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1、高中英语典型易错错误辨析高中英语典型易错错误辨析)1. Marys mother is taller than my. ( Marys )mother is taller than mine. (解析 人称代词的主格可以作主语,如: You and I are good friends.其宾格可以作介词宾语或及物动词宾语,如:Im looking for her,物主代词中形容词性物主代词可以作定语来修饰名词,如:my childhood ;This watch is yours, Mine is yellow.反身代词在句中可以作宾语或同位语如:He taught himself Engli

2、sh.2. )The Zhangs is watching TV. ( The Zhangs are watching TV. )(解析 the加姓氏的复数表示某某一家人或夫妇俩人,所以要用复数形式的谓语动词。3. - Since we have )only a few hours left. We should carefully take advantage of it. (- Since we have only a few hours left.We should carefully take advantage of them. )(解析 要注意人称代词的人称、数、性、格在句中的一致

3、性,这里hours应与them一致。4. He and you )should do their homework. (You and he should do your homework. )(解析 用and连接的主语中如有一个是第一人称,则其后的人称代词应用第一人称与之呼应。如无第一人称而有第二人称,则要用第二人称代词与之相呼应,否则用第三人称,如:John and I are good friends. We are classmates.Tom and Mary should do their best.)5. He or his brother is doing their home

4、work. (He or his )brother is doing his homework. (解析 用or, eitheror, neithernor 连接两主语时,如两主语是单数时,则要用单数代词,如两主语都是复数时用复数代词,如:Either teachers or students want to do their best to help the old man. 但若连接的是一单一复两名词时,总要将单数名词放在前面而复数名词放在后面,而其后用复数代名词,如:The teacher or his students will clean their classroom.6.Your

5、 new car is wonderful. How )much does he cost? (Your new car is wonderful. How much does she cost? )(解析在谈论到有感情的事物时,如:车辆、船只、国家,常用she作代词,饲养的动物也可以用he, she来代替。如:Give the cat some food. Maybe she is hungry.7. A student should do her best to study.A student should do his (her) best to study.解析 若名词是男女两性兼有的

6、名词,按传统习惯其代名词应用he,但现代英语中可以用he/she, his/her.8. He, you and I are good friends.You, he and I are good friends.解析代词名词并列时,其先后顺序分两种情况:其一.单数代名词时为: you and I, you and he, she and I, you, he and I。其二.是复数代名词时为we and you, we and they, you and they, we, you and they。但两性名词并列时男性在前,女性在后,如:He and she are in the sam

7、e class.)9.Her sister is as beautiful as her. (Her )sister is as beautiful as she. (解析 因as是连词其后应视为省略句,即as she is。)10.Her sister is more beautiful than her. (Her sister is )more beautiful than she. (解析 因than也是连词其后也应视为省略句。11. Who )broke the glass? I. ()Who broke the glass? Me. (解析 在简略答语中主格往往用宾格来代替而且不要

8、有助动词。否则必须用主格,如:I dont want to watch TV.Me, neither.(Neither do I.)12. I like you as much as she. )()I like you as much as her. (解析 因为as后的省略句应为as I like her.而第一句语法不错但应译为我像她一样喜欢你。)13.The writers are she and I. ( )Whos that? Its me. (解析 标准语法中作主语补语时应用主格,但在日常口语及习惯用语中常常用宾格,所以有人干脆直称其名,如:The writers are Mar

9、y and Tom.(I即是Tom) 因it是主语,则he是主语补语。14.I think it is he.(I think it ) 因it是宾语则要用 be him.(15. I was taken to be he. (我被误认成他) )()The policeman caught him by his arm. (The policeman caught him by the arm. )(解析在谈论触及身体某一部位时要用touch/catch/hit/+人+by+the+身体部位,这里的定冠词不能用形容词性物主代词。16. )His books are new, but

10、 your are old. (His books are new, but yours are )old. (解析 代词应与其代替的名词保持一致。17.Myself did it yesterday. )()I myself did it yesterday. ( 解析 反身代词不可作主语,但可作主语同位语。)18 . Take care of ourselves. (Take care of )yourselves (yourself) (解析 祈使句的主语应作you看待。19. One should not )live for oneself alone. (One should not

11、 live for himself alone. )(解析 英语中one的反身代词应为oneself,而现代英语中却常常用himself。20. Please bring )your son with yourself. (Please bring your son with you. )(解析 要注意介词宾语不要用反身代词。21.You must all look after yourself )during your trip. (You must all look after yourselves during your )trip. (解析要注意反身代词与其名词的一致性。因这里有 al

12、l, 所以 you 应看做你们。22. Help )yourself for the fruit. ()Help yourself to the fruit. (解析 这里的 to 是习惯用法。要注意与反身代词连用的动词,如:enjoy yourself(玩得开心)make yourself at home(不要拘束)lose oneself(迷路)come to oneself(苏醒)seat yourself(请坐)23. I like these pink. Which do you prefer? (I )like these pink ones. Which do you prefe

13、r? (解析 指示代词有this, that(指单数), those, these (指复数),而that, those指相对远处的东西,而this, these为近处的东西,在美语中ones有时被省略,如:I prefer these books to those.但如其后接形容词了则ones就不能省略了。下句中的days也不能省略。Work was difficult in those days.24.- Well go to visit the Science and )Technology Museum this afternoon. That will be interesting.

14、 (-Well go to visit the Science and Technology Museum this afternoon. This will be )interesting. (解析 在讲述过去事时用that,而讲述将要发生的事时用this。如:We can go to see a film this weekend.Thats a good idea.这里用that是指前面提到的那件事。25. )Whos this speaking? Thats Mary. (Whos that speaking? Thiss Mary. )(解析在谈话和电话用语中this指自己,而tha

15、t指对方。26. What do you want to do with )that five thousand dollars? (Ive been writing this book these five )years. (解析 that, this, those, these 这四个指示代词都可以用在那些表示一段时间、一笔钱数的名词前面与之连用。因为把钱数和一段时间可以当作一个整体看。27.The days in )summer are longer than this in winter. (The days in summer are longer )than those in wi

16、nter. (解析为了避免重复,可以用that或those来代替句中前面提到的词,如:The book is better than that which was sold in this shop.28 -Study and play are both necessary to students,this gives us knowledge and that gives us rest. )(-Study and play are both necessary to students, this gives us )rest, and that gives us knowledge. (解

17、析 在thatthis和thosethese的表达法中that与those表示前者,而this, these表示后者。同样the onethe other 如:Mary and Tom are good at Chinese, the one (Mary) speaks better Chinese than the other (Tom).29.Under this words she went out of the classroom. )()With these words she went out of the classroom. (解析 with this 是习惯用法, with

18、these words 应译为说着这些话。that night(那晚)that way/this way(那边/这边)by this=by now(到了这个时候)at this/that(一听到,一见到/这点就)that is to say(即,就是说)with this(这样说着,一面说一面干)30. Im tired now. I cant go so far. (Im )tired now, so I cant go that far. (解析 this, that在口语中常常可以作副词,表示如此。31. I hope never to meet such another man. )(

19、)I hope never to meet another such man. (解析 such 必须用在no, one, another, some, many, all等词之后。such作代词就是指如前所述的意思,如:I may hurt her feelings, but such was not my intention.但such作形容词的场合更多。32. - It is so good )weather that everyone wants to go for a picnic. (- It is such good )weather that everyone wants to

20、 go for a picnic. (解析 用在可数名词单数时,两者都可以用,但用法不同,如:It is such a good book that everyone likes it.It is so good a book that everyone likes it.在不可数名词前,或可数名词复数前只能用such,如:It is such good weather that I want to go swimming.They are such good books that I want to buy them all.在many, much, little, few这四个字前只能用s

21、o,在只有形容词的情况下也只能用so,如:She has so much money that she can buy everything she likes.She is so lovely that everyone likes her.33. My little brother is quite interested in )what I did. He always tried to do same. (My little brother is quite )interested in what I did. He always tried to do the same. (解析 s

22、ame用作代词时常常要与the连用,如: - Have a good weekend - The same to you.34. I received the same postcard that she received yesterday. )(I received the same postcard as she received yesterday. )(解析 the sameas意为与一样,而the samethat意为就是那个。如:This is the same bike as I lost yesterday.(这与我昨天丢失的自行车一样。即不是我丢失的那辆)This is t

23、he same bike that I lost yesterday. (这就是我昨天丢失的那辆车)Incorrect: The little boy asked me a lot of questions, but I still liked him all same.35.The little boy asked me a lot of questions, but I still liked him all the same. )(解析 与same有关的习惯用法也与the分不开的all the same为仍然,还有:be all the same to somebody (对某人来讲是一

24、样的)at the same time (在同一时间)come to the same thing (结果相同)36.Is that teacher from England? I think not. (Is )that teacher from England? I dont think so. (解析 so可以作为代词,代替一个整句,但在作答语时要注意,肯定句中为I think/believe/suppose/hopeso, 但在否定句中则是I dont think/believe/supposeso,而hope/believe 则应用为I hope/believe not。37.You

25、 did )your homework. So I did. ()You did your homework. So did I. ( 解析so用作答语时,如讲同一动作适用于不同的两个主语时要倒装。38. English is difficult to )learn. So is it. ()English is difficult to learn.So it is. ( 解析在仅仅是对对方意见表示同意时则不倒装。与so有关的短语,如:I told you so. 我告戒过你。Everybody says so. 每人都这样讲。39. Everyone should do ones )bes

26、t. ()Everyone should do his best. (解析 不定代词最多,其用法也最复杂。它们主要有:a few (few), a little (little), any, another, anybody, anything, anyone, all, both, either, everybody, each everyone, every one, many, much, most, neither, none, nobody, no one, nothing, one,other, some, somebody, someone, some one, somethin

27、g这些代词每一个都有自己的用法特点和习惯用法,切记要一个字一个字地学习,不可以偏概全一致造成错误。one作代词时它的复数形式是ones,所有格ones,反身代词oneself, one在指某一人时相当于anyone,所以要用: one should do ones best, 但如one与别的词组成的其他词,或有修饰词短语时,则要用his/her, his/hers, himself/herself。40Your )bike is not as new as your brothers one. (Your bike is not as new as )your brothers. (解析 在

28、my, Johns, two, three等数词,both, some,后面不可直接加one或ones,但如果名词前有了形容词则是可以使用的,如:I bought two dictionaries and )two ones. (I bought two dictionaries, and two good ones. )()41No one of them is my student. (None of them is my )student. (解析 no one相当于nobody其意为没有人,其作主语时用单数谓语动词,如:No one expects you to be perfect,

29、 but we do expect you always to do your best.但no one不与of结构连用,但用none作主语时,其谓语动词是可单可复数,要视具体情况而定。通常要用of结构,不用of结构虽不是语法上的错误,但很不符合语言习惯,人们习惯于用:None of the boys is here.No one has jumped such high.而不讲None has jumped such high.42. Do you have my dictionary? Yes, I have one. )()Do you have my dictionary? Yes,

30、I have it. (解析 在作简略答语时it用来特指上文中提到的物体,而one则泛指某一个,如:1) -Do you have a dictionary?-Yes, I have one.2) The books you bought )yesterday are good one. (The books you bought yesterday are good ones. )(ones 是one的复数形式。43. Who won the game? None. )()Who won the game? No one. (解析在简略答语中用who来提问的句子的否定答语是no one, 而

31、用how many提问的答语是none,如:How many students are there? None.)44.I dont want to drink hot tea. I want cold one. (I )dont want to drink hot tea, I want cold tea .(解析 one只可用来代替可数名词,而不能用于不可数名词,但none则可以,如:None of the news is good.None of the girls are (is) here.45. No one of you could )leave now. ()Not one of you could leave now. (解析no one不可加of结构,但not one of 则是正确的而且是强调句。46.There are many tre

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