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高中英语 Unit2 Captain Cook附答案.docx

1、高中英语 Unit2 Captain Cook附答案Unit 2 Captain Cook 一、目标浏览 重点词语 suffer, suggest, head, prepare for, insist on, take an interest in, takeby, surprise, pass by, in charge of, fall ill, set out, set sail, at sea, set up, up and down, with the purpose of 重点句型 It is a good strong ship. Though not very fast to

2、do sth. 语法焦点 动词+ing形式作宾语、主语及表语 口语交际 表示决断和坚持 能力指导 写作(二): 景物描写(旅游杂记) 完形填空(二): 能力要求 二、课文导学 【课文背景介绍】 About Captain Cook James Cook(1728-1779),British naval captain, navigator and explorer. He led three scientific expeditions to the southern hemisphere(半球)(1768-1771,1772-1775,1776-1779)making many discov

3、eries in the regions(地区)of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific islands. He was the first to penetrate the Antarctic Circle(1773), and on this voyage demonstrated(论证)the efficacy of methods of preventing scurvy(败血症).He visited(1778)the Bering Strait in search of Northwest Passage. He was murdered

4、by natives in Hawaii. 课文预习 回答下列问题,了解Cook的生平。 1.When and where was James Cook born? 2.What did he do at the age of 18? 3.What happened in 1756? 4.What did he do in 1759? 5.What happened to him in 1768? 6.When did the Endeavour set out for the Pacific,which Captain Cook was in charge of? 7.Where did C

5、ooks expedition arrive in 1769? 8.When did his expedition come back to England? 9.What was the result of the expedition? 10.Can you draw the coastline that Captain Cooks expedition sailed along?释疑解惑 1. Captain Cook is preparing for his first great expedition to the Pacific. 库克船长正在为他首次远征太平洋做准备。 prepa

6、re for是“为做准备”之意 例如: I have to prepare for tomorrows experiment. 我得为明天的实验做准备。 另外,为某事做准备还可以用make preparations for表示乐意做某事可用 be prepared to do sth. 2.The men often fall ill and suffer fever, so I have decided to take live animals. 水手们常发烧病倒,因此我决定带上活物。 1)fall ill 病倒的意思。 fall在这作为系动词表示“进入状况”。 例如:fall asleep

7、入睡, fall in love with sb .爱上某人 fall apart破裂,崩溃 2)live为形容词,读作 是活的,有生命的,带电的,实况的。 例如:Be careful. The wire is live 小心,电线有电。 They are going to give the live broadcast while the football match is on. 他们将实况转播这场足球赛。 3.They usually go bad as soon as we are at sea. 当我们一到海上,这些蔬菜就会变质。 1) go bad是“变质,腐烂”的意思。 go为系

8、动词是“变”,“变为”或“处于某种状态”之意。(一般都是向不好的情况变化)。例如: go mad (发狂) , go hungry(挨饿) , go wrong(发生故障) ,但也可说go strong(情况)良好,兴旺。 2)at sea 是在海上航行之意。 例如: When we woke up, the ship was at sea. 当我们醒来时,船已航行在海上。 The ship spent 3 months at sea. 船在海上航行了三个月。 另外at sea还可表达“茫然”,“不知所措”之意。 He was all at sea when he began his new

9、work. 他开始新工作时,简直不知如何是好。 4.There will be a lot of room below for stores.下面将有很多地方用于贮存物品。 1)room 在此是不可数名词,是“空间”的意思。 2)below 是副词,是“在下面”的意思。作定语修饰名词room注意 副词作定语应放在被修饰名词的后面。 例如:Life here is full of joy. 这儿的生活充满欢乐。 5.We will use it for cleaning the inside of the ship. 我们将用醋来清洁船的内舱。 inside可用做名词,副词,形容词和介词,意为“

10、里面”,“内部”。 例如:Youd better not go inside. Its dangerous. 你最好别进去,有危险。 (副词) I want an inside seat in the bus. 我想坐在车里面的座位上。 (形容词) The pressure inside the container is larger than that outside the container. 容器里面的压力比外面压力大。 (介词) 6.The local landowner took an interest in the young boy and paid for his schoo

11、ling.当地的地主喜欢这个男孩,并供他上学。 1)take(an) interest in对感兴趣。 A lot of people take great interest in American Country music.很多人对美国乡村音乐很感兴趣。2)schooling是名词,“教育”之意。 例如:He had only 5 years of schooling. 他仅上过五年学。 7.At the age of 18 he joined the ship, which was used to carry coal down the east coast of England. 在他

12、十八岁时,他在过去用来沿英国东海岸运煤的船上当上了船员。 1)join the ship当了船员 join 是及物动词,表示“参加”之意。后接表示“组织”,“团体”等概念的名词时,意思是成为该团体的一员。 例如:join the navy 参加海军join the club 成为俱乐部会员 2)down the east coast of England沿着英格兰的东海岸。down相当于along 8.up and down“上上下下”,“来来回回”的意思这种由反义词组成,用and或or连接起来的词组常见的还有: here and there 到处 far and near 远近 back a

13、nd forth 来来回回 day and night 日日夜夜 sooner or later 迟早 9.Where the British army could land safe and take the enemy by surprise. 在那儿英军可以安全登陆并对敌军突然袭击。 take someone by surprise 突然袭击;使措手不及之意。 例如:I took him by surprise and he had no time to think of an excuse. 我出其不意的责问他,他没有时间找借口。10.After the war, Cook marri

14、ed and set up home in London. 战后,库克结婚并在伦敦安 家。 set up home“安家”,“成家”之意。 set up是一固定短语意思是“创立,建立, 设置”。 例如:Roadblocks were set up by the police to catch the escaped prisoner.警察设置路障抓捕逃跑的犯人。They want to set up home in Shanghai. 他们想在上海安家。 11.with the purpose of是介词词组,意为“具有某种目的”,“抱着某种目的”。 例如: They are planning

15、 to make a pop record with the purpose of collecting money for the hungry people in Africa.为了给非洲灾民集资他们正计划制作流行歌曲唱片。 12.并列连词notbut 是“不是而是,”之意。常用来连接两个并列的成分.例 如: Bob Geldof is not a film star, but a pop star. 鲍勃吉尔道夫不是影星,而是流行歌星。 Not you but I made the mistake. 不是你,而是我出了错。 13.It was just over 32 meters in

16、 length 船的全长32米。 表示物体的长,宽,高,深,可以用形容词,(long , high , tall , wide , deep)表示,也可以用介词in+名词(length , width , height , depth) 来表示。 例如:The cave is 3 meters high, 4 meters long and 2 meters wide.此句相等于The cave is 3 meters in height, 4 meters in length and 2 meters in depth. 14并列连词as well as 是“除以外”,“不但而且”的意思。连

17、接两个相等 的成分。 其强调的重点是as well as前面的部分,而不是后面的部分,例如: We have to travel by night as well as by day. 我们不得不日夜赶路。(强调的是by night) 上面这句话可写成We have to travel not only by day but also by night . 由此看来并列 连词“not only but also”与as well as意思相同,但“not only but also”强调 的是后者。 注意当as well as连接两个并列主语时句中的谓语动词应和as well as前面的主语一

18、 致。例如: He, as well as I, is a League member. 我和他都是团员。 15.In July 1768 the Endeavour set out for the Pacific. 1768年七月“奋力号”启程开赴太平洋。1) set out “动身”,“启航”,“着手去干”的意思They set out before 7. 他们七点前就动身了。Mary set out to improve her Chinese. 玛丽着手提高她的中文。2) 介词for在这表示方向,去向,常和动词set out , leave , start , head 等词连用。 例

19、如: He started for / left for London this morning 他今晨动身前往伦敦。 The ship is heading for Dalian. 船正驶向大连。 16.In July they set sail again and headed south and west in search of a new land. 七月,他们再度启航,向南,然后向西行驶,寻找新的陆地。1) set sail 是启航之意。 例如: They set sail for the North Pole. 他们启航去北极。 在英语中,有一些动词如:take , have ,

20、 make , give等常和一个动词词性 的名词连用,组成一短语,表示做某个动作。 例如:take a walk 散步 have a break 休息 give a shout 喊 give a whistle 吹口哨 make an answer 回答 make a promise 允许,答应2) head 为不及物动词后接表方向的副词,如 south, north, west ,eastward 等。3) in search of努力寻找的意思。介词短语常作状语或表语。 The villagers are still out in search of the missing boy. 村

21、民们还在外边寻找那丢失了的孩子。 Im at present in search of a house. 我目前正在找住房。 17. Only Cooks quick thinking saved the expedition. 正是由于库克思维敏捷才挽救了这支探险队。 Cooks quick thinking是带有逻辑主语的动词ing形式,它一般是由物主代词或名 词所有格加动词ing构成。这种结构在句中可作主语或宾语。 例如:Toms coming late made his teacher unhappy. 汤姆的迟到使他的老师不快。 Do you think my going there

22、 will be of any help? 你看我去那会有什么帮助吗? 典型错误例析 1这间教室长5米。 误 This classroom is 5 meters in long. 正 This classroom is 5 meters in length. 析表示长、宽、高可用介词名词,也可以把形容词直接放在数词之后来表示。 本句可以写成“This classroom is 5 meters long.” 其他类似词组有:in height/ in width/in depth/ in size/ in shape. 2他把包举到空中。 误 He rose the bag in the a

23、ir. 正 He raised the bag in the air. 析 rise 是一个不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,也不能带宾语。 三、口语操练 Determination, decision and insistence 常用句型 I insist that I shall insist on Ive decided to do 示范引证 1A: would you like to go with us tonight? B: No, I insist on working on the new machine tonight. 2A: What would you like to d

24、o this weekend? B: I have decided to go outing with them. 3A: Is there anything that you want me to do this evening? B: I insist that you do the thorough cleaning all by yourself. 四、语法精析 动词-ing式作主语、宾语和表语 本单元复习动词-ing式作主语、宾语和表语。这里动词-ing式都具备名词的作用。 1动词-ing式作主语,说明事情,而不强调动作的发生。例如: Getting up early is a go

25、od habit. 早起是个好习惯。(指“早起”之事) 而To get up early is good for your health. 早起对你的健康有益。(指“早起”的动作) 注意:动词-ing式做主语有时可用it作形式主语。例如: It is no use talking with him. 跟他谈没用。 There is no doing.(做某事不可能)句型中动词-ing式也是做主语。 There is no parking in the front of stores. 商店门前不准停车。2动词-ing式作表语,有两个特征: 说明主语是什么。例如: My job is teach

26、ing.我的工作是教书。 这种情况下,主语与表语位置可以互换,即也可写成: Teaching is my job.教书是我的工作。 说明主语的性质、特征。例如: My job is interesting.我的工作是有意思的。 这种情况下主语与表语位置不可以互换。 1动词-ing式作宾语,有4种情况: 直接做动词宾语 He enjoys listening to light music.他喜欢听轻音乐。 只能接-ing式作宾语,而不能接不定式作宾语的动词有: mind, enjoy, finish, stop, appreciate, imagine, excuse, practise, su

27、ggest, risk(冒险做 某事),avoid, miss(错过),escape等。 做动词短语宾语 He has given up smoking. 他已戒烟。 做介词宾语 He left without saying a word. 他一句话也没说便走了。 做形容词宾语 The novel is worth reading twice. 这部小说值得看两遍。 五、词语储存 1raise与rise的区别: raise是及物动词,可解释为“使升高”,“提起”; rise是不及物动词,意为“上升”,“升高”。例如: The owner raised the food prices. 卖主提高

28、了食品的价格。 The food prices rose last week. 上周食品的价格上涨了。 2prepare for与be prepared for的区别: prepare for指对将要作的事“做准备”,表示动作。而be prepared for是 系表结构,指“为做好了准备”。表示状态。试比较下面两个句子: We are preparing for the final exam. 我们正在为期末考试做准备。 We are always prepared for anything to happen. 我们随时准备对付可能发生的事。 六、能力点拨 写作(二): 景物描写(旅游杂记

29、) 本单元的写作训练是学习写某地的景物,或旅游杂记。描写景物一般要遵循的原则是从总体到局部;从外到内。这类文章一般包括三段:开头是总的介绍,引出主题;中间是正文部分,具体介绍此地、此景的特色,如著名的建筑、风景名胜等;第三部分是作者的建议、感想或总结性的话语。下面是一篇范文,请仔细阅读。 The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River is famous throughout the world. There are a number of beautiful places of interest along it, such as the Xiling Gorge

30、 (西陵峡), Wu Gorge (巫峡), Qutang Gorge (瞿塘峡), Zhaojun Village, Qu Yuan Temple and Baidi Town. The Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance to the gorges. A big power station has been built here. Since the reform and open-dor policies began to be carried out, great changes have taken place and the Three Gorges o

31、f the Yangtze River have taken on a new look. The Three Gorges will benefit the people and make greater contribution to China. 完形填空(二): 能力要求 一、要有足够的语法知识和丰富的词语知识,但对于语法进行的不是显形考查,也就是不直接为考语法而涉及语法知识,准确运用词语和语法知识能帮助选词确切。 二、要有英语阅读理解能力,这包括良好的阅读习惯、熟练的阅读技巧、快速的理解能力、浏览能力和搜索能力。 三、善于分析文章的结构,理解文章的主旨思想,在头脑中快速形成条块结构。 四、要有一定的思维逻辑能力,运用总结、概括、分析、归纳、推理、判断等迅速抓住文章中心思想。 五、阅读中要善于抓住相关信息词语,能力注意到关键性词语。如:but, so, althou

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