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1、中徐心小学教科研究报告大学论文徐小教科研 第205期 徐市中心小学教科室2014.3Unit3 Hobbies 徐欢一、 教材分析单元教材分析:本单元的主要内容是“谈论兴趣爱好”,教学过程中应注意根据学生的年龄特点,充分利用多媒体、实物、简笔画、图片等设置自然的情境,以旧带新,使语言点的训练密切联系生活实际。本单元分四课时教授:Lesson 1:A; Lesson 2:B,C,F,H;Lesson 3: E;Lesson 4: D,G。单元学习目标:1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写collect, a stamp, many, a ship, go shopping, every, an au

2、nt, an uncle.2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Do you have any hobbies? Do you like ? Yes, I do. No, I dont. He/She likes He/She doesnt.3、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语或句型Show us , please. Here they are. Can you ?4、了解元音字母u在单词中的读音。5、会唱英语歌曲Do you have any hobbies?单元学习重难点:1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写collect, a stamp, many, a ship, go shopping,

3、 every, an aunt, an uncle.2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Do you have any hobbies? Do you like ? Yes, I do. No, I dont. He/She likes He/She doesnt.学情分析: 本单元的单词不多,学生学习与掌握并不困难;课文内容层次分明、容易理解。本单元应注意的是一般疑问句Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do./No, I dont.和主语为第三人称单数动词的用法,教学时应将学生带入“讨论兴趣爱好”的情境,并创设各种情景让学生运用所学过的知识。二、 课时目标(包括

4、知识、技能、情感目标)知识目标:1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写many, a ship.2. 能听得懂、会说、会读beautiful, a classmate;词组:Chinese stamp, ship stamp, flower stamp, animal stamp, cook nice food, grow beautiful flowers, make pretty dresses.3. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Do you like ? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 4. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语或句型Show us , please. Here

5、they are. Can you ?技能目标:1. 能熟练听说读写句型Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like 并运用于互相交流各自的兴趣爱好。2. 能了解并注意使用第三人称单数时动词变化,能用He/She likes表述他人的兴趣爱好3. 能正确说出所学表达兴趣爱好的单词,并能准确说出自己的兴趣爱好。情感目标:1. 通过学习对话激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2. 鼓励学生大胆上黑板表演,运用学过的知识。三、 教学重点1能熟练听说读写句型Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do./No, I dont.

6、 I like 并运用于互相交流各自的兴趣爱好,能用He/She likes表述他人的兴趣爱好2. 能听得懂、会说、会读beautiful, a classmate.四、 教学难点一、 能了解并注意使用第三人称单数时动词变化。如He/She likes Does he/she like ? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.一、 能使用学过的句型介绍自己和他人的兴趣爱好。五、 教学准备Teacher: Tape, recorder, CAI, word cards, papers, thingsStudents: Papers,关于自己兴趣爱好的东西六、

7、教学过程Step 1 Free talk1. Daily English: T: Good morning,class. Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu. T:What day is it today ? S1:Its Friday. T:What lessons do you have this morning? S2:I have Maths, Chinese and English. T: What subject do you like? S3: I like English. T: Why? S3: Its interesting. T: Your pencil

8、case is beautiful. Can you show it to me? Can you show it to your classmates ? S4:面向全体同学展示 T:Thank you.2.Magic eyes 复习动物类,玩具类,衣服类单词。(animal,clothes,ship) T:I like playing games. Do you like playing games ? Ss:Yes ,I do. T:Lets play a gameMagic eyes,OK? Ss: OK.(1)Animal T: What can you see? S: I can

9、see pig, cat and dog. T: Yes, they are animals. I like animals.(2)Clothes T: What can you see? S: I can see T-shirt, skirt and dress. T: They are clothes.(3)Toys T: And what can you see? S: I can see a toy car, a toy ship and a doll. T: Yes, its a toy ship.出示单词卡 ship 两人读(一组)2遍 拼读(集体)Step 2 Presentat

10、ion1.T: I like toys, and I like running,too. What do you like ? S1: I like T: He likes swimming .Swimming is his/her hobby.(利用已有知识引出hobby) T: What do you like ? S1: I like T: She likes running .Running is his/her hobby.介绍hobby 单词卡(Read after the T) T:They have different hobbies.T:Today we will learn

11、 Unit3 Hobbies.揭示课题Unit 3 Hobbies 读课题2遍,学生自读1遍提示使用板书的句子。T:Do you have any hobbies ? S:Yes , I do . I like .(如学生不会,用句型卡提示) 学生跟读Do you have any hobbies ?齐读1遍,男女生各1遍 T: Please ask your partner what his /her hobby is. practice*3 Ss practice in pairs.2.T: I know your hobbies. Do you want to know my hobbi

12、es? Can you ask me? S1: What do you like?/ Do you have any hobbies? T: I have many hobbies. I like collecting something.Can you guess what is it? Its a small picture. It has many teeth . It has no feet, but it can travel around the world. 揭示stamp (单人读)2小组 拼读1遍(集体) Do you know my hobbies? Yes, I like

13、 collecting stamps. 领读 collect stamps(分排) T: I have many stamps.They are beautiful(1. 出示邮票) They are animal stamps.They are also Chinese stamps. Are they animal stamps too? S:No,they are flower stamps. T:Its a ship stamp.(跟读1遍) 进入课文(page22) 1. T:Now you know my hobbies,do you want to know others hob

14、bies? Look at this picture,its a . . . Lets listen to the tape,and find out How many people are there in the dialogue? Who are they ? and what are they talking about?. Q1: How many people are there in the dialogue ? Who are they? Q2: What are they talking about ?(提示学生找出关键词key word) S1: Theyre Ben, M

15、ike, Yang Ling and Helen. T: Yes, theyre Bens classmates. S2:They are talking about their hobbies.HobbiesBen MikeHelenYang Ling 填写表格人名及关键词出示旁白 T:This is Ben. He likes collecting stamps too. Mike and Yang Ling are his classmates. Theyre look at Bens stamps. 学生自读后,复述 T:Can you retell?学生复述2.Part A Read

16、 and say Page 22(1)T: Do you like Bens stamps? S1: Yes, I do. T:Do Mike and Yang Ling like them? What stamps do they like? Lets watch the cartoon,and find out what kinds of stamps they like? S2: T:Please take out your paper, watch the cartoon and match.(看动画和做连线) Watch and match.(2)T: (check) What do

17、es Mike like? How about Yang Ling? Bens brother? S3: Mike likes HobbiesBencollect stamps MikeHelenYang Ling 填写表格Ben的爱好3.Part A Read and say Page 23 (1)T: We know Bens hobby is collecting Chinese stamps. Do Mike and Yang Ling like collecting stamps, too? Ss: No, they dont. T: What are their hobbies?

18、Lets go on watching ,try to remember their hobbies.You can talk with your partner. Now lets watch and judge.(判断judge) (2) T:(check the answers) Who can read the answers?S: .HobbiesBen collect stamps Miketake photosHelencook and grow flowersYang Lingmake clothes完成表格提示学生回答时用.likes .(ing).带读take photos

19、 grow flowers(1) T:Today we have learned some useful sentences, please open your books ,turn to page22. read the dialogue and talk with your classmates, underline the sentences.(先示范一句,让学生了解该怎 么去划线) (简单举例让学生了解找什么类型的句子) Check the answers.(帖出句型)(2) T: Read the text again and fill in the blanks.You can

20、discuss with your classmates,work in three.(学生自读完成填空练习)classmate 单词卡出示并且折叠演示其组成结构。 回答一人一句并给予奖 Check the answers and read the text.6. All the passage T: Excellent! Now, open your books. Read it after the tape. Read it after T. Read it after by themselves. Read in roles *2. (Correct the mistakes)可教师和男

21、女生Step 3 Practice 1.sing a song T: Lets have a rest .Lets sing a song ,ready ? S: Yes.(中途给予学生鼓励,及动作示范) 2.T: You did a very good job today. Then you can use these sentences to know your friends hobbies , please talk with your friends What are their hobbies ?Show your papers to your classmates, and ta

22、lk about your hobbies like this, and then share us your happiness. You can use these sentences to make a dialogue. OK? 自编对话(三人,四人)Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like Show*2总结本课所学知识要点:以画笑脸符号评价学生的快乐度和说得水平。Homework Unit 3 Hobbies (A) A: Do you have any hobbies? HobbiesBen collectstam

23、ps collect stamps Miketake photosHelencook and grow flowersYang Lingmake clothesB: Yes, I do. I like Unit3 Is this your pencil? 蔡琳一、教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会用日常用语和句型:Is this /that your.? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.2.能听懂、会说、会拼读词汇:school bag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case.3. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇: lunch

24、 box.4. 能初步听懂、会说: wheres? Its over there.5. 能读懂动画中的幽默之处。二、目标制定依据:1、教材分析:本课是牛津小学英语(3B)Unit 3 Is this your pencil?的第三课时内容,主要复习Story time、Fun time文具类词汇、一般疑问句句型和新授Cartoon time和Sound time部分内容。Cartoon time以Sam带的午餐盒的位置和食物为话题介绍了Wheres 的句型并引入了over there。学生在看动画后能看懂幽默之处,可以为下单元的内容做铺垫。2、学情分析:本节课的教学对象是本校三(2)班的学生,

25、本班共有学生39人。在学习本课之前,学生已经掌握了一定量的词汇,并能初步运用这些词汇进行日常交际对话,同时也已初步掌握了本单元的重点句型。本课的重点是帮助他们熟练掌握“Is this/ that .?”引导的一般疑问句和“Yes, it is./No, it isnt” 回答,以及初步理解“ wheres ” 句型。三、教学过程:Step1 Warm up 1. 复习第一部分单词并教学boxT: Today we will continue to learn Unit3 Is this your pencil? First, lets look at the TV. There is a bo

26、x. Please read after me “box”. o o box.S: boxT: Lets guess. Whats this in the box?S: Its a pen/pencil/rubber.T: And now please spell them.2.Guessing game教师准备一个盒子,请一名学生上台来摸出一样东西,让其他学生猜猜看摸到的是什么。T:You did a very good job. Now lets play a game.I will invite one student to come here. Other students pleas

27、e guess.And we must use the sentence pattern.3.DiscussT:To be a helpful student, lets help others find their things.Step2 Presentation1. Cartoon time 内容理解T: Its time for watching cartoon. Lets look at TV and tell me whos he and whos she?S: Hes Sam. Shes Sams mother.T:Very good. And there is a box in

28、 her hand. Her mother wants to give it to Sam. Whats the time now? S: Its ten past seven. T: Time flies. Whats the time now? S: Its twelve oclock.T: Its lunch time.教学lunch u u lunchS: Read the word lunch one by oneT: This box is a lunch box.T: Whos he?S: Hes Bobby.T: Now lets guess what will happen

29、between Bobby and Sam? Before watching cartoon, there are two questions.2. 教学新单词where以及over thereT:Lets watch again and find the answers of the third question. First, lets read the question引出新授词 where 教读 S:read the word where and find the answer.T: Yes. The answers is A 教学over there o-v-e-r t-h-e-r-

30、eStep 3 Consolidation1. Read after the CD sentence by sentence2. Act in roles3.Read together and pay attention to it.注意升调降调Step4 HomeworkRecite the cartoon time板书设计Unit3 Is this your pencil? lunch boxWhere over ther由“大学生动手能力差”想到的谷丽旦如今,大学生这个群体开始被社会舆论贴上另外一些标签,其中,“动手能力差”成为众矢之的。究其原因,这些大学生多为独生子女,从小过着衣来伸手、饭来张口的生活,养成了这不愿做那懒得做的习惯,久而久之成了这不会做那不会干,动手能力应该从小抓起。那么,如何培养小学生的动手操作能力呢?下面,我谈谈在劳动与技术教学中的做法。一、激发兴趣,让学生有很强的动手欲望兴趣是最好的老师,好奇是孩子的天性,它们可以激发学生强有力的动手欲望。因此,我通过让学生先看实物的形式,来激发学生的学习兴趣。比如在教学编网袋这一课时,我先拿出自制的网袋操作一番,下面的学生欢呼雀跃,个个摩拳擦掌,于是,我抓住时机,因势利导

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