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1、生活大爆炸第11季第8集美剧字幕对白纯英文看电影学英语打印word版Can we start the movie?Before Sheldon gets here?Last time we did that, he didnt talk to us for a month.So do it!Hold on. Where is he?Well, according to his text, he was on the second floor,then he stopped to tie his shoe.All tied, and.- Hello! - Hi.Sorry were late.A

2、my took forever tying my shoe.All right!Whos excited to see a documentary?Oh, I know this one.Nobody ever.Hey! This ones going to be great.This is about the rivalrybetween a cool renegade scientist, Nikola Tesla,and his arch-nemesis, Thomas Edison.Its the greatest scientific feud of all time.I mean,

3、 you can forget about Leibniz and Newton.莱布尼茨的微积分数学符号被更广泛地使用Done.So, Teslas the one that invented the electric car?No, Penny.No, the car is just named after him.Okay, you dont have to be so smug about it.You know, you went to see that movie Itbecause you thought it was about scary I.T. Guys.because

4、you thought it was about scary I.T. Guys.Tesla was a genius who invented our electrical grid.Edison just wanted to get rich and famous.Didnt he invent the lightbulb?Thats what he wants you to think.But without the foundational work of Ebenezer Kinnersley,Warren de la Rue and James Bowman Lindsay,you

5、 wouldnt know Edison any more than you knowEbenezer Kinnersley, Warren de la Rueor James Bowman Lindsay.Isnt he sexy all fired up?He really gets my current alternating,if you know what I mean.if you know what I mean.Edison was kind of a publicity hog and a bully.Yeah, he electrocuted an elephant nam

6、ed Topsyjust to make himself famous.用交流电电死了这只因伤人被判死刑的大象If I had an elephant named Topsy,he would want for nothing.Also, hed be named Jumbo.And worse than that, Edison filmed the first on-screen kiss,so hes basically a pornographer.Although every time I put that in Wikipedia,someone takes it out.Is y

7、our current still alternating?Were lucky there arent any elephants in here.You know, that documentary last night was actually- better than I thought it would be. - Really?Shouldve been about Samuel Morsethe way they telegraphed that ending.the way they telegraphed that ending.I already pretended to

8、laugh at that joke once.Do I have to do it again?Yeah, Id appreciate it.Samuel Morse. You kill me.Leonard, can you drive me to work?Yeah, sure. Oh, hey, the guys and Iwere talking about going to see the Tesla coilat the observatory later on, if you want to join.Oh, Im sorry, I cant. Im busy.- Why? W

9、hat are you doing? - Leonard, what are you doing?He said he cant go. Make a sad face, move on.Its fine.I couldnt tell you even if I wanted to.- What does that mean? - Leonard!Sad face, sad face.I mean, I would like to, but I just cant, you know,because its classified and top secret.Hold on, are you

10、still working for the military?Im so glad you figured that out!It was killing me keeping it a secret!I thought they fired you guys.They did, but then they hired me back.Well, you better not be working on our project,because were a team.Leonard, there is no I in team.However, there is an I inIm worki

11、ng with the military and youre not.Theres five of them, in fact.I got a big surprise for you.Is it pie and ice cream?Wow, did I oversell it.Its Raj and Ruchi!- Hello. - Hey. Hi.Hey, what are you two doing here?We wont stay long.I just wanted to drop something offfrom me and the girls at work.None of

12、 the girls at work like me enough to get me a gift.Okay, so youll know why everyone at the officehas the same handwriting.I really appreciate the thought,but its not necessary. Ill be back soon.Dont worry about work. You take all the time you need.Yeah, just turn off your brainand let your uterus do

13、 its magic.Its the star of the show now.Okay, wasnt sure how long I should let you guys stay.Now I know! Get out!Good to see you. You look amazing.Thanks for coming!That bitch.Oh, come on, he means well.Hes just trying to impress his girlfriend.Im talking about Ruchi.Shes after my job.Why do you thi

14、nk she said, Take all the time you need?Because she was being nice?No, shes trying to steal my projects while Im at hometaking care of this useless plant and my dumb family.Im only saying this because I love youand because you cant reach me from that bed,but you sound a little crazy.I love you, too,

15、 but I could fling this card in your eyelike a ninja throwing star.I dont believe you.Why would the military want Sheldon?I dont know. Target practice?Well, he better not be working on our guidance system.That was my idea.Why dont we call Colonel Williamsand find out whats going on.Great. I want ans

16、wers and hed better give them to us.Hello, gentlemen.Hi, sir. Um, Leonard has a question.Hey, is Sheldon working on our project again?Did he say that?No, he wouldnt tell us.Huh. So he can keep his mouth shut.How do I get him to do that?Is he working on our guidance system or not?Dr. Cooper contacted

17、 us with an idea on how to modifyyour technology into a communication system,and it seemed interesting.But our team developed that technology.And he was your team leader.Well, who said he was team leader?He did.And I like that kind of take charge attitude.We can have take charge attitudes.Then why d

18、idnt either of you ask to be team leader?We didnt want to step on anyones toes.Yeah, so we were just waiting for you totell us who you thought- Okay, I hear it.- Are we done? - No, no.I am taking charge right now and telling youthat it is not okay with us if.Okay, bye.Hey. I just got your text. Ever

19、ything okay?Yeah, theres just something I need to ask you.Oh, Bernie, Id be thrilled.Its not be my birth coach.Okay, that hurts, but luckily I know how to breathe through it.I need you to find out if Ruchis trying to stealmy projects at work while Im on bed rest.Shes not that kind of a person.Shes-s

20、hes generous and charitable.Youre just saying that cause shes sleeping with you.Yes, thats my favorite charity.I know I sound paranoid, but Im feeling really vulnerable.If theres anything you could find out, itd be great.And if she is up to anything, what are you gonna do?Nothing.Ill just calmly tal

21、k to her and explainthere are certain boundaries that need to be respected.Its really for the benefit of everyone at the company.Uh, okay, what youre saying sounds nice,but the way youre saying itis causing my testicles to take cover in my abdomen.What do you want to watch?Oh, why dont you pick.Okay

22、, how about comedy?Eh, I already laughed today.I know. It was when I stubbed my toe.Still funny.Drama?Nah, Ive already seen someone cry today.It really hurt, Sheldon!We talked to Colonel Williams.He told us everything.Im sorry, can we do this another time?Amys just about to realize she wants to watc

23、h a Hulk marathon.Whats going on?Sheldon went to the Air Force behind our backs.I did nothing of the sort.I had an ideafor a neutrino-based communication system,I presented it to them, and they were interested.But y-your communication systemwas based on our guidance system.And sonar is based on bats

24、.You dont see them hanging upside downin a patent attorneys office.You know what, you like to think that youre just like Tesla,but the truth is youre exactly like Edison.You take that back.No, hes right.You are a bully, a credit hog and a self-promoter.And if anyone around here is like Tesla, its us

25、.Yeah.Can you believe they said I was just like Edison?Yeah, and in front of a lady, no less.Well, you are building on their workand taking the credit for it.Thats a classic Edison move.Oh, yeah?Well, if Im Edison and you love me,then what does that say about you?I honestly dont know.Okay.Well, I ha

26、ve to Google some stuff about Mrs. Edison.Ill be right back.You know whose fault this is?I do.Yours.No, my mothers.Go make friends, Sheldon.What happens?20 years later, they call me names.I dont think what they called you is the point here.Oh, yeah? How would you feelif I called you the name of a ne

27、uroscientist you didnt like?Do you know the name of any neuroscientist?Of course.Not me?Then no.Do you think theyre right, Amy?Do you think Im like Edison?Sheldon, I dont think youre upsetbecause of what kind of scientist they said youre like.I think youre upset becauseyour friend feelings got hurt.

28、Youre right.I care too much about other peoples feelings.Its always been my fatal flaw.Sheldon, I dont think.No, no, not now, Amy. Im growing as a person.Ah, that was fun.Put her there, buddy.I am not fist bumping you after we have sex.Youre the one who wanted to keep things casual.Theres a differen

29、ce between casual and weird.Not the way I do it.So, um. how was, how was your day?Like, hows-hows work?Oh, great.With Bernadette gone,Im getting to handle all her projects.Well, shes-shes not gone.Shell be back soon.Not too soon, lets hope.So it turns out Ruchi is totallytrying to take over Bernadet

30、tes projects.Wow, she just told you that out of the blue?Yeah, yeah, we had just made love.It was so beautiful.Our caramel-colored bodieswere entwined like erotic taffy.Get to the point!Uh, sorry, uh, yeah.I-I asked her about work, and she just admittedshe has her eyes on Bernadettes projects.Cant believe she would take advantageof a pregnant lady like that.So what did you do?What do you think I did?I made small talk for 20 minutes and had sex again.You have to say something to Bernie.I dont know. If I do that, shes gonna confront Ruchi,and then Ruchis gonna stop sleeping with me.R

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