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TENStem eco.docx

1、TENStem ecoTENStem eco雙輸出電療儀Trans-cutaneous 2-canal nerve stimulator Art.-No.104725INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR USE Art.-No.100741-V06 schwa.medico MEDICAL TECHNIC Schwa-medico 使用說明書(INSTRUCTION MANUAL) -TENStem eco 目錄 (Contents) 用途(Purpose) -3 儀器安全使用(Safety use of the Instrument) -3 操作元件(Operating elemen

2、ts)-4 TENStem eco使用(Operating of TENStem eco )-4 儀器開始使用(Start operating of the Instrument)-4 怎樣使用?(How to stimulate?)-5 儀器鎖定(lock of the instrument) -6 編輯模式(Edit modus )-6 工作參數(Parameters of Operating )-8 儀器關閉(shut off of the instrument)-8 電池更換(Replacement of the batteries)-8 程式說明(Explanation of the

3、 program)-9 概述(General)-14 符號說明(Symbol explanation)-14 技術資料(Technical data)-15 重新設定、更改、修復(Resetting、modification、repair )-16 電路圖、備件表、調整說明(Circuit diagram、spare parts list 、instruction of adjustment)-16 保證(Guarantee)-16 維護和清潔(Maintenance and cleaning ) -16 分類(Classification)- -16 檢查(Inspection)-16 結合

4、(Combination)-17 附件(Accessory)-17 附錄A 法規和製造商說明(Appendix A Rules and declaration of manufacturer)-22 醫療產品手冊(Medical product handbook)-25用途(Purpose)TENS tem.eco儀設計用於肌肉和神經刺激電療。不能用於其他用途。 (TENS is designed for the stimulation of muscle and nerve ,it can not be used for the other purpose.)儀器安全使用(S

5、afety use of the Instrument)在使用儀器前,仔細閱讀使用說明書。 (Before using ,please read the instruction carefully)TENS tem.eco儀只能使用原配件。(TENS can only use original Accessory)水和其他液體遠離TENS tem.eco儀。(Water and other liquids keep away from TENS tem.eco儀不能跌落,不能使用不當。如過高或過低溫度或過高的濕度(僅能在1040, 空氣的相對濕度小於9

6、0%的條件下使用)(TENS can not fall down , can not be used improperly, such as in extreme temperature or in too high humidity environment )(it can be used when temperature is between 1040,relative humidity is 90%)TENS tem.eco儀有故障時,不能使用。It can not be used , when TENS has fault or is damaged.為

7、了避免TENS tem.eco儀損壞和髒汙,應放在原包裝盒內。In order to avoid damage and dirtiness , TENS should kept in original packing box. 警告(Warn)帶植入電子儀器的病人(如心臟起博器),如果事前沒有諮詢醫生,不能接受TENS tem.eco儀電脈衝治療。Patients who have body-embedded medical device(such as cardiac pacemaker) can not be treated with TENS , with

8、out consultation from doctor before.TENS tem.eco儀僅能連接于一位病人電療使用。(TENS can omly connect with one patient for stimulation)TENS tem.eco儀為了避免相互作用的影響,不能直接靠近或與其他電子儀器一起使用,必須這樣做時,為了保證規定的用途,使用中必須注意各儀器的功能。(In order to avoid reciprocal interference, TENS can not be used near other electronic ins

9、trument or with it together .If it is not impossible, in order to ensure specified usage ,you must pay attention to the function of each instrument during using.)病人在電療時,同時連於其他高頻醫療儀器,會引起燒傷的後果。Simultaneous connection of a patient to h.f. surgical equipment may result in burns at the site of the appara

10、tus electrodes .電療儀靠近短波、微波設備或移動電話(例如1米)使用,會引起輸出值的偏離。Operation in close proximity (e.g.1m) to a short-wave 、 microwave therapy equipment or mobile telephone may produce instability in the apparatus output .電極作用最小面積不能小於2CM2(the action area of the electrode is no less than 2CM2)操作元件(Operating elements)

11、TENS tem.eco儀設計用於人們的肌肉和神經電療。通過按鍵可以進行設定工作狀態,而顯示幕可以顯示不同的工作狀態。(TENS is designed for the stimulation of muscle and nerve . the working state can be set by key , display screen can show different working states.)1.顯示幕(見a-f) Display screen(see a-f) 2.功能表按鍵 Menu key 3.調整按鍵Modification key3a)第1路強度 i

12、ntensity canal 13b)第2路強度 intensity canal 2通過按鍵,在編輯模式下改變不同的參數 In edit modus ,you can change different parameters by keys. 4.開/關按鍵 On/Off key5.電池盒 Battery box6.輸出插座 Outlet socket a. 電池充電狀態 charging state of Battery 滿full 空empty b. 所選程式顯示Display of selected program P=標準程式Standard program U=用戶程式 User pr

13、ogram c. 程式持續時間或剩餘時間 Lasting time of program or left time of program d. 各通路電流強度(單位mA)Current intensity for each canal (unit mA) e. 程式相位顯示 Display of program phase f. 執行鎖定:僅強度可調。Actuate locking , only intensity adjustable.TENStem eco 使用(Operating of TENStem eco )儀器開始使用(Start operating of the Instrume

14、nt) 標準狀況下,用按鍵打開儀器,TENS tem.eco啟動儀器最後關掉時程式。鎖定程式啟動(見“鎖定”章節),在顯示幕右上方顯示鑰匙圖示。(見圖1) In standard condition, turn on the instrument with key. The instrument is started with the program number with which the instrument is shut off last. Locking (see “Locking” section)is actuated ,so key symbol appears on rig

15、ht up corner of display screen. (see figure 1)編輯模式啟動Actuate edit modus當你按按鍵 E 打開TENS tem.eco儀,你能夠緊隨標準程式編輯程式(見“編輯模式”章節),把該程式以用戶程式的形式貯存。當儀器沒有預先被鎖定,可以使用該功能。Press key E, turn on TENS Follow the standard program ,you can edit program(see “edit”section)and store this program in the form of user-p

16、rogram. This function is useable when the instrument is not been locked.工作參數的重定和清除用戶程式 Resetting of operating parameters and clear user-program如果你想清除用戶程式、工作時間計數、開關次數計數和平均電流強度復位到零,則同時按下按鍵 V (左面)和按鍵 P。 If you want to clear user-program ,operating time counter, times of switch and average current inten

17、sity, keep pressing of left key V and key P At same time, when the instrument is on .怎樣使用How to stimulate?程式選擇Selection of program 通過按鍵P 選擇標準程式或用戶程式,儀器在鎖定狀態是不能進行的。首先,依次出現標誌P標準程式112,緊接著會是標誌U用戶程式(假如存在用戶程式)。當達到最後程式,再按一次按鍵會回復到程式1(P1)。 You can select standard program or user-program with key P, it is pos

18、sible when the instrument is not been locked. First appear the standard program with P1 to P12 symbol, next it will be user-program with U symbol (if it is exist). When last program arrive, it returns to Program 1 (P1) when you press the key again. 開始電療Start the stimulation首先把電極放在身體需要部位,用電纜連接電極和儀器,隨

19、後用按鍵P選擇所要程式或當儀器在鎖定狀態,用所要程式啟動,用上面兩個按鍵啟動電療。(見圖2) First put the electrode in the needed position of body ,connect the electrode and the instrument with cable.Select wanted program by the key P or locked instrument is started with wanted program .start the stimulation with two keys . (See figure 2)強度調節A

20、djustment of intensity用調整按鍵 可以隨時對雙路輸出電流強度調節到需要值,它們可以在070mA範圍內變化,數字後面一橫將表示0.5。如果電極與儀器沒有正確連接或放置於皮膚上,電流小於4mA時將回復置於零。你會發現在程式9波形在下降沿或中斷階段,按調整按鍵會提高強度,將會直接跳過上升沿而進入水平工作區。而對於程式7將不會插入脈衝間隙,程式一直這樣保持在工作區,直到不再按調整按鈕3秒鐘後。當你減少電流強度,程式運行不會中斷。 With the modification keys ,you can adjust intensity of every canal to wante

21、d value at any time. it can vary in the range 070mA, 0.5 is expressed with symbol after figure. If electrode is not correctly connected with the instrument or put on the skin, the current returns to zero when it is below 4 mA. In descending edge or pause phase to program 9, you will find that you ca

22、n increase the intensity with key , so it will pass ascending edge directly to working phase. It will not insert more pause phase for program 7,the program keep so long in the working phase until the modification keys is not been pressed for 3 seconds. When you low the intensity , the running of the

23、 program will not be interrupted. 電療參數顯示Display of stimulation parameters當電療時,按下按鍵E 程式參數可以在顯示幕左上方顯示,第一個值顯示頻率(圖3),再按一次脈寬(圖4)然後又是顯示程式號(圖2)剩餘電療時間(分鐘)將在顯示幕中間顯示。程式4作為特例,第一路輸出頻率在顯示幕左上方顯示,第二路輸出頻率在右方顯示(圖5)When stimulating , the program parameters can display on left upper corner of display screen by key E.

24、first value appeared shows frequency(figure 3), After press the key again, it is impulse width(figure 4),then it shows program number again (figure 2).the left time of stimulation will display in the middle of display screen .Program 4 is as a special example, the frequency for canal 1 is displayed

25、on the left upper side and frequency for canal 2 on the right upper side.結束電療Stop the stimulation按按鍵P或按鍵電療可以隨時結束。當程式運行時間結束,電療自動結束。 The stimulation can be ended at any time by key P or key .After the running time of the program is up ,the stimulation is ended automatically.儀器鎖定 Lock the instrument 用按

26、鍵P為病人選定所需程式(見程式章節),當左面按鍵保持按著,再按按鍵P,儀器就能鎖定,在顯示幕右上方顯示出鑰匙符號。儀器除了用所選程式電療,所有其他功能都不能使用。通過同樣按鍵組合使用,鎖定又被取消。鎖定狀態的儀器不能在編輯模式下起動。 Select the wanted program for the patients with the key P(see program section) ,keep pressing left key and press the key P again, the instrument will be locked. It shows key symbol o

27、n right up corner of the display screen. Except stimulation with selected program ,all functions of the instrument are not useable. With the same combination of keys, locking will be eliminated again. The instrument locked can not been started under edit modus. 編輯模式Edit modus啟動編輯模式Actuate edit modus

28、按按鍵E 打開儀器。編輯模式符號E在顯示幕右面顯示。該功能僅當儀器沒有被事前鎖定,才能使用。用按鍵P選擇你想編輯的標準程式或用戶程式。(圖6)按按鍵E可以對正被啟動的標準程式或用戶程式編輯。這將通過程式號前符號P或U和 E標明。 Start the instrument with key E . Symbol E of edit modus appears on right of display screen, this function can be used when the instrument is not been locked. Press key P to select standard program or user-program for which you want to edit . (figure 6) With key E, you can begin to edit active standard program or user-program. This will be distinguished by symbol P or U before progra

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