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sat 真题.docx

1、sat 真题Qusetions 6-9 are based on the following passages.Passage 1 Liars may betray themselves through linguistic mistakes,but the main sources of betrayal are the emotions.Emotion reveals itself, sometimes in contradictory ways,in voice, body and face.Deceptions typically involve linetrying to conce

2、al feelings that are inappropriate or trying 5cover up the fear, guilt, and distress that may be provoked when one attempts to get away with a lie. When a person lies and has an emotional investment in the situation, a perfect performance is hard to carry off. Nonverbal clues to deception leak out.

3、What is surprising is that few people 10make use of these clues and thus liars go undetected.Passage 2Human beings are terrible lie detectors. In studies, subjects asked to distinguish truth from lies answer correctly approximately half the time. People are often led astray by an erroneous sense of

4、how a liar hehaves. 15“People hold a stereotype of the liar as tormented, anxious, and conscience-stricken, ” researchers Bella DePaulo and Charles Bond write. Clumsy deceivers are sometimes visibly agitated, but in general there is no such thing as “typical” deceptive behavior. As DePaulo 20says, “

5、To be a good liar, you dont need to know what behaviors really separate liars from truthtellers, but what behaviors people think separaate them.”6. Which best describes the relationship between the passage? (A) Passage 1 discusses lying from a moral stance, whereas Passage 2 examines it from a legal

6、 viewpoint. (B) Passage 1 views lying as a skill that is learned, whereas Passage 2 considers it an instinctive impulse. (C) Passage 1 claims that lying is characterized by certain distinctive behaviors, whereas Passage 2 largely rejects that notion. (D) Passage 1 takes a scientific approach to lyin

7、g, whereas Passage 2 discusses it from an anecdotal perspective. (E) Passage 1 focuses on the effects of lying, whereas Passage 2 examines its causes.7. Lines 1-2, Passage 1(“Liars may emotions”), and lines 18-20, Passage 2(“Clumsy behavior”), both contain instances of (A) Simile (B) paradox (C) eup

8、hemism (D) qualification (E) understatement8. The author of Passage 2 would most likely describe the claim about “fear, guilt, and distress” (lines 6, Passage 1) as a (A) conventional but inaccurate perception (B) plausible theory that may prove to be correct (C) misconception of little significance

9、 (D) nonstandard view that is based on faulty science (E) widespread and well-substantiated belief9. Lines 20-23(“As them”)suggest that Bella DePaulo would most likely maintain that Passage 1 (A) overlooks the behavior patterns of those who tell the truth(B) presents the very misconceptions that peo

10、ple often have about liars(C) offers a perceptive psychological analysis of liars deceptive behaviors(D) takes a overly sympathetic view of deceptive behavior(E) overemphasizes the role of linguistic patterns in lyingQuestions 16-24 are based on the following passage.This passage is adaptes from the

11、 autobiographical cacount of a journalist traveling through Africa to reseach chimpanzees. Our walk through the forest was like a journey through an extended underground cavern. We wound through obscure passages, out into small openings or great rooms, and then tunneled back into winding passageways

12、. Toward linethe end of the afternoon, we followed what seemed to be a 5large movement of chimpanzees into one great open room in the forest, relatively clear except for columns of nut trees. Soon about a dozen chimps were hammering away, using log hammers on log or root anvils. We had entered a fac

13、tory, but it was also a nursery. I 10turned to watch a mother playing with infant, tickling his toes with playful little nibbles and then looking into his laughing face and eyes with the most amazing gaze of adoration. Elsewhere, three adult females had situated themselves in a tree and were kissing

14、 and tickling an infant, 15who writhed with apparent pleasure. Suddenly, their faces, which had taken on remarkable glowing expressions of adoration, registered in my mind as entirely comprehensible, I was looking at intelligent faces experiencing an emotin I could only imagine to be love. 20 One co

15、mmentator has said that the big difference between humans and chimps (intelligent though those apes may be ) is that humans can invent great wonders of technology. “I considered the difference between men and animals, ” this person wrote. “Some were vast. 25A chimpanzee could be taught to drive a ca

16、r. It could even be taught to bulid parts of it. But it could not begin to design it . Our intellect is incomparably more sophisticated than that of any animals. ”One hears this sort of argument often, and, to my mind, it is mere 30self-stroking puffery. Could you or I begin to design a car? Has any

17、 single human actually designed a cars? Could any one person abandoned at birth on a desert island somewhere without pictures, communication, education, or artifacts even invent a tricycle or a child s kite or a 35mousetrap? Obviously not. Left at birth on a desert island, you and I and that comment

18、ator would be lifting and dropping chunks of wood or rounded stones onto hard nuts and be glad we figured that one out. The great accomplishment of Hemo sapiens is not 40Technology, which has become bigger and scarier than we are, a mixed blessing. The great accomplishment is language, which has ena

19、bled us to accumulate and coordinate our achievements, insights, and minicreations. Our big technologies are collective efforts, cultural 45Products, all and always made possible by language. Even the supposed “milestones” of technological Advancement the use of movable type, to take one example wer

20、e collective events. Johannes Gutenberg* didnt think up movable type whole, in an isolated stroke 50of genius. His partner was a goldsmith, his father was a mint employee, entirely familiar with soft metals. Printing presses were all around Europe by then. Gutenbergs great genius was to assemble, re

21、vise, and modify already long established traditions in metallurgy, goldsmithing, 55and woodblock printing, not to mention papermaking and press design. Our one great accomplishment is language, but our great hope is the internal compass that may enable us to guide ourselves and our technological po

22、wers into the future: our 60glowing capacity for valuing our own kind and for at least some empathy beyond our kind. The hand lifting and dropping the stone is less impressive than the eye that gazeswith love.*Gutenbergs typesetting process made the mass production of text possible.16. It can be inf

23、erred that the “chimps” mentioned in line 8 are (A) using simple tools to crack open nuts(B) expressing themselves by making a lot of noise(C) taaking out their aggressions on the nut trees(D) working cooperatively on different tasks(E) mimicking the work habits of human beings17. The author uses th

24、e word “factory” (line 10) primarily to suggest that (A) some chimpanzees live a highly regimented life(B) the sound created by the chimpanzees activity is loud enough to impair hearing(C) the chimoanzees are doing productive work collectively(D) only those chimpanzees who want to participate in com

25、munal activities do so (E) the activity of the male chimpanzees differs significantly from that of the females18. In lines 30-31 (“it puffery”), the author characterizes the commentaors argument as (A) useless flattery(B) exaggerated self-regard(C) witty repartee(D) self-conscious hyperbole(E) delib

26、erate distortion19. The questions in lines 31-36 serve primarily to (A) suggest ideas for further research(B) provide an example fo missing data(C) point to an alternative explanation(D) debate whether knowledge is incomplete(E) imply that an argument is flawed20. In lines 40-42(“The great blessing”

27、), the auther characterizes technology as (A) the accomplishment that distinguishes Homo sapiens from chimpanzees(B) a phenomenon that has come to overshadow those who developed it(C) an inevitable step in the development of human beings and their socienties(D) an achievement that has grown impressi

28、vely in importance over time(E) a force that is ultimately shaped by the fears of those who created it21. According to the author, the “great accomplishment is language”(lines 42-43) because it allows human beings to(A) combine small, individual advances into something larger and moer powerful(B) ex

29、press their emotions and show their feeling toward one another(C) work with each other so that dangerous conflicts can be avoided(D) express in concrete form notions that would otherwise seem vague and abstract(E) demonstrate that they are more intelligent, and thus more capable, than chimpanzees22.

30、 The auther uses the word”supposed” in line 47 primarily to (A) signal a claim that is counterintuitive for most people (B) make reference to a viewpoint that is known to be controversial (C) suggest that a certain concept may not be entirely accurate (D) indicate a complete and technically correct

31、definition (E) bolster the claims of authorities who are often cited23. Which best describes the relationship between the “internal compass”(line 59) and the characterization of chimpanzee behaviors in the second paragraph (line 10-20)? (A) One shows a sophisticated understanding, while the other sh

32、ows a less-developed capacity for understanding(B) One deals with nonverbal communication, while the other deals with communication through language(C) One is an example of a uniquely human ability, while the other is an example for an ability that chimpanzees may or may not have.(D) Both represent the ability to h

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