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1、组胚切片报告组织学与胚胎学实验报告指定主题:实验一 、上皮组织基本组织1报告主题:假复层纤毛柱状上皮主题属性:指定标本号:27#染色:HE染色教学要求:掌握假复层纤毛柱状上皮的光镜结构特征光镜下可见假复层纤毛柱状上皮的各种上皮细胞界限不清,细胞核染蓝紫色,高矮不一,其中柱状细胞最多,游离面有大量纤毛,柱状细胞之前常夹有杯状细胞,其底部狭窄,顶部膨大,细胞核深染。所有细胞的基底膜均附着在基膜上,即使细胞核高低不齐排列,形似复层,实为单层。Then visible pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium of epithelial cell li

2、ne is not clear, the nucleus dyed purple blue, height is differ, the columnar cells most, free surface has a lot of ciliated columnar cells, before often clip has goblet cell, its bottom is narrow, the top swollen, with hyperchromatic nuclei. All the cells of the basement membrane are attached on th

3、e basement membrane, whose nucleus are irregular, and the shape see as compound layer, and it is a single.实验二 结缔组织 基本组织2报告主题:骨单位主题属性:指定标本号:6#材料:骨切片染色:Schmorl氏法块染教学要求:掌握骨组织的结构图2骨单位(骨切片,Schmorl氏法块染,40100)Figure 2 osteon (osseous smear,Schmorl stained,40100)骨单位位于内外环骨板之间,数量最多,中央为圆心的中央管,中央管与穿通管相通,数层同心圆排列

4、的骨板围绕中央管。在骨单位之间,有一些不规则排列的间骨板,其中无血管通道,在骨板之间或骨板中可见黄色小腔,即骨陷窝。Osteon is located in the inside and outside ring bone plate between, the largest number, the central to the right of the central tube, the central tube and pierced tube are interlinked, layers of concentric arrangement of the bone plate aroun

5、d the central canal. There are some interstitial lamellae between osteon, which has no vascular channels, in the bone plate or between bone plate visible yellow small cavities, named lacuna.实验三、肌组织与神经组织实验二 基本组织3报告主题:心肌主题属性:指定标本号:12#材料:人心肌切片染色:HE染色教学要求:观察人心肌的结构特点,掌握其判断依据图3 心肌(人心肌切片,HE染色,40100)Figure

6、3 Cardiac muscle(human cardiac muscle smear,HE stained 40100)多数心肌纤维有一个细胞核,少数有双核,核呈卵圆形,位于细胞中央。心肌纤维的连接处称闰盘,且染色深。心肌纤维呈明暗相间的周期性横纹,但由于其肌原纤维粗细不等,界限不明,因此横纹不如平滑肌那么清楚。Most of the myocardial fibers have a nucleus, a few have dual-core, and nucleus is oval, located in the central cell. The joint of the myocard

7、ial fibers called intercalated disc, and deep dyeing. The myocardial fibers are light and shade and periodic horizontal lines, but as a result of its myofibril different thicknesses of the unknown, so horizontal stripes as smooth muscle so clear.基本组织4报告主题:多级神经元主题属性:指定标本号:9#材料:小牛脊髓及神经节染色:HE 染色教学要求:观察

8、脊髓前角多级神经元的结构特点,掌握其判断依据图4 多级神经元(小牛脊髓切片,HE染色,40100)Figure 4 multipolar neuron(calf spinal cord smear,HE stained 40100)多级神经元细胞核有大、圆,亮的特点,胞体和突起中可见到许多紫蓝色的不规则的小斑块,即尼氏体。突起从胞体发出,一个神经元有多个树突,一个轴突,因此轴突很难切到,不容易看见。Multistage neurons nuclei have big, round, bright characteristics, cell and bumps in the visible to

9、 many purple blue irregular small patches, namely the Nissl body. Flash from the cell body out, a neuron have multiple dendrite, an axon, so it is difficult to cut the axon, which is not easy to see.实验四 消化管中空性器官1报告主题:空肠绒毛主题属性:指定标本号:19#材料:猫空肠横切片染色:HE染色教学要求:掌握空肠的结构特征与判断依据,特别注意肠绒毛和肠腺的结构)图5 空肠绒毛(猫空肠横切片,

10、HE 染色,40100)Figure5 jejunum villi(cat jejunum transverse section, HE stained 40100)空肠绒毛上皮由吸收细胞、杯状细胞和少量内分泌细胞组成。吸收细胞数量最多,呈高柱状,核长椭圆型,位于基部,细胞游离有深染层,称纹状缘。绒毛中轴的固有层为细密结缔组织,其内常可见纵行的平滑肌、丰富毛细血管、12条中央乳糜管(多数未切到)及大量淋巴细胞。The epithelium of Jejunum villi is composed of absorption, goblet cell and a small amount of

11、endocrine cells. The largest number of absorptive cells, a tall columnar, nuclear long elliptic, is located in the base, cell free have hyperchromatic layer, called striated border. Villi axis of the lamina propria for fine connective tissue, it often visible longitudinal done smooth muscle, rich ca

12、pillaries, 1 2 a central lacteal (most not cut) and a large number of lymphocytes.实验五 消化管以外的其他中空性器官中空性器官2报告主题:中等动脉主题属性:指定标本号:10#材料:狗中等动、静脉横切片染色:HE染色教学要求:掌握中等动脉的结构特点图6 中等动脉 (狗中等动脉横切片,HE染色, 40100)Figure 6 medium-sized artery (dog medium-sized artery and vein transverse section smear ,HE stained 40100)

13、在高倍镜下,可见内弹性膜为一条呈波浪状的折光性强的粉红色亮带,它是内膜与中膜的分界标志,中膜较厚,由数十层平滑肌纤维组成,因此中动脉也称肌性动脉。外膜由疏松结缔组织构成,多数中动脉的外膜和中膜之间有明显的外弹性膜。At high magnification, internal elastic membrane is a wavy refraction sex strong pink light band, which is the border of tunica media and tunica adventitia .tunica media is consist of dozens of

14、 layer of the smooth muscle fibers, so the artery is also called the muscular artery. External elastic membrane is composed of loose connective tissue, the majority of the artery; there is obvious elastic membrane between tunica media and tunica adventitia.实验六 免疫系统实质性器官1报告主题:淋巴结主题属性:指定标本号:13#材料:狗淋巴结

15、切片染色:HE 染色教学要求:掌握淋巴结的结构特征和判断依据图7 淋巴结 (狗淋巴结切片,HE染色 ,40100)Figure 7 Lymphoid node (Dog lymphoid smear , HE stained ,40100)淋巴结多呈扁平豆形或者卵圆形,表面有薄层结缔组织被膜,伸入实质形成小梁,小梁互相连接成网。皮质位于被膜下,浅皮质由淋巴小结和弥散淋巴组织构成,副皮质为胸腺依赖区,为较大片的弥散淋巴组织,皮质淋巴窦位于被膜下方和小梁周围.髓质由髓索及其间的髓窦构成。Lymph node is flat bean shaped or ovoid, the surface has

16、 a thin layer of connective tissue capsule, stretch into substantial form trabecular, trabecular interconnected into network. Cortex is located in the envelope, shallow cortex by lymph nodule and dispersion lymphoid tissue structure; vice cortex for thymus depend on the area, for a large dispersion

17、lymphoid tissue, cortex lymphatic sinus, in the envelope below and trabecular meshwork. Medulla around by pulp line and the pulp sinus between compositions.实验八 肾与内分泌系统实质性器官2报告主题:下颌下腺主题属性:自选标本号:24#材料:人下颌下腺切片染色:HE染色教学要求:掌握下颌下腺的三种腺泡和导管的结构图8下颌下腺(人下颌下腺切片,HE染色,40100)Figure 8 (Submandibular gland smear, hu

18、man submandibular gland,HE stained 40100)下颌下腺为混合性腺,小叶内可见很多圆形或不规则的腺泡,其中染紫红色的是浆液性腺泡,染色浅的是黏液性腺泡,混合性腺泡主要由黏液性腺细胞构成,少量浆液性腺细胞位于黏液性细胞之间或聚集在腺泡底部,也称为半月。分泌管为单层柱状上皮,多且发达,闰管短而不明显。The submandibular gland is mixed gland, the leaves can be seen many round or irregular acinus , including dye aborigine is serous acin

19、us, dyeing shallow is mucous acinus, mixed gland is mainly composed of mucous cells and a small amount of serous cells in the slime sex between cells or gathered in gland bubble bottom, called demilune. Secretary duct for single columnar epithelium, and developed, leap tube short is not obvious.实验八

20、肾与内分泌系统实质性器官3报告主题:肾单位主题属性:指定标本号:29#材料:兔肾切片染色:HE染色教学要求:掌握肾单位各部分的结构特点图9 肾单位 (兔肾切片,HE染色, 40100)Figure 9 Nephron ( Rabbit kidney smear,HE stained ,40100)肾单位由肾小体和与其相连的肾小管组成,肾小体由血管球和肾小囊构成,血管球为肾小囊内一团蟠曲的毛细血管,肾小囊是上皮性管道盲端膨大并凹陷的双层囊。近曲小管位于肾小体周围,管径大,管壁厚,管腔小而且不规则。远曲小管与近曲小管混在一起,管径小,管壁薄,管腔较大而规则。Nephron is composed

21、of renal corpuscle and renal tubule. Renal corpuscle by vascular ball and renal capsule form, glomus for renal capsule in a group of capillary, renal capsule is double capsule. Proximal convoluted tubule in renal corpuscle around, pipe diameter, wall thickness, the lumen is small and irregular. Dist

22、al convoluted tubule and proximal convoluted tubule mixed together, pipe diameter is small, and the wall is thin实验九 生殖腺实质性器官4报告主题:生精小管主题属性:指定标本号:41#材料:人睾丸与附睾切片染色:HE染色教学要求:了解睾丸与附睾的一般结构,掌握生精小管的结构和间质细胞的位置及其结构特点。图10 生精小管(人睾丸与附睾切片,HE染色,40100)Figure 10 Somniferous tubule (human testis and epididymis , HE

23、stained ,40100)生精小管为高度弯曲的复层上皮性管道,外有薄层基膜,管壁由各级生精细胞和支持细胞构成。精原细胞附着在基膜上,胞体较小,核染色较深。初级精母细胞位于精原细胞近腔侧,细胞体积大而圆,核亦大而圆,染色质密集呈绒球状。次级精母细胞因存在时间短不易找到,精子细胞位于近腔面,体积更小,核大而圆,染色质细密。精子位于腔面,头部呈扁圆形,嵌入支持细胞的胞质中,染色深,尾部游离于生精小管腔内。Somniferous tubules are curved stratified epithelium of pipeline, outside a thin layer of basemen

24、t membrane, wall by various raw sperm cell and support cells composition. Spermatophore attached on the basement membrane, cell is lesser, nuclear staining deep. Primary spermatocyte located in nearly cavity side, cell volume is big and round, nuclear also large, round, chromatin concentrated in woo

25、l ball. Secondary spermatocyte there for short time is not easy to find, sperm cells in the nearly cavity surface, the volume is smaller, nuclear large, round, chromatin close. Sperm is located in the cavity surface, the head is oblateness, embedded support cell cytoplasm, dyeing deep, tail free bor

26、n in somniferous tubule cavity.自选主题 实验二、结缔组织基本组织5报告主题:嗜酸性粒细胞主题属性:自选标本号:7#材料:人血涂片 染色:Wright染色教学要求:掌握嗜酸性粒细胞图11 嗜酸性粒细胞(人血涂片,HE染色,40100)Figure 11 Esoinophil (human blood smear,HE stained ,40100)嗜酸性粒细胞核多分为两叶,胞质内充满粗大、分布均匀、染成橘红色、有折光性的嗜酸性颗粒。其主要作用是能吞噬抗原抗体复合物,分解组胺,灭活白三烯,从而减弱过敏反应,又参与对蠕虫的免疫反应。Eosinophilic nucle

27、ar are mainly divided into two leaves, cytoplasm filled with bulky, distribution uniformity, dyed orange, refraction sex eosinophilic particles. Its main function is to devour antigen antibody complex, decomposition of histamine, inactivated leukotriene, thereby deadening allergic reaction, and the

28、worm in the immune response.实验一、上皮组织基本组织6报告主题:变移上皮主题属性:自选标本号:31#染色:HE染色材料:猫膀胱切片(空虚状态)教学要求:掌握膀胱空虚状态下变移上皮的形态结构图12 变移上皮 (猫膀胱切片,HE染色,40100)Figure 12 Transitional epithelium (cat bladder smear,HE stained ,40100)变移上皮由多层细胞构成,基底面平整。细胞核常排成56层,其中,基底层细胞核密集,小且染色深;中间数层细胞多为多边形或倒梨形,核圆;表层细胞大,分界清晰,有防止尿液侵蚀的作用,称为盖细胞。T

29、ransitional epithelium cells by multilayer structure, base with smooth surface. The nucleus is often in 5 6 layer, among them, the basal lamina nuclei intensive, small and dyeing deep; Intermediate layers of cells for polygon or fall pear-shaped, nuclear round; The surface cells, boundary clear, hav

30、e prevent urine erosion effect, called cover cell.实验四、消化管中空性器官3报告主题:食管主题属性:自选标本号:18#染色:HE染色材料:狗食管和胃纵切片教学要求:掌握食管的结构特点及判断依据图13 食管 (狗食管和胃纵切片,HE染色,40100)Figure 13 Esophagus (dog esophagus and stomach longitudinal section, HE stained ,40100)食管黏膜的上皮为复层扁平上皮,固有层为细密结缔组织,黏膜肌层由纵行平滑肌束组成。黏膜下层的结缔组织中存在许多黏液性的食管腺。肌层

31、由内环形和外纵行两层,人的食管上段为骨骼肌,下段为平滑肌。外膜为纤维膜。Esophageal mucosa epithelial is stratified squamous epithelium, Muscularis mucosa is connective tissue, longitudinal beam of smooth muscle make up muscularis mucosa . Submucosa of connective tissue has many esophageal glands. musularis from inner ring and outer longitudinal two layer, human esophageal upper segment for skeletal muscle, lower segment for smooth muscle. Tunica adventitia is fiber membrane.实验七、消化腺与肺实质性器官5报告主题:肝主题属性:自选标本号:26#染色:HE染色材料:香猪肝切片教学要求:掌握肝的结构特点及其判断依据。图14 肝 (香猪肝切片,HE 染色 ,40100)Fi

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