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1、一词多义单词大汇总讲解学习一词多义单词大汇总一词多义单词大汇总A1. about (prep.) 关于 (ad.) 到处,四处 大约 2. absent (a.)缺席的 absent-minded健忘的 心不在焉的 3. after (prep.)在后面 (conj.)在以后.4. against (prep.)倚在上. 反对appreciate vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别 appreciation n. 欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢5. around 大约 向各处 环绕The earth moves around the像一样,如同;as (conj.)由于,因为;在

2、期间,当的时候 ;(prep.)作为,当作7.attractive adj. 吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的 attract vt. 吸引;引起 vi. 吸引;有吸引力B1. bear (n)熊 (v)忍受 bet 打赌 2. bill(n)账单; 钞票,纸币 3. book (n) 书,本子 book (v) 预订 bother 麻烦,打扰 4. break (n) 休息 (v) 打破 终止 已坏 5. bring(v)带来,拿来 6. brush (n)刷子, 画笔,毛笔 (v)刷7. burn (v) 着火 使晒黑 (n) 烧伤,晒伤 8.but (conj)但是 (prep)除了 9.

3、 by (prep)靠近,在旁 通过 经过(某人、某物) 不迟于 由 乘(车) 通过.的方式C1. can 能够,可以(n) 金属或塑料的容器;罐头 2.cap (n) 帽子(钢笔、瓶子等的)帽、盖2. 3. capital(n)首都 大写字母 资本 4. care (n) 照料;小心; (v) 介意,在乎 关心5.carry (v) 携带,搬运; 持有,带有; 6. catch (v)接住 捉住 赶上 染上(疾病)听见(某事物),理解7. change (n) 零钱,找头; 改变 (v) 改变 8. class (n)班级;等级 课9. close (v) 关闭. (a) 亲密的 接近 (a

4、d) 接近,靠近 close by离(某人或某事物)不远10. cold (a)寒冷的;冷却的;不友好的; (n) 寒冷; 伤风,感冒.11. cover (v) 覆盖 (n) 盖子; 罩; 封面12. cross (v)横穿 交叉 (n) 十字架; 十字形或叉形记号 (a) 生气custom, 习惯,风俗,海关 customer 顾客,家伙D1. date(n) 日期 ;约会;时新的,现代的 out of date 过时的disturb ,打扰,妨碍2. draw (v) 绘画; 向某方向移动; 拉,拖I drew my chair up to the table. 获取(知识经验等)At

5、the end of the class I drew a conclusion. (得出结论) 提取(金钱)I drew 50 pounds in the bank last Sunday. 平局,吸引,抽签,抽奖3. dress (v)穿衣; (n)连衣裙,礼服4. drive (v) 驾驶; 使或逼(某人)处于某种状态或做某事 (n) 乘汽车等之行drop (v)使(某物)意外地落下;放弃; (n)(液体的)珠,滴 ;E1. earth (n)地球; 泥土2. easy(a) 容易的;舒适的,安心的3.excuse(v) 原谅;(n)借口,辩解4. express (v)表达;用快邮寄出

6、(信、邮包等);(n)快车快邮,速递F1. face(n) 脸 face to face (v) 面对 2. fan (n) 迷; 扇子3. fat (a) 肥胖的; (n) 脂肪4. film (n) 电影 ;胶卷;洗胶卷5.fine 罚款;晴天;粉末;完v.微调;精制;(对)处以罚款;变好adj.优美的;幽雅的;美貌的;有风度的6. fit (a) 健康的 ;(v) 适合 7. fly(v) 放飞; 飞行; (n) 飞行; 苍蝇 8. for (prep) 为 ;对.来说;达到(引导时间段) (conj)因为,由于9. free (a) 免费的;自由的,空闲的10. fresh(a) 新鲜

7、的 fresh water 淡水11. full (a) 满的; 饱的G1. gift (n) 礼物;a birthday gift ;天赋 I have a gift for music.2. green (a) 绿色的; (指水果)未成熟的,生的; 新来的,无经验的3. grow(v)生长;种植;变成It began to grow dark.H2. hand (n) 手; 指针 ( v) 递给3. hang (v) 悬挂; hang hung hung 处以绞刑 hang hanged hanged 4. hard (a) 困难的;硬的;(ad) 努力地;猛烈 have (v) 从事,进

8、行;吃5. 5.head (n) 头;领头部分; 首脑; (v) 往去 6. hero(n)英雄,勇士; 男主角7. hold(v)拿,抱;握住;举行;承受的重量;可容纳,包含;不挂电话8. hot(a)热的;辣的 I 1. if(conj) 如果;是否 I dont know if you are right.2. interest (n) 兴趣,好奇心;爱好;利息;(v)对有兴趣3. iron (n)铁. steam-iron 蒸汽熨斗 (v)熨烫J1. join(v) 加入;加入某人行列;连接 2. just (ad) 刚才;恰好;不过,仅 ;(a) 公平的,公正的K1.key (n)

9、钥匙;答案;(打字机、钢琴等的)键;关键,要诀 2. kind (n)种类; (a)和蔼的 L1. last (v) 持续 ;(a)最后的; 最近的,上一个的2. lay(v)将某物或某人置于某位置(指鸟、虫等)产(卵)3. leave (n) 假期 a sick leave (v)离开;使处于某种状态; 忽略或未拿、未带某物4. lesson(n)功课;一节课;教训 ,经验,榜样 5. lie(v) 平躺;位于;撒谎6. lift (v) 举起;(云或烟等)消散;(n) 电梯;免费搭私人车7. light (v)点燃;(n) 电灯;灯光 ;(a) 明亮的;浅色的;轻的;易懂的 light m

10、usic 轻音乐 (指睡眠)不沉的,不熟的8. like (prep)像; (v)喜欢 9. live (v)居住; 过样的生活(a) 活的;(ad) 现场直播地10. long (a) 长的 ;(v) long for 渴望 11.lose(v)失去;遗失;输,失败M1. mad (a) 疯狂的;对某事、某人极感兴趣 2. make (v)制造;做;强迫; (n)牌子;制造3. master (v) 掌握 ;(n) 主人;Master硕士;艺术大师4. match (v) 与相配;(n)比赛;火柴 5. mind (v)介意;照看;留神Mind the step! (n)思想,想法 6. m

11、iss(v) 想念;错过,未赶上; 未击中7. monitor(n) 班长;显示器 8. mouse (n) 鼠标; 老鼠N1. name (v)命名 He named his son after the hero. (n)名字 His name is Jack.2. national(a)国家的; 民族的3. nobody (pron) 没有人,谁也不Nobody is in the room. It is empty. (n)渺小人物He was just a nobody before he became a manager.4. note (n)便条,笔记He asked his st

12、udents to take notes carefully. 注释This is a new book with a lot of notes. 钞票 a 5-pound note (v)记下 note something down5. notice (v) 注意到 I noticed he left early. (n) 通知 Put up the notice and let everyone know it.6. nurse (n) 护士; 保姆 (v) 看护O1. once (ad)一次Ive only been there once. 曾经 I once met your moth

13、er. (conj) 一旦Once you understand the rule, you will have no further difficulty.2. order (n) 顺序Put everything in order. 定单,定货He gave his order to the waiter.(v) 命令We ordered him to leave. 定购,定做,预定I have ordered a new table from the shop. 3. over (prep)在之上They held a large umbrella over her. 横越 There

14、is a bridge over the river. (ad)结束The meeting was over an hour ago. 多There are over 1000 people in the village.P1. paper(n)纸张 Paper was invented in ancient China. 报纸 Have you seen todays paper? 试卷 The history paper was really easy.2. park (n) 公园 There is a chocolate theme park in Beijing. (v) 停放 Don

15、t park the car in this (n) 聚会 I am looking forward to the party. 政党 When did you join the Party?5. pass (v) 传递 Will you please pass me the book on the desk? 通过 He passed me but said nothing. 打发时间 pass the time 6. past (a) 结束的 Winter is past and spring has come. (prep) 过 What time is i

16、t? It a quarter past twelve. 走过某处 He walked past me and say nothing. 7.patient (n) 病人 The doctor is looking after the patient. patient (a) 耐心的 Be patient! He is only a child. (v) 付钱,给报酬 He paid the bill and left. (n) 工资 He gets his pay each Thursday. 9. pick (v) 拾起 He picked the pen up and gav

17、e it to the teacher. 挑选 He picked the biggest apple and passed it to his mother. 采,摘 Youd better not pick the flowers in the (n) 地点 This is a famous place. (v)放置 Place the book on the table. 11.plant(n) 植物 What is the name of the plant? (v)种植 They taught the boy how to plant trees.12

18、. plate (n) 盘子 I always wash the plates after dinner. (n) 牌 The number-plate on the car is 1068.13. play(v) 玩; 播放 Please dont play the music so loudly. (n) 戏剧 My mother likes watching TV plays best. 14. poor(a)穷的 He is very poor but he is very happy. (a) 差的 I am poor in English.15. pound(n)英镑;How mu

19、ch is it? 200 pounds. Thats too expensive. (n)磅 Two pounds of apples, please.16.present (n)礼物 I always receive many presents on my birthday. 现在,目前At present we are having a break. (a) 出席的;How many people were present at the meeting? (v)将某物赠与某人 He presented a gold medal to the winner.17.pretty(a)漂亮的

20、She is very pretty. (ad) 相当地 He draws pretty well.18.professional,职业的,专业的,专家,职业运动员。profession 职业,声明, professior 教授18.push (v) 推动 Dont push: wait before you get on the bus.(n) 推进,促进 They gave the car a push.R1. race (n) 比赛,赛跑 He won the 100-meter race at last. (v)进行速度竞赛 Ill race you to school. 2. rai

21、se (v) 举起,提起 Please raise your hand if you want to say something(v) 召集或集结(某事物)The volunteers hold a party to raise money for the poor children.3. reach (v) 到达 We reached the station in time and caught the train. 伸手够到 The apple is too tall for the girl to reach. 达到 Finally they reached an agreement.4

22、. reason (n) 理由,原因 This is the reason why he was late. (v) 推理 5. receive (v) 收到 We received the letter at the end of the month. 招待 He was received as an honored visitor.6. record (n) 唱片 I am looking forward to getting a latest record of Taylor Swift. 记录 He hopes to break a record in London in 2012.

23、7. rest (v) 休息 Its time to rest for a while. (n) 休息 Its time to have a rest. 剩余部分 Tonight Ill have enough time to watch the rest of the film.8. return (v) 返回 He returned to his hometown in 1999. 归还 Please return the book to me as soon as possible.9. rice (n) 水稻 Rice is grown in the south. 米饭 I had s

24、ome rice and fish for lunch.10. rich (a) 富有的 He is very rich but he is very unhappy. 丰富的 Chinese is a very rich language. Im sure youll fall in love with it.11. ride (v) 骑 Can you ride a horse (n) 乘骑,乘坐,搭乘 We went for a ride in her new car.12. right (a) 右边的 Show me your right hand. 正确的 You are right

25、. I am really from Shenyang. (n) 右边 On the right you can see the museum. (n) 权利 You have no right to do that. 13. ring (n) 戒指,环形物 She loves her wedding ring very much. (v) 发出清晰响亮的声音 (尤指铃声)The bell is ringing. Lets hurry.14. room (n) 房间 -Which room do you like? The one on the left. 空间 Who can make ro

26、om for this old man?15. row (n) 排 He is in Row One. (v)划 We rowed the boat happily.16. rule (n) 规则 You must obey the rules. (v) 统治 He ruled the country and people all loved him.17. run (v) 跑步Every day we practice running on the playground. 经营 He ran the company successfully.S1. save (v) 拯救 The docto

27、r saved the patient in the end. 节约 We must try our best to save water. 2.serve (v) 为服务 He served in the army. 送上,端上 What time is breakfast served in this hotel.3. set (v) 放,放于某处 Set your heavy bag down here. 安置,放好 Set the table for dinner. 制定,确定,建立 He set a new world record. 专心,倾注 The child has set

28、his heart on it. Ive set my mind on it.(太阳)下沉,落下 In the winter the sun sets early . 使成为 I open the cage and set the bird free. 使开始 Your words have set me thinking. set (n) 一组,一套 a set of tools 装备 a TV set 固定的,安排好的 I have to study at set hours each (v) 购物 I shopped for some clothes, but I

29、couldnt find anything. (n) 商店 Where is the shop? Its over there.5. short (a) 矮的,短的 The boy is too short to reach the box. 6. show (v) 出示; 带引 (n) 展览 7. since (conj.) 自以来;既然,由于 8. smart (a) 聪明的; 漂亮的9. smoke (v) 吸烟; (n) 烟 10.snow (n) 雪 (v) 下雪 (conj) 因此;那么,如此 12. sort (v) 挑选 Can you sort these appl

30、es into two parts? 种类 What sort of food do you like best?13. sound (n) 声音 Listen! Can you hear a strange sound? (v) 听起来 The music sounds beautiful.14. spare (v)留出 Can you spare me five minutes? (a)备用的 There is a spare bedroom on the second floor. 多余的,空闲的 I often read books in my spare time.15. sprin

31、g (n) 春季, 泉 16. stand (v) 站立 Please stand up! 忍受 I cant stand getting up early.17. step (n) 步 Take two steps forward and two steps back. 台阶 Mind the step outside the door.18. stick (v)粘住 Stick a stamp on the letter. (n) 枝条;棍 The old man needed a walking stick.out of date 过时 appreciate/ be grateful to 感激professor 教授 impress 印象深刻professional 职业的 translator 翻译家 disturb/bother 打扰 attractive 吸引人的practical 实际的,实用的 bet 打赌 invisible 看不见的 term 术语fed up/ be tired of 厌倦 uneasy/easygoing direct/direction/director 指导 keepoff 让开,不接近

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