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高考英语 阅读理解基础精品练习题12.docx

1、高考英语 阅读理解基础精品练习题12高考英语 阅读理解基础精品练习题(12)(201*江苏卷,C)According to the US government, wind farms off the Pacific coast could produce 900 gigawatts of electricity every year.Unfortunately,the water there is far too deep for even the tallest windmills(seepicture)to touch bottom. An experiment under way off

2、 the coast of Norway,however,could help put them anywhere.The project, called Hywind,is the worlds first largescale deepwater wind turbine(涡轮发电机)Although it uses a fairly standard 152ton,2.3megawatt turbine,Hywind represents totally new technology. The turbine will be fixed 213 feet above the water

3、on a floating spar(see picture),a technology Hywinds creator,the Norwegian company StatoilHydro,has developed recently. The steel spar, which is filled with stones and goes 328 feet below the sea surface, will be tied to the ocean floor by three cables(缆索);these will keep the spar stable and prevent

4、 the turbine from moving up and down in the waves.Hywinds stability(稳定性)in the cold and rough sea would prove that even the deepest corners of the ocean are suitable for wind power. If all goes according to plan, the turbine will start producing electricity six miles off the coast of southwestern No

5、rway as early as September.To produce electricity on a large scale, a commercial wind farm will have to use bigger turbines than Hywind does, but its difficult enough to balance such a large turbine so high on a floating spar in the middle of the ocean. To make that turbine heavier, the whole spars

6、centre of gravity must be moved much closer to the oceans surface. To do that, the company plans to design a new kind of wind turbine, one whose gearbox(变速箱) sits at sea level rather than behind the blades(seepicture)Hywind is a test run, but the benefits for perfecting floating windfarm technology

7、could be extremely large. Out at sea, the wind is often stronger and steadier than close to shore, where all existing off shore windmills are planted. Deepsea farms are invisible from land, which helps overcome the windmillaseyesore objection. If the technology catches on, it will open up vast areas

8、 of the planets surface to one of the best lowcarbon power sources available.本文为科普短文,讲述世界上第一个深海风力发电机涡轮发电机以及它的发电原理及好处。9The Hywind project uses totally new technology to ensure the stability of_.A. the cables which tie the spar to the ocean floorB. the spar which is floating in deepsea waterC. the bla

9、des driven by strong and steady sea windD. the stones filled in the spar below the sea surface答案:B。细节理解题。由文章第二段特别是“these will keep the spar stable and prevent the turbine from moving up and down in the waves”可知B项正确。10To balance a bigger turbine high on a floating spar, a new type of turbine is to be

10、 designed with its gearbox sitting_.A. on the sea floor B. on the spar topC. at sea level D. behind the blades答案:C。细节理解题。由文章第三段最后一句“.one whose gearbox sits at sea level rather than behind the blades.”可知C项正确。11Wide applications of deepwater wind power technology can_.A. solve the technical problems o

11、f deepwater windmillsB. make financial profits by producing more turbinesC. settle the arguments about environmental problemsD. explore lowcarbon power resources available at sea答案:D。细节理解题。由文章最后一句“.it will open up vast areas of the planets surface to one of the best lowcarbon power sources available

12、.”可知D项正确。说明文A(201*江西八校联考) Hightech machines have made life easier for millions around the world. However, some people still prefer lowtech ways of doing things. Heres an example of why this is happening. You can microwave a frozen hamburger in 60 seconds. However, it wont taste as good as the one yo

13、u cook on the stove. And if youre in that much of a hurry, you probably wont take time to toast the bun. Hightech cooking saves time, but it doesnt make bettertasting meals. Most people get their news from hightech sources like television or the Internet. This has many advantages. For example, elect

14、ronic news is more up to date than newspapers or magazines. Its also more exciting to see live and videotaped news events than photographs. However, newspapers and magazines have some important advantages. They give more background and details. They also let you read the parts that are important to

15、you and skip the rest. Other hightech timesavers have similar disadvantages. For examples, most people use the phone or email to stay in touch with friends and family members who live in other places. But when you use the Internet or the phone, you dont always think carefully about what you are sayi

16、ng, and sometimes you forget the important things you want to communicate. Similarly, when you wordprocess a homework assignment instead of handwriting it, you can check your spelling electronically and put in fancy headings. However, some students are so busy with the computer that they dont pay en

17、ough attention to the actual words they are writing.1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. The writer likes hightech cooking. B. Lowtech cooking produces bettertasting meals. C. Hightech news programs always keep you reading what is important to you. D. Handwritten

18、 homework is better than wordprocessed homework.2. How does the writer feel about hightech tool? A. Better late than never. B. Easy come, easy go. C. Every coin has two sides. D. Learn to walk before you run.3. What is the main subject discussed in the text? A. Hightech vs lowtech. B. Advantages vs

19、disadvantages. C. Newspapers and magazines vs television and the Internet. D. Wordprocessing vs handwriting.4. How is the text organized? A. Main ideaArgumentExplanation. B. OpinionDiscussionDescription. C. TopicComparisonSupporting examples. D. IntroductionSupporting examplesDiscussion.答案与解析:高科技的机器

20、设备使世界上很多人受益,使生活更轻松。但是高科技和低科技各有长处和不足。1B细节理解题。文章说明高科技和低科技各有长处和不足,作者并没有表明自己的态度,A项错误;由第一段最后一句话可知B项正确;根据第二段作者举的例子可知C项错误;根据第三段最后两句话可知D项错误。2C观点判断题。作者从优势和不足两个方面谈论了hightech tool,因此选C项。任何事物都有两面性。3A主旨大意题。整篇文章自始至终作者都在对hightech和lowtech进行比较,故选A项。4C结构分析题。文章首先提出问题,然后进行比较分析,接下来举例说明。*结束(2010郑州质检) In their book Time t

21、o Eat the Dog: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, Robert and Brenda Vale say keeping a mediumsized dog has the same ecological impact as driving 10,000 km a year in a 4.6 liter Land Cruiser. “Were not actually saying it is time to eat the dog. Were just saying that we need to think about and know

22、 the ecological impact of some of the things we do and that we take for granted.” Constructing and driving the jeep for a year requires 0.41 hectares of land, while growing and manufacturing a dogs food takes about 0.84 hectaresor 1.1 hectares in the case of a large dog such as a German shepherd. Co

23、nvincing flesheating cats and dogs to go vegetarian for the sake of the planet is a nonstarter, the Vales say. Instead they recommend keeping “greener”, smaller, and more sustainable pets, such as goldfish, chickens or rabbits. The books playful title, and serious suggestion that pet animals may be

24、usefully “recycled”, by being eaten by their owners or turned into pet food when they die, may not appeal to animal fans. Annoying as the idea may be, the question is valid given the planets growing population and limited resources, Robert Vale said. “Issues about sustainability are increasingly bec

25、oming things that are going to require us to make choices which are as difficult as eating your dog. Its not just about changing your light bulbs or taking a cloth bag to the supermarket,” he said. “Its about much more challenging and difficult issues,” he added. “Once you see where cats and dogs fi

26、t in your overall balance of things, you might decide to have the cat but not also to have the two cars and the three bathrooms and be a meat eater yourself.”1. The authors gave their book the playful title to _.A. make it amusing B. create a vivid imageC. show writing skills D. arouse peoples conce

27、rn2. In Paragraph 3 the writer mainly wants to tell us _. A. the amount of consumed land B. the neglected ecological impact C. some familiar examples D. some actual figures3. Who may not like the idea of “recycling” pet animals? A. Manufacturers. B. Drivers. C. Animal fans. D. The authorities.4. Wha

28、t do the authors think of living a sustainable life? A. Challenging. B. Inspiring. C. Inviting. D. Touching.答案与解析:Robert Vale和Brenda Vale写了一本名为Time to Eat the Dog: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living(该吃狗了:永续生活)的书,书中提到了一种绝对新鲜的观点吃掉宠物,或者“回收”宠物。1D推理判断题。Robert Vale和Brenda Vale写的书名非常有趣,从全文可知,他们这样写的目的在于吸引

29、读者的眼球,引起人们环保的意识,所以答案选D项。2B推理判断题。通过第三段建造和驾驶吉普车一年需要的土地的量和种植、生产一条狗的食物所需要土地的量的对比,我们不难发现第三段承接第二段第二句而写的,主要告诉我们“被忽视的生态影响”,所以答案选B项。3C细节理解题。从第五段的may not appeal to animal fans可知,“回收”宠物的观点不受那些宠物爱好者的欢迎,所以答案选C项。4A推理判断题。从最后一段中的Its about much more challenging and difficult issues可以知道,书的两位作者认为过环保的生活是非常有挑战性的,而且也是很困难

30、的事情,所以答案选A项。D(2011天津卷,C)An idea that started in Seattles public library has spread throughout America and beyond.The concept is simple:help to build a sense of community in a city by getting everyone to read the same book at the same time.In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit (追求) to be en

31、joyed by all,the program allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus,as well as promoting reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools.The idea came from Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl who launched(发起)the“If All of Seattle Read the Same Book”project in 1998.Her

32、original program used author visits, study guides and book discussion groups to bring people together with a book, but the idea has since expanded to many other American cities,and even to Hong Kong.In Chicago,the mayor (市长) appeared on television to announce the choice of ToKillaMockingbird as the first book in the

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