my life. donate = give out money or sth. else1) Last year, the hospital received 100,000 yuan donated for canc

27、er research. 2) They are going to donate money to help the blind.16. I follow my doctors advice. 1) I advise waiting till the proper time. 2) He strongly advised me to get rid of the bad habit. 3) The doctor advised that I should lie in bed and drink more water. 4) The doctor advised me to give up s

28、moking, but I wouldnt act on his advice. 5) I always ask for the teachers advice when I get into trouble. 6) Will you give me some advice on how to solve the problem? 7) He followed / took my advice as to what he should do. 联想:suggest: suggest that (sb) should do sthThe smile on his face suggested t

29、hat he _ glad to give his life for his country.A. must be B. should be C. was D. be17. It isnt worth it. P43 be worth doing / +n. be worthy to be done / of being done be worthwhile to do / doing worthwhile 可作前置定语, 如: a worthwhile cause / discussion / job 1) The book is worth reading. 2) This old book is worth 300 dollars.3) The book is worthy of being read / to be read. 4) This book is _ worth reading than that one.A more B much C very D better18. Many people are always going on diets or taking weight-lo

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