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1、英文话剧剧本10到11人英文话剧剧本-防空洞一个很有名的故事。10人-11人英语短话剧剧本人物Story-teller- Announcers voice- Dr. Stockton (Bill) - Grace Stockton- Henderson- Mrs. Henderson-Marty Weiss- Mrs. Weiss- Jerry Harlowe- Mrs. Harlowe- Man #1-Several neighbors hope to find safety in the only bomb shelter on their street when an announcem

2、ent comes over the radio that enemy missiles are approaching. Can it shelter all of them? Does its owner let them in? Here is the storyThe ShelterSYNOPSIS OF ACT ONE: On a summer evening, a birthday celebration is going on at Dr. Stocktons. Among those presents are his neighbors: the Hendersons, the

3、 Weisss and the Harlowes. In the midst of it comes unexpectedly over the radio the announcement of the President of the United States declaring a state of emergency for suspected enemy missiles approaching. The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home.However, shortly afterwards they return one

4、after another to the Stockton house for the simple reason that they want to survive-want to share with the Stocktons the bomb shelter which is the only one on their street.ACT TWOOUTSIDE STOCKTON HOMEHENDERSON Itll land any minute. I just know it. Its going to land any minute-MRS. HENDERSON (grabs h

5、old of him) What are we going to do?Throughout above and following dialogue, a portable radio carried by one of the children carries the following announcement:ANNOUNCERS VOICE This is Conelrad. This is Conelrad. We are still in a state of Yellow Alert. If you are a public official or government emp

6、loyee with an emergency assignment, or a civil defense worker, you should report to your post immediately. If you are a public official or government employeeMRS. HARLOWE Jerry, ask again.HARLOWE Dont waste your time. He wont let anyone in. He said he didnt have any room or supplies there and its de

7、signed for three people.MRS. HENDERSON Whatll we do?HARLOWE Maybe we ought to pick out just one basement and go to work on it. Pool all our stuff. Food, water, everything.MRS. HARLOW It isnt fair. (She points toward Stockton house) Hes down there in a bomb shelter completely safe. And our kids have

8、to just wait around for a bomb to drop and-HENDERSON Lets just go down into his basement and break down the door?A chorus of voices greet this with assent.As HENDERSON rushes through toward the basement entrance, HARLOWE overtakes him saying:HARLOWE Wait a minute, wait a minute. All of us couldnt fi

9、t in there. That would be crazy to even try.WEISS Why dont we draw lots? Pick out one family?HARLOWE What difference would it make? He wont let us in.HENDERSON We can all march down there and tell him hes got the whole street against him. We could do that.HARLOWE What good would that do? I keep tell

10、ing you. Even if we were to break down the door, it couldnt accommodate all of us. Wed just be killing everybody and for no reason.MRS. HENDERSON If it saves one of these kids out here-I call that a reason.The voice comes up again.WEISS Jerry, you know him better than any of us. Youre his best frien

11、d. Why dont you go down again? Try to talk to him. Plead with him. Tell him to pick out one family-Draw lots or something-HENDERSON One family, meaning yours, Weiss, huh?WEISS (whirls around to him) Why not? Ive got a three-month-old infant-MRS. HENDERSON What difference does that make? Is your baby

12、s life any more precious than our kids?WEISS (shouting at her) I never said that. If youre going to start trying to argue about who deserves to live more than the next one-HENDERSON Why dont you shut your mouth, Weiss? (with a wild, illogical anger) Thats the way it is when the foreigners come over

13、here. Aggressive, greedy, semi-Americans-WEISS (his face goes white) Why you garbage-brained idiot you-MRS. HENDERSON It still goes, Weiss! I bet you are at the bottom of the list-WEISS suddenly flings himself through the crowd toward the man and theres a brief, hand-to-hand fight between them broke

14、n up by HARLOWE who stands between them breathless.HARLOWE Keep it up, both of you. Just keep it up. We wont need a bomb. We can slaughter each other.MRS. WEISS (pleading) Marty, go down to Bills shelter again. Ask him-WEISS Ive already asked him. It wouldnt do any good.Once again the siren sounds a

15、nd the people seem to move closer together, staring up toward the night sky. Off in the distance we see searchlights.HARLOWE Searchlights. It must be coming closer.HENDERSON (as he suddenly pushes HARLOWE aside and heads for the steps) Im going down there and get him to open up that door. I dont car

16、e what the rest of you think. Thats the only thing left to do.MAN #1 Hes right. Come on, lets do it.INSIDE THE SHELTERGRACE is holding tight to PAUL. STOCKTON stands close to the door listening to the noises from outside as they approach. Theres a pounding on the shelter door that reverberates.OUTSI

17、DE THE SHELTERHENDERSON Bill? Bill Stockton? Youve got a bunch of your neighbors out here who want to stay alive. Now open the door and talk to us and figure out with us how many can come in there. Or else you can just keep doing what youre doing-and well fight our way in there.HARLOWE appears and p

18、ushes his way through the group and goes over to the shelter door.HARLOWE Bill. This is Jerry. They mean business out here.STOCKTONS VOICE And I mean business in here. Ive already told you, Jerry. Youre wasting your time. Youre wasting precious time that could be used for something elselike figuring

19、 out how you can survive.MAN #1 Why dont we get a big, heavy log to break the door down?HENDERSON We could go over to Bennett Avenue. Phil Kline has some giant logs in his basement. Ive seen them. Lets get one. And well just tell Kline to keep his mouth shut as to why we want it.WEISS Lets get hold

20、of ourselves. Lets stop and think for a minute-HENDERSON (turning to face WEISS) Nobody cares what you think. You or your kind. I thought I made that clear upstairs. I think the first order of business is to get you out of here.With this he strikes out, smashing his fist into WEISSs face in a blow s

21、o unexpected and so wild that WEISS, totally unprepared, is knocked against the wall. His wife screams and, still holding the baby, rushes to him. Theres a commotion as several men try to grab the neighbor and HARLOWE is immediately at WEISSs side trying to help him to his feet. Once again the siren

22、s blast.HENDERSON (shouts over the noise and commotion) Come on, lets get something to smash this door down.They start out of the cellar toward the steps.INSIDE THE SHELTERSTOCKTON slowly turns to face his wife. The angry screaming cries of the people ring in their ears even as they depart.GRACE( lo

23、oks up) Bill? Who were those people?STOCKTON (turning to stare toward the door) “ Those people?” Those are our neighbors, Grace. Our friends. The people weve lived with and alongside for twenty years. (then in a different fixed expression and in a different tone) Come on, Paul. Lets put stuff up aga

24、inst this door. Everything we can.The man and boy then start to pile up a barricade, using furniture, the generator, books, any movable object they can get their hands on.OUTSIDE OF THE SHELTERThe mob marches down the street carrying a large heavy log that is perhaps fifteen feet long. Their own sho

25、uts mix with the sound of the intermittent siren and with the voice of the announcer on the Conelad station.ANNOUNCERS VOICE Weve been asked to once again remind the population that they are to remain calm, stay off the streets. This is urgent. Please remain off the streets. Everything possible is b

26、eing done in the way of protection. But the military and important civil defense vehicles must have the streets clear. So you are once again reminded to remain off the streets. Remain off the streets!The minute the mob gathers before the STOCKTON house, they smash into it, carrying the giant log. Th

27、ey move down the cellar steps. As the log smashes into the shelter door, the siren goes up louder and more piercing and it is at this moment that we see both WEISS and HARLOWE join the men on the heavy log to lend their support to it.INSIDE THE SHELTERSTOCKTON and GRACE lean against it as it starts

28、to give under the weight, under the pressure. The air is filled with angry shouts, the intermittent siren, the cries of women and children.INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE SHELTERAnd it all reaches one vast pitch just as the door is forced open. PAUL and STOCKTON are pushed back into the shelter and just a

29、t this moment the lights go on in the basement. The siren also reaches its top and then suddenly goes off and there is absolute dead silence for a long moment. Then from the portable radio in the corner comes.ANNOUNCERS VOICE This is Conelrad. This is Conelrad. Remain turned for an important message

30、. Remain turned for an important message. (a pause) The President of the United States has just announced that the previously unidentified objects have now been definitely identified as being satellites. Repeat. There are no enemy missiles approaching. The objects have been identified as satellites.

31、 They are harmless and we are in no danger. Repeat. We are in no danger. The state of emergency has officially been called off. We are in no danger. Repeat. There is no enemy attack. There is no enemy attack.MRS. WEISS (her eyes closed and crying softly) Thank God. Oh, thank God.WEISS (in a whisper, his face bruised and blood clotted) Amen to that.HENDERSON Hey, MartyMartyI went crazy. You understand that, dont you? I just went crazy. I didnt mean all the things I said. (he wets his lips, his voice shaking) We were all of uswe were so scaredso confused. (he holds out his

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