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1、句子结构与写作模板写作评分作文一般采用总体评分方法(Global Scoring)。阅读人员就总的印象给分,而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。阅卷人员从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。内容和语言是一个统一体;作文应该表达题目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,即要考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍。阅卷标准分五个档次。具体分数在此基础上可以上下浮动。第一档:切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。第二档:切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯。但有少量语言错误。第三档:基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯。语言错误

2、相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。第四档:基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。第五档:条理不清,思路紊乱。语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。一般来说,高分作文涉及如下方面:(1) 内容切题。审题准、不跑题。文不对题会严重影响成绩,导致写作失败。(2) 表达清楚。语言要简洁、准确、条理清晰,主题明确。(3) 意义连贯。遣词造句得当,表达连贯平稳。论点论据展开合理(以因果、对比、分类、定义、列举、概括、详情、时间、空间、过程或综合等方法来展开)。(4) 句式有变化。采用适当的句式来表达相应的内容。常用句式包括简单句、并列句、复合句、主被动句、长句、短句、否定句、

3、双重否定句、疑问句、反问句、倒装句、强调句、插入语、独立主格成分等。(5) 用词有变化。避免重复使用同一词汇,可适当使用代词、同义词、近义词、关联词使表达富有动感。同义词的使用是衡量考生语言运用能力的一个尺度。(6) 语言规范。符合英语的表达习惯,语法错误少,写出的英语不是中式英语。(7) 字数达标。【实例1】(2001年考研英语作文,满分20分。)Directions: Among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is probably the noblest, but everyone has his/her own understandi

4、ng of it. There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper. Write an essay to the newspaper to1) show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the picture below,2) give a specific example, and3) give your suggestion as to the best way to show love.You should write about 200 word

5、s on ANSWER SHEET 2.【范文及评分】(1)It is generally believed that love is a hot topic which is most talked about. This is true not only in China but also in other countries. We live in different countries, speak different languages, but love is something common to us all. But how to show love may be diffe

6、rent with different people in different countries. This is something we should give more thought to.As shown in the picture, love is like a lamp which shines brightest in dark places. This tells us a simple truth; Love is like a lamp. It is most valuable when it is most needed. For example, once I s

7、aw a foreign lady get lost in the street. She could not speak Chinese and nobody seemed to be able to help her. Though my English is not very good and I am a shy person, I thought she needed help very much. I asked her what she wanted. She told me she lost her way, so I showed her the way to her hot

8、el. It was a small thing but she thanked me very much because my help was needed very much. My help was like a lamp in a dark place.I think we all should be like a lamp in a dark place, showing our love, giving our help to others, even to strangers. In this way we can make this world a harmonious an

9、d peaceful world.18分,内容切题,包括题中所列三方面的全部内容;文章通顺,语言流畅,句式变化多样;用词面较宽;虽有个别不妥之处,但该生基本功较好;表达能力较强;长度符合要求。(2)I saw a picture recently in your newspaper. There is a small lamp in the picture and a flame on the lamp, which is smiling. The lamp says, “Love is a lamp, it will be brightest in the darkest place.” I

10、 think it shows us a vivid picture: Where and who need live, love is the noblest feeling. So I believe that we should give our love to those who are in need. If everyone can give his love to whom in need, then the world will be filled with love.For example, in the countryside. There are millions of

11、pupils, who cant afford to attend school. Some of them never attend school. They are unfortunate, but now there are many warm-hearted people who give help to the pupils. Of course, we can also show our love in many other ways. For instance. As a friend, we should help our friends when they are in tr

12、ouble. There is a saying. A friend in need is a friend in deed. As a young man, we should respect the older. When we walk on the street, we can help the blind or old people and children to cross the road.In a word, There are many ways to show our love. The people all over the world should love and r

13、espect each other. The best way to show our love is to help others when they are in difficulties.16分。内容切题,包括题中所列三方面的全部内容;表达基本清楚,文字连贯;句式变化较多;结构与用词有少量一般性错误;长度符合要求。(3)As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly that love is like a lamp and the darker the environment is, the brighter love is. And it

14、is no denying that among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is the noblest. Actually, because of love, many people in trouble get help and encourage, so they will try their best to overtake the difficulty and look forward to a better future. Whats more, when others are in trouble, they take he

15、lping them for granted. Therefore, love will be found all over the world.Several years ago, some areas suffer disaster because of heavy rain. The PLA help them rebuild their families. This year, Taiwan also suffer disaster because of the earth quake. Many people in our country do our best to help th

16、em.It is necessary to take some measure to spread the love. For one thing, we should encourage people who have love and are happy to help others. For another, we should enhance the awareness of people that love is benefit for all of this society. Also I make sure that by this way, we have a brighter

17、 future.12分。内容切题,包括题中所列三方面的全部内容;表达基本清楚;但结构与用词错误较多,有少数严重错误;长度符合要求。(4)This picture tells us a reality that love can bring up lighting and the light will make everywhere bright. Although the light is weak, it plays a great effect which will make people more firmly than before.When I was at middle-schoo

18、l, my parent were both out of employee. My parent felt disappointed and I was greatly worried my future. Our life became very terrible, I even decided to suicide. Our neighbor learnt about my familys condition, and they began to help us. They lent a few money to my parent and my parent use these mon

19、ey to open a shop. They help me to study. My parent finally got through hard life. So I say that love is great.I think that there are some ways to show love. You may give money to the poor and help the old do some working and give your love to the disable. The best way show love is from heart rather

20、 than from appearance. By this way those people who accepted helps will feel warmly. Our world will bright if everyone show love.8分。内容切题,包括题中所列要点;语句尚可理解,但结构与用词错误多;有些是严重错误;长度基本符合要求。【实例2】(2003年考研英语作文,满分20分。)Directions: 1) describe the set of drawings, Interpret its meaning, and 2) point out its implic

21、ations in our life. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 【范文及评分】(1)The two picture describe the flower in the warm-room cant endure the bad invirnmental. It is most likely that the drawer intends not only to tell us the fact but to set us thinking what is under the iceberg.For

22、the time being. The entrance of WTO has become the hot topic. Different people have different idea about the entrance of WTO, there are advantages and disadvantages. There are some possible reasons why China important reason for this issue. The most important reason is that the development of China

23、cant leave nations economic will stop developing and will not have a chance to take part in the world economic. Another reason for joining WTO is that the entrance of WTO could be of great benefit to our nation.Of course. The coin has two sides. The entrance of WTO has other harmful aspects , but to

24、 some extent. It has more advantages. If we cant take pat in WTO, our country will lost the chance that enhance our power of competition. In my opinion, our nation should be take effect measure to avoid the harmful aspects by ourselves所述内容与题目无关,是属生搬硬套事先准备的句子。该题得分0分,原因是文不对题。提示考生不要死记硬背范文。当然,背诵优美的句子,学习

25、好的表达方式是应该的。但是,考生应该活学活用,而不是生搬硬套。(2)As is show by the two pictures. A flower was cowerd with room. It was raining out of the room. The second picture, There is only one dead flower. Its clear, If move the flower out of the room, That the servere reforestation resulted the flower, dead.Obviously, The d

26、awer, Throught the two pictures, Aims at revealing to us the serious qus-tions , The children like the flower.To solve te problem, I think the teacher and the parents and society make a sustained efort. The teacher and the parents sould not only make plans but also ensure rational study lessons of t

27、he children. As dor the bread masses of the people , They should fully important the question. In a word, If the teacher and parents and scociety have really lali/esed and worked on it, There is certain to be an encouraging respect in children glowing.条理不清,词不达意;语句错误多且严重,句子基本上无法理解;字数不足。得分2分。(3)The fl

28、ower in warm house cant stand on rain and wind. There are two pictures, one is said that a flower cant be hurt by rain and wind, she grows wonderful. The other picture is said that, the flower was took out of the warmhourse. then she died.The two pictures tell us a turth , our children like the flow

29、er. They beautiful and lovely. They have a lot of time and change. They have the future. Parents love their chrildren so much that they keep them under their arms.But they dont know their chirldren will never grown up like this. When they go into the sociality. They will find it was so weak themself

30、 for doing anythink. Like the flower in the warmhouse was bring out. If man no experience as a child , he can not almostly make successes. No progress for him. He is fail in study and work.In my opinion, parents should give the free space to their chirldren. They must learned sovling problems by the

31、mself and face to every difficulties in brave. Chirdren can grow better by themself they will be sthrong and healthe.基本包括题目要求的内容,句子可以理解,但语言错误较多。得分6分,分数主要丢在语言表达的问题上,如:有较多的语法和拼写错误,还有一些汉语式的表达。(4)The flower growing in the warm house cant bear raining day. There has been a discussion recently about a pic

32、tures the flower growing in the warm house cant bear raining day. There are many persepectives about the picture.I am attracted at a glance of a flower which is growing healthily. Looking at it carefully, I find the flower is protected from the rain outside the warm house. When the warm house is removed, the flower is going to be dead. It looks so slight that couldnt stand up in the raining daySimply designed as the picture is, the symbolic meaning the picture conveys is deep and profound. By drawing the picture, the artist intends n

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