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1、新概念英语第2册Lesson4951重点学习内容新概念英语第2册Lesson4951重点学习内容新概念英语第2册Lesson49重点学习内容重要句型或语法复合句及其语序从本课开始进入第三单元的学习,作为首课,本课与第一单元的第1课和第二单元的第25课,形成呼应,继续学习句子种类的知识:第1课学习的简单句,第25课学习的是并列句,而本课学习的是复合句。所谓复合句其实就是我们平常所说的主从句,即由主句和从句组成的句子,如:He missed the train because he did not hurry.课文主要语言点Tired of sleeping on the floor, a you

2、ng man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed. 1)be tired of,厌倦、厌恶。在本句中,该短语用作了原因状语,相当于是:Because he was tired of sleeeping on the floor. 2)注意Teheran的发音为teˈrːn,h不发音,也可拼作Tehran。 3)save up,攒钱。 4)for years,多年。 5)to buy a real bed,用作save up的目的状语。For the first time in his life, he became

3、 the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress. 1)for the first time in ones life,某人一生(或生命中)第一次。 2)proud,骄傲的。其名词为pride,常用短语为take pride in,相当于be proud of。 3)owner,主人、拥有者。源自动词own(拥有),own也可以直接用作形容词,表示“自己的”。 4)which引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词a bed。 5)spring,弹簧。该词也可以表示“春天;泉水”。常用作动词,表示“弹跳”。Because the weat

4、her was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house. 1)句中的because引导的就是表原因的从句,所以整个句子就是个复合句。 2).the weather was very hot,天气很热。可用it来替换the weather。 3)on to,相当于onto,表示“到.之上”。He slept very well for the first two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew up. 1)the first+复数名词,表示前面的、起先的.。 2)o

5、n the third night,第三晚。因为是具体哪天,所以要用介词on;如果是泛指晚上,则用at night。 3)blow up,刮起。注意blow的过去式和过去分词为blew和blown。A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below. 1)a gust of wind,一阵狂风。gust大多用于表示阵风、疾风。 2),扫清、扫除。句中表示大风把床从屋顶吹走。 3)send.doing,此处的send相当于make,表示“使.”。 4)c

6、rash into,冲入、撞。因为床是从屋顶摔倒院子里面的,所以用了into。The young man did not wake up until the bed had struck the ground. 1)not.until.,直到.时候才.。在过去时间的大背景下,其主句动词大多采用一般过去时,而从句动词大多采用过去完成时。 2)strike,撞击、重击。该词说明床撞击地面的力道很大。Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. 1)although,虽然、尽管。其引导的是让步状语从句

7、,相当于though。 2)be smashed to pieces,摔成碎片。smash表示“粉碎;猛撞”。 3)miraculously,奇迹般地。源自名词miracle(奇迹)。 4)unhurt,没有受伤的。其构词为:un-+hurt。Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house. 1)glance at,扫视。 2)bits of,一片片。 3)注意lie表示“位于、躺”的时候,

8、其过去式和过去分词为lay和lain。 4)pick up,捡起来。这是个多义短语,还可以表示养成、用车载、学习等。After he had put it on the floor, he promptly went to sleep again. 1)可提问此处的put为什么用过去完成时,然后引出after和before用在描述过去事情时,主从句中谓语动词的时态用法。 2)promptly,立即、马上。 新概念英语第2册Lesson50重点学习内容重要句型或语法一般现在时本课教材第237页的Key Structures部分虽然主题内容写的是“表示习惯性动作”,其实主要是关于一般现在时的内容。

9、不过,与之前所学的有关一般现在时的内容不同的是,本课的重点主要学习英语中某些特殊的动词,这些动词往往表示的动作都是静态的,而不是要具体作出一个动作。也正因为这样,这类动词经常用来表示人或动物的喜怒哀乐以及事物的性质等。如:desire, detest, dislike, hate, love;consist of, belong to, mean。需要注意的是,这类动词也往往不能用于进行时。课文主要语言点I love travelling in the country, but I dont like losing my way. 1)需要注意的是,本文主要描述的作者的过去经历,按理动词都应该

10、用过去时态,但是本句话却用了一般现在时,这是因为其描述的是一般情况。 2)注意love doing(长久爱好和love to do(一时喜好,常和would搭配使用)的区别。 3)注意本句话其实是个强调句,因为but前后两个分句在结构上基本相同,但前后的谓语动词却采用了肯定与否定的表达,形成了鲜明的对照效果(love travelling和dont like losing)。 4)注意travel的过去式和过去分词都有两种拼写,英语英语词尾的l要双写,但美式英语不双写。 5)lose ones way,迷路。I went on an excursion recently, but my tri

11、p took me longer than I expected. 1)go on an excursion,远足旅行。注意excursion的发音和拼写。 2)注意take表示花费时的句型用法,即:It took/takes sb. some time to do sth.,做某事花了或要花某人多长时间。 3)longer than sb. expected,时间比某人预料得要长。Im going to Woodford Green, I said to the conductor as I got on the bus, but I dont know where it is. Ill t

12、ell you where to get off, answered the conductor. 1)Woodford Green,伍德福德绿地。谓语伦敦东北部的伍德福德郊区。 2)conductor,售票员。该词源自动词conduct,conductor也可以表示导体。 3)get on,上车。反义表达为get off。 4)注意where it is是宾语从句,作know的宾语。此外,要注意where引导的虽然是个问句,但用在从句中就要采用陈述句语序。 5)where to get off,这个“疑问词+不定式短语”,相当于where you should get off。I sat i

13、n the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. 1)注意in the front of(在内部的前头)和in front of的区别(在外部的前面)。 2)to get a good view of,作为目的状语,表示为了得到一个好的观景视线范围。Afer some time, the bus stopped. Looking around I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. 1)after some time,过

14、了一些时间。 2)looking around在句中属于现在分词短语用作伴随状语的用法,其完整形式可以理解为:While I was looking around。 3)with a shock,作为伴随状语,表示很震惊地(意识到)。 4)left on the bus用作passenger的定语,完形式为:that was left on the bus。需要注意的是,如果恢复原形,定语从句的关系代词要采用that,而不是who,因为先行词passenger被the only修饰了。Youll have to get off here, the conductor said. This is

15、 as far as we go. 1)will have to do,得.。表示将来不得不或必须做某事。 2)This is as far as we go.,我们的车就开到这里了。意思是这就是终点站。可以作为固定句型来记。Is this Woodford Green? I asked. Oh dear, said the conductor suddenly. I forgot to put you off. It doesnt matter, I said. Ill get off here. 1)dear,天啊。作为形容词,dear表示亲爱的或昂贵的,但在本句中用作了感叹词。 2)注意

16、forget to do(忘了要去做,但没做)和forget doing(忘了做过,但已做)的区别。 3)put sb. off,把某人放下,即提醒某人下车。 4)It doesnt matter.,没关系!Were going back now, siad the conductor. Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus, I answered. 1)in that case,既然如此。 2)prefer to do,更喜欢。注意prefer的用法有:prefer to do.than do.;prefer doing to doi

17、ng,与.相比,更喜欢.。注意prefer的名词为preference(爱好、偏好)。读写重点注意模仿课文第一句话,即并列句的分句前后结构基本一致,但一个肯定,一个否定,从而形成了鲜明的对照,起到很好的强调句的作用。 新概念英语第2册Lesson51重点学习内容重要句型或语法一般过去时教材第3课和第27课都是有关一般过去时的内容,但本课侧重的是动词短语的用法。如本课课文中出现的:wrote out, paid him a visit, led me into等。课文主要语言点My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but things got so bad

18、recently that he decided to go on a diet. 1)Hugh是my friend的同位语,前后逗号可以省略。 2)可提问学生but前后两个分句的谓语动词为什么采用不同的时态(因为前半句强调的是Hugh一直以来的习惯,所以采用现在完成时,而后半句说的是过去这段时间的事情,所以采用了一般过去时)。 3)注意结果状语从句so.that.的用法。 4)decide to do sth.,决定做某事。注意decide的名词为decision,常用的短语用法为:make a decision。 5)go on a diet,节食。First of all, he wro

19、te out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. 1)first of all,首先。 2)write out,写下。 3)a list of,一系列、.的清单。 4)注意forbid的过去式和过去分词为forbade和forbidden。The list included most of the things Hugh loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate, and sweets. 1)include,包含、包括。 2)most of 代词或the+名词,大部

20、分.。 3)Hugh loves是the things的定语从句,中间省略了that或which。4)注意本句话中主句的谓语动词included用了一般过去时,是因为主句要表达的是过去发生的事情,而定语从句中的谓语动词loves却用的是一般现在时,是因为从句描述的是Hugh的喜好。Yesterday I paid him a visit. 1)注意yesterday放在句首,而不是句末,是为了突出昨天我做了什么事情。 2)pay sb. a visit,或是pay a visit to sb.,表示“拜访某人”。I rang the bell and was not surprised to

21、see that Hugh was still as fat as ever. 1)ring the bell,按门铃。 2)that引导的是see的宾语从句。 3)注意be as .as ever,表示“和以往一样地怎么样”。He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk. 1)lead sb. into somewhere,领某人到某处。 2)hurriedly,匆忙地。源自hurry,相当于in a hurry。 3)注意hide的过去式和过去分词为hid和hidden。It was obvi

22、ous that he was very embarrassed. 1)注意it为形式主语,真正的主语(逻辑主语)是that从句,所以本句中的that从句其实是主语从句。原句为:That he was very embarrassed was obvious,这样会显得整个句子头重脚轻,所以要借用形式主语it。 2)embarrassed,尴尬的、难为情的。When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk. 1)what引导的是ask的宾语从句,作为ask的间接宾

23、语,注意:在陈述句中,问句要陈述句语序。 2)guiltily,内就地、不好意思地。源自guilt(内疚;负罪),形容词为guilty。 3)put . on .,把某物放到某地。He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. 1)that引导的是explain的宾语从句。 2)reward oneself,给自己报酬。 3)occasionally,偶尔的。Then he showed me the contents of the parcel. It contained

24、 five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! 1)show sb. sth.,给某人看某物。相当于show sth. to sb.。 2)contain,包含、包括。 3)句中的bar和bag都用作了表量的名词,可借此机会复习一下表量的名词的用法。读写重点注意状语的位置。比如:句子“.and hurriedly hid a large parcel.”中的hurriedly放到了所修饰的动词hid的前面,起到了更好的强调作用,突出其藏东西的动作之忙乱,从而把他内心的愧疚形象地表达出来了。再比如:句子“.he had to reward himself occasionally.”中的occasionally被放到了句末,也强调了偶尔会进行自我奖励,起到了较好的诙谐效果。

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