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致用英语 Book 4 Unit 9.docx

1、致用英语 Book 4 Unit 9授课内容: Unit 9 Attitude is everything listening and Speaking授课班级133G (1)授课时间4课时授课地点:本班教室教学目标能力(技能)目标知 识 目 标素质(情感)目标1. 能用英语讨论对于有关生活态度的引文的理解;2. 能够用英语谈论交流自己的生活和学习态度;3. 能够理解听力短文。 1. 掌握一些与话题相关的词汇:hopeless, despair, hopeful, optimism, optimistic, pessimism,pessimistic2. 学习并掌握与生活态度相关的引文;3.

2、掌握相关听力技巧。 通过本节课的学习帮助学生理解树立正确的生活与学习的态度的重要性,从而引导学生树立正确的态度并享有幸福、健康和成功的人生。教学重点与难点1. 小组合作讨论有关生活态度的引文;2. 分享交流不同的学习及生活态度;3. 掌握并灵活使用与话题相关的词汇;4. 听力理解练习。教学方法1. 合作学习法;2. 任务驱动法;3. 听力练习。能力训练任务1. 用英语讨论有关有关生活态度的引文的理解;2. 讨论交流自己在生活和学习中所应具有的态度;3. 掌握一些有关生活态度的词汇;4. 听力理解练习。教学参考资料1致用英语综合教程3学生用书2致用英语综合教程3教师用书3. 教学资料(互联网)综

3、合英语课程单元教学设计Unit 9 Attitude is everything 能力活动设计思路:首先小组合作讨论书中有关生活态度的引文的理解,分享、交流观点并掌握这些引文;通过完成练习活动的方式检查学生对于与话题相关词汇的学习,并在造句、猜词等一些活动中锻炼学生的灵活运用语言的能力;在听力练习在运用听写的形式训练学生的听力理解能力并完成相关练习任务。Tasks能力训练活动Work for Teacher教师活动Work for Students学生活动Time(minutes)教学活动时间Teaching notes教学备注Task1:Oral practice1. Give a topi

4、c to the students and make them discuss in groups;2. Invite some students to share their ideas in the class;3. Comment on their jobs.1. Discuss about the topic in groups;2. Share the ideas.15Task 2:Lead in 1. Get students to read the quotations on page 136 first;2. Divide the students into several g

5、roups and make them discuss their understanding of the quotations, asking them to match the quotations to their meanings;3. Ask some volunteers to share their understandings about these quotations;4. Talk with the students to help them to understand these quotations better;5. Ask students to transla

6、te these quotations into Chinese.1. Read the quotations first;2. Discuss the quotations in groups;3. Some students share their ideas with the whole class;4. Try to translate the quotations into Chinese.40Task 3:VocabularyLearning 1. Have students work in pairs to look up these ten words in the dicti

7、onaries;2. Get students to use these words to make up sentences;3. Find some students to explain these words on Bb to their classmates, asking them to give some sentences to help others to understand better;4. Ask students to finish the exercise on page 137;5. Check the answers with the class.1.Work

8、 in pairs to look up the words in the dictionaries;2.Make up sentences by using the words;3.Some volunteers to explain the words to the class;4.Finish the exercise on page 137;5. Check the answers. 20Task 4: Pre-listening activities: 1. Have students read the exercises at first to help students get

9、some information about listening script;2. Get students to get ready.1. Go through the exercises quickly;2. Be ready. 5Task 5While-listening activities 1. Play the recording for 3 times. A. Have students listen for the 1st time and get some general idea about the scripts;B. Make students listen for

10、the 2nd time and note down the main information to the exercise (P137 ).C. Ask students to listen for the 3rd time and check their notes.2. Check Ss answers.1. Listen and note down the necessary information;2. Listen for three times;3. Check the answers. 45Task 6Post-listening activities1. Get stude

11、nts to discuss the two questions:A. What would you have done if you were in Oerters situation?B. What makes Oerter succeed?2. Finish the exercise on P137.1. Discussion;2. Share the opinions;3. Do the exercises.30Summary Summarize what students have learned in the lesson, point out what they should m

12、aster.4Homework1. Remember the words related with the topic;2. Remember the quotations about attitudes of life;3. Learn the new words.1教学后记: 教学资料:Exercise:Listen to a story about an American athlete and then answer the following questions. Take notes while you are listening.1. Who is Al Oerter? Al O

13、erter is an American discus-thrower, the only athlete in history to win the same trackand-field event in four successive Olympiads.2. What happened to him a week before the Olympic Games? Oerter got seriously hurt.3. What did the team doctor order Oerter to do? The team doctor ordered Oerter to rest

14、, which meant he had to quit the competition.4. Did Oerter follow the doctors order? What did he do then? No, Oerter arrived at the finals with tape and ice bags determined to compete.5. What is the result of the competition? Oerter set a new Olympic record.Exercise:Listen to the recording again and

15、 fill in the blanks with the information you hear. Each finals competitor is allowed, wins. After,Oerter was in so much pain he decided his would be his last. As he turned and let the discus fly, he in great pain. When the was announced, Oerter learned that he had set a new Olympic recordone thatcou

16、ld beat.教学资料有关人生态度的引文1. The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty and truth. (Albert Einstein)2. The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. (Johann Wolfgang von

17、Goethe)3. If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground. (Henrik Ibsen)4. If you would go up high, then use your own legs! Do not let yourselves carried aloft, do not seat yourselves on other peoples backs and heads.(F.WNiezsche)5. Do not for one repulse, give up the purpose that you

18、resolved to effect. (William Shakespeare)6. Dont part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain)综合英语课程单元教学设计Unit 9 Attitude is everything授课内容: Unit 9 Attitude is everythingVocabulary Learning 授课班级133G(1)授课时间2课时授课地点:本班教室教学目标能力(技能)目标知 识 目 标素质

19、(情感)目标1. 能用英语解释新单词的词义;2. 能够灵活运用所学单词造句。掌握文章中出现的新词:acquaintance, administration,arise, civility, consequence, convenience, crooked, defect, deformed, disagreeable, discontented, disgust, disposition, entangle, infect, offend, philosophical, remark, resolution, sour, stir通过本节课的新单词的学习使学生更好地理解文章以及本单元的主旨,

20、并培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的英语语感。教学重点与难点1. 单词释义;2.运用所学新单词造句。教学方法1. 合作学习法;2. 任务驱动法。能力训练任务1. 连线练习;2. 小组合作进行单词释义并运用单词进行造句练习;3. 单词释义及造句展示;4. 单词朗读。教学参考资料1致用英语综合教程32致用英语综合教程3教师用书3. 英文词典能力活动设计思路:首先在黑板上给出本单元部分单词及相应的英文释义,让学生根据上下文联系、猜测等手段完成连线练习;将学生分成几个小组,将新单词写在黑板上并分组,每组学生选择一组单词,通过词典以及书本的帮助,共同合作完成单词释义并由小组成员代表进行词义讲解及单词造句

21、举例。通过学生的组内合作学习以及单词释义、造句等活动,加深学生的印象,加强学生对于词汇的理解及使用,并通过自主学习的练习逐步提高学生学习英语的兴趣及综合运用英语语言知识的能力。Tasks能力训练任务Work for Teacher教师活动Work for Students学生活动Time(minutes)教学活动时间Teachingnotes教学备注Task 1:Warming-up(Match)1. Write down some words with their corresponding meanings taken from the unit on Bb;A. wordsacquain

22、tancecrooked, defect,deformed, entangle, infect, stir, resolutionB. meaningsa. strong belief and determinationb. twistedc. to give someone a diseased. someone you knowe. to set movingf. a faulth. in the wrong shapei. to make something become twisted2. Have students work in groups to match the words

23、with their meanings;3. Get some feedback from students.1. Look at the new words and read together; Words: acquaintance, administration,arise, civility, consequence, convenience, crooked, defect, deformed, disagreeable, discontented, disgust, disposition, entangle, infect, offend, philosophical, rema

24、rk, resolution, sour, stir2. Match the words with their meanings;3. Take some notes.15Task 2: Explaining the words1. Write down the new words on Bb, and put them into several groups;2. Divide the students into several groups and have students work in groups to explain the words;3. Get students to wo

25、rk together to explain the words and make sentences by using these new words. 1. Look at the new words and read together; 2. Work in the groups to learn to explain all these words and discuss how to make sentences by using the words with the help of the dictionary.30Task 3: Vocabulary check1. Get so

26、me representatives of each group to explain the words group by group to the whole class, when finishing explaining one word, they need to make sentences by using the word;2. After each group, if there are some problems, point them out and correct the mistakes;3. Invite some students to give more exa

27、mples;4. Make sure all of students take part in the activity. 1. One of the students explain the words to the whole class and use the words to make sentences after explaining;2. Invite each group to use different ways to do the task;3. Check with the class. 40Task 4: Reading activity 1. Lead the stu

28、dents to read the words together;2. Make students read the words together for three times.Read the words together.3SummarySummarize the words which students have learned.1HomeworkRead the words and try to remember them.1教学后记:教学资料:Words:1. acquaintance n. (a relationship with) someone you know, but w

29、ho is not a close friend 认识,相识 e.g. You cant judge her on such short acquaintance. She was a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna. 2. administration n. the act of administering something, especially a law, test, or medicine 管理,执行 e.g. Were looking for someone with experience in administration.

30、 The health service spends too much on administration. 3. arise v. if something arises from or out of a situation, event, etc., it is caused or started by that situation, etc. 发生,出现 e.g. Several important legal questions arose in the contract negotiations. Can you begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting? 4. civility n. polite behavior which most people consider normal 礼貌举止 e.g. Please have the civility to knock before you enter next time. Friendship cannot live w

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