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1、前厅基础常用英语前厅基础常用语Basic English for Front Office一、 礼貌地与客人打招呼及称呼客人,表示你对他们的热情欢迎。 “早上好,小姐/先生。” “Good morning, madam/sir.” “下午好,小姐/先生。” “Good afternoon, madam/sir.” “晚上好,小姐/先生。” “Good evening, madam/sir.” *客人喜欢听你称呼他的姓氏,因此尽可能常用,如:“王先生,陈小姐,李太太”等。“欢迎再次光临,张先生。” “Welcome back, Mr. Zhang.” “很高兴再次见到您(表示欢迎再次光临),王先

2、生。” “Nice to see you again, Mr. Wang.” 或与客人互相寒暄: “您今天好吗” “How are you today” “我很好,谢谢,您呢” “Im fine, thank you, and you” “很好,谢谢您。” “Im very well, thank you.” 二、主动向客人提供帮助。 “我可以帮您吗” “May I help you” 尽量为客人多做一点: “还有什么需要我帮您吗” “Is there anything else I can do for you” 三、记住一些能讨人喜欢的言词。“谢谢” “Thank you.” “别客气”

3、或“很乐意为您效劳” “You are welcome.” / “Its my pleasure.”“对不起” “Im sorry.” “没关系” “Thats alright.” “请” “Please.” 四、打扰客人前,要提示客人: “打扰了” “Excuse me” 这个情形可能包括诸如:打断客人谈话、为客人上菜时、进客房之前、请客人让路、你在服务时中途退场等。 五、向客人呈递某物时: “这是您的” “Here is/are your” “Here you are, sir.” 六、需要客人等待时,要先有交待。 “请稍等一会儿。” “A moment please. / wait a

4、moment please.” “我一会儿就来。/ 我马上就回来。” “I will be with you in a moment. / Ill be back in a minute.” 再返回客人身边时,对久等的客人说抱歉:“对不起让您久等了。” “Sorry to have kept you waiting.” 七、听不明白客人说话时,不要臆想,你可以: “请再说一遍好吗” “Pardon / I beg your pardon” “对不起,请您指给我看好吗” “I am sorry, I dont understand. Could you show me” 八、当客人因行动笨拙而显

5、露尴尬时,安慰客人说: “请慢慢来,别着急。” “Please take your time, theres no hurry.” 九、向客人作自我介绍。 “我叫 。如果有什么需要我帮忙,请告诉我。” “My name is . Is there anything I can do for you.” 十、与客人友好地告别,让客人对你和酒店留下深刻印象。 “再见” “Goodbye.” “祝您今天过得愉快。” “Have a nice day.” “祝您在这/酒店居住愉快。” “Hope you enjoy your stay here / in our hotel.” 对要离店的客人报以祝愿

6、: “希望很快又见到您。” “Hope to see you again soon.” “祝旅途愉快/一路顺风。” “Have a nice trip.”十一、在三响之内迅速接听电话。 1. 拿起电话时: “早上好/下午好/晚上好/您好!(这是/总台/(酒店/部门名称)。我是- - -,有什么可以帮您吗” “Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening, Reception/Concierge (Name of your hotel/department &your name) speaking. May I help you”2. 挂电话前: “谢谢您的来

7、电。” “Thank you for calling.” 十二、礼貌地回应客人的请求或询问。 1. 当你能满足客人要求时,要马上采取行动:“好的,小姐/先生,我马上拿给您。” “Certainly, madam/sir. I will get it right away.” “是的,小姐/先生,我马上帮您处理。” “Yes, madam/sir. I will take care of it at once.” 2. 当你对客人的询问不肯定时 “对不起,我不太肯定。如果您能等一会,我马上去查找。我很快回复您可以吗” “Sorry, Im not sure. If you wait a minu

8、te, Ill try to find out. / Ill check it for you. May I call you back soon” 3. 当你不能满足客人要求时 “对不起,恐怕这是违反酒店规定的。” “Sorry, Im afraid it is against hotel regulation.” “对不起,我们不允许这样做。” “Im sorry, sir. We are not allowed to do this.” “对不起,恐怕我们没有(客人要的东西)。” “I am sorry, madam. I am afraid we dont have (things g

9、uests want).” 这时向客人作其他介绍或建议是非常重要的。 “我可以建议(您联系中国银行)吗” “May I suggest (you contact the Bank of China)” 十三、当你请求客人做某事时“您可以(在这签名)吗” “Could you (sign here)” “您介意(稍后再来电话)吗” “Would you mind (calling back later)” “我可以知道(您的姓名)吗” “May I (have your name)” 十四、为客人指示方向 “请这边走。” “This way please.” “请一直往前走。” “Please

10、go straight ahead.” “请向右转/左转。” “Please turn right/left.” “它在您的右手边/左手边。” “It is on your right/left.” “它位于4楼。” “Its on the 4th floor.” 十五、处理投诉、错误 “谢谢您告诉我们,小姐/先生。我会向经理报告这件事,请接受我们的道歉。” “Thank you for telling us, madam/sir. Ill inform our manager about it. Please accept our apology.”“我非常抱歉,小姐/先生。是我们出差错了,

11、我马上改正过来。/我马上去查这件事。” “Im terribly sorry, madam/sir. There could have been some mistake. Ill have it corrected at once. / Ill look into the matter at once.” 前台礼貌服务常用语 一、客人要求入住酒店时:早上好,先生!请问有什么需要帮助吗 Good morning, sir. May I help you请问您有预订吗 Do you have a reservation, sir 我查一下是否有房间。 I will check if there

12、is any room available. 您喜欢哪种房呢 What type of room would you like 您想住多长时间呢 How long would you like to stay房价是每天680元人民币加15%服务费。 Its RMB¥680 per day plus 15% service charge请您填这张登记表好吗 Would you please fill in the registration form 请将您的护照给我好吗/ 请出示您的护照好吗 May I have your passport, please / Could you show me

13、 your passport, please 请问您是怎样付帐现金还是信用卡 How would you like to pay the bill / How would like to settle your account By cash or credit card我可以拿您的信用卡去刷一下吗 May I have your credit card to imprint 请问是否可以预交押金1500元人民币 Would you mind to pay RMB1500 deposit祝您居住愉快。 Enjoy your stay here. / Have a pleasant stay w

14、ith us. 二、 来访客人查询酒店住客情况时 请您拼他的姓名给我好吗 Could you spell his/her name for me, please 恐怕没有这个名字的登记记录。 Im afraid we dont have such a name registered.您还有其他姓名可以查询吗 Do you have any other name to check他预计会在什么时候到呢 When is he/her due to arrive 我查一下订房单。 I will check our reservation list. 请稍等,我再帮您查一下。 Just a momen

15、t, please. I will double check it for you. 他还没入住/到达。 He/She hasnt checked in / arrived yet. 他已经离店了。 He/She has already checked out.三、 为客人做留言 请问有什么留言 What is the message, please可以将您的电话号码告诉我吗 May I have your telephone number 我可以复述一下留言吗 May I repeat the message 四、客人要求结帐离店时 请问您在我们酒店住的怎么样/ 请问您在我们酒店居住愉快吗

16、How was your stay in our hotel / Did you enjoy your stay with us, sir 请告诉我您的房间号码好吗 May I have your room number, please 请把您的房间钥匙和押金单交给我好吗 May I have your room key and deposit receipt 请问您喝过迷你吧的饮品吗 Did you have any drink from the mini bar 这是您二月十日的客房送餐服务的费用。 This is the Room Service you had on February

17、the 10th. 请问您是否需要发票 Would you like to get the invoice 这是找给您的钱和收据/发票。 Here is your change and the receipt/invoice. 单据就附在背面。 The supporting sheets are attached on the back. 电话礼貌服务常用语一、总机外线接听标准(双语):Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hanxin International Hotel . 您好!瀚新国际酒店。Good morning/afternoon/evening. Ha

18、nxin International Hotel/ Reception/ Concierge / Business Centre/ Reservation Jeffrey speaking. How may I help you 您好!这里是瀚新国际酒店/总台/礼宾部/商务中心/预订部。请问有什么需要帮助 二、为外来客人转接电话: 请不要挂电话,我帮您将电话转过去。 Hold on, please. I will put you through. 对不起,先生,电话占线。 Im sorry, sir. The line is engaged / busy. 请问您继续等还是稍后再来电呢 Wou

19、ld you like to hold on or call back later 对不起,小姐/女士,电话没人接。请问您是需要留言,还是稍后再打来 I am sorry, madam. There is no answer. Would you like to leave a message or call back later 请问您的电话是从哪里打来的呢 May I know where you are calling请问您是哪一位 May I know who is calling 三、为客人做留言: 请问有什么留言 What is the message, please 可以将您的电

20、话号码告诉我吗 May I have your telephone number 我复述一下您的留言好吗 May I repeat your message 四、 为住店客人转接电话: 有一位(史密斯先生)的长途/外线电话找您。 There is a long distance call / an outside call (from Mr. Smith) for you. 您愿意接听这个电话吗 Would you like to answer the call 请先挂上电话。我会为您将来电接上。 Please hang up your phone. Ill connect the line

21、for you. 五、 电话叫醒服务: 请问您贵姓May I have your name, please请问您的叫醒时间需要安排在什么时候 What time would you like your wake up call 您是否需要安排两次叫醒服务,以确保您被叫醒 Would you like to have a second call to make sure you are awake (明天早上)我们会准时叫醒您的。(祝您晚安!) We will call you on time (tomorrow morning). (Good night, sir.)早上好/您好!这是您的叫醒

22、服务,今天的天气是晴天/多云(阴天)/有雨/下雪。气温15至20度。祝您今天愉快! Good morning/afternoon/evening. This is your wake up call. Todays weather is sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowing. Temperature is from 15 degree to 20 degree. Have a nice day!六、教客人打电话。 请按9,等有长的拨号音再拨电话号码。 Please dial 9 and wait for the long tone before dialing the tele

23、phone number. 您可以直接在房间拨打国际电话。 You can make an international call directly from your room. 请按数字9,接着按国家代号、地区号和当地电话号码。 Please dial number 9, followed by the country code, then the area code and the local number. 票务礼貌服务常用语 一、当客人要求订票时:我马上查一下是否有票 I will check if there is ticket available right now. 请问您有什么

24、特别要求吗 Do you have any special request 我恐怕不能为您留票。 Im afraid we cant hold the ticket for you.您方便马上来我们柜台吗 Would you mind coming down to our counter right now请出示您的护照/身份证我来帮您登记。 May I have your passport/ID Card for registration我恐怕您不能入房帐。 Im afraid you cant charge it to your room. 这是您的票/收据和找给您的钱。请检查一下。 He

25、re is your ticket/receipt and change. Please check it.您的票大约在明天中午12点时送到。 Your ticket will be delivered to us around 12:00 noon tomorrow.您来取票时请向我们出示这张收据。Please show the receipt to us when you come to get your ticket.二、当票已订满时: 我恐怕那个航班的座位已经订满了。 Im afraid the seats of that flight have been fully booked.您

26、喜欢做火车/巴士吗 Would you like to take a train/bus 从盘锦火车站到沈阳市大概需要两个半小时。 It will take two and half hours from Panjin railway Station to Shenyang.票价为每张30元人民币,另加收10元服务费。 The price is RMB30 per ticket and the surcharge is RMB10 per ticket.请留下您的联系电话。 May I have your contact number 行李员礼貌服务常用语 一、主动为客人拿行李早上/下午/晚上

27、好,先生/女士,我来帮您拿行李。 Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. I will help you with your luggage.请问您有几件行李 How many pieces of luggage do you have 哪一件是您的呢 Which one is yours里面有什么贵重或易打烂的东西吗 Is there anything valuable or breakable inside 我会非常小心地处理您的行李物品。 I will be careful of your bag. 二、为客人存放物品时您什么时候回来取 Wh

28、en will you take them back请您在标签上签名好吗 Would you please sign your name on the luggage tag您来取行李时请向我们出示这张收条。 Please show the receipt to us when you come to pick up your luggage. 三、引领客人上房间时: 您的旅途怎么样,先生 How was your trip, sir请问您是第一次来盘锦吗 Is this your first time to Panjin, sir您是来出差还是游览 Are you here on busin

29、ess or for pleasure同时为客人介绍酒店的服务设施,例如: 您可以去我们的足疗室来放松一下,它在地下一层。 You can relax yourself at our Foot Room. Its in the basement one.您可以去商务中心订票,它在二楼。 You can book ticket at Business Center. Its on the 2nd floor. 我们到了。(为客人开门、开灯)您先请。我可以把行李放这里吗 Here we are. (Open the door and switch on the light) After you,

30、sir. May I put your luggage here 这是您的房间钥匙。您的行李都在这里了吗 Here is your room key. Is your luggage all in here 还有其它事情需要我效劳吗 Is there anything else I can do for you, sir祝您居住愉快! Enjoy your stay with us, sir. 订车礼貌服务常用语 一、为客人订车您什么时候需要用车呢 When would you like to take the car 您想去哪里 Where would you like to go是单程还是双程 Is it single or round trip您大概需要司机等候多久呢 How long would you like the driver to wait

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