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1、上海高三英语二模分类汇总语法新题型【宝山】(A) You took a midterm exam (25)_(hope) to get a 95 percent. When you got your test paper back, you received only a 70 percent. How do you handle the situation? Do you 1. make a study plan for (26)_(improve) your grade;2. keep doing what youre doing and hope for the best next ti

2、me;3. use a persuasive argument to try and convince your teacher to give you (27)_ better grade? Your answer to the above question shows your EQ, your emotional intelligence. What exactly is EQ? Psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer define it as the ability to understand your own feelings and e

3、motions and (28)_ of others. Research supports the significance of EQ. A 40-year study of 450 boys found that IQ wasnt the only thing that affected life success. The qualities that did were the ability (29)_(handle) frustration, control emotions and get along with other people. Can you improve a low

4、 EQ? Yes! Start by noticing how you feel. Thats the first step in becoming more skillful at managing your feelings. Second ,pay attention to how you behave when you feel certain emotions. Then analyze (30)_ that effects your daily life. Next, take responsibility for your feelings and actions. They c

5、ome from you and no one else. Then you (31)_(have) a higher EQ- and likely have a happier and more rewarding life as well. B Imagine shopping in another country and spotting a beautiful scarf. The salesperson tells you the price, (32)_ its more than you want to buy. What do you do? The answer depend

6、s largely on what part of the world you are in. Are you visiting Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Latin America or Africa? In these places, prices often are not set in stone. In fact, customers (33)_(expect) to bargain before agreeing to a price. On the other hand, in North America, Europe and Austr

7、alia, bargaining is rare and often not allowed. The price (34)_(list) on a price tag cannot be changed. Large stores and malls usually dont allow bargaining. On the other hand, outdoor stalls and flea markets, even in Western countries, usually allow bargaining. When in doubt, consult a guidebook -o

8、r (35)_(good) yet, a local friend. (36)_bargaining custom vary, a few rules of etiquette apply in most cultures. First, avoid wasting peoples time. If you dont intend to make a purchase, dont start bargaining. While bargaining, it is OK to walk away. But once you agree to a price, you (37)_ buy the

9、item. Even in countries (38)_ dont allow bargaining, you may find plentiful opportunities to save money. Many stores sell old items on clearance. Others offer discount cards to regular customers. Some of these can function as credit cards (39)_ the store, and a few can even be used elsewhere. (40)_

10、you go, understanding local customs can help you find good prices.【崇明】(A)After 30 years (25)_ a pilot, Captain Peter Elliott got to fly holiday-makers on a Thomas Cook flight from Birmingham, UK, to Tenerife, Spain with his daughter.Senior First Officer Laura Elliott (26)_(fly) for six years but has

11、 never before got to work with her father.“Its my dream to be able to fly with my Dad,” she said.It had seemed unlikely that the pair would ever co-pilot (27)_ same aircraft because Miss Elliott learned to fly on Airbus planes when she joined the company in 2009, and her father flew Boeings.However,

12、 after Peter Elliott, 59, retrained to fly Airbuses, their dream of flying together came true. Miss Elliott, 30, became interested in flying when (28)_(inspire) by her father with a trial flight as her birthday present. Miss Elliott said: “Becoming a pilot was never something I had considered. It wa

13、s only when my Dad bought me a trial flight for my 18th birthday (29)_ I considered following in my Dads footsteps.”The pair finally sat in the cockpit (驾驶员座舱) together and Mr Elliott made an announcement to passengers (30)_ the flight made it a special day for him as he was flying with his daughter

14、.Miss Elliott recalled the flight, (31)_(say), “I was initially nervous and he kept asking (32)_ I was nervous or not. It was like going for a driving lesson with him. Thankfully, everything went smoothly and the passengers loved it. If it ever happens again, I will definitely be a lot (33)_(relaxed

15、).” (B)Has the world just witnessed its first ever robot suicide? Boring housework was seemingly too much for one cleaning robot to take, when it apparently rebelled and decided to end it all.The robot was given the tiresome task of cleaning up some spilt grain before it climbed on to a kitchen hotp

16、late (34)_ it destroyed itself, according to reports in Austria. It had reportedly grown tired of (35)_(force) to clean the house every day and decided to become a martyr(殉道者) to the robot cause.“Somehow it seems (36)_(restart) itself again before it made its way along the work surface. Then it push

17、ed a cooking pot out of the way and basically that was the end of it,” explained fireman Helmut Kniewasser, who (37)_(call) to deal with the fire at Hinterstoder in Kirchdorf. “It pretty quickly started to melt underneath and then stuck to the kitchen hotplate. It then caught fire. (38)_ _ _ we arri

18、ved, it had become just a pile of ash.” He added: “The entire building (39)_ _be evacuated (疏散) and there was severe smoke damage particularly in the flat in which the robot had been in use. “Its a mystery how it came to be started and ended up making its way to the hotplate.” (40)_ took an hour to

19、clean and make the building safe. The homeowner plans to charge the robots manufacturer.【奉贤】AIt was a cold, wet day on June 6, 2010, when 14-year-old Wasana arrived at school. Waiting outside his classroom for his classmates to arrive, Wasana stared at the rain. Then his eyes fell upon the 18-metre-

20、high hill that stood at the back of the classroom. He noticed large amounts of rainwater flowing down the hill, and water was also bubbling at the base of a rock on the hill. For a few minutes, Wasana stared at the water, wondering _25_ it looked so familiar. Then it hit him-the scene was similar to

21、 the video _26_ he was shown during Disaster Management classes. _27_ (fear) a coming disaster, he shouted wildly at the students waiting outside their classrooms. “Run, run, dont stay here! The rock on the hill is going to fall on us!”Chaos broke out as the students ran to the open area that _28_ (

22、appoint) as an emergency gathering point. When some teachers approached Wasana, he showed them the water gushing from the hill, and they started leading the students to _29_ (safe) ground. Just then Principal Gurusinghe drove into the school. Wasana ran over to tell him what was happening. After _30

23、_ (examine) the site, Gurusinghe knew the school was in danger. The enormous rock at the top of the hill could come crashing down at any moment.Leading a group of teachers and older students, Gurusinghe climbed the hill and tried to make the water flow away from the rock. They were too late: ten min

24、utes later, they heard screams as the huge rock rushed down the hill. There was little Gurusinghe and his group could do _31_ they watched the earth swallow their classrooms. _32_ _32_ Wasanas quick action and careful observation, no one was hurt in the incident. BMany drivers dream of the day when

25、they can sit back while their car drives itself. While several companies are working hard to make _33_ a reality, self-driving cars still face many problems.Google was one of the first _34_ (get) into this industry. It _35_ (develop) self-driving cars since 2009, and its new driverless car is called

26、 Firely.But the driverless car is only a “fair weather friend”, the Daily Mail commented.According to the MIT Technology Review, the current driverless cars cant react like a human driver. They cant drive in heavy rain or snow.Chris Urmson, director of the Google car team, said that this is because

27、the detection technology is not yet good enough to separate certain objects from weather conditions. In the cars eyes, raindrops and snowflakes are the same as rocks, and cars stop for them. But if the manhole(下水道入口)ahead is left _36_ (uncover), they drive over it without hesitation._37_ all these p

28、roblems, Urmson said driverless cars will happen more quickly than people think.But even at that time, driverless cars wont be truly “driverless.”In the US, only when someone sits in the drivers seat _38_ driverless cars allowed on roads in certain statesEuropean countries, Mexico, Chile, Brazil and

29、 Russian follow the United Nations Convention on Road Traffic. The convention used to say: “Every driver _39_ at all times be able to control his vehicle or to guide his animals.” A change was agreed in May, allowing a car to drive itself _40_ _40_ _40_ a driver is in the car and able to take the wh

30、eel at any time【虹口】(A)How I Turned to Be Optimistic(乐观的)I began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunts house, and my mother said that we (25) (leave) for America soon. We were on the bus then. I was crying, and some people on the bus were turning around to lo

31、ok at me. I remember I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to (26) I listened every morning.I do not remember myself (27) (cry) for this reason again. In fact I think I cried very little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives. When w

32、e were leaving I thought about all the places I was going to see. The country I was leaving never to come back was hardly in my head then.The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism, but (28) idea did not come to me at once. For the first two years in New York I was really lost. I did

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