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1、英语四六级考试译文笔记 第21篇英语作文写作及翻译老师笔记(四六级考试)1.人类天生就对周围发生的事情感到好奇,对于犯罪尤其如此。对很多人来说,犯罪虽然可怕,但同样能引起他们的兴趣。正因为如此,报纸和电视新闻简报上充满了对于犯罪的报道。It ishuman nature(1.人类天性)to be curious about the events that happen around us.When it comes to(2.对于)crime, this is especially so. For many, although crime is something to be feared,

2、it is also something thatdraws their interest(3.吸引他们的兴趣), and therefore newspapers andtelevision news bulletins(4.电视新闻简报)are full of reports of crime.1- human naturehuman nature前面不加冠词the或a,也没有复数形式。词典释义:human naturenoununcountablethe natural ways of behaving that most people share人性You cant change hu

3、man nature.你无法改变人性。Itsonlyhuman nature (= It is natural) to want the best for your children.希望自己的孩子得到最好的乃是人之常情。外刊例句:But the success of schemes like the one in Kirklees owes as much to an understanding of human nature.()但像科克里斯那种计划之所以能成功,很大程度上归功于对人性的深刻认识。替换表达:Humans are by nature2- When it comes to注意这

4、里to是介词。词典释义:32.PHRASE 短语谈到;涉及 You can use the expressionwhen it comes toorwhen it comes down toin order to introduce a new topic or a new aspect of a topic that you are talking about.【搭配模式】:PHR n/-ingMost of us know we should cut down on fat. But knowing such things isnt much help when itcomes to sh

5、opping and eating.我们大多数人都知道应该减少脂肪的摄入量。但是在购物和吃东西的时候,这些常识就丢到一边去了。However, when itcomes down to somebody that they know, they have a different feeling.然而,涉及他们认识的人,他们的感觉就不同了。外刊例句:By letting lower-court decisions stand but not requiring other courts to abide by the ruling, the stage is set for odd state-

6、by-state or district-by-district distinctionswhen it comes tothe meaning of laws or the constitution.()(政府)让低级法院能维持原判,但又不要求其他法院遵从其判决,而这就造成了各州及个地区对于法律和宪法的解释各不相同。替换表达:for crime学生错误表达:(1) when it refers to点评:没有when it refers to的说法,应该改为when it comes to3- draw ones interest词典释义:drawUKdr:USdr:verb(drew,dr

7、awn)ATTRACT吸引IMPROVERtransitiveto attract attention or interest吸引,引起(兴趣、注意)Hes an excellent speaker who alwaysdrawsa crowd.他很擅长演讲,总能吸引大批的听众。Does he wear those ridiculous clothes todrawattention?他穿那些滑稽的衣服就是想吸引人们的注意吗?Could Idrawyourattention toitem number three on the agenda?我可以请你看一看议程的第三项内容吗?外刊例句:The

8、y often regard these companies as a visible, public stage that they can use todraw interest,” he says. “They will change or evolve their tactics to keep the spotlight on their cause as long as possible.”()他说:“他们经常认为这些公司是能让其吸引公众注意力的高曝光度的公众平台,他们会改变其策略来让他们的事业尽可能久地处于聚光灯下。”替换表达:draw ones eyes4- televisio

9、n news bulletins词典释义:bulletinUKbl.tnUS-tnnouncountablea short news programme on television or radio often about something that has just happened, or a short newspaper printed by an organization(电视或电台的)新闻快报;(机构的)简报an hourly newsbulletin整点新闻快报The company publishes a fortnightlybulletinfor its staff.这家

10、公司每两周为员工出一期简报。例句:When stockmarkets fall precipitately, the story makes the nightlytelevision news bulletins.()随着股票市场迅速崩塌,这个故事就变成了每晚播出的新闻快报。Q:对翻译来讲,在保证正确的基础上,是否用越多的句式,越高级的词语就越好呢?应该是不一定的吧?A:不一定的,是否用高级的单词要看这个词是否能在语境中精确表达出意思,如果不够精确,就不能用。关于这方面的知识,推荐你去看On Writing Well这本书。For many, although crime is someth

11、ing to be feared, it is also something that draws their interest, and therefore newspaper and television news bulletins are full of reports of crime.分析本句是一个由and连接的并列句,其前一分句的主干为it is also something that draws their interest,这是一个主系表结构,其中主语it指代crime,表语为something that draws their interest,其中包含了一个定语从句tha

12、t draws their interest,修饰something。句首For many和although crime is something to be feared为两个状语。该句的后一分句为therefore newspaper and television news bulletins are full of reports of crime,这是一个主系表结构,其中,therefore为状语,newspaper and television news bulletins为主语,full of reports of crime为表语。2.在媒体自由的国家,媒体被允许报道几乎任何他们

13、认为有新闻价值或者仅仅有利可图的新闻。这产生的结果就是很多记者花费大量时间跟踪名人,无论这些名人去了哪里。他们希望可以抓拍到(名人)羞辱性的照片,或者得到耸人听闻的故事。In countries that have free media, the press is allowed to cover virtually any story that they believe isnewsworthy(1.有新闻价值的)or simply profitable. The result is that many reporters spend much of their timestalking(2

14、.跟踪)celebrities wherever they go, in the hope ofsnapping(3.抓拍)a humiliating photo or obtaining asensationalist(4.耸人听闻的)story.1- newsworthy词典释义:newsworthy 1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词有报道价值的;有新闻价值的;值得报道的An event, fact, or person that isnewsworthyis considered to be interesting enough to be report

15、ed in newspapers or on the radio or television.The number of deaths makes the storynewsworthy.死亡人数使这篇报道具有了新闻价值。This situation might develop into an even morenewsworthyitem if the police were involved.如果警方涉入的话,这个局面就会变得更有新闻价值了。外刊例句:Bhumibol Adulyadej, the 88-year-old king of Thailand, has been in poor

16、 health for so long that each fresh bout of illness seems scarcely newsworthy.()普密蓬阿杜德这位88岁的泰国国王长期以来身体都不好,以至于其病况更新都难称得上具有新闻价值。学生错误表达:(1) valuable点评:表达不够准确,valuable是泛指某事物有价值,没有表达出“新闻”这一层含义。2- stalking词典释义:stalkUKst:kUSst:kverbFOLLOW跟随transitiveto follow an animal or person as closely as possible with

17、out being seen or heard, usually in order to catch or kill them跟踪,悄悄地靠近(猎物或人)The police had beenstalkingthe woman for a week before they arrested her.警方逮捕那个女人之前已经跟踪了她一个星期。intransitiveortransitiveto illegally follow and watch someone, usually a woman, over a period of time(在一段时期内)非法跟踪骚扰(通常指女性)He was

18、arrested forstalking.他因跟踪骚扰女性而被捕。外刊例句:Meanwhile, Graham Arnold and Kevin Muscat spent much of their timestalkingthe touchline and berating the fourth official.()与此同时,格莱汉姆阿诺德和凯文慕斯卡特耗费大量时间来骚扰边裁和辱骂第四裁判员。替换表达:follow学生错误表达:(1) track点评:track一般是指“找寻,追踪(犯人或猎物)”,例如:Police have been tracking the four criminal

19、s all over Central America.警方一直在中美洲到处追捕这四名犯人。这里用来指娱乐记者对明星的跟踪不太恰当。(2) trace点评:trace是指“找到,查出”,例如:Police are trying to trace a young woman who was seen near the accident.警方在设法寻找目击者称在事故现场附近出现过的一名年轻女子。(3) tail点评:拼写错误,tail不可与trail混淆。3- snap词典释义:snapsnpverb(-pp-)PHOTOGRAPH摄影intransitiveortransitiveto take

20、a lot of photographs quickly拍快照He was arrested forsnappingphotos of a military parade.他因拍摄了阅兵的快照而被逮捕。Shes very pleased with her new camera and wassnappingawaythe whole time we were abroad.她对自己的新相机十分满意,我们在国外时,她一直不停地拍照。例句:The invention of the handheld camera appalled 19th-century society, as did the “

21、Kodak fiends” who patrolled beachessnappingsunbathers.()手持式相机在十九世纪引起了轰动,与此同时,那些在沙滩游荡偷拍日光浴者的“柯达粉丝”也不妨多让。替换表达:get a snapshot of学生错误表达:(1) take / get点评:take/get不能体现出“抓拍”这一层含义。4- sensationalist词典释义:sensationalist 1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词(新闻报道、电视广播节目)耸人听闻的,追求轰动效应的Sensationalistnews reports and t

22、elevision and radio programmes present the facts in a way that makes them seem worse or more shocking than they really are.【语用信息】:disapproval.sensationalistheadlines.耸人听闻的新闻标题The pictures weresensationalistand could seriously disturb younger readers.这些图片大肆渲染,会让一些比较年轻的读者们惶恐不安。外刊例句:Last month it broad

23、cast a not-uncharacteristicallysensationalistreport about grenade attacks in Nairobi, with a large on-screen banner screaming VIOLENCE, implying a wave of violent disturbances when in fact the attack was a one-off incident.()它于上个月播报了一则关于内罗毕炸弹袭击的耸人听闻的新闻,在屏幕上辅以极大标题“暴力”二字,暗指将发生一系列暴力袭击,但实际上这次袭击只是一次与他人无关

24、的意外。替换表达:sensational学生错误表达:(1) appalling点评:appalling含义是Causing consternation or dismay; frightful,比如appalling working conditions 可怕的工作条件/ appalling violence 骇人的暴行一般不能用来指新闻报道耸人听闻。Q:有些时候是形容词修饰名词,有些时候是名词修饰名词,这两者之间有什么区别吗?还是说名词修饰名词一般是固定表达,而通常是用形容词修饰名词呢?望老师解答,谢谢老师。A:名词修饰名词的情况一般是固定表达,比如attention span,panic

25、 attack等,遇到这种情况可以当成特例记忆下来。In countries that have free media, the press is allowed to cover virtually any story that they believe is newsworthy or simply profitable.分析本句的主干是the press is allowed to cover virtually any story,这是一个被动结构,the press是主语,is allowed是谓语,to cover virtually any story是不定式作主语补足语,在这个

26、不定式中还包含了一个that引导的定语从句that they believe is newsworthy or simply profitable,修饰story。句首是一个地点状语从句,其中,that have free media是定语从句,修饰countries。The result is that many reports spend much of their time stalking celebrities wherever they go, in the hope of snapping a humiliating photo or obtaining a sensationa

27、list story.分析本句的主干是The result is that,这是一个主系表结构,其中表语由长长的由that引导的名词性从句承担,该表语从句的结构为sb spend time doing sth,主语为many reports,谓语是spend,宾语是much of their time,状语是stalking celebrities wherever they go,这个状语里面又包含了一个地点状语wherever they go,句子最后是由in the hope of引导的介词短语,作目的状语。3.尽管犯罪报道有时候会导致一些问题,但这并不意味着媒体应该受到严格管控。在多数

28、情况下,人们有权知道他们身边正在发生着什么。如果在某一特定的区域存在大量的谋杀,而罪犯又在逃的话,告知该区域居民的必要性应该大于其他任何顾虑。Although the reporting of crime can sometimes lead to certain problems, this does not mean that the media shouldbe subject to strict controls(1.受到严格控制). In most cases, people have the right to know what is going on around them. I

29、f there wasa spate of(2.大量的)murders in one particular area and the perpetrator remainedat large(3.在逃的), the need to inform those living in that area shouldbe placed above any other concerns(4.置于其他顾虑之上).1- be subject to strict controlsbe subject to含义较多,这里是指按照法律、规定等,必须服从的。词典释义:subject8.ADJ形容词 受支配的;服从于的If someone issubject toa particular set of rules or laws, they have to obey those rules or laws.【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ to nThe tribunal is unique because Mr Jones is notsubjectto the normal police discipline code.因为琼斯先生不受一般的治安条例法规约束,所以专门设立了特别法庭。.arguing that as a sove

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