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1、新东方精品四级班长难句及分析长难句1)* Fortunately, the manufacturers that are developing these automated products understand that consumers dont care how something works as much as they care that it does work and is easy to operate.【1.manufacturer 制造商, 制造公司2. develop 研制, 开发 3.automated机械化的,自动化的 4. operate操作 5. care关

2、心】研制这些自动化产品的制造商认识到,消费者并不关心某件东西是如何工作的,他们关心的是这种东西能好好的工作并且容易操作。 问题 :在最后一句话中consumers dont care how something works as much as they care that it does work and is easy to operate. “they”和“it”分别指代什么?they: consumers / it: something 某人不象关心B那样关心A 或:某人关心更多的是B而不是A / 某人不关心A而关心B ,他关心更多的是他的公司,而不是他儿子的前途。prospects

3、前He doesnt care his sons prospects as much as he cares his company.我并不太关心你昨天晚上去哪了,我关心的是谁和你在一起。I dont care where you went last night as much as I care who was with you. 2) * Most of the Chinese companies that Microsoft has enlisted in the Venus project have the technology and resources to introduce s

4、uch a product on their own, that they havent should in itself cast suspicion on Gates reasoning. 【1.enlist征募,招募We must enlist more men.我们必须招更多的人从军。2. Venus project维纳斯计划 3. cast suspicion on对产生怀疑】微软所招募的参加维纳斯计划的大多数中国公司都具有独立推出这一产品的技术和资源。而这些公司并没有自己做,这一事实本身就应该引起人们对盖茨理论的怀疑。【that they havent 是 that they ha

5、vent produced such a product on their own/done so的省略形式, 是主语从句; should cast 是谓语 。总结:情态动词或助动词后面的实意动词经常被省略掉。 】 Microsoft 美国微软公司 /to invite bids招标 Bid喊价,出价;投标 Bids for the new bridge were invited from firms both at home and abroad.国内外公司都被邀请对承建该座新桥投标。project计划, 引起怀疑老板对他的工商管理学位证书产生了怀疑。introduce a product

6、推出一种产品 The boss cast suspicion on his diploma in Business Administration. they应该指Chinese companies 尽管前面有多个名词,因为Chinese companies是议论的中心 3) * Its destiny lay in another kind of economic endeavor, and from a very early date, many New Englanders combined farming with other work, thereby living better li

7、ves than they would have had they been confined to the resources of their own farms. 新英格兰的命运要依赖另外一种经济力量,而从很早的时候起,许多新英格兰人就把农业与其他劳作结合起来,因此他们的生活要比仅靠自家的产出好过些。【1. destiny命运 2. endeavor努力, 尝试 3. 把A和B结合起来 4. lie in 在于 5. A被限制在B的范围之中 字典例句:He has been confined to bed for a whole week because of a bad cold.由于

8、得了重感冒,他已卧床整整一周。】 11401and连接了两个并列分句,thereby living better lives 作结果状语,它的逻辑主语是New Englanders; 第二个分句包含了倒装的虚拟条件句 had they been confined to 相当于 if they had been confined to; 主句是个省略句。原句应为:they would have lived lives原句: thereby living better lives than they would have had they been confined to the resource

9、s of their own farms.将原句还原成普通结构-.thereby living better lives than they would have lived (lives) if they had been confined to the resources of their own farms. 10323. How can I see him? 11313 If you had been here 5 minutes earlier, you could have seen him.-Had you been here 5 minutes earlier, you cou

10、ld have seen him.-You could have seen him had you been here 5 minutes earlier.-You could have had you been here 5 minutes earlier. 原文:.had they been confined to the resources of their own farms.*I wish you will confine your talk to 10 minutes.我希望你把讲话时间限制在十分钟之内。 confine A to B把A限制在B的范围之中*He is confin

11、ed to the house by illness.他因病而闭门不出。造句:所有的学生在考试的时候都不许出教室。 All the students are confined to the classrooms when they are taking examinations. - All the students are confined to the classrooms when taking examinations.1,23 1,244)* There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pol

12、lution monitors that will disable them when they offend.【1. host vt. 主持 2.robot机器人 3. pollution monitors污染监控器 4. offend冒犯】机器人主持节目【1 找出本句中的两个后置定语 2.them 和they 各自指代哪个词?3.that 的先行词是谁? 4.译成中文】将来会有机器人主持的电视聊天节目,以及装有污染监控器的汽车,一旦汽车排污超标,监控器就会令其停火。offend原意为:冒犯, 违反, 得罪 在此应译为超标排污chat shows; recall: talk show (电视

13、、广播电台的)访谈节目;脱口秀 monitor (学校的)班长,级长an attendance monitor检查学生出席情况的班长1,245)*While there can be no question of considering education in isolation from science, technology, culture and information, as a social practice that may involve all the members of society in one way or another, education has its o

14、wn characteristics. 【1. isolation脱离,孤立 2. involve 牵涉, 涉及 3. characteristic特征,特色 】毫无疑问,我们可以脱离科学,技术,文化和信息,把教育看作某种涉及社会全体成员的一种社会实践,但教育毕竟还有自己的特点。consider A as B把A看作B 11401 11313毫无疑问,我们可以把教育与娱乐结合起来。there can be no question of doing sth combine A with B recreation, entertainmentThere can be no question of

15、our combining education with recreation.6)* Carved out of the Hapsburg Bohemia, which in the sixteenth century had acquired the ancient kingdom of Bohemia, Czechoslovakia developed during the years that followed its founding in 1918 into the most democratic, progressive, enlightened and prosperous s

16、tate in Central Europe.【1. kingdom of Bohemia 波希米亚王国 2. Hapsburg Bohemia哈布斯堡帝国 3. Czechoslovakia 捷克斯洛伐克 4. carve分割 5. acquire 获得, 兼并 6. founding 建立,成立 7. enlightened开明的, 有知识的 8. prosperous繁荣的 】十六世纪时哈布斯堡帝国兼并了古老的波希米亚王国,捷克斯洛伐克现在又从这个王国中分割出来,在1918年建国以后已发展成为中欧最民主、最进步、最文明。最繁荣的国家。第三帝国的灭亡10347 句首动词的ed形式通常都是过

17、去分词 A is carved out of B A被从B中分割出去 Hong Kong was carved out of China more than 100 years ago, and we Chinese people reclaimed it in 1997. 英译汉 变成过去分词作状语- Carved out of China more than 100 years ago, Hong Kong was reclaimed by us Chinese people in 1997.一百多年前,香港被从中国分割出去。 我们中国人民于1997年将香港收回。develop into发

18、展成为*The argument developed into a bitter quarrel. 英译汉这场辩论逐渐变成了激烈的争吵。*Their affair did not develop into a lasting relationship. 英译汉 他们的暧昧交往未能发展成为持久的关系。7) *Above everything else will still rise the questioning, tough- minded hunger for learning, for pushing the boundaries of knowledge ever outwards, t

19、hat has characterized this university from the first. 【1. tough- minded hunger锲而不舍的追求 2. characterize vt.是特点】 【对学问,对不断拓展知识疆界的那种质疑,锲而不舍的追求,比一切更重要。这些从一开始就是剑桥大学的特点。11401A比B重要 【没有宾语,主语较长,状语提前,完全倒装】我的英语学习比一切都重要。My English study will rise above everything else. Above everything else will rise my English s

20、tudy. 原始语序应该是 The questioning, tough- minded hunger for learning, for pushing the boundaries of knowledge ever outwards will still rise above everything else, that本句的疑问: that前的 “,” ; that指代前面的整句话还是前面句中的某一个词? “the questioning, tough- minded hunger”有两个后置定语“for learning, for pushing the boundaries of k

21、nowledge ever outwards” 互相学习和互相帮助从一开始就是我们班的特点。【.that has characterized this university from the first. 】 【A characterize B】A是B的特点 A构成了B的特色 Helping each other and learning from each other have characterized our class from the first. / 1118)1,7* The satisfaction of killing time and of affording some o

22、utlet, however modest, for ambition, belongs to most work, and is sufficient to make even a man whose work is dull happier on the average than a man who has no work at all. 【1. afford 提供,给予 2. Outlet (感情,精力等的)发泄途径 3. modest不太大(或多)的; 适度的,有节制的 4. ambition雄心,抱负,野心 单调的】大多数工作给予人们消磨时间的满足感和给人们提供实现抱负的哪怕是很普通

23、的某种方法的满足感,一般地来说,这种满足感足以使一个从事枯燥乏味工作的人比一个终日无事可做的人(要)快乐。基本结构:1.The satisfaction belongs to most work and is sufficient to. A belongs to B2. make even a man happier公司恐破产 员工忧失业罗湖一公司称遭兄弟单位恶意申请破产,申请方指其资不抵债日期:2008年12月30日版次:SA32版名:深圳读本 鹏城稿源:南方都市报 网友评论:条新纪元公司员工因为面临失业忧心忡忡。本报记者高贵彬摄本报讯(记者刘延春)昨日罗湖一公司40余员工高举“金融海啸拒

24、绝破产”等条幅,称遭到相关单位“恶意申请破产”。对此申请该公司破产的相关单位予以否认,称对方已经资不抵债。目前市、区有关部门已经着手研究面临破产的相关公司员工安置问题的预案,希望员工不要过于担忧。10323however modest作为插入语补充说明outlet / to make + 宾语 + 定语从句 + 宾补 +插入语 + than + 同一宾语 + 定语从句 afford 担负得起:I cant afford the time.我抽不出时间 提供,给予 *Music affords her pleasure.音乐给她带来快乐。The land affords wheat. 这块地出产

25、小麦。The transaction afforded him a good profit. 这笔买卖使他赚了一大笔。 If it had been In different circumstances, the transaction might not have afforded him a good profit. 在不同的情况下,这笔交易是不会让他赚大钱的。介词短语代替虚拟从句 Give, offer, provide,supply 提供某种实现抱负的方法(途径) / 帮助实现某种抱负 出口;出水口;排气口;出路(+for) Outlet (感情,精力等的)发泄途径 ,方法/ A be

26、long to B A属于B 或 B具有A的特性 The satisfaction belongs to most work; The satisfaction is sufficient to make . make a man happier than a man who . 把所有的后置定语去掉,写出句子的骨架结构The satisfaction. belongs to most work, and is sufficient to make even a man. happier than a man / / 9)* You have all heard it repeated tha

27、t men of science work by means of induction and deduction, that by the help of these operations, they, in a short sense, manage to extract from nature certain natural laws, and that out of these, by some special skill of their own, they build up their theories. 【1.induction and deduction 归纳演绎法 2.bui

28、ld up ones theories建立起某人的理论 3. in a short sense在某种意义上说 4. extract 设法得到(情报等) 】你们都多次听说过,科学家是用归纳和演绎法来工作的,他们用这些方法,在某种意义上说,力求从自然界找出某些自然规律,然后他们根据这些规律,用自己的某种非同一般的本领,建立起他们的理论。 structure: You have all heard it repeated that, that, and that extract . 用力取出;使劲拔出,抽出 【extract from nature certain natural laws】 = e

29、xtract certain natural laws from nature -从B提取AHe tried to extract his pole from the mud.他试图用力将杆子从泥中拔出来。mud; Recall: clay; soil; earth -Our company has introduced a new product which contains a substance extracted from seaweed that characterizes our foods 【英翻中】 .我们公司推出了一种新的产品,这种产品含有从海藻中提取出来的物质, 这种物质构

30、成了我们食品的一大特点。The police extracted some information from the thief.【英翻中】警察从小偷口中问出了一些情况。The police extracted some information from the thief.改原句:警察从小偷口中问出了一些情况。这个小偷在一个小时以前偷走了价值两万美金的项链 。make off with偷走 necklace 项链worthThe police extracted some information from the thief,who had made off with a necklace an hour before which is worth 20,000 dollars. 10)* Some companies are finding that they can cut cost an

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