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1、学年上学期八年级英语教案平和三中20192020学年上学期八年级英语教案教师授课时间年1月 日课时2课题 Unit 1 Topic1 Section A课型新授课教学目的1. Learn some useful words and expressions:would, cheer, cheeron, team, win, bit, quite a bit/a lot, join, club2. Learn future tense with “be going to”:3. Talk about preference:Which sport do you prefer, skating or

2、skiing?4. Talk about sports and games.重点Master future tense with “be going to” and some language points.难点Learn how to use future tense with “be going to” ,can use some phrases to talk about sports and games.步骤教学内容 二次备课(手写)周复习上节内容3-5分钟Greet and ask some questions, lead to new lesson.Eg: Did you enjo

3、y yourselves? What did you do during your vacation? Did you do sports? I want to know if you had a happy summer holiday.Ss:T: Which sport did you do? S1 , please.S1: I played in the summer holiday.T: Which sport do you like best?S1: I like best.T: We all know sports are good for our health. Now lets

4、 review some sports we learned before.(教师展示一些关于运动的图片, 复习学过的运动项目名称。教师拿出第一幅图片,图上有学生在游泳。)Eg:T:What is he doing? S2, please.S2: He is swimming.T: Do you like swimming?S2: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.T: How often do you go swimming?S2: Twice a week. /Never. T: Where do you usually go swimming?S2:In the swimmi

5、ng pool. /In the river ( 教师尽量多使用一些图片,让学生根据图片练习。此环节中可以根据班级情况适当增加新单词的听写)新课导入3-5分钟T:Im very glad you all like doing sports and know a lot about sports. Now look at the picture in 1a. What is Michael going to do? S1, please.S1: He is going to play basketball.(板书句型)What is Michael going to do?He is going

6、 to play basketball.(让学生判断板书中的句型是表示什么时间发生的动作。)2.T:Is Michael playing basketball now? S2, please.S2: No.T: Good! You are right. When we express something that is going to happen, we use “be going to”. Now, look at the two sentences. Can you find the rule of them? S3, please.S3:Yes, I can. I think its

7、 “be going to + do”.(板书结构)be going to + do(动词原形)请学生造句课堂预习检查4-6分钟T: Listen to the tape of 1a. Then answer the following questions: 1)Which team is Michaels class going to play with?2) Is Kangkang going to cheer them on?Ss:T: Listen again. Follow the tape. Pay attention to your pronunciation. Check yo

8、ur intonation and stress.(通过听力检查学生的预习情况)课程讲授14-16分钟本课重点短语:1.almosteveryday 几乎每天2.duringthesummerholidays 在暑假期间3.wouldliketodo=want to do 想要做某事4.cheersb on 为某人加油5.have a basketball game 举办一场篮球赛6.prefer doing sth 更喜欢做某事7.prefer A to B 比起B更喜欢Aprefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.8.quite a bit /a lot 许多重点

9、句型:I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. 我看见你暑假期间几乎每天都打篮球。 see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事,这个做某事是经常性、习惯性、事实性动作,要用动词原形,也就是省略to的不定式,如: I see you go to school early every morning. 我看见你每天早晨上学很早。 see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事,doing强调的动作正在做。 His father saw him sitting on some eggs.

10、 他的父亲看见他正坐在一些鸡蛋上。 拓展: 英语中主要有两类动词用动词不定式作宾补时,动词不定式不带to。 (1)感官动词:see,hear,feel,watch,listen to,look at等。 如:I heard you say so. 我听你这样说的。 (2)使役动词:have,let,make等。如: Let me help you. 让我帮助你。 It makes me smile. 它使我笑起来。 2. Will you come and cheer us on? 你要来为我们喝彩吗? cheer sb. on 激励某人,为喝彩,向欢呼 如:Ill cheer you on.

11、 3. Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing? 滑冰与滑雪你更喜欢哪一种运动? 这是一个选择疑问句中的特殊疑问句,这种句式结构是: 前面是一个特殊疑问句,后面是由“or”连接的单词或短语。 Which book is yours, this one or that one? 哪本书是你的,这本还是那本? 4. I prefer skating. 我更喜欢滑冰。 prefer doing sth. 更喜欢,宁愿做某事 如:We prefer listening to music. 我们更喜欢听音乐。 prefer . to . 比起更喜欢 如:

12、She prefers fish to meat. 比起肉她更喜欢鱼。 5. Are you going to join the school rowing club ? join +团体/组织名词或名词短语 加入到某种团体或者组织里 如:join the Party 入党; join the army 参军join sb. 加入到某些人当中如:Why dont you join us? 为什么你不加入到我们中来呢? 拓展: join与take part in的区别 (1)take part in 指参加某种活动。(2)join加入某个团体成为其中一员。如:I want to take par

13、t in the high jump. 我想参加跳高。 Do you want to join the basketball team? 你想参加篮球队吗?6. I hope our team will win.hope to do sth.hope that+从句拓展:hope与wish的区别(1) hope 通常用来指经过努力较容易实现的愿望。(2) wish 通常用来指比较不容易实现的愿望。表达“希望某人做某事”只能用wish sb. to do sth.,不能用 hope sb. to do sth. ,如果要用hope 来表达,只能用从句。如:I wish you to do bet

14、ter this term.I hope (that) you will do better this term.(以上内容请根据班情进行补充或删减,教师自由选用各个内容的教学方法,尽量为学生提供表现机会)课堂练习14-16分钟I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I prefer _ (play) basketball. 2. Do you like _ (do) sports? 3. I see you _ (run) almost every day. 4. I hope she will _ (be) well soon. 5. Id like _ (skate) today. 6.

15、I dont want _ (be) late for school. 7. Are you going to _ (join) us?II. 选择题。( )1. Next week, we will _ the basketball game. Will you _ us? A. take part in , join B. join , take part in C. take part in , take part in D. join , join( )2. There _ an English film next week. A. will have B. is going to h

16、ave C. is going to be D. is going( )3. Which sport do you prefer, _? A. skate or ski B. skating or skiing C. skates or ski D. to skate or to ski小结(含讨论)5-7分钟请学生总结本课要点作业布置及疑难解答24分钟1背诵本课新单词及1a.2. 用be going to 结构造句.3.预习SectionB.教学反思教师授课时间2010年9月 日课时2课题 Unit 1 Topic1 Section B课型新授课教学目的1. (1)Go on learnin

17、g the future tense “be going to + do”:What are you going to be when you grow up?Im going to be a dancer.(2)Learn some useful words and expressions:2. Review the Simple Past Tense: Learn something about the Olympics.3. Talk about the favorite sport and the favorite sports player:(1)Whats your favorit

18、e sport, Maria?Basketball, of course.(2)Whos your favorite player?Tracy McGrady. / I like Yao Ming best.重点Learn to use future tense to talk about their future jobs.难点Use future tense with “be going to” freely.步骤教学内容 二次备课(手写)周复习上节内容3-5分钟1.Get the Ss to read new words by themselves then ask some stude

19、nt to spell out.2.Translate some phrases .(本环节可改成听写)3Review SectionA 1a, ask some Ss to recite.新课导入3-5分钟1. (让学生尽可能多地说出他们所知道的运动名称及运动员。)Eg:T:In last lesson, we discussed many sports that are our favorites. Do you remember them? What are they? Please tell me the sports names and the players you know.S1

20、: Basketball.S2: Table tennis.S3:2. (学生在小组里进行链式对话,讨论他们所喜爱的运动项目及运动员,注意使用prefer,本环节起承上启下作用,时间可以自行调节)S4: Which sport do you prefer, S5?S5:I prefer . What about you, S6?S6:I prefer . And you, S7? Which sport do you prefer?S7:课堂预习检查4-6分钟(教师检查上节课作业“打算做什么事”, 复习“be going to+do”。)T: At the beginning of the t

21、erm, everyone has some plans. You are going to do a lot of things to study well and make your school lives more interesting. Now, please tell others your plans. What are you going to do?S8:Im going to join an English club.S9:Im going to learn how to cook.S10:(可以让学生在小组内进行问答形式的练习。)S11:Im going to lear

22、n English much better this term. What are you going to do, S12?S12:Im going to S13, are you going to ?S13: Yes, I am. /No, I am not. And you, S14?S14:(找学生对上节课所学内容进行总结汇报,如:他/她最喜爱的运动,多长时间进行一次运动,他/她打算加入什么运动俱乐部,还有其他什么喜欢的运动。)(课件展示或板书)My favorite sport is _. I play _a lot/much.I think it is very_ I am goi

23、ng to join the school_ club.T: Please report the sport you like best to the class. You can use the examples on the blackboard.S15:(学生也可使用第三人称,报告其他同学的有关信息。)课程讲授14-16分钟本课重点短语:1.knowabout 了解 for 为效力3.grow up 长大成人 going to be =want to be 想成为 the future 在将来6.dream job 梦想中的工作7.some photos of

24、 一些的照片 active young man 一个有活力的年轻人 of +可数名词的复数形式(谓语动词用三单)10.break record 打破记录 a gold medal 获得金牌12.give up sth./ doing sth.放弃做某事13.What a shame ! / What a pity ! 多遗憾啊!14.the first to do sth. 第一个做某事的 many/so much 这么多16.once/ twice 一次/两次本课重点句型:1.Whats your favorite sport, Maria ?Whic

25、h sport do you like best, Maria ?2.Im going to be a basketball player like him.3.What are you going to be when you grow up ?4.He is one of the best runners in the world.(教师根据班情自由选用各个内容的教学方法)课堂练习14-16分钟1.让学生背1a,然后进行分角色表演对话。2熟读2a.3.完成下列练习: (A)选择填空( ) 1. There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A. will be

26、going to B. will going to beC. is going to be D. will go to be( ) 2. Charlie _ here next month.A. isnt working B. doesnt workingC. isnt going to working D. wont work( ) 4. There _ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be( ) 5.-_ you _ free

27、 tomorrow? - No. I _ free the day after tomorrow. A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be (B)翻译词组1. 看见他打篮球 2. 为我喝彩 3. 更喜欢听音乐4. 喜欢鱼肉胜过牛肉 5. 长大 6. 与一班比赛 7. 一周两次 8.单届奥运会 9.放弃 10.其中之一(奥赛班全部完成,平行班根据班情自由选择)小结(含讨论)5-7分钟请学生上台或教师总结本课要点作业布置及疑难解答2

28、4分钟1 背诵新单词和SectionB 1a.2 完成1b,做好发言准备。3 熟读2a.教学反思教师授课时间2010年9月 日课时1-2课题 Unit 1 Topic1 Section C课型新授课教学目的1. Learn some useful words and expressions:2. Go on learning the Simple Future Tense:3. Review the Simple Present Tense:(1) She often goes mountain climbing on Sundays.(2) She spends half an hour d

29、oing exercise in the gym every day.4. Go on talking about the favorite sport and reasons:I like playing soccer very much. Because it makes me strong and it is popular all over the world.重点Master useful words and expressions难点Can use the Simple Future Tense and the Simple Present Tense freely步骤教学内容 二次备课(手写)周复习上节内容3-5分钟1. Ask some Ss to recite SectionB 1a.2. Translate some phrases.(课件展示或者口头表达)3. Have a short dictation .4. Ask one or two Ss to do the report of SectionB 1b. Try to help them if necessary.新课导入3-5分钟复习一般现在时,导入新课。可采取游戏形式进行复习。(此游戏时间大约五分钟,教师可让多

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